mimicdragon · 2 days
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mimicdragon · 15 days
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The purpose of this survey is to collect data about the experiences of people who feel sensations of nonhuman body parts, for example, wings or a tail. Some call these supernumerary phantom limbs, phantom shifts, otherlimbs, or astral limbs, though you may have other preferences for the words you use for your own experiences. If you haven't had those experiences, you can participate in this survey too. This survey was made for people who call themselves otherkin, therianthrope, furry, or any other potentially alterhuman or nonhuman identity. If you don't describe yourself with any of those words, you can participate in this survey too.
The survey will take you about 6 to 15 minutes. Everyone age 18 and up is welcome to fill out the survey at the below link, until it closes on July 6, 2024:
Survey Link
Who is running this survey and why: The person running this survey is Orion Scribner (they/them), an otherkin/therianthrope who has been making projects about these communities since 2005. I will use the results in my panel at an Internet-based convention later this year (OtherCon 2024), and in other future research projects.
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mimicdragon · 16 days
Sometimes my brain will just get stuck in a kin memory for a moment, and completely refuse to process any other thoughts or information until it decides its done.
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mimicdragon · 22 days
I've never understood the idea that introspection needs to be this negative, painful process all about "proving your worthiness" with you possibly needing to accept you're just a human at the end. Figuring out why you are the way you are is both healthy and interesting. Approach yourself and others with an attitude of curiosity, not contempt.
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mimicdragon · 23 days
One of the strangest experiences is realizing in hindsight that the weird memories you were having were related to a source material canon that hadn't been created yet at the time you were remembering details of your life from it.
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mimicdragon · 23 days
dyall. people. bitches. stop making a fuss over ppl's identities.
"but they have genderfluid and also mlm in their bio!"
fuckin. so what?????
"but they use it/its pronouns!"
doesnt affect you. shut the fuck up.
"but they use neos and emojis as pronouns!"
literally so what?? it's harmless!!!
"but they wont label themself for me!"
idgaf, not your business.
"but they say they're an animal!"
literally ok? how. does that affect you.
"but they think that theyre something that doesnt even exist!"
yes and that's very cool of them
"but they use animals and nouns as their pronouns!"
do i look like i care? no? that's because i dont.
"but they-!"
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mimicdragon · 27 days
gotta always hate that sanism that pushed so many to always push the nonphysical definition of everything
And the "I know I'm human but" lines as well
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mimicdragon · 29 days
  ⭒ shout out to the nonhumans who have to hide their posts behind trigger warnings because their 'types are commonly feared or disliked.   ⭒ shout out the nonhumans who feel uncomfortable in their bodies because their 'types have completely different body types to them.   ⭒ shout out to the nonhumans who's disability gives them species dysphoria. to the hearing-impaired nonhumans with 'types known for their amazing hearing. to the vision-impaired nonhumans who's 'types have exceptional eye sight. to the movement-impaired nonhumans with super agile and energetic 'types.   ⭒ shout out to the nonhumans with 'types who's characteristics don't line up with their own. to those with domestic 'types who like to be alone. to those with carnivorous 'types who are vegetarian. to those with solitary 'types who still long for a pack or a group to belong with.   ⭒ shout out the the nonhumans with holy / divine 'types who feel no connection to religion. to the angels with religious trauma. to the demons with religious families. shout out to every creature in this wonderful world, and those from other worlds too. our differences are what brings us together, and even if we cannot relate to others' experiences, even if we despise our own experiences, we are all nonhuman. we need not justify our nonhumanity to anyone. it is us, and that is all it needs to be. i love you all, and i am right here with you.
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mimicdragon · 1 month
the fact the scar on my hand is slowly fading it and it hurts my fucking soul to see it (I will admit I had cried from the pain in my chest) tells me I must have something important to me on that hand.
I don't know what but.. I'm glad I now know it
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mimicdragon · 1 month
something I’ve rarely but have unfortunately seen in the community is people complaining and even annoyed about the ‘inaccuracies’ of some people’s kintypes? I understand that often an interest or special interest in a specific animal will accompany therianthropy, but it wasn’t something I expected to see from this community
so let me say this: you are NOT less valid if your kintype is not ‘scientifically accurate’.
if you are a bird or a bat, so what if your wings are on your back?
if you are an unnatural colour, so what if your animal isn’t typically bright pink or green or blue with yellow stripes?
so what if you crave meat in your shifts as a herbivore kintype?
so what if you have markings or patterns than wouldn’t appear in nature?
you are the coolest guy around !! 🦇
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mimicdragon · 1 month
Shoutout to dragons who love the cold!
Dragons with fluffy fur like snow, dragons who are spiky and sharp like icicles! Dragons who grow winter coats!
Dragons as big as glaciers! Dragons as small as snowflakes!
Dragons who love snowy mountains, pine forests, frigid seas, and everything inbetween!
Ice breathers, fire breathers, those with no elemental breath at all! Herbivores, carnivores, you name it!
Dragons in the cold!!! :D
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mimicdragon · 1 month
a Tip i have for figuring out a kintype (or any label really) is just. Trying it out! if you’re questioning being a lion therian, refer to yourself as one and see how it feels! spend time in that space! if it doesn’t feel right, you can just stop calling yourself that. trial and error babey
this is how i figured out i am angelkin and also Not alienkin . there is No shame in getting it wrong
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mimicdragon · 1 month
"I'm a fictionkin but not in the delusional way!" Do me a favor and duct tape your mouth shut. I will not tolerate the disrespect for those who suffer from delusions. This goes for other non/alterhuman communities as well (therian, otherkin, etc). If you think you can act that way around me I want you to know with the most utmost sincerity you are not welcome on my blog and I wouldn't want you around even if you were in a quarantine bubble. I say this as someone who suffers from psychotic symptoms due to depression that can cause me delusions.
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mimicdragon · 1 month
Technically for me there's a few different reasons depending on which identity I have.
But the main one I'm comfortable talking about, it's a mix of psychological and spiritual. that trauma in my past effected me to such a degree it shaped my soul to be different and now I'm a dragon.
spiritual alterhumans
(i fucked up and needed to remake this poll, sorry) (also i again fucked up it should be walk in soul but alright...)
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mimicdragon · 2 months
I'm pretty sure it won't interfere with my swimming because my main fins aren't used for swimming anyway, they are for mimicry; but it would hurt constantly until I finally removed them and let them heal up and seal.
All tips of body parts are overly sensitive as a part of the anatomy to function and so it would just constantly be noticeably there and uncomfortable to painful.
Almost forgot to say this about being a deep sea dragon.
(NOTE: by 'hurt' i mean hurting consistently even after healing)
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mimicdragon · 2 months
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mimicdragon · 2 months
It's really cool seeing people like and share, and even relate, to my posts. I'm excited to do more next chance I'm able.
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