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On America's birthday we dishonor the figures of white supremacy and their actions which continue to dehumanize Black people. Happy 4th of July! 
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I don't know if you found that picture yourself or what but the flags on that piece of shits jacket were photoshopped in. Do you really think that's going to help what's going on, perpetuating false propo?
This is how I know you’re a white person:You’re more concerned about whether the patches on this coward’s jacket are Photoshopped in or not than you are about the fact that he murdered, in cold, calculated blood, NINE PEOPLE.If those patches are Photoshopped, Dylan Roof Photoshopped them himself as the photo is one he posted on his own Facebook page on May 21, 2015, almost a month ago: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009674437955&hc_location=ufi.I know you’re white because you think allegedly Photoshopped patches are the things that are going to hamper this situation rather than the myriad of exuses that white people are going to come up with to excuse this peckerwood’s behavior. Ridiculous and purposely distracting nonsense like: “Hey! But those patches were Photoshopped! It doesn’t matter than he murdered nine people in cold blood while they prayed in their sanctuary! No, what’s most important is that you get his patches correct!”Like Photoshopped patches means he didn’t commit a murderous, terrorist act.You know those patches ain’t fucking Photoshopped worth a got-damn.I know what this is, peckerwood.This is your pre-emptive strike. You’re trying to find any little thing, any little “discrepancy” you can to save Whiteness from implication. And you’re trying to do that because you feel implicated and you don’t want to feel implicated. You want there to be some reason that those black people deserved to be murdered like livestock. You’re hoping in your tiny, shriveled-up, colorless heart and praying to your stunted, vicious White Jesus that there is some justification for Dylann Roof’s behavior so you can remain as pitifully ignorant and blissful as you have been. Hit dogs ALWAYS holler. And here you are: a hit dog, hollering like the fuckshit that you are. Wasting everybody’s fucking time–including your own.You may be fooling white people. You may be fooling yourself. You might even be fooling some black people too novice and too Stockholm Syndromed to understand Whiteness when they encounter it.But you ain’t fooling me. Carry your flat, narrow ass back to your Klan rally or your drone war, you fucking ofay.And don’t ever message me.EVER again.
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This Juneteenth for ‪#‎BlackSpring‬, Black Lives Matter, Ferguson Action, Legal Defense Fund, Dignity & Power Now, People’s Organization for Progress & Freedom, Inc. join Million Hoodies to come together for an online event to unify people from around the country in a virtual discussion that will encompass the history, vision and ongoing struggle in local communities across the nation for community control and to build power.
RSVP here: http://bit.ly/1L7bWcc
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FRI JUN 19 - 1:00 PM EDT
This Juneteenth for #BlackSpring organizers from New York City, Los Angeles, Madison, Newark and Chicago come together to reclaim the vision and call for real community control and discuss how we build power.
Join Million Hoodies, Black Lives Matter, Ferguson Action, Legal Defense Fund, Dignity & Power Now, People’s Organization for Progress & Freedom, Inc.  for a google hangout aimed to unify individuals from around the country in a virtual discussion that will encompass the history, vision and ongoing struggle in local communities across the nation for community control and to build power.
RSVP Here: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/online-event-blackspring-reclaim-the-vision-of-community-control
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FRI JUN 19 - 1:00 PM EDT
This Juneteenth for #BlackSpring organizers from New York City, Los Angeles, Madison, Newark and Chicago come together to reclaim the vision and call for real community control and discuss how we build power.
Join Million Hoodies, Black Lives Matter, Ferguson Action, Legal Defense Fund, Dignity & Power Now, People’s Organization for Progress & Freedom, Inc.  for a google hangout aimed to unify individuals from around the country in a virtual discussion that will encompass the history, vision and ongoing struggle in local communities across the nation for community control and to build power.
RSVP Here: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/online-event-blackspring-reclaim-the-vision-of-community-control
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RSVP for our Juneteenth #BlackSpring online event + spread the word! Join blacklivesmatter, Ferguson Action, Legal Defense Fund, Dignity and Power Now, People’s Organization for Progress & Freedom, Inc and us for a virtual discussion: Reclaim The Vision of Community Control. 
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New blog post is up by our intern Eva! Check it out. 
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#JistisPouDavidFelix #JusticeForDavidFelix funeral details: https://www.facebook.com/events/500403500109589/ 
Source: Black Alliance For Just Immigration 
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#JistisPouDavidFelix #JusticeForDavidFelix funeral details: https://www.facebook.com/events/500403500109589/
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Y’all know this nigga was in the black panthers, and after MLKs assignation, he and some of his friends held the Morehouse college board of Directors HOSTAGE until they agreed to change the college curriculum and school governance. He was expelled and investigated by the FBI but it worked, the college changed all their shit. 
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Share with a white person. 
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Justice For David Felix
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This is not another hashtag funeral. This is the beginning of a coordinated campaign involving Streetwise and Safe, Black Lives Matter, Black Millennials,  Million Hoodies, LGBTQQ activists, just immigration organizers, and you. 
David Felix was shot to death -- unarmed -- by two veteran NYPD detectives on April 25, 2015. He was a first-generation immigrant from Haiti, an aspiring fashion student, and loved world history. He was much beloved in the runaway and homeless youth community and by the social and legal service providers that knew him, his New York City family. 
His body sat unclaimed in the Office of the Medical Examiner with a bullet wound for two weeks. The family is in need of financial support to cover David’s burial costs and help his family members from Haiti attend his funeral on June 4. (The family wants as many people to attend the funeral as possible; we will share those details later.)
The one report in a major newspaper demonized David with the following headline: “Suspect Fatally Shot by Detective in East Village Had Mental Illness and a Troubled Past.” Note: we will not link to it and we ask you to not Google the headline.
David’s truth is that he was a loving, vibrant soul. And another Black life lost to our militarized police state, institutional white supremacy, the prison industrial complex, and a country whose political leadership ignores mental health and homelessness. 
Please donate to the fund to cover David’s funeral costs and please share with your networks using the hashtag #JusticeForDavidFelix: http://bit.ly/DavidFelix
Black lives are stake. We will continue to share actions that pursue justice for David Felix, his family, his community, and prevent more senseless murders. The fundraiser is but the first step. Share this far and wide, and follow our partners in justice. 
Stay tuned.  
Photo credit: Ivan Monforte
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Follow us on twitter! @MillionHoodies
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Sign up to join our campaign to #DemilitarizePolice! Join our National Organizing call with Representative Hank Johnson on April 2nd to learn how you can make a difference today.
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Please take a moment to support the movement and sign our petition to demilitarize police! 
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