massivecrownchaos · 1 month
Colin "Don't cry Don't cry, is not happening, I'm blind"
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massivecrownchaos · 1 month
colin: I missed you🥺
pen: you missed me 🙂
colin: 🥰
pen: you missed me but you would never court me, is that correct?🧐
colin: 😳😨😰😥
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massivecrownchaos · 3 months
I recently got into the Boys of Tommen series, and some of the fans opinion about one of the female characters left me really confused and a little bit sad since I really like her.
I’m talking about Lizzie a character that hasn’t yet a book, so basically we still don’t know her backstory and motivations.
We just know some details of her story, and that she has something going on with another character (Hughie).
With the things that we know about her, and also her relationship with Hughie, I don’t think we can already judge her.
You can be annoyed by her attitude in the book, because she really is sometimes rude and mean and not easy to like.
But even that is tied with her trauma that we still don’t know about.
People are really calling this character names for a situation that is not clear and explained, and personally I don’t think that she and Hughie slept together.
And yes, I have read “Seven sleepless nights” and hers and Hughie short story, in which they sleep together.
But the author said that SSN is not canon and also the other characters scenes were said to be dreams.
In the BOT universe nothing has happened between Hughie and Lizzie, that’s why I don’t understand all the hate both characters are getting.
Let’s wait for their book and see how things play out, Lizzie is confirmed to be Claiming 10 (Hughie’s book) heroine so is almost 99% sure that they are endgame.
He is currently with Katie.
So we just have to wait and see how the writer will handle this situation, and how Lizzie and Hughie are gonna get together.
I just think you can trash on them, the moment we learn for sure that they are sleeping together while Hughie is still with Katie.
In the end a cheating trope never killed anybody guys, let’s all calm down it’s just a book.
And Katie was never such a relevant and interesting character, she doesn’t deserve to be cheated on that’s obvious, but I don’t think people really like and are so attached to her like it seems… they are just using her to hate on Lizzie.
It’s unfair that a female character so complex and interesting like Lizzie has to get all this hate, but I also blame the author who put her in a controversial situation like this one.
Let’s wait for Lizzie/Hughie crumbs in Taming 7, and their book that is supposed to also be releasing this year!!!!
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massivecrownchaos · 3 months
The Colin needs to be humbled discourse is wild, like did we not watch the same 2 seasons? That man nearly locked himself into one of the most toxic marriages in the series just because he thought she was the first person to ever take him seriously, had a flop Eat Pray Love trip around Greece where he just got high, stared at grass and avoided making eye contact with women, and then came back to England at 22 years old, with no money and no prospects, already a burden to his parents, and frightened. He’s HUMBLED.
Not to mention he cannot have a conversation with Penelope without revealing his biggest insecurities to her, like that he feels aimless and purposeless, that his self confidence was in the tank after Marina and it changed how he saw himself, that he had to practice the speech he made to cousin Jack because he was nervous, and even in the midst of Penelope being angry at him he couldn’t help but let it slip that his own family barely kept in contact with him when he was abroad. If anything Penelope being mad at him might be what breaks him completely. My guy is a walking cry for help (and I love him for it.)
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massivecrownchaos · 4 months
So happy that I waited before buying this game, and I’m definitely not gonna buy it.
I’m saying this as a person who really disliked the og game, because of the love triangle, and only changed her mind after playing remake.
They made so clear in remake who Cloud was in love with, all to just throw everything out of the window for fan service.
I really can’t tell after this leak, who is the worst between Aerith and Cloud.
But I would probably say Cloud because Aerith was always shown not to be that good of a person, meanwhile him was just a disappointment.
Guess his feelings weren’t that strong at all if he is acting like this around a girl who he has known for such a short time, and who was the girlfriend of a friend.
He is not just a terrible partner but also an horrible friend!!
Tifa deserves so much better!!!! She is the only one in this shitty situation who is feeling pure and selfless love, and she is just too kind because I would have left him to rot in her place.
I really wish that tifa was the heroine of another ff game, in which she has a real man and the love she should’ve got.
But also she deserves her right to shine as an heroine.
I’m so tired of seeing people worship Aerith and her importance to the game, while treating Tifa like garbage.
When she is also an heroine who has an important role and impact in the story.
This mini rant was solely for Tifa, the only thing left for me to like in this game.
What a disappointment, really….💀💀💀😕😕😕
Have a leak. Imma go throw up.
Aerith says "shall we?" And holds out her hand on the Ferris wheel. Cloud takes it. She then pats the seat next to her as if to say "sit here". Cloud goes "uhh" and sits opposite.
The car shudders and Aerith falls into Cloud's arms and their faces are close. (...?) like they'll kiss but they both let go and sit next to each other.
There were some fireworks and she starts opening up.
"You surprised me at first, you were just like him. Same clothes, the way you walked, the way you carried yourself. Whenever I looked at you...i saw him. But now (end of the line is cut off)"
"I'm right here"
"Yeah you are but"
Long pause
"Hey did Tifa talk to you? (...?)"
Flashback to Tifa and Aerith talking
"Hey, Aerith, I talked to Cloud. He said he remembers Zack. How they were friends five years ago"
Back to the sky wheel
"I don't think so. At least not about anything important."
Aerith comes close and wraps her hands around Cloud's arm and rests her head on his shoulder
"Just until the ride's over"
Cloud grabs her hand and holds it. They both smile and grip each other tight. Fireworks go off and the screen fades out.
No kiss.
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massivecrownchaos · 4 months
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Something wrong, Pen? I mean between us. (x)
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massivecrownchaos · 4 months
one thing that REALLY bothers me about people shitting on penelope's character is that people are consistently asking for nuanced and interesting women characters, more depth, more complexity. and here she is! penelope is at once sweet, innocent, shy but also can be selfish, impulsive, judging. she is literally just a girl, growing up and trying to find her place and somehow people hate her for it.
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massivecrownchaos · 4 months
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guys im sorry but this is literally so funny!!! let's have the comedy part of romcom in addition to the longing stares <3
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massivecrownchaos · 5 months
Just some food for thought- a lot of times I find myself super frustrated with the whole Colin doesn't see Penelope 'that way' and it takes him (in the books till he's in early 30s) sooooo long to see her as a romantic partner and not just a platonic friend. But rewatching season 1 & 2 really hammered in just how intertwined Penelope as been with the Bridgerton children.
Anthony and Benedict, in particular, really showcase this in how they talk and act around Pen as if she's their surrogate sister in a way.
Season 1 when Anthony is arguing with Daphne that Simon is not a serious suitor and he has the iconic line 'They danced a couple times at a ball. Colin has done the same with Penelope Featherington.' 👀👀 Pen is out in society, she could, in theory, find herself a husband just like Daphne is attempting to do and yet it's such a wild idea to Anthony.
Season 2ep. 2 before Colin 'heart eyes' bridgerton comes home, Pen walks into their drawing room unannounced, and here's Benedict in his shirt sleeves, no coat and lounging sideways in a chair. Doesn't even look up when his mother addresses Pen's presence. If it was ANYONE else he wouldn't be caught chilling in his shirt sleeves; it simply wasn't done in polite company. This is just compounded when Anthony walks in and says 'Family ready yourselves for the races, we go united as one..' with Penelope standing right there!
It is in this way easy to see why it takes Colin sooo long to snap out of it and start viewing Penelope in a romantic way.
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massivecrownchaos · 5 months
Rewatched Bridgerton season 2 and I'm thinking about the emphasis of "He asked you to call him by his given name?" being almost scandalous even for an engaged couple and the weight that adds to when Anthony calls Kate "Kathani" and remembering the weight of "call me Simon" in season 1 too
...and how Colin doesn't even call Penelope "Penelope", he calls her "Pen". An engaged couple called each other by their titles and Colin Bridgerton calls Penelope by a nickname
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massivecrownchaos · 5 months
“You know what he can’t change.”
“The way he looks at you.”
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massivecrownchaos · 5 months
The letter opener scene is coming home... I REPEAT, THE LETTER OPENER SCENE IS COMING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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massivecrownchaos · 6 months
“I want to be friends with Sonoko forever” Ran🩷🥹 I love her so much!!!
Ran inspire Shinichi
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I think this moment is often forgotten a lot in shinran fandom because Ran isn't even present in the case, but look at it! We have so many instances of Shinichi inspiring others, but Shinichi himself is pretty steadfast on his own moral and values, he rarely take inspiration from others. If he quotes someone or remember someone else's wisdom, it's usually from Sherlock Holmes, but at this instance, he remembers Ran's words!! These two truly inspire one another to be better.
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massivecrownchaos · 6 months
Omg the infamous birthday!!! Thank god he still remembers it, because he built so much hype about this event that I can’t wait to know what will happen.
Let’s hope that when this birthday arrives something will really happen, because the last few chapters were just disappointing.
From Aoyama's interview with Higashino (published December 5, 2023):
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Q: The characters in Conan don't age, have there been any changes since the beginning of the series?
Aoyama: Ran-chan and Shinichi-kun are dating. It is true that 30 years have passed since the beginning of the series, but no more than approximately 6 months have passed in the world of Conan. Since the story time is only one year, I can't reuse occasions I've used before, like Christmas and Valentine's Day.
Higashino: Huh?! You only have 365 days, if you do so you will not be able to use any of them again. I feel like there's nothing wrong with aging characters by two or three years.
Aoyama: No, no, no!! I'm stubborn on that point. But there are almost no occasions left that I can use it. I still have Ran's birthday to celebrate.
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Ps: It's really nice to know that Ran's birthday isn't just a fan theory, but that Gosho remembers it and plans to use it for a future case 🥺❤️
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massivecrownchaos · 6 months
I was just thinking about Detective Conan and something really sad crossed my mind.
When Conan is going to come back as Shinichi he will left a void in many people’s lives.
It’s true that Shinichi = Conan, but Ran and Kogoro are now used to live with this little genius boy and both are fond of him and consider him part of their family.
When the truth will be revealed not only they will feel betrayed, mostly Ran, but they will grieve that little boy that never existed in the first place.
They are surely going to miss him even if rationally he is still there because he is Shinichi, but for them and for so much time they were two different people!
It’s going to be heartbreaking, and the same discourse goes for the detective boys.
They are just kids and they love Conan very much, they are going to miss him and feel the void of his presence because being with Shinichi will never be the same as being with Conan even if they are the same person.
(And let’s not talk of the possibility that Ai too will turn back being an adult, they will lose not one but two friends! Poor kids🫣)
Maybe I’m a little exaggerating by saying this, but they are going to experience the “death” of a family member and a friend.
A death that is not even a real death, because he is still there but is not the same… it’s really horrible.
I can’t imagine experiencing something like that.
I don’t envy Gosho, that has to write and handle this super difficult situation.
I just hope that he doesn’t make them not miss Conan , because it would be just unrealistic.
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massivecrownchaos · 6 months
I love seeing Heiji and Kazuha being the focus again in a movie! What I don’t like is seeing Momiji.
The fact that she is there and not my girl ran🥶🥶🥶
I’m sorry I can’t stand her.
I personally don’t like the movie but I will watch just for Heiji x Kazuha moments
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名探偵コナン 100万ドルの五稜星
Detective Conan: The Million Dollar Five Star
It will be an event celebrating 30 years of the publication of the Conan manga.
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It will feature the main characters from the manga written by Gosho Oyama.
Let's appear together on the movie for the first time!!!
12.04.24 IN JAPAN!
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massivecrownchaos · 6 months
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New ShinRan illustration by Gosho, for 30th anniversary.
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