melaninsaiyin · 3 years
The one where Goku tries his best (wc. 1200+)
Oh Goku, your sweet kind and caring Goku. He always has the right intentions, but always just barely missed the mark. But you couldn’t blame him really. All he wanted to do was show you love and appreciate you. It wasn’t his fault that somethings just managed to go over his head… a lot of the time.
Example A would be if you needed him to grab you something.
“Flower. Don’t forget flower when you go to the store hun. I need a lot of it”
Or at least you had said something like that. To be honest Goku wasn’t exactly listening as closely as he should have been. He was just so excited to head out and pay a visit to some of his old friends that he left the house with a hasty ‘yes yes of course’ as he pressed his lips to yours one last time before he took off to the sky. The request for flower sitting at the back of his mind.
Next thing Goku knew, sunset was already quickly approaching and he was waving goodbye to Roshi, Krillin and his family. The day was filled with smiles and laughter after reconnecting with Master Roshi, Krillin and his family that he had almost complexity forgotten your request. With sky darkening behind him, Goku asked for directions to the nearest flower market, thanked his friends one last time and took flight.
Hmm how many should I get, Goku thought, she did say a lot. Unsatisfied with any of the suggestions the florist provided for large bouquets, Goku suggested just taking home a majority of what was on display. The shop keeper stood in shock, jaw basically dropping at the demand, but made no complaints as the strange man handed him enough money to pay for nearly a months rent of the shop. And with the obscene amount of flowers in his hands, the onyx haired man made his way to the sky on route to his home.
“Hun?” He calls out to the house, his view obstructed by the various flora. “Im back with the flowers you asked for.
You pause to blink at him. One. Two. Three times before you sighed and started picking them from his hands as you place them in vases around the house. One at the bed side, one on the dining room table, a couple around the living room with you as you think to yourself oh my Goku. My sweet, sweet Goku who means so well.
“I meant flour. Like to bake with.”
Example B would be when he tries to surprise you
You would first notice something was off at the very beginning. When Goku began planning he would start sneaking around in the mornings when he thought you were still asleep and at night after you started dozing off in his arms. You had so much faith in your loving husband that you never questioned if there was ill intent to his sneaking out so you never mentioned it. If he was trying his hardest to keep something hidden from you, you were going to wait until he revealed it to you as a courtesy.
Of course it became harder to ignore his attempt to surprise you when he started asking all these questions out of the blue with his horrific timing. You could be in the middle of a shower and he would peek his head past the curtains, eyes only locked on yours despite your soapy naked figure, and he would be asking you if you preferred to have onigiris or takoyaki. How could food be on your usually insatiable husbands mind while you looked like that? It was a wonder. 
Eventually the reason for his wild behavior the past few weeks was revealed as you stepped in you kitchen after waking up alone in bed, the sleep suddenly leaving your eyes as you took in the banners and balloons and the table full of onigiris. Happy Birthday To The Most Beautiful Wonderful Love Ever the banner read as your eyes stayed wide, your voice stolen from you from the sheer surprise of it all. And there he stood, with his stupidly big grin, eyes shining bright with pride at his big show of love. He would move first, grabbing one the stuffed rice triangles, and offer it to you with a quiet murmur of an I love you.
All you could really do was kiss his cheek, then his mouth and whisper a soft thank you and you grabbed the treat and brought it to your lips. The two of you enjoyed the meal happily together and lazily napped the rest of the day to your request. And sure Goku was confused the following day when your friends called the house phone to wish you a proper happy birthday but you couldn’t be bothered that he got the day wrong with how much effort he had clearly put in.
Example C would be if you we’re trying to tell him you were pregnant
I would assume that after you found out, you would want the moment to be special because Goku puts so much effort into trying to make every little thing special for you, so the least you could do was return the sentiment. 
The first attempt would be while the two of you sat and enjoyed dinner alone together. As you brought him his second bowl of rice, you would drop a tiny shirt that you say Daddy’s munchkin or something similar. He would look at it and blink and say with his trademark grin, “Well that’s not going to fit either of us!” 
You looked at him with disbelief, before remembering that this was your Goku. And for how smart he truly is, you would somehow need to be more obvious in letting him know that he had a child on the way. After that you would take care in mentioning how you felt like you were eating for two or mention the baby names your mom had been messaging you the past couple of days. But it would seem that your husband was struggling to take a hint.
Of all the times for him to pick up on what you had been tell him for the past few weekends was at Bulma’s. She had invited the two of you to a casual dinner at hers with Vegeta solely for the reason of keeping well in touch after realizing Goku’s habit of disappearing for years at a time. Before asking Bulma had popped open a bottle of red wine that the two of you shared often any time you go together. But as she reached to fill your glass you quickly waved her off, stuttering out that you were fine for tonight. Your husband furrowed his eyebrows next to you before turning his whole body towards yours.
“If you’re worried about getting home I can always drive back if you don’t feel good enough.” But you were quick to wave off his concern and utter that you really didn’t want a glass one last time. Bulma simply shrugged and topped off the rest of her glass before putting the bottle away, ignoring Vegeta’s huff at the possibility of dealing with his wine drunk partner. However, Goku was still stuck on your refusal. You always had a glass of that wine whenever you got the opportunity because you had mentioned how you could personally never stomach paying that much for a single bottle. 
And then suddenly it hit him. 
The tiny shirt, the mood swings, the spontaneous vomiting and the wild cravings for octopus and mochi in the middle of the night.
“Your pregnant.” “Yes.”
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melaninsaiyin · 3 years
its scheduled for tmr so i hope you guys like it hehe (slightly angsty vegeta is up next)
omg also if anyone watched haikyuu pls let me know bc i want to ramble about oikawa tooru for hours
himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
Always here for more Vegeta! Can we get some Veggie dirty talk?
I feel like he would be condescending but still very sweet lowkey
“stop your whining”
“come on…that can’t be all that you can take”
“a little louder princess”
“you feel so good around me”
“watch me, eyes on me sweetheart”
gasp “I promise you’ll regret it if you try that again” (of course you do it again)
“everyone's going to know your mine when I’m through with you” (expect to be covered in hickeys, I feel like he would go crazy with those)
“oh…you look so pretty like this”
“again?” with his signature smirk
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP himbo goku WIP
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
Could we get more of our beloved asshole of a prince? ~ 💫
Of course! I’m a major sucker for Veggie so i love writing for him. If you have any requests or anything specific in mind shoot me another ask or message
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
Would you do the SFW alphabets to go along with your NSFW ones?
Yes! I found a template for those a couple days after I got this ask and it seems very wholesome
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
Raditz NSFW Alphabet (j-q)
word count: 947
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
His pants were becoming louder as he got closer to his release. His length was being pumped with his right hand as his left gripped at whatever it could find. His thoughts were filled with you and only you (as per usual). But tonight they were filled with the images of you right as you walked out the door. Dressed in short little number that hugged your body well as you went to meet friends at a bar.
Your legs had looked endless in those heels. All glowing and soft and he couldn’t help but reach out and touch you. But you had shut down his advances with a hard kiss and a strut out the door, shouting about already being late. So then he was left to deal with his own problem and his endless thoughts about ruining your makeup you had so carefully done.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Raditz could not deny that one of his favorite things to do was to take care of you. Especially in the bedroom. And his favorite way to take care of you, was to take control. He loved when you melted into him and listened to his every word and his every command. He would ask you to be on your knees and you would do it without hesitation. He could grip your hair and pull you down on his cock and you would have no protests. Raditz was your dom and you are happily submissive.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
The Raditz that you get is very different from the one that most people see on the daily. Even though he may be a sarcastic asshole to all of your mutuals, he is a complete sweetheart to you and in the bedroom. Because of this, he prefers the privacy of having you in his home and in his own safe space where he can be himself. Whenever you both are out he gets antsy and can never wait to get you home. Usually it starts with a smooth whisper in your ear whenever you both are in public.
“Babe, I think it’s time to start heading back.” He’d say, an arm wrapping around your waist. You’d of course laugh it off a little bit and continue on trying to socialize with Bulma or Launch but his arm would never leave from your side. You would feel his fingers tapping at your hips and sliding up and down you body until he gets so distracting you have to apologize to whoever you’re talking to.
“Can’t wait to get her home, can ya!” Bulma would laugh out.
“You know it.”
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
“Raditz” you would purr, arms holding your silk robe tightly against your body.
His lips would drag across his bottom lip as he would bite it in anticipation, “Yes love?”
Then you would grin like a Cheshire Cat and slowly loosen the ties, letting the robe drop.  You stood confidently in your new set, lace sitting high and pretty on your hips and chest. You could see the exact moment when his breathing stopped and then slowed down. His finger twitched as he ached to reach out to touch on your skin but he wouldn’t dare move without your permission. But wow he did love looking at you in new lingerie that would cup your chest perfectly and accentuate your backside.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Raditz is simply unable to do anything but sweet talk you. And as much as he loves you and would do nearly anything for you, even if you asked, degradation is a complete no from him.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loves to give, Raditz is a giver but don’t let any of the other other saiyins hear that. There’s just something so satisfying to him about making your body arch into his own. With the simple swipe of his tongue or the curl of his fingers, he would grin as he would bring you to release. Of course you would offer to return the favor but his mouth would be back on you before you could even get the last words out.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Raditz’s pace would entirely depend on the mood for the night. Let’s say you talking to him sweetly the entire night and smiling at him with your eyes crinkled…expect to be fucked nice and slow. He would want to take his time and appreciate you with his mouth and his words.
But say that you were talking back all night, looking at him with sultry eyes but avoiding his touch…girl you will not be able to walk until the next week. Either way he’s very giving and makes sure that you’re pleased by the end of the night.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
“One quick round,” You purred, “I promise I can make it fast.” Your hands quickly slithered around his waist swiftly moving south.
“Y/N, hun we have somewhere to be in like 30 minutes.” He laughed, grabbing your hands and removing them from his ass. You pouted and stepped back from the bigger saiyin.
“But why not!” You whined. Raditz beamed at you before engulfing you in his large arms.
“You know I love to take my time on you,” and then his energy shifted,”Just wait until we get back…I’ll make the wait worth it.” He leaned down to nibble on your ear.
“I promise.”
a little treat while i study for my midterms
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
update: technically still active!
I do check this blog pretty often and see all the messages in my ask box and all the nice comments you all leave. I really appreciate it a bunch!! Thank you for all the well wishes on my first semester of college too
currently, I'm just in a bit of a dragon ball funk and so I'm rewatching super with my roomie to try and get back into the vibe. Hopefully, I'm inspired again and can write some more for you all
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
I love how you write your Raditz so, so much. Will you be writing more for him?
Hi anon! Thank you I appreciate it 🤍and yes I do plan to write some more for him. Another part of his nsfw alphabet should be up tomorrow and I have some ideas for some hc’s too
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
Hi! Will you be doing the other halves of your Vegeta and Raditz alphabets?
Hi anon! Yes I am currently working on the 2nd part of the Raditz alphabet and it should be up by the middle of this week with another piece :)
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
Blurb - you and vegeta sneak around
so maybe you and vegeta had taken a liking to each other somehow and started some type of relationship
but the thing is he’s still as dad and has to co-parent a kid with bulma so being in a relationship with you would be all types of messy
so you two did the only thing you could think of…sneak around
vegeta was not stupid, so of course you were never over when Trunks was around and he always lowered his power level when he was with you so no one would get suspicious and ask why your energies were always together
but unfortunately for him, he forgot about one issue
the one major pain in his ass…goku
since he kept his power level so low, he could avoid kakarot using instant transmission and exposing your relationship
but damn his Saiyin sense of smell
on a particularly careless day, vegeta had forgotten to shower after activities with you before he headed to a sparring session with his rival
it took all but two seconds before goku’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped after catching a whif of his training partner
“Y/N?!?!?” He shouted reaching towards his friend
vegeta stilled, his insulting words caught in his throat
no way did kakarot figure it out first, and no way was he going to let him complicate his life by blabbing and telling anyone who would listen
vegeta quickly gripped goku’s gi and pulled his face towards his own with a menacing growl
“speak of this to anyone and I promise the dragons balls will not be able to bring you back from the hell I will send you to”
goku gave him his signature nervous giggle and rubbed his neck before agreeing with a simple ‘okay okay okay’
so bulma was throwing one of her signature parties, the whole z gang and all
you were there of course, spending time with all your friends and keeping a healthy enough distance from vegeta where you would interact but no one would be able to read any further into it
until goku got there of course
It took all of 5 minutes of him arriving before you were left blushing and avoiding everyones eyes, vegeta standing next to you fuming, and a goku sized crater in the spot right in front of you
A/N: Man I have been busy trying to get into the swing of college so I’m sorry that my posting is super inconsistent. I’m having trouble writing full pieces so I’m going to keep trying to write with some of the blurbs/headcannons. I don’t want to make any promises about how many posts ill make a week but this blog is active. byeeeee
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
And to the anon who sent in a request for Future Trunks, I see you and I will get to it!
I might post some other writing in the mean time because I don’t want to write a bunch of unfinished nsfw alphabets but I will get to it and hopefully have all three parts finished when I reply
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
SEE!! This! I want to write things like this!!!!!
In love with the idea of Whis' s/o calling him "angel" as a pet name and Whis being very confused by it at first
I could definitely see that. He'd be like... yes? I am an angel, what of it?
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
Bro i cannot wait until the weekend to do some writing
college and trying to keep up a social life is hard when all you want to do is rewatch super and write
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
hiiii I love your blog ❤️ can you write an nsfw alphabet for vegeta?
Yes you can find part 1 HERE
Feel free to send in other requests and I will do my best to respond asap
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
Vegeta NSFW Alphabet (a-i)
word count: 1157
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Right after sex is most likely when Vegeta is his most vulnerable with you. He has all these walls built up and these were the moments where he wouldn’t be so guarded. After you both get cleaned up, he’d be the one to draw you to his chest and hold you tight. Pillow talk is a must for him too. He just loves getting sleepy replies from you or watching you doze off when he tells you old stories about Planet Vegeta.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and/or their partner’s)
His eyes were hyper fixated on your face. You were saying something but he was clearly not listening. Of course, whatever you were ranting about did not matter to him but he stood there to avoid adding any more time to this lecture. But at the moment it didn’t seems bad if you wanted to talk his ear off for longer because he couldn’t take his eyes off your lips. The darker color you were wearing accentuated the shape of your lips and oh how he wanted to kiss the color off of your mouth.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
You had never deliberately asked Vegeta to pull out, but more often than not it was his go to move. You never questioned him about it (you doubted you would get a response anyway) but he likes the idea of watching his cum coat your stomach instead. Sometimes it was just better to see your body twitch as the ribbons would land on your silk smooth skin. He would lick a stripe from your cunt to your naval, eyes never leaving yours. And then meet your lips in a filthy kiss before rolling away to clean up.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Vegeta loved to see your exposed skin, mainly in dresses. There was something about watching the hem of the soft fabric brush against the skin of your legs as you moved around freely. More often than not he would be standing behind you as you decided what to wear in the mornings, head resting in the crook of you neck, suggesting the dress with the yellow sash. Or the floral green one. Or the one that hugs your ass. He loved all your dresses and boy was it easier to convince him to go a quick round if you wore one.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Vegeta knows what he’s doing. He often may struggle with understanding his emotions in your relationship or with understanding his role as a boyfriend. But sexually…Vegeta will not let you down. You never asked about his past partners (again you doubted he would tell you) but he must have learned well from them. It’s a little embarrassing how easily he can turn you into putty in his hands and pull moans from you.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Vegeta loved the look of you on top of him. Legs straddled over his hips and hands splayed across his sweaty chest as you slowly ground down on him. He loved how despite the fact that you were on top and seemingly in control…you were at his complete mercy.
And how could he want anything else? In this position he gets to see your head thrown back in pleasure. He gets to see you bite your lip to keep back the moans that kept pouring out of your pretty mouth. And best of all he gets to see how your face twist as your walls clench around him as you bring yourself to release with him. He couldn’t ask for a better view.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Kami you thought that was hot. Vegeta always managed to surprise you with his dirty talk, and this time of course was no surprise. It was never ‘dirty’ in nature, he thought too highly of himself to use such vulgar language, but it never failed to turn you on in an instant.
His hands were roaming your body, his mouth seemingly everywhere at once. No portion of your skin left untouched by his tongue and teeth. You were responding to his touch, body shivering and arching to follow the ghost of his fingertips. “Ah,” you cried as teeth brushed over that sensitive portion of your neck, “don’t tease, hurry it up.”
And then his hands were gone.
He looked down at you with a glint in his eye, the whispers of a joke that you were left out of floating around in those onyx eyes. You could see the side of his mouth move upwards as he looked your body up and down.
“Wouldn’t you love to be able to tell me what to do,” He scoffed, “now don’t worry princess I’ll be sure you to give you as much as you can handle.” He chuckled before setting back to work.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Your hand trailed down his abdomen in curiosity as you sat on top of him and straddled his hips. Vegeta’s eyes were on you while your focus remained on his midsection, hands creeping lower and lower. As you reached the trail of dark hair on his body you looked up and smiled cutely at him.
“Didn’t think you were covered in this much hair.” You mumbled, eyes moving back down to avoid his eye. He chuckled as he moved one of his hands from your hips to run down his own chest.
“I promise you haven’t seen the half of it yet.”
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Your lips moved against his slowly, a lazy but sweet rhythm being kept up between the two of you. His hands gently roamed your body, coming down from your side to grip at your thigh and pull you closer to him. Your own hands were moving to cup the sides of his face in an attempt to deepen the kiss further. 
The both of you had been kissing sensually like this for a good couple of minutes before he pulled his head from yours completely. His eyes locked on yours for a second, face stoic but his lips were pink and swollen. But his expression changed for just a moment. For just that second it was filled with warmth as his lips turned up into a slight smile and the corners of his eyes crinkled. As quickly as the expression had appeared, it was gone and then he was back to kissing you. 
But you had seen it. You had seen that moment of complete love and adoration and kissed him back with the same love.
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
Raditz NSFW Alphabet (a-i)
word count: 1003
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
“Good job baby.” He cooed as he pulled out,”You did so well.”
Your breathing was slowing as you came down from your high and a shy smile was slowly making its way onto your face. “Yeah?” You questioned him.
“Of course.” He confirmed with a kiss to your head before he made his way to the bathroom to grab a towel for you both. It was a comfortable quiet as Raditz gently wiped you down, the only sound you could hear was the humming of the heater. It wasn’t long before you were tucked into his side, sound asleep while he flicked through tv channels.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
“Have I ever mentioned how much I love your legs.” Raditz whispered trailing his lips across the brow of your hips. You giggled softly before it became a moan as he gently nibbled on your inner thigh. “No seriously, I could never get bored of these.”
“Good” She cried out as his lips finally reached her core, “Wouldn’t want you to get rid of me yet.”
Raditz raised his head to scoff a quiet as if before he continued to swirl his tongue in that tantalizing way that makes you whimper and cry out for him. Your hands fly out to tangle in his hair and urge him on. Then she let out a sudden belly laugh and tightened her grip in his mane.
“Could say the same about your hair big guy.”
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Your knees were slightly aching but you didn’t dare move. Raditz stood tall above you, grunting as his hand pumped his length just centimeters from your lips. His movements were getting sloppier and more rushed which indicated that he was getting close. Your lips parted as your hands crawled up his thighs, pulling a sharp gasp from him. He was almost there. Then you looked up at his with your bright innocent gaze and oh fuck
He was done for.
White ribbons coated your face and pooled on your tongue as he finally came. After one final pump, Raditz leaned down and kissed your forehead before muttering, “Good girl.”
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Raditz’s dirty secret is that he definitely kisses and tells. Maybe not to too many people but if his brother ever asked about you, best believe he’s spilling every single detail. Honestly Goku should know better than to ask by now but once Raditz gets going he can’t stop. Soon he’s going off about that one thing you did with your tongue last week or about how he’s been itching to ask if he could turn his hands into your new necklace that eventually he’s so off in his own bubble filled with only you that he doesn’t notice Goku’s hands reach out and shove him in an effort to get him to shut up.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
The words were stuck in your throat as you looked into his expecting eyes. How am I going to do this you thought. Raditz was all bright eyed and had never given you a reason to be nervous about anything but the all too sudden fear of disappointing his was weighing down on you. You know he’s been with other girls, and that he clearly knows what he’s doing by the way he can pull moans out of you at the drop of a hat. How could you meet those expectations?
“I’ve only been with one other person”
“If your a virgin I don’t care babes”
And then all the tension in your shoulders dissolved as you both fell into a comfortable laughter.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
There was something about the way his hands held your hips in a bruising grip as you cried out beneath him. Face pressed into the mattress after dropping from your elbows from pure exhaustion. Your back was arched and beautifully glistening as his hips snapped into your own. Yeah Raditz had a soft spot for doggy and how you melted perfectly into his touch.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Raditz could never really be serious with anything for too long, lets be honest. Don’t get me wrong, this big softie cares so much about you and is unbelievably romantic and intimate but one of his best qualities is being able to keep things light and even during sex he’s able to do that.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
The first time you and Raditz had gone further than a heavy make out session you had been somewhat shocked at how well kept his hair was…down there. You had expected long and unruly similarly to his big head of hair but he clearly kept up with his trimming.
He gave you a sheepish smile that suspiciously reminded you of his brothers before muttering something about, “not wanting to scare you off yet.”
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Raditz’s goal anytime you are intimate is for you to know how much he loves you and worships your entire being. There’s no denying how sweet he can be just in general, but he’s somehow able to top it every night. Or morning. Or afternoon.
“Baby you know how much I love you.” He would purr as he pumped himself in and out of you slowly. You would only be able to moan out an mmhm as he continued his sweet talk.
“Can’t believe you come home to me everyday, and that I…” He stopped as he leaned down closer to you ear, ”get to have you like this.” As he grazed his teeth on the shell of you ear.
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