marplescotch · 3 years
Zachary: Have you ever looked at an English word and thought, "This looks like a fake word."?
Luke: Pterodactyl
Hannah: Yacht
Rebecca: Axolotl
Ashton: Queue
Isabella: Banana
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marplescotch · 3 years
Ashton: FUCK!
Zachary: Language, Ash.
Isabella: English???
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marplescotch · 3 years
Isabella: Do you know that a group of fish are called a school?
Ashton: Yeah— and a group of lions are called a pride!
Rebecca: Did you know that a group of idiots are called a headache?
Isabella & Ashton: Rude.
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marplescotch · 3 years
Hannah: What's up?
Luke: What's down?
Rebecca: My students' grades.
Isabella: My confidence.
Zachary: My self-esteem.
Ashton: Me.
Marianne: My serotonin level.
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marplescotch · 4 years
When she returns, she simply asks one question.
“Where's Max...?”
The kids shuffled nervously, and it was only after a few awkward seconds of silence that Nikki spoke up.
“Max ran into the woods after we washed his hands. He ran into the trees and we couldn't follow him cause it was super dark.” She sounded upset.
Gwen sighed, she was tired already and it was hardly even lunch time. She told the kids to go with Quartermaster so they could look for Max in the woods, while she rang everyone's parents so they could go home.
She had finally finished calling all of the parents, excluding the last one. She picked up the phone and dialled a number.
She rang once, twice, thrice. It was only on the fourth attempt that she got an answer.
A man answered the phone.
“The fuck d'you want!?” He was pissed for whatever reason, and he sounded a little out of it.
“Uh, hello sir... I may have the wrong number actually, um, is this Max's father...?” She prayed to every god she knew that she had the wrong person.
“Ughh... What'd that little *Hic* Shit do this time...!?” Goddamnit.
She took a deep breath in.
“He's not in any trouble, sir... Something just came up and camp is cancelled for the time being. My name is Gwen, and I'm a counsellor at the camp you signed him up for. I was wondering if you, or his mother, could pick him up...?”
“Uaghhh... Look, Girlie. WE signed *Hic* that... brat up at that *Burp* cheap camp so we wouldn't ‘ave to *Hic* ... *Hic* see or deal with him. I~ don't *Hic* fuckin’ care what happened *Hic*. If he's dead then just, donate his body *Hic* to wherever.”
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee- Click.
Gwen grabbed a shoebox off of the floor and screamed into it for a good 10 seconds, before slamming the box on the ground and sitting back down to breathe.
I'm going to fucking kill that bitch. No wonder the kid is such a little shit, his parents are assholes!?
She broke. She cried. David was probably going to die, Max was missing and scared. His parents didn't care about him at all- he may as well be an orphan. 12 minutes later, she stepped outside and turned to the woods to help look for Max.
I'm going to try and make the updates as long as possible starting from the next one! Please understand I write this on my computer, before rewriting it all on my phone. I don't always feel well enough or motivated enough to write or interact with people so I might go off the grid for a while and if I do I apologize. ALSO please keep in mind that this is a purely PLATONIC version of hanahaki, and I do not want to add any ships in here. Everything is purely platonic.
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marplescotch · 4 years
This.. This is glorious. I need it in my life ahh
I’m rewatching Doctor Who and now I really want a Dr. Stone AU where Senku is the Doctor, Kohaku is Amy, Chrome is Rory and River is Gen
Senku being the smartest man alive, Kohaku and Chrome not really knowing what’s going on but trying their best to understand and Gen being Gen trying his best to keep Senku sane
And now because this AU is stuck in my head I CANNOT get out that Gen would totally say “spoilers” All. Of. The. Time. And I am here for it
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