melias-cimitiere · 1 year
@eternal-eclipse - Inferia (feat. Merethe Soltvedt)[Epic Music - Live Re...
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
Hello, I know you probably don't need some anonymous person's validation but I just wanted to say that despite being a very doubtful person, especially when it comes to spiritual matters, all the content on your blog seems truthful to me. I've been in many different spiritual spaces, with diverging beliefs, and somehow the information you share stands completely apart... it just makes the most sense compared to things I've seen.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate your words.
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
As the death toll of the Dnipro attack continues to rise more Russian missiles have arrived today.
First an update on Dnipro:
Death toll stands at 40 as of Jan 16th. 3 of them children.
75 injured, including 14 children.
30 still in hospital, 12 in serious condition.
35 still missing under the rubble. Chances of finding them alive now are slim. But efforts continue.
Here are some stories of the victims.
Nastya was rescued but her parents were found dead under the rubble.
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Irina, a mother of a little girl, another victim.
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A mother whose son died in the attack screams in pain. "why did you kill him?"
Ukranians don't even get to mourne before there is more.
Kateryna was rescued. She had trouble calling for help as she is deaf. Her son and husband still missing in the rubble.
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The remains of a small, cozy kitchen where Mykhailo recently celebrated his daughters birthday. His wife and two daughter survived the attack. He did not.
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This couple moved to Dnipro believing they would be safe here than Nikopol.
They were both found dead. Their 3 children 2, 9 and 14 are now orphans.
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The new attacks:
15-16 Jan:
Kherson - a children's hospital, an orphanage, a residential area were hit : 1 dead
Zaporizhzhia - residential building hit: 5 wounded, 2 of them are children
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
What do you think, what are the pros and cons about being seperated with our higher self?
Hello :) While being alive, there are absolutely no pros in separating with your higher self (since it acts as a guide in certain cases). While dead, the separation will happen naturally in the underworld for a certain duration, after which the BA will return to collect the KA. If the person (KA personality) became awakened while alive, they won't become an archive and may continue independently (depending on the core category - some cores merge with their KAs), otherwise the BA will continue alone after archiving the KA.
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
Sorry for asking out of nowhere but I was wondering something. Have you ever heard/seen about these head transplants that have been done on monkeys? And basically these conversations that head transplants could help brain dead patients. I wanted to know your thoughts on this from a spiritual perspective, if hypothetically someone got their head transplanted and remained alive, the soul would still reside in the original body right? I guess this ties in with the whole Theuseus' ship question
Hello, your question tallies with another question about "where does the soul reside". People who think the soul is in the brain, naturally think that if you transplant the head, the soul goes with it. Others believe the soul is in the heart (AB) like the ancient Egyptians, and so if you transplant the head, the soul would reside to where the heart is (unless special funerary rites have been conducted). I would not subscribe to neither of these assumptions, and I will tell you that the soul (BA) of the person does not dwell on a single physical place, but permeates the whole being, residing at the core. However, most people tend to confuse the everyday personality (KA) with the soul (BA). When a person dies, the BA goes where it will. If the person is not awakened, the KA becomes an archive and "sleeps". So if you say that the organs/bodies are still alive and the transplant takes place, the BA will also follow the KA (produced in the brain mostly) wherever it goes, into another body. The connection will remain, even if the brain could be placed in a cyborg. Only death separates this bond.
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
Hello Melias! What's your etsy shop? And I was wondering your opinion on people who sell spirit companion services and pacts with demons? Like I saw one that sells a pact with 72 demons, is that even possible? Thanks
As I have said before, shops selling spirits tend to "enslave" them and make a profit by doing that. In this case, they are no different to slavers. As my best and finest friends have been spirits, I am definitely in opposition with this practice. If you wish a spirit friend or companion, learn the way to approach them and to form a relationship. They are not objects to be traded, and you can be certain that the vast majority that get sold are either scams or actually selling tar spirits (the seller may or may not know this). Either way the buyer is in most cases deceived. And I am not phased by certain extreme cases who are professing to be "honorable and rescuing stray spirits" - they account less than 10% of the total trade, and even then, the practice remains somewhat dubious. I've read the most absurd cases of trying to sell "ancient dragons" as pet spirits, or "lucifer's lieutenants/daughter(s)" , or even Archangels (!) This is surely ludicrous, if one thinks about it for a moment: ancient dragons... would allow themselves to be captured like butterflies and traded to random people? Or... Lucifer would be OK with selling his daughter or lieutenant to strangers? Or the archangels for that matter.... it's absolutely crazy. But people sometimes are too eager to believe, and they get deceived. It's rather sad, but true. As for demonic pacts, I will say it again: the only people who could legitimately sell a demonic pact are Demons themselves; either through an elaborate process in spirit, or in the flesh in the case of illuminated people with demonic cores. Anything else is basically not going to work much, and the demons scoff at it as counterfeit, like people producing counterfeit money. Imagine the surprise of an occultist (or worse, a random person) who bought such a pact and suddenly meets that very same demon one day, who looks rather annoyed (to put it mildly), and the human is trying to make demands... the rest, I leave to your imagination. A pact with all 72 demons? That's out of the question. Mass-produced pacts, or pacts with a multitude of demons in one go are fake, and if you see something like that, it's obvious that the seller is either a fraud, or is clueless about how things work. As for my services, I thank you for your interest; you may contact me by DM for the link.
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
I wanted to ask about illuminated ka, what do they become exactly after death? Do they remain as their human selves or do they become some sort of mix of their human incarnation and their core?
that very much depends on what species is the core. Some KAs may get fused/merged with their cores (while retaining independent consciousness), while others, upon illumination, are able to roam freely and to continue evolving independently.
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
hello melias! i was wondering, if we are living presently, does that mean our past lives never awakened? because if an individual did awaken they wouldn't continue to reincarnate right? and i imagine most people have been living for thousands of years, it must mean reaching a point where you can awaken is very difficult
Hello and thank you for your message. It's a bit more complicated than that. The BA (core) gets reincarnated, and each time, a different KA (person) appears. It is this KA that gets to be awakened, or perhaps illuminated. So if that happens, the KA would escape the fate of becoming an archive after their ordeal in the underworld ends, and continue to exist in much freedom. However, the BA may continue to return to Earth, if its mission is not yet finished. So it will depend from case to case.
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
Can you share your Etsy for your services? Thank you 🤍
Please DM me for this, or for any requests. Thank you :)
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
Hello Melias!
Would you recommend demon work to beginners? If so, which would you recommend?
And perhaps this is a loaded question but how can a beginner destigmatize demons and working with them after experiencing traumas with the dominant religions (ie, Christianity)?
Hello, Working with demons should only be done if you are at least aware of some basics of what the demons expect, such as going against the Right Hand Path mentality, seeking truth, embracing challenges and necessary change, and also taking the demons seriously and not treating them as if they're your friends (they are around humans to act as guides or mentors). So if you can do these things to begin with, then you will be ready to try working with them, and gradually progress into more teachings of the demonic. Demons for beginners would include those that not only have more patience than other demons to teach beginners, but also are willing to give their teachings at a beginner-level (whereas others may seek to mainly teach more advanced practitioners). Some demons who fit this are Sitri, Gomory, Naema, Osiandos, Stolas, Mammon, Clauneck, Belphegor, Furfur, Bune, Astarte, Zepar, Saleos, Aetherea, Raum, Lucifer, and Lilith. All of them should still be treated with respect, especially Lucifer and Lilith as the High King and Queen of their realm. Keep in mind that this is not a conclusive list, and there are some demons who may be less patient (and so not on this list) but will make exceptions for specific people who they view as worthwhile. (edited)
To begin destigmatizing demons after being Christian, the best way to do this would be to interact with demons themselves, thus learning from experience. One of the most important things a person should do (especially when following demons) is to analyze which parts of their mindset are remnants from monotheism and to gradually undo them. Some examples would be feeling guilty over inconveniencing people (for something you actually need) or going against their beliefs (these aren't bad things to do, and are encouraged to keep society and ideas flowing, as well to empower yourself and stand against what you view as wrong, even if it means hurting peoples' feelings). Another example is feeling the need to forgive others, even those who aren't deserving of this, or to place a high value on mercy. All these things and more should be fought against, and the demons can help with this so you can become empowered as a person. If you combine this process of mental healing from Christianity with the interactions with demons, then you can eventually become more accustomed to them and gain deeper understanding.
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
Hello there!!
Does Hell have priests or priestess ? Not like in the Christian sense obviously I mean I assume a good number of priests are down there but what I meant was like sages
Yes they do, and these are demons as well.
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
Hi Melias
What’s the point of pledging yourself to one of the 3 kingdoms ? Especially if you don’t have a demonic core.
If you are interested in the demons, then these have a path for you to follow - you don't have to have a demonic core for that. However that doesn't mean residence in one of the three kingdoms. But pledging is not necessary either.
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
Hello melias! I hope you doing well <3
I just wanted to aks, an illuminated ka can have kids in the after life?
Oh, and also: Sok szerencsét az utadon
Yes, they can :) thank you for your message!
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
Do you have any information about aliens or extraterrestrials you're allowed to share? Thank you!
What would you like to know about?
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
I apologize if you’ve answered questions similar to this, but are there egyptian Deities you know for certain are represented by a different name in the Ars Goetia? I’ve been doing research, but I wanted to know your opinion since you seem quite knowledgeable.
So far I’ve found:
Bathin = Nephthys
Haagenti = Bastet
Ipos = Anubis/Yinepu
Morax = Ma’at
Orias = Osiris/Wesir
Purson = Horus (not sure if the source meant Heru-sa-Aset, Heru-wer, or another form of Horus)
Raun = Khnum
Sabnock = Sobek
Sitri = Set
Amon = Amun
This information comes from scattered sources, but I’m not sure the legitimacy of any of them and I have yet to find anything I trust.
I’ve been doing divination, but the results have been confusing, so I wanted to know your personal thoughts on all this. If you have any sources or could point me in a specific direction, that would also be very appreciated :)
Hello, I have encountered such attributions before on a Hungarian site I think (tarrdaniel) not sure; but I don't agree with these attributions. The demons I have spoken with have also denied that they are Egyptian deities in disguise. Sometimes humans may have derived names from an ancient pagan culture, but just because the derivatives or associations might be there, it doesn't mean that they are the same beings. The Demons are very separate from the deities presented in the list.
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melias-cimitiere · 1 year
When beginning my spiritual journey I started seeing the number 44 everywhere. I have now for the past 4 years consistently. Do number patterns mean anything in particular to you, or would be associated with any deity? Thank you, and I’m so happy I came across this blog!
Hello, I'm glad you like it. Patterns are important, but some of the number patterns are more tailored to the person who sees them; so it depends, because some might have personal significance, and some are more widely known. As for 44, I can see a "death and rebirth" pattern in that, a phase of dissolution that's essential for your progress on your path and a subsequent re-constitution in a better, more suitable way for your goals and future evolution.
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