middlen · 1 year
My Goal?
What is your mission? I get asked this a lot. What is my goal? End goal. What do I want to accomplish? Simply put. I want to make a name for myself. To let the stories flow once more and enjoy hearing what people have to say. The Good, The Bad and the ugly. I am going to be an Author.
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middlen · 1 year
Biggest Challenges I have
Biggest Challenges I have
What are your biggest challenges? The biggest challenges I have to deal with is my brain. There are days where the ideas flow like a river and then there are other days where there’s nothing. Not to mention having to deal with my ADD, ADHD, Imposter Syndrome and so much more that keeps me from getting up and writing. It is literally a struggle some days to get out of the intrusive thoughts and…
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middlen · 1 year
Road Blocks
Sometimes you hit a road block and you can get over it. Other times it takes days, months and for some even years. I’m the years type of person. I am not good at putting myself out there for well pretty much anything. I think I’m good at something only for someone to knock me off that notion and tell me no I’m really not that good at it. It’s been that way with my writing. For years I don’t…
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middlen · 1 year
Ravenwood Chronicles
This novel originally started out as a fanfiction of a fanfiction. Meaning that an author stopped writing this really good version of a Sailor Moon Fanfiction called Dark Mansion. They stopped in the middle of it siting having issues with what they were writing. No one knows what happened to author. I was upset that they wouldn’t finish it so I decided that I would try to do justice for it, but…
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middlen · 1 year
My Perfect spot
You get to build your perfect space for reading and writing. What’s it like? I have this prompt that wants to know what be my perfect spot to read and write. Honestly It would be a room that has wall to wall bookshelves and a built in desk in between two of the bookshelves. One of the walls would have a bay window with a large bench to be able to watch the outside world with a nice cup of tea.…
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middlen · 1 year
Question for the Day
So it has begun. Let's see where this road will take us :D
How are you creative? I’m creative because I have always been. I used to tell stories to my classmates when I was in elementary school and it sort of just exploded to me writing stories. I’m not a professional but I have learned that to get better you just have to continue to write. Each time will make you better and just because you don’t think you are good right now doesn’t mean you can’t get…
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middlen · 1 year
Welcome to my blog. I had been thinking about doing this for a long time as I want to get my writing out there for people. With the encouragement of my friends and family I have decided to take the plunge to see how this will work out for me. So thank you so very much for even looking at the site. Let’s go and see where this adventure will take us.
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middlen · 2 years
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middlen · 3 years
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Not fully done but this is my progress on my medieval corner https://www.instagram.com/p/CM9oI4Ph14z/?igshid=3xn0fibvvh6t
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middlen · 3 years
Yasssss so good!!!
Chapter 12: Second Wind is up now! If you are new, please read the tags. If you are not new, ya’ll know what to expect. We’re really, really gearing up for the story’s climax now. I’m getting pumped.
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middlen · 3 years
Been looking forward to this all week long!!!!! Woooooo!!
New chapter of Waxing/Waning will be out tomorrow. Just getting in the final edits now. I’m looking forward to sharing with all of you. 
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middlen · 4 years
God I need this to say on my page or something cause I lost this video once before.
Xena: Warrior Princess
Song: Shakespear’s Sister - Stay
Pairing: Xena x Gabrielle
Vidder: morgaine7
Vidder Notes:
When Fates Collide
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middlen · 4 years
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Working on my journal. I love doing these things. I’m going to look for more inspirations for my journal. (at Fairmont, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7IrTN_hvv4/?igshid=1aa16mayangk1
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middlen · 5 years
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I made a wow journal to keep my progress in so I have something to do at work. 😁😁 (at Fairmont, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3_p6WOBr6m/?igshid=15abirw7uxcdk
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middlen · 5 years
This is the start of my year long journey. This is day one. I am currently weighing in at 275lbs at 5'5" tall at 37 years old. I have 0 regrets in posting this.
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middlen · 5 years
How to live.
So for years I have had an eating disorder. What’s funny is that this disorder doesn’t come up very often. You hear about anorexia and bulimia but you don’t hear much about the other side of the story. That’s when you eat too much because you brain says if you’re unattractive you won’t be raped.
I have come to terms that I have an eating disorder and I went in finally for a full exam that I haven’t done in years. I found out that yeah I am obese and that I have some higher then normal levels in my bloodstream. 
What do I do now? Do I continue on my road to self destruction or do I overcome the little voice in my head?
I’ve had my tumblr for years and haven’t really gave it much thought as to what I wanted to do with it. Mostly I just like photos and stuff like that.
I think I want to Chronicle my struggle with this so I can look back at it and go yeah I beat this. I have been making strides in my life. What with my mental illnesses and just about everything else that’s in my life. So now. Now I think I want to show that I am better then what people gave me credit for. That I can and will overcome anything that can be thrown at me. 
So this is how I live and how I’m going to overcome my struggles on a day to day basis. 
Happy reading.
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middlen · 5 years
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