Replenishing and rediscovering the child inside me
Replenishing and rediscovering the child inside me (other version)
Replenishing and rediscovering that child inside me (poem)
Where did my inner child
He did not aimlessly used to wear that formal smile and pass it to the world around bim
but despite of unrealistic laughter & his smile his happiness used to
make his heart dance in enthusiasm
and use to shine
like diamonds in his innocent eyes...
now that child tries to depict lies from his emotionless face*
to fit in this world with a feeling utter state of
pointlessness and depression*
Oh child inside us
You have such a heart that used to be so lubricated with true joy in such a little things~
Visiting new place you knew nothing of excited you to the point you wanted to explore it as much as possible know the mysterious world around you
Cause your tiny heart thought that the world is so big and filled with wonders you knew nothing of that your tiny hands wanted to grasp and embrace them~
But then gradually the warmth faded away realising that this life is not a bed of roses... But a race~
A race against reality and yourself and a unjustified fight for " survival"
Oh thy inner child
you used to think that life is supposed to be lived but no it is all about how to survive through out these flames....
There exists no true joy anymore... This survival of the fittest... Became a painful game....
True joy sealed off...
There exists no sun shine like before
Mankind ... Wearing a mask to decaying the naturalness of life
I look for you ohh child
Deep in the darkness searching everywhere to find myself...
Where are you my child
Seems like
Harsh reality crushed you
Lies broke you
People's selfishness... Swallowed you...
Cold hearts... Led you deeper into a ocean you never knew you'd be able to go...
Oh child... How do I stop your cries...
How long until... You completely vanish away ?leaving me all broken and incomplete
Scared... Lonely... Loveless waiting from ages for something entirely unknown
Oh weeping child
What do you wish to see
What do you wish to be
Don't you feel left behind...(out) ?being there
Don't you want to see the paradise so far and so vast
Don't you want to go on an adventure of your own true world filled with sweet memories...
Don't you wish to create a world with greenery within yourself to bloom
Don't you want to free yourself from the darkness you locked up yourself away from your favourite things and this mysterious world u used to smile at with curiousity and looked forward To...
Hey child inside me where have you faden away?
Come here.... And sit like a lively kid
Tell me the things that used to reflect stars and moon in your eyes
As if they all are shining for you only
Tell me how i looked when my smile use to be real.
...What's the point of Being so called mature .and knowing life..if you have started to think more than
You feel things..
oh child
you had to engulf his innocence for the sake survival in this cruel world
By running away from your heart to the head
how cruel have you become to yourself....?
By running away from your own heart...?
im Still Stuck in my own head remembering the happy lil child i used to be and all that's left is
A cold place
No warmth sease to exist...
A place where there is no living thing
Curled up waiting for light in
A place so unknown... No doors to trespass
No mirrors to look...
No walls either !
No tears
No smile
No joy... No blissfulness... No true heartedness either...
Just numbness
A place of infinite darkness, myths silence and nothingness
A place where the birds are not singing
A place
Where even flowers are hiding there tears
Oh weeping flowers in the garden
Why do you cry
For something you can't get
Oh weeping trees out in the green forests
why cry? when you will be cut down till you see no growth in yourself
I ask myself
Where is my willfulness & zest
in my every day mornings Which i used to have...
Oh... I guess.. it has probably as well washed away from myself...
Oh dear inner child
Disappeared away into a place so unknown even I can't trace you back up... But hey it's me
seeking u from a while
I know you are anxious because you thought of this world as a merry and lovely phenomena
Yea it is not although
How long will your cry down there??
Look how the starts still illuminates for everything you do
You gotta arise again
I know you could not just wash away in this rain of extreme pain of the battle known to as life
I know you have'nt deceased yet
You are just hidden due to all the traumas
Right ?
You are right here deep down dwelling with in me in most inner core of my heart
And one day i will wake up from this nightmare in a world full of wonders
Stretching out my arms to feel the warmth of the new paradise that opened up for me
I dance in the endless grasslands filled with joy and excitements.. ..
And then
Running around the paradise
While the air bows down to the grass beneath me
Dancing in it as the grass welcomes me
Flowers bloom in my path leading me towards myself once again
Ultimately free of the pain~ falling in love with this wonderful life~realising
That life is not to be just survived
It is to be lived and to be loved
Cuz dear there is *only one*
Collaborated Dark *poem*
Made By - Karin ^•^
& Rishab
{Written on 23 may 2021}
Written By Karin(kusuma) and Rishabh
-may 2021
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