melizokla · 1 year
Welcome to Jennybean Island
Hey there, fellow Animal Crossing fans! My name is Meli, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to my new blog - "Life on Jennybean Island." If you're not familiar with the game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a life simulation game where you get to live on a deserted island and create your own community. It's a relaxing and enjoyable game that I absolutely love.
I had to start all over again when I lost my old Switch, but I don't mind. Starting anew has been an exciting adventure, and I'm enjoying every moment of it. On Jennybean Island, I've already met some adorable animal residents, and I've made some great friends from other islands. There's something special about visiting someone else's island and seeing how they've created their own unique paradise.
One of my favorite things about Animal Crossing is the ability to visit other players' islands and hang out with friends. I've had so much fun exploring new islands, playing games, and just hanging out with other players. It's a great way to connect with people and make new friends, especially during these challenging times.
On this blog, I'll be sharing outfit of the day posts, diary entries about my experiences, and lots of photos of my island and the adventures I have while visiting other islands. I'll also be sharing news about upcoming island events and features, so you don't miss out on anything.
Thank you for joining me on this journey as we grow and be the Jellybeans I know we can be. I'm excited to share my experiences with you, and I hope you enjoy following my adventures on Jennybean Island and beyond.
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melizokla · 1 year
My Friend Cole
Do you ever just have that one Animal Crossing villager who brightens up your whole day? For me, that's Cole, the peppy bunny who is always down for a good time. Here are just a few reasons why he's the best friend you could ask for:
First of all, Cole is always happy to see you, even if he's been napping on the job. I'll never forget the time I found him snoozing against a tree on the island. But as soon as he saw me, he sprang up with a big grin and acted like he'd been wide awake the whole time. Classic Cole.
And speaking of adventures on the island, Cole is always up for a good time. One of our favorite activities is fishing together. We've had some wild moments, like the time we fell into the river and ended up soaked head-to-toe. But we didn't let that stop us from reeling in a big catch!
When we're not out exploring the island, Cole is the perfect snacking buddy. We love to sit back and enjoy some treats together. Whether it's a bag of chips or a slice of cake, Cole is always down for a tasty snack break.
And you know what else I love about Cole? He's not afraid to get a little silly. One time, we dressed up in goofy hats and did a little dance together. It might have been embarrassing, but we had a blast and laughed until our sides hurt.
But beyond all the fun and games, Cole is also an incredibly supportive friend. No matter what's going on in your day, he's there to offer a kind word or a silly joke to make you feel better. He's just the kind of friend you want in your corner.
So if you see Cole on your Animal Crossing island, be sure to stop and say hello. He's the ultimate best friend, and he's always down for a good time.
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melizokla · 1 year
My OOTD last Wednesday
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Meli woke up feeling inspired by the natural beauty of Jennybean Island, so she decided to create an outfit that would celebrate the island's flora. She pulled out her favorite green shirt dress, which featured a yellow daisy on the chest, and paired it with her trusty yellow Converse sneakers.
To add to the nature theme, Meli donned a moss headband that she had crafted from the lush greenery on the island. The headband perfectly complemented the green shade of her dress, and it also gave her a unique and organic touch.
Meli kept her accessories simple, opting for a green leaf pochette and a pair of green heart sunglasses. She wanted to let the bold colors and playful prints of her outfit speak for themselves.
As she walked around Jennybean Island, Meli received plenty of compliments on her outfit, with many islanders admiring her unique sense of style. She felt confident and comfortable in her green shirt dress and yellow Converse, knowing that she had put together a look that celebrated the natural beauty of the island.
Overall, Meli's OOTD was a perfect example of how fashion can be a fun and creative way to celebrate the beauty of the world around us. By incorporating elements of nature into her outfit, Meli was able to show off her individuality and love for the island she called home.
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melizokla · 1 year
The birds and the bees
Have you ever been playing Animal Crossing and found yourself in a sticky situation? Literally? That's what happened to me one day when I was out chopping trees on my island.
Everything was going fine at first. I was happily chopping away, collecting wood for my latest DIY project. But then, out of nowhere, a swarm of angry bees appeared, buzzing angrily around me.
I panicked and started running, hoping to outrun the bees. But they were relentless, chasing me across the entire island. I ran as fast as I could, dodging trees and trying to find a safe place to hide.
I spotted Piper's house and thought I could take refuge there, but she wasn't home. The bees were still hot on my trail, and I could feel them getting closer and closer.
Finally, I made it back to my own house, hoping to shut the door behind me and keep the bees out. But it was too late. The bees caught up to me just as I was trying to get inside, and they stung me all over.
It was a painful and embarrassing experience, but it taught me an important lesson: never chop trees without a net or some kind of protection from angry bees. And if you do find yourself in a similar situation, remember to stay calm and try to find a safe place to hide until the bees have calmed down.
So the next time you're playing Animal Crossing and you hear the buzzing of bees, be careful! You never know when you might find yourself in the middle of a wild chase, just like I did.
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melizokla · 1 year
Piper's Fleas
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As I walked around Jennybean this morning, I noticed Piper scratching furiously. I approached her and offered to remove the fleas, but she denied having any.
"I don't have fleas, silly! I just have a little itch," she said, still scratching.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I mean, come on, it was obvious she had fleas. But Piper was too stubborn to admit it.
Later that day, I saw Piper again, still scratching. I couldn't resist the urge to try again. "Hey Piper, I got a flea off you earlier. Maybe you should let me take care of the rest?"
But Piper still wouldn't budge. "That wasn't a flea. That was just a...um...speck of dirt. Yeah, that's it."
I couldn't help but laugh. Piper was clearly in denial about the whole thing. But as much as I wanted to keep teasing her about it, I knew it was important to help her out.
So, I patiently waited until Piper finally came to me in relief, admitting that she did, in fact, have fleas. And as I helped her remove them, I couldn't resist saying, "See Piper, I told you so!"
Piper just rolled her eyes, but I could tell she was secretly grateful for my help. And from that day on, I made sure to keep an extra close eye on her, just in case she ever tried to deny having fleas again.
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