mattanaministry · 2 hours
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mattanaministry · 6 hours
Mattana Ministry
Welcomes You To:
Daily Bible Study: 4 June 2024
Theme: Book of 2 Kings (2)
Scripture: 2 Kings 4; 2 Kings 5; 2 Kings 6; 2 Kings 7; Rom. 5:5; Matt. 22:37; Deut. 6:5 & Rom. 8:28
Disappointment is not something new to every one of us. Every one of us experiences disappointment in life, especially with the people close to us. What is the reason for disappointment? The reality doesn’t match our expectations. Some people also get disappointed with God because what they pray for is not answered by God, or the prayer is answered differently from what they wish for.
Romans 5:5 tells us that we should not be disappointed because we have the love of God in our hearts. The key to having no disappointment is to have the love of God. What kind of God’s love that we need to have? Do we love God with all of our heart, soul, strength, heart, and mind (this is the main commandment from God,) or do we love God with our measure of love? Human love depends so much on the situation and condition. When we are well, we can love God; otherwise, we become disappointed with God.
When we obey this main commandment (that is written in Matthew 22:37, and Deuteronomy 6:5), we should not become disappointed in any kind of situation and condition we face. God’s love is giving us strength and a firm guarantee that He works together in every matter to bring goodness to those who love Him (Romans 8: 28).
Holding on to the trust of God’s love will enable us to come out from the trap and poison of disappointment that kills our dreams, the purpose of, life, and even our future. Shake off the toxin of disappointment from our hearts and we will be able to look at our future with eyes that are fixed on Jesus, who will lead us to faith and through faith and bring us to the perfection of love.
Stop looking at our problems but direct our view to God’s love that sets us free.
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mattanaministry · 20 hours
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mattanaministry · 23 hours
Mattana Ministry
Welcomes You To:
Senior Program: 3 June 2024
Theme: Love: The Fruit of the Spirit (6)
Scripture: 1 John. 3:21-23; Rom. 13:8 & John. 15:12
Disobedience Is Dangerous
Sometimes people think God’s commands are just suggestions, but they aren’t! Everything God instructs us to do is for our good. And that includes in the area of love.
When we don’t obey God, we open ourselves up for the devil to have a field day in our lives. And, even worse, we block the countless blessings God is waiting to shower on us.
Let’s take a look at two of the places He commands us to love.
Romans 13:8 (NIV) says, “…whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” That means not loving others is breaking God’s law. And, of course, let’s not forget John 15:12, which says, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”
Disobedience is dangerous! Just as when we obey God’s Word, we experience victory and live as overcomers, when we disobey Him, we experience defeat. We step out of the light and start stumbling around in the darkness. That’s not a safe thing to do. We want to stay protected and on the victory side. We want to walk continually in God’s power and manifested presence by communing with Him in His Word and keeping His command of love.
Next time we think about lashing out at someone or letting envy get the best of us, ask ourselves this, “Am I willing to put my blessings and victories on the line right now for this one moment?” Most likely, the answer will always be no.
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mattanaministry · 1 day
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mattanaministry · 1 day
Mattana Ministry
Welcomes You To:
Daiĺy Bible Study: 3 June 2024
Theme: Book of 2 Kings
Scripture: 2 Kings 1;
2 Kings 2; 2 Kings 3;
Rom. 8:38-39 & John. 3:16
Apostle Paul had experienced a lot of hardships and challenges along his journey to spread the Gospel to many places. He experienced a lot of sufferings since he repented such as being in prison, being in stripes, being beaten with rods, being stoned, being shipwrecked, and other sufferings. But he could boast and say that nothing can separate him from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
When someone who has just repented and believes in Jesus suddenly has to face sufferings and hardship because of his faith in Jesus, there is a tendency that this person will not be able to stand it and turn back to his old life.
When God brought the Israelites out of Egypt into the Promised Land, God could have brought the Israelites through the shortcut that required only 11 days but God didn’t do that. Instead, God brought them through the path that encircled the desert that required 40 years.
There is a tendency of our human nature to give up when we face challenges and difficulties in life. We give up with the situation, give up with ourselves, give up with our family, work, and ministry and even sometimes we give up with God.
Let us remember the great love of God to us (John 3:16). He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with us also freely give us the help and way out of our problems? God never gives up with us, therefore we shall not give up with our problems too.
Do not ever give up, hold firm our hope to God, because God will never let us down.
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mattanaministry · 7 days
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mattanaministry · 7 days
Mattana Ministry
Welcomes You To:
Daiĺy Bible Study: 28 May 2024
Theme: Book of 1 Kings (6)
Scripture: 1 Kings 19;
1 Kings 20; 1 Kings 21;
1 Kings 22 & Heb. 10:23
Jehoshaphat was one of the Kings of Judah who lived according to God’s way and did what was right before God and followed the ways of his father Asa. God appreciated what Jehoshaphat did. During his reign, Jehoshaphat reformed the life of the people of Judah back to worshipping the Lord God of their fathers. Nevertheless, the high places where the Israelites gave sacrifices to other gods were not taken away, for as yet the people had not directed their hearts to the God of their fathers. Jehoshaphat also allied himself to the king of Israel who acted very wickedly and did not worship the Lord God. Jehoshaphat did not really depend on God but relied on the strength of man.
Jehoshaphat’s shortcoming made a big impact to Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Jehoshaphat’s son, Jehoram, did not walk in the ways of his father. When Jehoram was established over the kingdom of his father, he strengthened himself and killed all his brothers and all other princes of Israel with sword. He did wicked things before God. We learn here that because Jehoshaphat did not settle all the high places to give sacrifices to other gods, it led the people of Judah back to sin. Because he reformed things incompletely, it couldn’t become a strong foundation for his people.
The life story of Jehoshaphat reminds us that our spiritual life will impact our family, descendants and community. Spiritual transformation that we experience have to impact our minds and the people around us. As Christians it is our duty to spread the fear of God to our family members and community so that they will worship the real God.
When the spirit of the Lord is leading our life, our life will be transformed.
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mattanaministry · 11 days
Mattana Ministry
Welcomes You To:
Daiĺy Bible Study: 24 May 2024
Theme: Book of 1 Kings (5)
Scripture: 1 Kings 15;
1 Kings 16; 1 Kings 17;
1 Kings 18 & Rom.12:12
Obey and Stay Faithful
From every story of kings in Judah or Israel, we can see the character of God who can not stand sin. In each of these stories, we can learn some things to consider in our Christian life:
First, God wants total obedience from His chosen people, His people who decided to follow Him. The form of obedience is when we think that nothing is more important than His words
Obedience will bring our lives to fulfill God's will. Obedience to God was born from our heart willing to be formed and humble to learn from other people who live in the spirit of fear of God.
Second, remain faithful to God. It was very unfortunate rulers, the kings who had seen God's awesomeness with their own eyes, but when it came to their turn, they turned aside from God. This is a strong warning for those who are living following the Lord Jesus today. The mistakes they made may happen in our lives, for example; When we diligently serve God but do not live for God. When we are too busy 'eradicating' the sins of others, but negligent and insensitive to our own mistakes. The key is to keep words faithful. Do we remain faithful to live in the truth? God is faithful, that is why we, His children, must live in faithfulness.
Try to face all challenges by remaining faithful, obedient, and faithful to God.
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mattanaministry · 11 days
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mattanaministry · 12 days
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mattanaministry · 12 days
Mattana Ministry
Welcomes You To:
Daiĺy Bible Study: 23 May 2024
Theme: Book of 1 Kings (4)
Scripture: 1 Kings 10;
1 Kings 11; 1 Kings 12;
1 Kings 13; 1 Kings 14 &
Ps. 130:6
Living in Fear of God
One kind of God's sentence for sinful man is the loss of God's glory and God's favor over his life. It happened in the story of King Rehoboam. He was the son of Solomon who "let" the kingdom of Judah commit sin. What were the sins of the kingdom of Judah? Verses 23-24 described the idolatry and idolatry which was mixed with sexual sin into worship. This sin defiled the promised land, for the presence and the name of God was there. That's why God punished them, this implied that the people of Israel had lost the glory of God.
The act of sin that we committed surely has consequences and could lead us to God's judgment. The real judgment of God is the loss of the glory and favor of God in a person. The source of the destruction of a life is when worshipping God is no longer become a priority. Never turn away from living in fear of God. For our strength as believers is fear of God, there is no compromise in it.
The worst position in human life is when we are separated from God and the loss of God's embracement. Because if it all happens then the family, work, education, health or whatever it will be slowly destroyed. Continue to life closely to God, so that our souls won’t be perished in separation with God.
Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints! There is no want to those who fear Him.(Psalm 34: 9)
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mattanaministry · 13 days
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mattanaministry · 13 days
Mattana Ministry
Welcomes You To:
Daiĺy Bible Study: 22 May 2024
Theme: Book of 1 Kings (3)
Scripture: 1 Kings 7;
1 Kings 8; 1 Kings 9 & Ps.119:146-148
Failed or Successful?
The inaccuracy in judging the meaning of success and failure hurts one's life which means also the failure of life. But if we can interpret them rightly and correctly, those two things will form us to be qualified people. Successful people for sure have experiences in a situation or an occasion when they were in the failed zone. But they can be categorized successfully, as they can interpret their failure as a 'vehicle' to succeed.
David in the journey of his life gave us an example of how to respond to any failure and use it as a vehicle to succeed. He succeeded in transforming what the world views as a failure and he used it as a lesson to always be grateful and stronger in the hope of his faith in God. Furthermore, Davidic psalms through the power of the Holy Spirit have awakened the faith of their readers to the present day.
The truth is, that failure or success all depends on how we react to it. Failure can happen, but if we believe that it is still under God's control then our faith will grow and bring us to experience walking with God. So failure is when we fail to address God’s will. But success is a moment of positive response and gratitude for whatever we are experiencing, whether it is good or bad. This attitude determines the maturity of our faith.
Move in God's plan, so that success is real in our lives
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mattanaministry · 14 days
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mattanaministry · 14 days
Mattana Ministry
Welcomes You To:
Weekly Bible Study: 21 May 2024
Theme: Bible Basics Explained/Faith (2)
Scripture: Heb.11:3 & Gen.1:1-4
We’re back in Hebrews 11, and in verse 3 we run directly into a sticky point in the world of faith: science. Specifically, creation. Let’s read at verse 3:
“By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (Hebrews 11:3).
So our chapter on faith begins with our understanding of creation. So what about evidence for creation?
Consider quickly the beginning of the universe in light of the basic laws of science. We know the universe had a beginning from simple number theory. If we start counting at negative infinity, it’s impossible to arrive at two thousand something. So there must be a start. At some point, time began.
And at some point space came into being. And matter. And energy.
Let’s apply the laws of science.
Conservation of Mass: Matter can neither be created nor destroyed.
So where did all the matter come from? There is no scientific law nor test or observation that can validate anything creating something. The Big Bang theory offers no scientific explanation for nothing becoming something. It had to happen. Had to. And yet it violates the conservation of mass. Unless there is something outside this universe that created the mass from nothing. Next law of science.
Conservation of Energy: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
Again, energy could not have existed for eternity past, so it must have a beginning. The Big Bang offers no scientific explanation for nothing creating energy. It had to happen. And yet it violates the Conversation of Energy. Unless something outside the universe created the energy from nothing. And one more scientific law: entropy.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics tells us that order cannot come from disorder in a closed system.
All things naturally move toward disorder. Now the universe has a phenomenal amount of order in it. So where did it come from? If the universe is a closed system, then the scientific laws insist that something outside of the universe must have added it.
So to be an atheist and still believe the laws of science, then we must believe that the major scientific laws were broken at some point by nothing. For the atheist, nothing created time, space, matter, energy, and order.
Now science does not lead us to that conclusion. That conclusion violates scientific law. So believing it requires faith. That is faith in nothing.
But what if we trusted the scientific laws? Well, they all tell us that time, space, matter, energy, and order must come from something. They cannot create themselves. However, there is nothing in the known universe that can create them. So it would require something outside the known universe to create them.
Now consider Genesis 1:1.
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).
Beginning - that’s time.
God - something outside the universe.
Created - that word in Hebrew means to make something from nothing.
The heavens - space.
And the earth - matter.
So God, outside the universe, created time, space, and matter. What happened next? God said, “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3). That’s energy.
And the very next thing, He “separated the light from the darkness” (Genesis 1:4). That’s order.
Time, space, matter, energy, order. How is it that Genesis 1, written well over 3,000 years ago, gives a direct explanation for the problems brought up by the laws of science, some of them formulated in the last two hundred years? That’s pretty amazing.
When it comes to faith, we should all recognize our options here: the universe as we know it either came from nothing or something. The laws of science tell us nothing cannot make something. So option 1 is to put our faith in nothing. It breaks the laws of science, and there is no atheist solution for this apart from sheer faith. But we can choose to believe it on faith. Option 2 is to put our faith in a Creator. No laws of science are broken, but it still does take faith.
So back to Hebrews 11:
“By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (Hebrews 11:3).
Many of us believe that. But not everyone agrees.
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mattanaministry · 14 days
Mattana Ministry
Welcomes You To:
Daily Bible Study: 21 May 2024
Theme: Book of 1 Kings (2)
Scripture: 1 Kings 4; 1 Kings 5; 1 Kings 6; 1 Kings 3:13; Ps.31:24; Ps.111:10; Matt.6:33 & 1 Cor. 2:9
God's Wisdom Brings Blessing
The wisdom that Solomon asked was good in the eyes of God. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. " (Psalm 111: 10). This verse shows us that Solomon preferred to seek God's face rather than to pursue the things in the world. The Bible explains: "... seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, and they shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33). It proved that God added everything in Solomon's life, "And I have also given you what you have not asked: both riches and honor, so that there shall not be anyone like you among the kings all your days." (1 Kings 3:13).
When we put God first and have a heart that fears of Him, whatever we need will be provided by Him. Even "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man. The things which God has prepared for those who love Him." (1 Corinthians 2: 9).
God's blessings always follow the lives of those who has fear of God. Places, circumstances, situations, times, anyone and anything will not be able to stop God's blessings for us as long as we love God and put Him first, for He is the Source of all blessings.
We all also long for the abundance of God's blessings, don’t we? The key is seeking God sincerity, then what we need will always be fulfilled by God along of our journey.
The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the LORD
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