mbticonfessions · 8 years
Re: ISFJ Confession #63
To the ISFJ who thinks they’re useless: please don’t say that! I think ISFJ is such a wonderful type. I’m an INTP and one of my most valuable friendships has been with an ISFJ. There are many many qualities in her and the ISFJ personality type that I admire so much! I’ve often felt useless compared to her! I still do, regarding her steadiness, the way she’s so grounded in the world, but how she is also creative, loyal and strong.
Every type has something to offer and every individual has the potential to be valuable. :)
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
ENTP confession #102
We’re supposed to be very attracted to INFJs, and I find it to be true. I have a lot of INFJ friends, more so than other types. However, I always end up disliking them - they’re too clingy, they want you to know every single detail of your life (I’m doing schoolwork right now… I’m getting coffee right now… my friend who you don’t know and probably won’t care about told me this…) and I always end up distancing myself from them, even though we initially click.
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
INTJ confession #119
I am an INTJ female. When I was a kid (maybe about 5 or 6), my mother was worried about my social life. Apparently, I didn’t have many friends back then. She asked me whether I would like to invite someone over for a play-date. So I did. I put on my best manners and showed her how to play a game alone. Afterwards, I left to another room to finish a book. After half an hour, she told my mother that she wanted to go home.
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
ENFP confession #118
I’m ENFP and it might just be me and not my type, but I find that I tend to bottle up my feelings until I burst. I try to vent and find help, oftentimes messaging up to five or six people at a time when I’m feeling down. But if they say they’re stressed and apologize for being unable to help, I immediately leave them alone and try to be the support they need even if I really, REALLY don’t feel like it.
Also, I almost never feel satisfied with the support my friends give me. That’s another thing. Maybe it’s because I’m a writer (not trying to sound pretentious, just saying that I more or less know how to work with word choice and such), but I feel like, when people come to me for venting or advice, I try my best to give them a good response and they often tell me that I helped. But when I come to them, all I ever get is a frowny face emoji or something to the tune of “that sucks”. I just feel…used, a lot of the time. Like people expect me to always be their ray of sunshine when in reality I’m a pissed off, desperate, melancholy mess about 99.99999% of the time.
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
ENFP confession #117
I thought I was INFP for the longest time, because I was severely depressed (I still am but less so) and everything and everyone drained me easily. I retook the test recently and I find ENFP suits me a lot better, minus the whole “being a leader” thing. 
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
ENFJ confession #43
Where are all my fellow ENFJs? :) For the record, I am a big fan of introverts, especially the INTx and INFx types. I have the best conversations with them, and they understand my need for alone time when I am tired of being around people, due to me “soaking up” and responding to everyone’s moods and stories. And, of course, all my relationships have been with INTx types. We find each other mutually fascinating. My favorite, though, are the INTPs, with their propensity to be like that lovable but slightly absentminded professor from college.
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
INTP confession #207
ENTJs drive me fucking nuts. Not individual ENTJs, but the weird kind of microculture that’s developed around them. I can’t stand the pretentious “no-feeling” bull shit, I can’t stand this weird mental superiority that has to be established. Whenever I see an ENTJ blog I can’t help but expect the worst because I’ve just seen so many terrible ENTJs. Sometimes I’m unsure if my dislike for them has to do with us just being each others’ shadow types or what. I can’t stand their stupid suit fetish blogs or their white collar job jerkoff fests, or that RIDICULOUS mentally superior tone (apparently they’re not aware that they do it) they take on with every fucking post they make like. FUCK. Chill the hell out, just let people be people and try to maybe consider breaking down your barriers. You might even become a happier person for it you know, not CONSTANTLY having to maintain this idealistic image of what the hell you want to be.
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
INFJ Confession #113
I can sit over coffee with you for hours listening to your life values, childhood memories, fear, hope, philosophy, morals or dreams. Yet, I am not interested in gossiping and talking shit about other people. If you are being pretentious and not going to open yourself up, please do not waste my time because I can see through you.
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
INTP Confession #206
I am highly introverted. I don’t believe that I’m antisocial… or I avoid people. I just prefer my solitude a whole lot. Of course, that makes me lost in social conventions. I’m not in any clubs… because I don’t think they suit me. I tend to love philosophy, psychology, etc like a typical INTP. I’ve been thinking how INTPs are not important or don’t contribute to society… but that’s okay. Our minds unravel and re-ravel theories… but they shall never apply themselves to real life applications unless they really want to… For instance, I would love to work in a psychology lab. I would like to do experiments on certain objects and how the brain works. It wasn’t until high school that I’ve observed so much and started to write out my thoughts… I believe I’m developing a lot of my introspective side…I did have fits of depression, but I’m getting much better. It may be a placebo effect, but I’m trying to keep it. I’m not a risk taker… I live comfortably. However, I’m always still trying to commit to something… because I get very uninterested and nothing goes. Just like the action oriented people who want to find out how objects work, I want to find out how our minds work… and someday, if I wanted to, I’ll try to apply myself to the external environment. For now, I shall play around with my brain more for some time… What is useless? Could anyone describe this? Society does favor those who contribute to the 2020 kind of future… but… everyone has their own different journey. They will determine how they will make of this. I want to know how you guys are living. What are your stories?
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
ENTP Confession #101
It can be very hard not to be in touch with your inner emotions. It’s hard for me to connect with people and it’s hard for me to hold my interest when in a romantic relationship. That’s extremely frustrating to me because I desperately wish to be in love. There are plenty of great, good people willing to date me (I’m not trying to seem like I’m not humble I’m sorry if it seems that way), yet I am unable to have any sort of interest or connection with them. For a person that spends all her time reading romance books and planning out tons of fun little surprises for her potential/future significant other…this is a terrible situation.
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
ENFP Confession #116
I used to be an incredibly talkative person when I was younger. Now, I feel like I don’t talk as much in general, but once you get me going I can hardly shut up. So, somewhere along the way I developed a really bad habit of interrupting others. Honestly, half the time I genuinely don’t even realize I’m doing it. It’s as if a thought comes to me and I have to blurt it out the moment I think it or I’ll burst. Which really annoys my boyfriend. Understandably so, but he feels the need to bring conversation to a halt and point it out to me whenever I have interrupted him. I always apologize, of course, even though it’s accidental. And I am really trying to be more conscious of it and not do it. But it is difficult and I really wish he didn’t call me out on it so much! I mean I get it dude, I’m sorry, I’m working on it, I feel bad, what more do you want?!
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
ENTJ confession #58
Being an ENTJ and a lesbian whenever I see males of my type try to talk about romance it sounds like everything that is the least appealing to me about men/straight relationships! Its like they really think the only type of romance is a strong/wealthy guy swooping in on a white horse or expensive car and talking like Christian Grey. I really hope I don’t act like that in relationships! I like to think that my experiences being both a woman and gay have given me a healthy enough Fi that I don’t treat women in my life like dispensable emotional labor vehicles. I truly don’t think being an ENTJ means your love life has to be shallow, opportunistic, or creepy and I’d like anyone of my type to seriously examine themselves and how they view their relationships.
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
ISTJ confession #43
I’m an ISTJ and I care about people a lot more than I let on. All I really want to do is help people, and act as a guardian for the people I love. 
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
ISTP confession #55
I can’t force myself to follow proper social etiquette outside of politeness. I know what to say and how to act to avoid offending or awkwardness but I just can’t bring myself to do it. It’s as if Ti has Fe on a leash.
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
ESTJ confession #16
I never understand how people can turn basic things into complex problems and spend too much time on them. I always focus on the reality instead of making up things and developing too much thoughts, which is mostly good because I believe that it makes me a successful problem solver.
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
ESTJ confession #15
I actually like helping people. Of course it’s great for me to make someone happy but what’s better is that without my help they would have a really hard time and for me it’s just easy and the solution is obvious, so why not help them? It makes me feel valuable and proud.
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mbticonfessions · 8 years
ESTJ confession #14
If I think my opinion is the right one, I will fight you.
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