melissa2542 ¡ 1 year
Life is too short to be getting paid every two weeks forever. 😅 #BigGhetto #GreatMorning
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melissa2542 ¡ 9 years
Witchcraft 101
I was asked to make a post about some basic information for beginners. This post covers a lot of information to start you off on. :)
I suggest you pick out a topic and start there by studying it and practicing it, and don’t forget that it’s your journey and you decide what you believe to be most important and don’t have tunnel vision ; feel free to expand your horizons.
Some subjects:
Animal magic,
Sacred geometry ,
Herb magic,
Crystal magic,
Animal spirits,
Deities ,
Elemental magic,
Angle magic,
Poison path ,
Some wonderful authors 

Scott Cunningham 


Gerna dunwitch


Eileen holland


Judika illes
I do have a list of great beginner books that I suggest . :)
Candlelight spells 

Spells for the solitary witch

Mrs Bs guide to household witchery 
-Kris Bradley

The way of the green witch

Book of Witchery

Cunninghams book of shadows

Practical Protection Magic

Pure magic
Some tips
1. Do your own research. 

2. Don’t be afraid to read about ‘taboo’ topics. 

3. Libraries are great places (if you can’t find a book your looking for , you can get one shipped from another library for free).

4. Their are many magical subjects to study. 

5. You don’t need any tools.

6. You can work magic in the kitchen with everyday ingredients.

7. You can write your own spells. 

8. Don’t do anything your not comfortable doing.

10. Don’t forget to Take notes (book of shadows)
A book of shadows is a book that one uses to wright about there experiences, there path, and anything they feel is important to add.
Some info for your Book of Shadows
(BOS) and you can put anything you’d like in it. :) few subjects you can go over in the book:

lunar calendar

Info about Your deities 





Tool info

Symbolic info

A bio

Book protection spell




Notes from your craft You can wright about anything in your book as each book is individual to the owner who wrights it. You can also have many BoSs and it’s ok to keep your old ones. :)
~THE BASIC TOOLS OF A WITCH~ **tools do not need to be used but make casting easer and this is not a complete list, as different paths have there own lists.
the chalice is often made of silver, tho it can be made of any material. It is associated with water, and feminine energies.
A tool of fire, often used to burn offerings , fire magic, or mixing potions. Many use cast iron cauldrons as cooking vessels.
A divination tool often used to find lost objects or find underground water for well making.
A magical journal often called a book of shadows due to pop culture , often used to keep a log of magical experiences, practices and recipes. 
Many believe the power of the written word, I personally believe that there’s more power in writing down it all by hand. You can use you book any way you want and name it what you want. It’s supposed to be personal and over the years you may have a series of books written by you.
A can be made with a verity of materials as well, many use certain woods and crystals while others use copper. They have masculine energies and considered tools of fire/ air. They are used to direct magical energies.
WILLOW: lunar magic
OAK: fire magic
APPLE: love magic
To name a few woods and magical uses. THE ATHAME 
A double sided blade that is never to be used to cut any physical surface. The Athame is usually considered to be a tool of air/fire. Used to direct energy , it is masculine THE BESOM
A broomstick it combines both masculine and feminine energies, used to “sweep away unwanted energies” never to be used for mundane but only for the magical, or else you risk loosing any magical power stores in it. THE SMOKE FAN 
Used to move magical energies in a space, a tool of air as it can be used in combination with sage for a cleansing ritual.
~BASIC TOOL CONSECRATION~ Prior to consecration I rub the wand with fresh lavender ,eucalyptus or mint leaves. When I consecrate my tools I hold the tool (wand) in my hand and visualize it absorbing my energies, then I purify the tool( wand) from its old energies with the elements , I choose to use the smoke method. While I smoke cleanse the wand I usually say aloud a blessing of the elements. Elemental blessing: 
A list of tools and ingredients that you may be interested in. BASIC HERBS
BASIL (Ocimum Basilicum)
Gender: Hot
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Krishna , Vishnu 
Basic powers: purification,protection, exorcism, love
CAMOMILE (Anthemis Nobilis) 
Gender: Hot
Planet: Sun
Element: Water 
Part used: Flowers
Basic powers: Prosperity, meditation, money, induces sleep when burned
CATNIP( Nepeta Cataria)
Gender: cold
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deity: Bast
Part used: leaf
Basic power: love, animal connection, relaxation
(Lonicera Caprifolium)
Gender: hot
Planet: Jupiter
Element: earth
Part used: flowers
Basic powers: prosperity, clairvoyance
LAVENDER(Lavendula Officinal) 
Gender: hot
Planet: mercury
Element: Air
Part used: flowers
Basic powers: love, protection, purification
MUGWORT( Artemisa Vulgaris)
Gender: Cold
Planet: Venus 
Element: Air
Deities: Artemis, Diana
Part used: herb
Basic powers: protection, clairvoyance
THYME ( Thymus Vulgaris)
Gender: cold
Planet: Venus 
Element: Air
Part used: Herb
Basic powers: clairvoyance, purification
YARROW(Achillea Millefolium)
Gender: cold
Planet: Venus 
Element: water
Part used: flowers
Basic powers: love, clairvoyance, exercisum Via:Scott Cunningham
Almond oil
Gender: masculine
Powers: love, prosperity, wisdom
Bergamot oil
Powers: prosperity, protection
Eucalyptus oil
Powers: cleansing, healing, Protection
Frankincense oil
Powers:Peace, protection,exorcism, spirituality
Jasmine oil
Powers: love, sexuality, goddess
Lavender oil
Powers: cleansing, purification, relaxation, healing
Patchouli oil
Powers: love, healing, passion
Sandalwood oil
Powers: dreams, divination, enhancing psychic abilities Via Phyllis curott , Scott Cunningham
QUARTZ CRYSTAL planet: sun, moon Element: fire, water Powers: protection ,healing,power, lactation
AMETHYST planet: Jupiter , Neptune Element: water Powers: dreams ,overcoming alcoholism ,health, healing ,psychic abilities ,peace ,love ,protection, happiness
TURQUOISE planet: venus, Neptune Element: earth Powers: protection, courage, money, love, friendship, healing, luck
TIGERS EYE planet: sun Element: fire Powers: money ,protection ,courage ,energy ,luck , divination
SUNSTONE planet: sun Element: fire Powers: protection,energy, health ,sexual energy
MOONSTONE planet: moon Element: water Powers: divination ,psychism, sleep ,gardening, protection, youth, dieting
ONYX planet: Mars, Saturn Element: fire Powers: protection, defensive magic ,reducing sexual desires
APACHE TEARS planet: Saturn Element: fire Powers: protection, luck
OBSIDIAN planet: Saturn Element: fire Powers: protection, grounding ,divination ,peace
MALACHITE planet: Venus Element: earth Powers: power, protection ,love ,peace, business success
JET planet: Saturn Element: earth Powers: protection, anti-nightmares, luck , definition ,health
FLUORITE Powers: mental powers, calming
CARNELIAN planet: sun Element: fire Powers: protection, peace , eloquence, healing, courage
CANDLE COLORS WHITE All purpose, unity, purity, cleansing, peace, balance, spirituality, healing, innocence, rain, magick involving young children, truth, consecration, balancing the aura
RED Passion, vitality, strength, survival, fertility, courage, sexual potency, mercy, action, danger, war, fire element, conflict, sports, independence, assertiveness, competition
BLUE Communication, will power, focus, forgiveness, good fortune, weight loss, truth, fidelity, patience, domestic harmony, organization, removing bad vibrations, sincerity, astral projection, water element
YELLOW Masculine divinity, great fortune, abundance, prosperity, male energy, understanding, divination, fast luck, solar/sun energy, positive attitude, justice, health, attraction, luxury
GREEN Prosperity, abundance, money, physical & emotional healing, growth, luck, marriage, tree/plant magick, acceptance, weather, counteract envy/greed/jealousy
PURPLE Wisdom, influence, spiritual power, contact with spirits, drive away evil, change luck, independence, government, break habit
PINK Love, compassion, nurturing, femininity, friendship, romance, partnership, spiritual & emotional healing, protection of children, domestic harmony, self-improvement, maturity
ORANGE Creativity, self-expression, intellectual matters, overcoming addiction, legal matters/justice, joy, business success, ambition, vitality, fun, action, opportunity, celebration, investments
BROWN House blessing, animal/pet magick, earth magick, concentration, material goods, stability, locating lost objects, earth element, real estate, construction, food, financial crisis
BLACK Grounding, wisdom, learning, protection, safety, reversing, uncrossing, unhexing, repelling black magick, banishing negativity, releasing, shapeshifting, defense, scrying, pride
— Casting circles Using an athame draw a circle around your working area , and then invoke the elements and chosen deities ( optional) then proceed eith your magical workings. There are may ways of casting a circle, everybody does it there own way. -Invocation of the Elements 
Via Cunningham’s book of shadows Air,Fire,Water,Earth
Elements of astral birth;
I charge you now; attend to me! In the circle, rightly cast,
Safe from psychic curse and blast;
I charge you now; attend to me! From cave and desert, sea and hill
By wand, blade cup, and pentacle
I charge you now ; attend to me!
This is my will, so mote it be!
-Dismissal of the elements
Earth, Water ,fire and Air
Elements both strong and fair,
Return to your abodes now; Flee!
This is my will, so mote it be!
Centering ritual To be centered means it balanced physically spiritually and then all the set-top bodies as well this concept is a bit intangible most simply know the feeling when we reach it. to use stones to aid centering like those Used in meditation ,stimulate the mind and is recommended for spirituality clear fluorite is a good choice for this task, and restaurants are that are good for both sending and grounding hold the stone hearthstones while the meditate practice breathing exercises are use this out and like music or bells you can also gaze at the stones and practice centering this way in addition using prayer beads can help one become centered and focused. Chant: 
Body mind and spirit now align
center focus on this goal of mine 
subtile bodies balance to the core
clear and strong I’m ready to explore -Chan can help create a sense of connectedness To the sky spirit , rise
with my voice Lift my eyes,
see the sun, moon, and stars 
touch them all, mine and ours Via Book of Crystal spells 
by Amber Grant
Circle of protection incense Designed to protect a person, home, or place of business from evil influence. 1 oz powdered sandalwood
1/2 oz powdered 5 finger grass
1/4 oz. powdered frankincense 
1/4 oz grated orange peel
1/4 tsp. saltpeter
1 dram of gardenia oil
2 dram tincture of benzoin 1/8 Fl. Oz =1 dram 
1/4 Fl. Oz = 2 dram Tincture of benzoin
2 oz powdered benzoin
4 oz water
12 oz alcohol Keep this mix in a bottle for 2 weeks and shake daily, then strain the liquid for use. — Ray T. Malbrough
Grounding ritual You’re well grounded you’re cleared of excess energy you’re probably connected so any excess energy flows to their lack of grounding during Ritual is Dangerous, there are symptoms and nervousness ,short temper, fatigue ,illness other symptoms may be exhausted at your immune system my weekend so that should does may include dizziness and unbalanced feeling ,being confused ,chakra balances and chakra energy disturbances in the aura or subtle bodies. Select stones to ground and think heavy especially talk Ors Load Stone Scalia and Hematite, bronze and Brett are less commonly used that are both heavy and also good choices aground. Dark Colors like black tourmaline, smoky quartz and Onyx can also be used. experiment, with everyone to fill which one works for you. hold the stone your hand cupping one palm over the other. Popular visualization for grounding it’s imagine yourself as a tree roots digging into the soil, you can also visualize yourself a stone. Chant:
To The ground I am bound 
see my roots reaching down 
to the weight of the stone 
one with earth, flesh and bone Via The book of Chrystal spells 
by Ember Grant
-if you have any questions or concerns please send me an ask and we could talk. :) the-darkest-of-lights
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melissa2542 ¡ 9 years
True true
High sex is literally the best
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melissa2542 ¡ 9 years
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So, it’s been a week exactly since the launch of WiccaforBeginners.com. Here’s a summary of what’s gone on and what you can expect:
The Past Week
- Tumblr Giveaway still going strong!
- Forum is doing okay! It’s slowly but surely picking up steam! Don’t forget that this forum is for everyone who would like to talk about Wicca, not just beginners! I’ve fixed the avatars and a few other small bugs!
- Site Revisions have come along quite nicely! I’ve made the Book of Shadows a little more complete, edited some of the writing, and reorganized the Start Here section slightly so it’s more accessible. I’ve also fixed the Herbal Correspondences section and tweaked a good number of articles here and there.
– Choosing a Craft Name was published during the last week!
The Upcoming Week
- SEO and Advertising Calibration Essentially, this is backend type stuff. It’s to help optimize the page for search engines and to make it so I can get paid for the work I’ve done on the site (even if it’s starkly under minimum wage for the amount of hours I’ve put in). It’s quite a lot of work that I’ve got to get done in this respect, so this will take some time. The good thing is, once it’s done, it’s pretty much done, besides some maintenance.
- Further Site Revisions are underway. I need to get more references going for articles and the like. This is another thing that, once it’s done, it’s done, and all it takes is some maintenance as new pages go up.
- Securitizing the Site is an essential step for every webmaster, and it’s one I’ve definitely got to at least get some stuff going on for.
- Fix up the Twitter account and add a link on the page. Yes, we now have a twitter, you can check it out here! It needs some tweaking and some love, but it’s growing!
- Posting actual content on the blog instead of just these updates. That will likely have to be postponed to whenever the above is finished, but ideally this will be happening sometime this week. I plan on posting opinion pieces regarding the state of Wicca or just regarding daily Wiccan practice. These will be on a regular schedule. Likely, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. So, be sure to check back on those days, particularly starting next week, for articles regarding Urban Wicca, the state of Wicca today, and great Wiccan tips!
- Additional Pages meaning, the informative pages you might find in the Book of Shadows section or on Start Here. The things you see in the Upcoming Content page, essentially, should slowly but surely start rolling out.
Click here to see the blog post of this State of the Site Address!
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melissa2542 ¡ 9 years
Am trying to choose one but am not sure
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Choosing a Craft Name
A craft name is a name that you have chosen for yourself to use with working with your deities. The idea is, that this craft name is unique, chosen specifically by you and you alone, and identifies you at a spiritual level. By choosing a craft name…. 
Read the Full Article
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melissa2542 ¡ 9 years
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melissa2542 ¡ 9 years
Don’t waste your precious energy chasing people. Let them go to make room for those who appreciate you.
Robert Tew (via deeplifequotes)
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melissa2542 ¡ 9 years
Need to try
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Homemade Birthday Cake Ice Cream
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melissa2542 ¡ 9 years
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So, how do you use coconut oil? 50 ways are here.
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melissa2542 ¡ 9 years
Yum yum
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Almond Joy Macaroons: Chewy coconut macaroons that taste like the candy bar! Only six healthy ingredients are required for these no-bake treats!
Read more on my food blog!:
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melissa2542 ¡ 9 years
Have to try
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BAYFOOD COOKS: One of the first things I thought of when thinking up of Game of Thrones food ideas was the lemon cakes that Sansa enjoys when she’s with her crazy Aunt (at least in the show). I was planning to make lemon cakes or tarts, but then I thought, why not a donut since I’m making some? This donut is the cousin to the orange-pistachio donut in that it’s very similar to make. I just basically changed a few of the ingredients in the glaze!
LEMON & EARL GREY TEA DONUTS Donut recipe makes 12; glaze makes enough for 6 donuts
• 2 cups all-purpose flour • 1 ½ cups sugar • 2 teaspoons baking powder • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg • ½ teaspoon salt • 1 egg, lightly beaten • 1 ¼ cups whole milk • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract • 1½ teaspoon orange zest • 1/8 cup fresh squeezed orange juice • 1 cup confectioners’ sugar • 1/8 cup hot milk • ¾ tablespoon fresh lemon juice • 1 tablespoon lemon zest • 1/8 cup brewed tea • Grey sprinkles, for garnish (optional)
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray your donut pan well. Ina uses two pans, but I only bought 1, so I just used it again after baking the first round. 2. In a large bowl, sift together flour, sugar, baking powder, nutmeg, and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together egg, milk, melted butter, and vanilla. Stir in the wet ingredients with the dry until just combined. 3. Spoon the batter into the baking pans until they’re about three quarters full. 4. Bake for 12-17 minutes on the middle rack, or until toothpick comes out clean. My timing was in the middle range of that, so I would just start checking the oven once it gets close to the 12-14 minute mark. 5. Allow the donuts to cool for 5 minutes, then gently tap out the donuts onto another pan, plate, paper towel, etc. I removed the donuts from the pan and allowed them to completely cool down on wire cooling racks. 6. While the donuts are cooling, heat up the milk, sugar, lemon juice, tea, and zest until smooth. If it’s not thick enough to your liking, add 1 tablespoon of milk. Check to make sure it’s sweet and/or lemony enough to your liking. 7. Dip the donuts face down into the glaze and place them on a cooling rack or sheet. 8. Sprinkle with grey sprinkles (optional).
These turned out great! The lemon isn’t sour but it definitely shines through and you can taste the tea flavor as well. I originally had planned to add cardamom as well since it goes really well with tea, but I forgot. Oops. I don’t think really even needs the cardamom though. I seriously wish I made more of this and the orange-pistachio donuts because everything finished way too quickly.
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melissa2542 ¡ 9 years
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Homemade Birthday Cake Ice Cream Sandwiches
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