mewglitch · 7 days
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mewglitch · 7 days
If you’re a Non-Muslim and you see a Muslim praying in public, could you please not pass in front of them?
Go behind them, but not in front. 👍
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mewglitch · 7 days
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POV: mister Devon Price, PhD, telling me that I am right about everything
Source: Unmasking Autism, discovering the new faces of neurodiversity
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mewglitch · 7 days
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mewglitch · 7 days
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its too real. if your mind is beautiful enough and your posts are potent enough it's anathema to widespread appeal. and thats the way it should be.
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mewglitch · 7 days
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gay meth
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mewglitch · 7 days
Remember to make space for the heteros this month too - yes, really.
Lesbians who became straight men
Gay men who became straight women
All straight drag artists (note that not all of them are cis!)
People with complex identities who thusly encompass multiple orientations (like genderfluid and multigender people who, yes, are sometimes straight, or even simultaneously with other labels)
Hetero aro and ace people. Especially. Seriously.
People with fluid orientations
Gnc people who find joy in their straightness
Many queer people are also straight. Queerness is note solely reliant on gayness. These people too, are a part of pride. Remember that.
[All discourse attempts will be swiftly blocked. Exclusionists fuck off]
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mewglitch · 7 days
Friendly reminder to include aromantics this pride, especially aros who aren't ace! We're here, we're queer, we deserve to be celebrated.
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[ID: Green words in all caps reading "do not tag as asexual". /end ID]
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mewglitch · 7 days
Can we PLEASE normalize non-sexual nudity in art, I'm aroace, but I find the human body so fascinating and beautiful, and like seeing how different people represent it
but whenever I see nude artwork there's always some rat in the comments saying "sus" or criticizing the artist for daring to draw someone with no clothes on, in a non suggestive manner, it's a shame so many people only see it as an object of attraction, please make more cool art
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mewglitch · 7 days
starts punching and tearing at everything in a blind rage. i want AROMANTIC characters i want characters with not an OUNCE of romance about them i don't JUST want aroace characters i want AROMANTIC characters that AREN'T ASEXUAL i want people to headcanon characters as AROMANTIC not just aroace i want fandom to treat AROMANTICISM as AROMANTICISM, and not a SUBCATEGORY OF ASEXUALITY. RRRAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH
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[ID: banner reading "don't tag as ace or aroace"]
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mewglitch · 7 days
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mewglitch · 7 days
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mewglitch · 7 days
"I cant draw" then do it bad who gives a fuck.....
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mewglitch · 7 days
super curious about something because i didn't realize it wasn't a universal thing until my partner said something about it
reblog for sample size etc
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mewglitch · 7 days
I feel like something that doesnt get talked about enough is how fast fashion is coming to hobbies as well. Sure, you can sew, knit, and crochet something better than youd buy in store, but good luck finding quality materials
Want a fabric that doesnt fray from being gently caressed? Want yarn thats not 100% plastic and splits if you touch it wrong? Good luck finding that if you dont have a genuinely good crafts store near you.
Go on any thread where people are trying to figure out where to buy fabric. 50% of it is people saying big stores are servicable, online stores work, or the like, and the other 50% are talking about how bad the quality is or how the quality of a website dropped because it was bought out
Were running into a problem where fast fashiob is so integrated into society that even the ability to make your own, comfortable and long lasting, clothes is being threatened by capitalism
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mewglitch · 7 days
[image id: a comment from tripleseptet reading: "i do think the casual viewer is capable of being challenged and coming out the other side with a viable interpretation— the only issue is that the current system's unwillingness to do so has shortened most media into instant gratification in some way shape or form, and as such the tolerance for 'waiting it out' and interpreting along the way has drastically gone down". end image id]
ive come to realize that a lot of things are not meant to be mainstream as they require both an emotional and intellectual maturity that the casual viewer is neither able nor willing to bring to the table. examples include: berserk, chainsaw man, dungeon meshi, disco elysium, etc.
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mewglitch · 7 days
I think I have two more things to say about this.
This isn't just a case of tumblr staff transphobia this is more than likely (not confirmed yet but I'm fairly confident this is accurate, my point remains regardless) a result of targeted mass reporting by folks who saw a single innocuous joke about incest which was deleted later and decided Charlotte was a horrible person who deserved punishment. The end lesson shouldn't only be "Lets kill Matt Mullenweg with hammers" but also "Trans women are forced to live in a constant state of fear of being labelled as One Of The Bad Trannies by societal forces which perceive trans women as aggressive sexual perverts and institutional forces which give easy access for bad actors to punish them. I need to analyze my behavior in this pattern and be aware if I am working with or against this problem."
Charlotte was a super kind soul but this would still be unwarranted and awful if it happened to any trans asshole. I support trans women who suck, I support trans women who are annoying, I support trans women who are scary, I support trans women who I can't stand, I support trans women who are lame and bitchy and pieces of shit, I support trans women who are aggressive or off-putting or mean. Trans women who are assholes deserve the same rights and privileges of any other asshole on the planet.
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