The power of love.
I believe in the infinite power of love.
I don't know how I got here, I never felt loved as a kid and "I love you was something we never ever said in our home".
The first time someone told me they loved me I was kind of in shock, even though I didn't understand it, it made my heart swell ten times it's size (like the Grinch).
I don't believe we can love only one person, we are a poly household, and just like loving my children, I don't believe that there is only so much love to dole out, the bucket is bottomless if we choose to make it so.
There are so many people I love, truly with all my heart love, they are amazing, their beauty shines from their core, no matter how tough things are they set their burdens aside to cast their sunshine on others who are hurting.
Do I hate, yes I do, I know it's bad for my health, bad for my soul, the people who sexually abused me scarred me forever, and I know I should not hate them, they have their own terrible histories, and I have learned valuable lessons from them, so I will continue to work on that.
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One of the things I discuss a great deal with people is religion.
I love theology, reading about religions, watching shows like Secrets of the Bible on the History Channel.
I have read the Bible, the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita, Jesus in the eyes of the Sufi's, some of the Eddas (Norse/Vikings), Lao Tzu, books by the Buddha and the Dali Lama.
I have also read The Other Bible, which is all the stuff they took out of the bible when they compiled it at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D.
I have been searching for the way for a long time. Church never felt like home, children were to be seen and never heard, our church had very little in the way of youth activities.
I always felt closest to Jesus and God when I was in Boy Scouts and we would have a service under the trees on a weekend or week long camping trip, I always pictured Jesus sitting with his followers sitting comfortably in the shade discussing his thoughts on many things.
I have not attempted to indoctrinate (too strong a word) into any religion, they were tormented at school by their peers for either not going to church or going to the wrong church, both of them came home upset because Johnny Jones or Janey Smith said they were going to hell for not being fill in the blank.
I told them to tell those little snots that we were Pedestrians and it was a very exclusive religion they hadn't heard of. ;)
My children were taught that there was no right way to God, we have the Big Book of Religions of the World, and we discussed all the different ones and how they each had their own lane on the highway to God.
To me religion is like driving on the highway.
As long as you stay in your lane all is well.
It's only a problem when someone wants all the lanes or wants to make you drive in their lane.
I will never try and recruit you to my way of thinking, I will gladly share my thoughts, I will tell you why I believe what I believe, and as long as your church isn't marrying off children to old men, or making parishioners drink kool-aid at gunpoint I am probably going to say live and let live.
I love you all, have a wonderful day.
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Are you grateful for all you have, do you even realize all you have?
I have had to learn to ask myself that question, every day I ask myself are you grateful for all you have, that includes my pain, my frustration, my inability to do things I used to do.
I should have died on May 21st 2007 at about 9:15 AM, I was spraying blood all over the windshield of my car, things looked grim to say the least, but even in that moment I was so grateful that I had kissed and hugged my family and told them I loved them before I left for work the night before.
It gave me an incredible sense of peace that I was going to die having spoken such amazing words to them and them to me.
Right then nothing else mattered, not money, not status, not anyone's opinion of me, I had zero regrets, I closed my eyes and readied myself for my next chapter.
I was so calm, so full of bliss, and then I felt this amazing presence, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I heard a voice say don't worry, everything will be just fine. I wasn't in any pain, no tunnel, just the most beautiful warm glow.
Then all hell broke loose, an off duty paramedic wrenched the passenger door open and tied a clean shirt that I had hanging in the back around what was left of my shoulder.
The next hour was a lesson in what pain truly is, the ambulance ride, about 30 miles was as close to hell as I ever want to get, just about the time we got to the hospital the morphine really kicked in.
I rolled into the hospital and there were the incredible blue eyes of my beautiful wife making sarcastic comments to me about "really doing it this time", a few hours later I woke up in the ICU thinking I had dreamt it all until I looked at myself.
The next several days i wandered the halls with my IV and catheter bag trying to get them to send me home.
All in all I have had four surgeries for this little adventure, they want to do more but so far I have held them at bay.
After four days I walked out into the sunshine a completely transformed person, I really thought I would be going back to work in a few weeks, but the rehab and the meds would not allow that to happen.
But, but, but, but everyday since the accident I have woken up grateful for the chance to live another day.
A month or so after the accident a nurse asked me how I was feeling, I told her I was great, she wrinkled her nose at me, I said I have another day above ground, another day to love my family, another day to maybe help someone else.
I won't lie to you, there are days that the pain is terrible, there are days I have to retreat from the world because I am as mean as a bull with his balls on fire, I send to the basement to my office and computer, or outside to get it out of my system.
As screwed up as this world is, I still want to be here every day.
I want to make you all laugh, and think, and occasionally be aggravated.
I can't and won't tell anyone else how to live, a girl I was in love with many years ago killed herself, she just could not take it anymore, I don't blame her, I am not mad at her, I miss her every day, when she was doing well her laugh was amazing, her smile was radiant. I am glad she is at peace, I am looking forward to seeing her on the next pass.
Everything that has ever happened to me good and bad I have learned from, it has made me a better man, father, and a better human being, in some cases it took me 30 years to learn that lesson.
So please don't look at the glass as half empty, look at it as room for more of your favorite beverage.
Hugs and love.
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They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, to me it's in ones very soul.
Internal beauty without societies idea of physical beauty is still beautiful to me.
Physical beauty without internal beauty will never be beautiful to me.
The first thing I notice is someones smile, not that it's perfectly white or perfectly straight, but does it light up their whole face, does it take over when they laugh.
The eyes, oh I am a sucker for eyes, color doesn't matter, but do they light up, do they dance, are they mischievous.
The laugh, I am always saying something to try and get a laugh, I will throw something outrageous in the middle of a completely normal conversation to see if I can bust someone up. My rubber chicken sentence. Throw your head back and laugh, the weirder the laugh the better, snorting and snuffling is a bonus.
Size to me is irrelevant, I have dated women from 80 pounds to 350, be happy in your own skin, you are sexy because you decide you are sexy. Some of the sexiest women I have ever dated have been over 300 pounds, the one thing they all had in common was that they KNEW they were sexy, they owned it, it was in the way they held themselves.
Color, how can people not find beauty in every color, from porcelain white skin to those so dark that they are that incredible eggplant/ebony black and every possible shade in between.
I have never fetish dated, I know people who only date one color, one size, height, one type, age etc., hell I know people who only dated people who had some kind of unique physical disability.
If I asked someone out or dated someone, it was because I wanted to be with that person, enjoy their company, roll around in their mind, their has never been a check-off list.
I took a lot of crap in college for dating outside norms, be they color, size, age, looks, whatever, guys would tease but would also admit that they admired me because they let peer pressure get to them, women were much worse, much more confrontational especially if you dated outside the invisible size/race barrier.
Bottom line
The only thing that ever really mattered to me whether someone was nice to others, especially people who could do nothing for them.
That makes you so incredibly beautiful to me.
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As many of you know I am bisexual or pansexual depending on your terminology. I don't say "identify" because that implies that I have a choice in the matter.
I have been this way since at least 8, probably sooner. I prayed, I agonized, I denied, I suppressed, I made myself sick over it.
It was made worse by a father who was a raging homophobe, I have a cousin who is a flaming stereotypical hairdresser, and my father blames his mother for him being gay.
I finally at 50 looked myself in the mirror and said it out loud, and then I sat my wife down and told her. She wasn't surprised, she never is, she knows things about me before I know them.
The important thing was that a huge weight was off me, I have told some friends, some family, people I thought would shun me have told me they loved me no matter what.
Being pansexual makes me a better Dominant, I have had male salves, both masculine and sissies, aftercare is much better when you can offer the comfort of cuddling.
My wife's best friend is a gay man, they have been close for half her life, my daughters best friend since kindergarten recently came out, it was a relief, we were wondering when it would happen.
My children know they can bring home another human and as long as that person is a good person and good to them they are welcome in our home. They know this is a safe place for their friends should they be thrown out of their homes for their sexuality.
I know that some believe that it conflicts with their religious beliefs, and I understand that, I also know that some people believe it's a phase, or a choice, I assure you it's not, no one (especially a child) wants to go through the agony of being different.
I also know I may lose some of you, if I do I am sorry for both of us, I promise I don't love any differently than you.
I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Thank you again for being along for this ride.
Love and hugs to each of you and everyone you hold dear.
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Oh you all may think I am looney with this one, but here goes.
Have you ever heard this joke:
The light at the end of the tunnel is just the next vagina you will be pushed out of.
I believe I have lived many times, I have been places and had Deja vu moments that terrify other people.
And I believe that we have all lived many many times, how many I have no idea.
I read the book Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsh, he says that everyone goes to heaven, and I mean everyone, Hitler, Stalin, people who write smooth Jazz, etc.
Neale writes about actual conversations he has had with God, he's a conduit for Gods word, Fascinating read whether you believe him or not.
Neale was told by God that you stay in heaven as long as you want, five minutes or forever, you decide, maybe you have unfinished business, maybe you want to try again, make the world a better place etc.
When I was dying I did not see heaven, no bright light, etc. I heard a beautiful voice and felt a hand on my shoulder telling me simply "it will all be okay".
That left a lot of room for interpretation but I was satisfied with that statement and closed my eyes and waited for the rest of my blood to drain from my cut artery.
Well the story did not end that way and of course I survived and immediately started searching for a purpose to my being saved.
I decided that was to help people even in the simplest of ways.
But back to death, I have never feared death, just how not being here anymore would affect those I love.
I know I have met many people before, we have been brothers, sisters, parents and children, lovers, brothers in arms, I have had visions, I have had dreams about real places I later visited and could take you places and show you things I had no way of knowing had I not been there before.
When I meet someone and we click, we talk for hours, we touch and there is an electric current, we touch our foreheads together and I see little snippets of past lives.
I cannot explain any of this to you in any scientific way except one.
Read and watch Doctor Michio Kaku a theoretical physicist who studies things like parallel universes, and you will have your mind completely blown.
Death is in my opinion like a hard restart on your computer, you are gone but your soul lingers waiting for a new body, you can ride the ride one time or 500, it's all up to you.
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Miss Rhonda suggested I write about forgiveness.
I must admit that forgiveness is my single biggest failing.
I would often joke that my anger keeps me warm at night.
I have had rage issues all my life, my therapists (three in all over the years) have told me this is from PTSD from growing up in an abusive environment.
I felt like I had the right to hate out of righteousness for what was done to me.
The concept of forgiving others for me just seems so completely ass backwards to me.
It lies there in the back of my brain saying "if you forgive them they are off the hook", "if you forgive them then you will forget what happened".
My father still allows my cousin who abused me at his dinner table because:
One) He is not sure he believes me.
Two) He doesn't want to hurt my aunt.
He actually had the nerve to say that if it really did happen then I needed to just get over it for the sake of the family.
I am sorry but I just cannot do that, would he say the same thing if he had raped my sister?
I asked him that question, he said he would have killed him for that, oh well, shows you where I rank.
My wife is a Buddhist, forgiveness is a key element in moving on the path to Nirvana and escaping the physical self.
One thing I have been able to do, is see the people that hurt me less as evil and more as what they really are, damaged people incapable of getting better because they refuse to get help with their own baggage.
For all I know they were abused in multiple ways, people of that generation never speak of things like sexual abuse and incest.
By allowing myself to convert my hate to pity I have begun to have some empathy, I still waiver when something happens to pour gas on an already volatile relationship.
With age I am learning that some things just are not worth lugging around with me anymore, do I ever think of revenge, sure, or more often hoping the karma bus runs over them. ;)
So forgiveness is a complicated mess for me, it's the thing I have to work hardest at.
The love that surrounds me makes it easier.
Do something for me today please, tell those you love that you love them, kiss their foreheads, hugs them til it hurts, if they are away call them or send an email or text, just let them know that they are in your thoughts.
Big bone crushing hugs to every one of you.
Have an amazing day.
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Negotiating your first scene.
I have a very particular way of handling negotiations, I do a lot of one-off scenes, people traveling through have been referred to me, these are non sexual scenes, and they are usually fairly rough in nature.
But sexual or non-sexual, rough or gentle, one-off, regular, or lover, things always start the same way.
Over coffee or a coke at my kitchen table or at a diner.
This usually puzzles most people as they are in a rush to get started, I tell them up front, you either sit down and answer my questions or you leave now, I don't budge on this one inch.
For this to not be a disaster, let alone be good or amazing, I need to know the following.
1) Medical issues 2) Abuse history 3) Triggers, be it words or actions 4) Bad scenes in your past 5) What you want to do in our scene 6) safe-words 7) soft and hard limits 8) do you have a call plan in place 9) Does anyone know your here, if not, why not.
These are the bare bones questions, that lead to many more questions and answers, I usually need at least an hour across the table from you before I am even close to ready.
If you have shown up here without a safety plan you are going to get a lecture, you drove to the middle of nowhere to meet a stranger, and you are going to go in their basement and be put in shackles and not one person knows you are here, you are out of your damn mind.
I am not a serial killer (but I could be) you could just vanish, car sold to a scrap yard, and there are many ways to make a body disappear in the country.
Don't let sub frenzy get you hurt or killed, if you walk in and someone doesn't ask you these questions you better be looking for the door.
I adore you all, I worry over your safety, all I can do is warn, educate, preach, and cajole you into being careful.
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Foreplay really is not really foreplay because if you love someone you woo them in an infinite number of ways.
Touch her every time she's within reach.
Cook for her.
Brush, wash and color her hair.
Rub her feet after a long day.
Shave and lotion her legs.
Rub her back before bed without expecting sex.
Text her during the day.
Make her lunch and put a note in it.
Buy her books and read to them.
Don't just peck her cheek, kiss her, her whole face, neck, shoulders, kiss her eyes, touch your forehead to hers.
Buy her cards, the dollar store has great cards two for a dollar.
Come home with her favorite ice cream or candy.
Dance with her barefoot in the kitchen, you don't need music.
Tell her you love her and that's she's beautiful every day without fail.
When you are out together hold her hand, open her car door, keep your eyes on her.
When she comes home ask her about her day, let her vent.
Write her stories you don't have to be Hemmingway, but make the effort.
Write out your fantasies, make her the star.
Do things without being asked and don't expect a thank you for doing things you should be doing anyway.
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BDSM and disability.
As a consenting adult of legally sound mind there is nothing stopping you from being involved in BDSM except your own mind.
Accommodations are infinite, the use of pillows, pads, benches, soft stools, are all perfectly fine.
The thing that I try to remind people of is that there is no one size fits all answer.
There is no book that says you have to be a size 6, you don't have to have all your limbs, you don't have to kneel to serve.
I have seen people do suspension for people in wheelchairs.
If you can't kneel on the floor you cam use pillows, contractor knee pads, those little garden kneeling pads all are a tremendous help.
If you can't stand with your arms over your head then show your dominant what is comfortable for you.
If you are like me and have nerve damage, you cannot put your body in certain positions then talk about it,
Talk, talk, talk, and talk some more, until you have a plan that works for you.
If your dominant cannot accommodate your disability they either lack creativity or they are not trying.
Google bdsm for the disabled.
And for the love of Pete (whoever Pete is) don't let anyone tell you you are doing it wrong because they read some book or watched some movie or listened to some great bdsm guru that said you have to be a size 2 and sail around in rope like the flying Walenda's or you are not doing real BDSM.
Real BDSM is what works for the two of you, what makes you happy.
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I have always dreamt in color.
My first dream I remember was about 3, we had driven through a tornado-ravaged area on the way to my grandmothers and I had a dream the tornado was behind me, just keeping pace, letting me run across the furrows of a freshly plowed field stubby little legs, very weird.
Until I was put on Prozac I was a frequent victim of night terrors, so much so that they wanted to study me, which terrified me because my dad always told me if I every sought mental health help that they would lock me up.
Most people that have them have one every 2-3 months, I averaged 2 or 3 a night on bad nights.
Now I know it is all a result of PTSD, from childhood trauma.
The first two years on Prozac I had no dreams I could remember which was a blessing and a curse. No nightmares but no fun dreams either.
One thing I have practiced from my early twenties is "active dreaming".
I would get ready for bed and there would be some complex problem I needed to solve so I would say, I want to dream about this problem and I want an answer when I wake up.
It may be a way to help a customer or a design for a piece of machinery.
I worked for many years selling "factory automation" which is basically the parts and pieces that allow a factory to convert to robots.
I do that with my stories, I tell myself where I want to go, say the Scottish Highlands in the 1300's or the Caribbean in the 1600's or a dungeon in the current time period.
My mind takes over when I close my eyes and weaves an exotic and erotic and as you can see from the Santa story sometimes something that melts asbestos underwear.
Most of my dreams these days are about beautiful people in beautiful places, some I have been, some I have only seen on tv or read about.
Some are places from my past lives, my lineage is riddled with colorful characters including a Viking King, a Templar night, a beautiful Cherokee great great grandmother, and many more.
One of the coolest things about an ancestry.com DNA test is they link you to your famous relatives.
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You asked for a scene/story, this is one of my favorite subjects.
This is not a tame story, it's not erotica, it is BDSM and sex, read at your own risk.
As always comments are welcome.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a typical boring evening, boring dinner followed by boring tv shows, that was until the phone rang.
How is my beautiful submissive this evening?
Well Sir I was bored, but I hope you are going to spice up my evening.
Well, we will just have to see won't we, a package will arrive soon, you have an hour to dress and be ready.
Yes Sir.
The box arrives and I am very confused, it is a female elf costume, dress, and ears, but below the paper it gets interesting, fire engine red, shelf bra, thong, garters, and stockings and at the very bottom black patent leather thigh high boots.
I hurry and do my hair and makeup so I can be dressed in time for the limo to get here.
Just in the nick of time (pun intended), I finish putting on lipstick when the doorbell rings.
The driver escorts me to the car and closes the door.
Your sir will allow you one glass of Champagne on the ride over.
Where are we going?
Why to see Santa of course.
I think what the hell is up his sleeve this time, I only know two things, I am intrigued, and I am wet.
The driver stops at the local mall, opens the car door and then the mall door for me and tells me to walk to the center of the mall.
My heels clack like gunshots on the marble floor of the empty mall, no one is here, what the hell is going on.
I finally get to the center of the mall and there sits Santa, no the fat jolly red suited Santa we all grew up with but a big strong Santa in all Black, he looks like a very masculine leather bear, but I don't think he is gay.
The outfit is almost the same, except in black, and instead of a closed and belted coat his coat is open, he is shirtless, he is wearing leather chaps and a leather thong, and he looks very happy to see me.
On either side of him are two beautiful male elves in black leather thongs, and black leather collars, Santa is holding their leashes.
Well, well, well, there is my naughty little elf, are you ready for your visit with Santa?
Yes sir Santa.
Well, there are a couple of problems, the first is that you are still dressed and you are still standing.
Get your dress off and get on your knees where you belong.
Yes Sir Santa.
The elves come over to me, they set several presents down in front of me.
Open each present and lay them out in front of you.
Yes Sir Santa
Present number one is a wide patent leather collar.
Present number two is a set of chains with clover clamps.
Present number 3 is a jeweled butt plug.
Present number 4 is a butterfly vibrator
Present number 5 is a blindfold
Present number 6 is a set of silk ropes
Present number 7 is a ball gag
Present number 8 is a jar of butt butter
Present number 9 is a patent leather paddle
Present number 10 is a double dildo
Present number 11 is a beautiful elk hide flogger
They place the wide patent leather collar on my neck, they attach two chains to the ring on the front, they pull my nipples out of the shelf bra and flick them until they are standing at attention, when they place the clover clamps on them I feel my pussy clench, they grease the plug with butt butter and tell me to bend over, face down, ass up, they rub the butt butter into my ass and slide in the plug. Then they attach the butterfly.
They leave the other presents sitting in front of me, they stand on either side of me.
Santa walks over and picks up the remote for the butterfly vibrator and looks down at me.
If you move or make a sound when I turn this on I will have them blindfold you, bind you and gag you, do you understand? Yes Sir Santa.
You have been a very naughty girl this year, thinking naughty thoughts, touching yourself at work, enjoying the lessons your Sir has given you.
Yes Sir Santa.
Well all those lessons will be put to good use tonight my naughty one, Santa and his elves are going to have their way with you in Santa's dungeon.
Stand up.
Just as I stand up he hits the button on the butterfly, I am slammed with the force of vibrator right on my clit. I fight my way through the scream I want to let out and stand rigid in front of him.
Good girl, now follow me.
Off we go through the deserted mall, following Santa, with a Greek god on either side of me, wondering what is in store and where the hell my Sir is, I know he is nearby, I sense him, I smell hints of his pipe.
More in a little while...............
The beautiful elves lead me up to the small shed that is typical of every Santa's workshop at every mall in the land, one bends down and crawls in leading me along while the other has the other leash behind me.
I am thinking this is just ridiculous, this damn box is at best 6 foot by 6 foot, there is no room for us in here, but to my surprise there is a trap door and a spiral staircase, we go down and down for what seems like forever, and we finally emerge into a dark room.
I cannot see a damn thing, I am about to complain when gas wall sconces come to life, we are in a room about 30 by 30, the walls are dark red brick, we are standing on plush blood red carpet, and there are beautiful pieces of furniture and dungeon hardware everywhere.
To my shock Santa is standing in the middle of the room, he has been joined by two more gorgeous male elves and three stunning female elves, one blonde with ice blue eyes, one brunette with dark chocolate eyes, and one redhead with emerald green eyes.
They all look at me and have very wicked grins on their faces, the redhead licks her pouty lips and says, oh what a delicious treat you have picked for us this year Santa.
Santa says, oh yes loves, she is a treat alright, a very sweet treat that we will be feasting on very shortly.
You mean you are going to make us wait says the blonde, but her beautiful breasts are so luscious, and look at how hard her nipples are, I bet her pussy is sopping wet.
Yes, you are all going to have to wait a bit, we have to decide whether or not she gets just pleasure or pain and pleasure.
As Santa says this he hits the button on the remote for the butterfly again, I try and be still but my squirming is obvious.
Santa says to the brunette, correct her behavior, yes Santa, the brunette picks up a long leather flogger and walks up to me, the elves step back and hold the chains, she brings the flogger down across my breasts several times fast, I continue to squirm so the blonde walks behind me with another flogger and starts lighting up my ass cheeks.
The redhead is just grinning at me as I try and be still, enjoying every second of my torment.
Once they are done with me I look like a red striped zebra, everything hurts and is magically alive all at the same time.
Santa says to the male elves, hang her up.
I have no idea what is coming, one of the elves grabs a button and lowers a cross bar down from above, they strap my arms across it and run a strap under my breasts, then they put a spreader bar on my ankles.
The elf pushes the button and raises me up about 3 feet off the floor, Santa makes sure I am at the correct height for whatever is coming next, then he places a blindfold on me.
Next thing I know the butterfly is being removed, and I feel hands all over me, many hands, so many I cannot tell how many.
Then hands turn to mouths, I feel a mouth on each nipple and my pussy being spread open and licked, when I think I cannot bear anymore I feel my butt cheeks being spread open, a tongue slides into my ass, OMG, four mouths on me at once, I am writing, I feel like I am on fire, I am being feasted upon by men, and OMG women, I have never felt a woman's mouth on me before, they lick so much different then men do."
They are sucking hard on my nipples, they feel like they are an inch long from the pressure, I am shaking as orgasm after orgasm rolls through me, but this is only the beginning, I feel the mouths leave my pussy and ass and lube being poured on me, making me even slicker than I already am.
Suddenly I feel a cock pushing at me front and back, going achingly slow, I want more and I wanted it right now, I wanted to beg to be fucked in my pussy and ass, feel their cocks slamming together inside me.
Finally they were both in and started a rhythm one pushed while the other pulled, I feel so full, so complete, I have never felt so on fire in my life.
The women continue to suck and bite my nipples and to kiss me deeply, to tell me how beautiful I am, how much they want me.
The blindfold makes time stop, I am in suspended animation of eternal pleasure, please don't let this ever end.
I come over and over, losing track of my orgasms, then I feel their pace quicken, I know they are going to fill me with cum front and back, I am shaking with anticipation, with absolute lust, happens, they blast rope after rope of come in me, they must have been saving for days, their loads are huge.
All of a sudden they pull out of me, I feel empty, the cum is running down my legs, then the girls are cleaning me up, they are lapping up the cum, sucking it out of me, eating me, desperately wanting every last drop.
Once they have gotten all they can get, I am lowered to the floor and held upright by the two male elves, put her on the cross says Santa, time to pay for her pleasure.
They half walk, half drag me to the St. Andrews cross and shackle me facing it, Santa pulls the blindfold off me and gives me an evil grin, he is holding a beautiful single tail whip in one hand and a fox tail butt plug in the other, the plug looks huge, he says, don't worry bad girl, this plug is about the size of my cock, you need to be stretched some before I take you.
One of the elves lubes the plug and slips it into my ass, I feel so very full.
Santa steps back and cracks the whip, I feel my pussy clench at the sound, I am scared but excited, the first lash across my back is like a live wire, but OMG does it hurt wonderfully.
Santa is enjoying this, the next one goes across my ass, and the next one my shoulders, he counts out ten strikes before he puts the whip down.
Take her down and put her on the bed, we will see how good she is at sucking a big fat cock.
I am placed on my hands and knees and Santa walks over, his leather thong looks like it is going to explode, he unties one side and then the other, a big fat cock flops out and into my face, he enjoys my shock at the size of it, I shake my head and he says oh no, he takes my hair and pulls it hard, my mouth opens involuntarily and he jams the huge cock in my mouth, I gag on it so he backs off a bit, but he does not give me much time before he jams it in again.
He fucks my face hard, I feel movement behind me and I hear the redhead say, this will be very enjoyable, and a second later I feel a strap-on dildo slide into my pussy as the redhead slaps my ass hard, she is fucking me mercilessly, and it is not long before I am coming on that big fake cock.
Santa is still face fucking me without any rest during my orgasm, I try hard to keep up with his strokes, but finally he pulls out, he walks around behind me and pulls the plug from my ass with a pop, and slides in that big cock.
One of the male elves gets in front of me and they spit roast me, again the girls are underneath licking my pussy and sucking my nipples.
I am delirious from the number of orgasms that I have had, they use me over and over, for what seems like hours.
Finally I pass out from the pleasure.
I wake on my own couch, my hand down my silk pajamas, my pussy wet and sore, my x-mas tree all lit up.
Was it a dream?
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Fake Dominants
Is fake even the right word, are they fakes, players, abusers, fuck boy's, cheaters, sociopaths, psychopaths, or narcissist's
Do fakes know they are fakes?
Did they see FSOG and say I can do that.
They run out and buy a flogger and crop and BAM they are a big bad DOM and they are ready to find a sub.
Some things I have observed about these people.
1) They demand you to call them Sir, Dom, or Master right away.
2) They are in a rush to collar you.
3) They want naked pictures of you.
4) They don't try and find anything out about your history, about what you are looking for, about your potential health issues, about triggers, about past abuse. It's me, me, me and now, now, now.
5) They won't give you their real name, anyone you meet you should have their real name, address and location so you can google them, run the through PIPL.com and through Case-Net if your state has it.
Bare minimum you should verify their information and run them through your states sex offender database.
6) If they are married they will not let you speak to their spouse.
7) They don't negotiate or offer contracts.
8) They don't believe in the use of safe words.
Someone tells you that you can't use a safe word you need to run, not walk away from them, they are an abuser.
9) They don't know anything about SSC or RACK.
10) They are hesitant to tell you about their history, how many subs, the circumstances about why they are gone, etc.
11) What kind of Dominant are they, what kind of sub do they want, they better be able to answer that question with something other than any kind or the regular kind.
12) What kind of training have they had, have they been to munches, classes, seminars, conventions, who have they trained under.
Don't let anyone put you in rope who has not trained under an experienced rope dom or rigger.
13) Age, there are very few "real" Dominants that are young.
In my opinion, unless they are a true born dominant (as my father would say rare as hens teeth), I would be highly suspect of anyone under 40, it takes years and years to develop the control required.
I was a practitioner of BDSM from the age of 19, I still have a ton to learn at 55, I have never asked anyone to call me Master in my life, and I never will, the title is a gift.
I will always be William or Bill unless you are one of the people that has blessed me with a unique nickname.
People say you know that guy, oh yeah, whats-his nuts, yeah yeah that's him.
These are the things off the top of my head that would make me run from someone if I was a submissive, especially one new to the lifestyle.
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Hugs and kisses.
Is there anything better than hugs, not skimpy hugs, not bro hugs, great big chest to chest arms wrapped around each other squeezing hugs, feel the other person's energy pour through you. Feel the healing that happens in the arms of another.
And kisses, what a way to express yourself, you have chaste kisses on the cheek and even little pecks on the lips.
Soul kisses, lips to forehead or forehead to forehead, opening your mind to another, reaching back over thousands of years.
Eye kisses, this is so intimate to me, maybe because it has to be done so gently, it forces the biggest man to have the gentleness of a little child.
Lovers kisses, now this I could go on all day, to kiss a lover, such an incredible expression, the lips are such a small part of these kisses, to me everything above the breasts is a canvas I want to paint and my lips are my brush.
Kissing can last hours if done correctly, and all the while making the rest of the body suffer, starving for the same attention.
By the time you move below the shoulders the body is on fire and the fire can only be smothered with your lover's lips.
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