mhaserver · 3 years
someone told me about this advertisement; but it's been since August.
do you have an updated character list and if so what characters do you allow in and what's the template
Hi dear !! Sorry for the long wait, given it’s around the holiday season !!
The masterlist had been updated now on 04/12/21 with the relevant characters available to apply for. Currently, we only allow canon characters from the main manga series, but this is a server that has now developed post third year and many of the class characters are working as pro heroes in different agencies, under different tutors.
The template can be found at the application tab on the blog, and for a first time character we only really need your name, age, some headcanons of the character and a writing sample relating to the character of about 150 - 200 words !! Secondary character apps can be completed after two weeks of activity in the server and sent to any of the three mods !!
I hope that answered your questions dear !! Have a good day !!
- mod six.
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mhaserver · 3 years
MINA ASHIDO has been accepted!
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mhaserver · 3 years
TENYA IIDA has been accepted!
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mhaserver · 3 years
HIMIKO TOGA has been accepted!
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mhaserver · 3 years
MEZOU SHOJI has been accepted!
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mhaserver · 3 years
TSUYU ASUI has been accepted!
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mhaserver · 3 years
Is it necessary to catch up with the manga in order to be in this sever? Thank you very much ❤
Hi there! It's not a requirement, but the server will reference characters and developments that haven't happened in the anime yet, so there will be spoilers!
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mhaserver · 3 years
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                          WELCOME … TO THE INSTITUTE.
Welcome to the Institute of National Quirk Analysis, responsible for the research, study and exploration surrounding the phenomena known colloquially as Quirks. Over the last few years the Institute has gained a notorious reputation as the leading research team into the phenomena of quirks due to the mounting disarray of public opinion in the heroics force and the hero commission over the last few years.  
Following on from the collapse of the famed VRU program, which was once used as a cover for the terrorist group known as the Syndicate, public outcry has demanded accurate analysis of the dangers of Quirks in society, and the Institute has strived to answer those. Famed individuals have chosen to take part in changing the world for the better, such as Phantom Thief, Tailman, Hawks and even one of the most favoured heroes: Deku.
Now, years after it’s creation, the Institute is taking part in its biggest project yet, and is actively looking for willing volunteers to join our prestigious collection so far. To apply, please direct yourself to our corresponding contact here.
Ultra Academia is a discord-specific, text-heavy based 18+ roleplay group for BNHA canon characters, set ahead to where the students are now involved in hero society as Pro Heroes alongside their mentors.
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mhaserver · 3 years
Newly TAKEN characters include Midnight, Togata Mirio, and Utsushimi Camie!
Newly AVAILABLE characters include Hadou Nejire, Iida Tenya, and Todoroki Natsuo!
See the full masterlist HERE!
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mhaserver · 3 years
Follow up question. I’m having a hard time figuring out how old the characters are suppose to be right now. Are they all graduated now? Like how many years ahead of canon are they in this group
Hi! We're about four/five years ahead of canon; the kids graduated from UA in December of 2019, and most are turning 20 this year, if that helps!
Thank you!
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mhaserver · 3 years
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Rules | Application | Taken List
Where “Gotta Catch ‘Em All” meets “Plus Ultra”!
Across the nation, Pokemon trainers work hard to become the best, to catch and train a legendary team of Pokemon! Above all, one name shines: UA Pokemon League! Join the familiar faces of 1-A and friends in this new Alternate Universe RPG, set in the vast and enchanting world of Pokemon!
DnD Inspired Battle Systems
18+ Community (Including role-locked NSFW channels, upon request only!)
Low-angst, low-stress RPs, including “original Team Rocket” style LoV!
Creative freedom!
Many, MANY popular roles still open!
The server is currently open to applications, but will not open for actual use until the end of March! That gives you plenty of time to pick and work on a character if you want to try it out! Take a look at our masterlist and see who catches your eye!
AVAILABLE ROLES:  Uraraka Ochako,  Monoma Neito,  Hatsume Mei, All Might, and more!
Mobile links:
Rules - App - Taken
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mhaserver · 3 years
Some civilians are listed in the masterlist....would Pro Hero versions of them be allowed? (holding door closed on Pro Hero Rei Todoroki)
We would welcome it, honestly !! Under the circumstances that there are valid reasons for your character being a pro hero.
In the past, when we’ve allowed this, it’s caused characters to become wildly cut-off from who they were and their character development has suffered due to this, making them unrecognisable and ooc e.g.: Fuyumi Todoroki becoming a pro hero, yet she never received any basic training, qualifications, etc.
We’d never turn away an application either way though, so if you have a civilian character you want to make into a pro hero, please send it along !! Thank you !!
- mod six.
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mhaserver · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
                          WELCOME … TO THE INSTITUTE.
Welcome to the Institute of National Quirk Analysis, responsible for the research, study and exploration surrounding the phenomena known colloquially as Quirks. Over the last few years the Institute has gained a notorious reputation as the leading research team into the phenomena of quirks due to the mounting disarray of public opinion in the heroics force and the hero commission over the last few years.  
Following on from the collapse of the famed VRU program, which was once used as a cover for the terrorist group known as the Syndicate, public outcry has demanded accurate analysis of the dangers of Quirks in society, and the Institute has strived to answer those. Famed individuals have chosen to take part in changing the world for the better, such as Phantom Thief, Tailman, Hawks and even one of the most favoured heroes: Deku.
Now, years after it’s creation, the Institute is taking part in its biggest project yet, and is actively looking for willing volunteers to join our prestigious collection so far. To apply, please direct yourself to our corresponding contact here.
Ultra Academia is a discord-specific, text-heavy based 18+ roleplay group for BNHA canon characters, set ahead to where the students are now involved in hero society as Pro Heroes alongside their mentors.
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mhaserver · 3 years
About the application, should I just submit it on tumblr or
Hiya !!
You can submit it on the tumblr if that’s easiest !! If you have any of the mods’ discord tags, you can also send it through there !!
- mod six.
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mhaserver · 3 years
How should we write our application to get accepted? I mean, I do know the minimum length requirements but... what about what's inside of it? Does it have to be in a certain style? Formal/Informal, ect. Oh and, if we don't get accepted, can we just apply over and over again? Would that even be alright? It can be seen as obnoxious by some so yeah, I just wanna make sure it would be alright.
Hi there dear !!
No worries, thank you so much for asking, honestly !! The writing application is our way of determining what you writing style is, how you may write the character once accepted, etc. In that regard, your app doesn’t have to be in a certain style - you can write it however you want. We only ask that it be about the character you are applying for, rather than a copy-and-pasted insert of something you’ve written before.
In terms of the submission part, the server values writing development and character development, so we’d be happy to have you submit multiple times ( not all at once ) if you may not have been accepted the first time. It would really show us that you’re interested and willing to develop your character further !!
As a tip, in our applications, this is what we look for:
Understanding your character - have you given this character motivation ?? Have you thought about their past and how it can affect the path they’ll take in server ?? Have you thought about who they’d be years down the line ?? The friendships and enemies they would have made and have the capacity to make ??
Personal - the application isn’t completely about the character. In the ooc parts of the app, we look to see that the person isn’t ‘pushy’ about things, is respectful, is kind, etc. Admittedly, there have been times where we have missed the mark with evaluation here, but it has been rectified.
Off the top of my head, that’s all I can think of !! If there’s anything confusing, please don’t hesitate to ask for a clearer explanation and if I think of any more tips I’ll let you know !! Thank you so much !!
- mod six.
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mhaserver · 3 years
TSUBURABA KOSEI has been accepted!
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mhaserver · 3 years
JIROU KYOUKA has been accepted!
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