It’s here! It’s finally here! Sorry it took so long, life got hectic and I didn’t have the motivation to write. I hope you enjoy.
Old Man
Summary: The reader is a lab assistant with the Avengers. After growing close with the team, teasing about two super soldiers old age is a favorite past time. That is until the two “old men” decide that a lesson needs to be learned. LerSteve Rogers, Ler!Bucky Barnes, Lee!Reader
Warning: Mild swearing, mostly fluff
Word Count: 1,986
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Old Man
It was 4pm and you were way past your time for a break. You’d been in the lab since 6 am. Ever since Mr. Stark and Mr. Banner brought you on as their lab tech you had grown close with the whole team. They had brought you in about 6 months prior. It took awhile for you to come out of your lab rat shell but in time, you became a part of the family.
You sighed taking off your lab coat and tossing it over the chair. “I think I need a break. If I stare at that microscope any longer my eyes are going to fall out of my head.”
Bruce chuckled. “I agree Y/N go get something to eat. You’ve done great work today.” he said with a quick wave before turning back to his project. That man worked more than you did.
With a smile you grabbed your bag and headed out the door, only to collide head first into a super soldier. Looking up, it was Steve.
“Oh! I’m so sorry Y/N! Are you alright?” he asked concerned.
A smile smile tugged at the corner of your lips. You never missed an opportunity to tease one of the team members. They’d grown use to your cheekiness. “Ugh I guess so. It’s just these old geezers around here need to watch where they’re going.”
“I-HEY!” he said crossing his arms in a pout. “That’s not very nice.”
A full fledged smile spread your face now. “Who said I was nice?” you quipped.
Steve narrowed his eyes playfully at you. “Watch it.” he said he pointing a finger in your face. Sending a wink in your direction he continued down the hall.
You entered the compound kitchen, desperately trying to find a snack. Long hours in the lab made you hungry and you wanted a snack.
“Whatcha looking for?” a deep voice chirped behind you, making you jump.
You turned around to see Bucky in the kitchen, his arm resting on the island counter.
“Good grief Bucky. You’re quiet for an old man. I expected a dinosaur to make a bit more noise.” You grinned turning back to the fridge.
You heard Bucky gasp as you giggled, rummaging through the fridge for your snack. Pulling out some fruit you sat on the bar stool, glancing over at Bucky who still had his mouth slightly agape at your sass.
“What?” you asked innocently with a hint of mischief behind your eyes.
“Did you….” he paused dramatically for a moment. “call me OLD?!” he said putting his heart to his chest.
You giggled and shrugged your shoulders. “Hey I didn’t say exactly that but if the shoe fits!”
“You are full of sass today little one. You’re gonna get yourself in trouble.” he said pointing a finger warningly but teasingly at you.
“Who’s in trouble?” Tony asked entering the kitchen as the exchange between you and Bucky was happening.
Bucky chuckled darkly, his eyes twinkling. “This little punk over here called me old!”
Tony threw his head back in a deep laugh before giving you a high five of approval.
Bucky huffed crossing his arms. “I think Y/N has been spending too much time with you, Stark. Your sarcastic nature is rubbing off.”
Tony shrugged and nudged you with a smile. “I see nothing wrong with that.” he said before patting Bucky on the shoulder as he exited the room.
You took the cue to follow Stark out of the kitchen. As you passed Bucky you grinned as you shoved a strawberry in your mouth.
“You’re starting something I might have to finish.” Bucky said towering over you with a devious smirk on his face.
“You don’t scare me, Buck. You’d never hurt me.”
Bucky rolled his eyes with a chuckle. “Who said anything about hurting you?” before reaching forward, spidering his hands up and down your sides, eliciting high pitched giggles to spill from your mouth.
“he-HEY! What was that for?!”
“I wanted to see if you’re ticklish.” Bucky said with a grin. “Looks like you are. What a discovery!” he said skittering his fingers across your tummy making you squeal and twist away.
“Bu-BUCKY! QUHIHIT IT!” you said smacking his hand as you jumped out of his reach.
Bucky ceased his attack but still had a mischievous smirk on his face.
“A few of us are in the common room. We’re planning a movie night. Do you want to join us?” He asked as the two of you exited the kitchen.
You shrugged. “I’d love to but I should probably get back to the lab. Banner is probably wondering where I am. We have an important test to run.”
Bucky put his arm around you and looked at you with puppy dog eyes. “Aw come on Y/N! You work too hard. Take a break and hang out with your friends. Banner will survive without his assistant.”
“I don’t know….” you said.
Your work was important to you and being chosen to work at Avengers Compound was a dream come true. It was a bit intimidating working alongside literal super heroes so you wanted to make the best impression possible.
You gave Bucky a small smile. “Let me swing by the lab and make sure I’m not needed. I’ll meet you in the common room.”
Bucky nodded, satisfied with that answer. “Alright, doll. I’ll let the others know you’re joining us.”
Bucky exited the kitchen, headed to the common room, while you made your way back to the lab. Bruce was still in there to no surprise but you didn’t see Tony. After Bruce assuring you that he was fine on his own, you made your way back down to the common room where you saw everyone getting settled in. You walked in to see Wanda and Vision curled up on a loveseat together, Steve and Bucky where on either end of the long couch while Peter was stretched out on the floor with a pillow under his chest.
“Y/N!” Vision said cheerfully. “Do join us.” he motioned you into the room.
Peter looked up from his spot on the floor and gave you a friendly smile and wave. It was nice to have someone closer in age to you around. While you were a few years older than the spider kid, it was still nice to not be the only “kid” around.
You sat in between Bucky and Steve, a decision you would soon regret.
Halfway through the movie, a scene happened where it was taking place in an era that was far before either of the super soldiers time, but you couldn’t resist a jab. You smirked and leaned towards Steve.
“So what was it like back then?”
“Hey!” Steve said with a hand on his chest. “I’m not THAT old!” He said with a jab to your side.
Giggles bubbled in your throat. Steve raised his eyebrows with a smirk.
Bucky leaned over hearing the commotion. “Hush! I’m trying to watch.”
Steve put his hands up in defense. “It wasn’t me dude! Y/N is making fun of my age! I may be old but I’m not THAT old!”
A mischievous smile graced Bucky’s face. “You’re not the only one getting the sass. I think someone needs to be taught a lesson in respecting elders. What do you think Rogers?”
Catching on to the teasing tone in his voice Steve shared the mischievous smirk. You were in deep shit. As you attempted to bolt from the couch a pair of strong arms yanked you back down, holding you in place.
“And just where do you think you’re going little one?” Steve teased as you squirmed in his arms with a giggle trying to break free.
“Ya know Rogers, I found out something about Y/N!” Bucky said before giving your sides a firm squeeze, eliciting a stream of giggles.
Steve’s eyes lit up. “You’re ticklish?! Why didn’t we know this before?!”
“Behehehcause!” you said giggling pushing at Bucky’s hands. “Why wouhohould I share thaahahat?”
“Well maybe this will teach you to watch your sass around us little one.” Steve said digging into your ribs from behind. A shriek of laughter made the whole room turn to look at you.
“Guhuhuhys! Plehehehase!” You tried with all your might to get out Steve’s grip, to no avail. “Ihihim sohohohorry!”
Bucky shook his head with a smile, still squeezing your sides and spidering over your tummy, endless giggles spilling from your mouth as you kicked your legs wildly.
“I don’t know. I’m not sure I believe you. How about you Steve?”
Steve shook his head in agreement. “Nah I don’t think so either.” The super soldiers talking to each other as if you weren’t there was driving you crazy. The teasing was too much.
Bucky chuckled. “Maybe if I squeeze riiiiiight……here.” he said before furiously digging into your hip bone, causing a deep belly laughter to erupt.
“NAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHASE STAHAHAHAP! SOMEONE HEHEHELP MEHEHEH!” you bucked trying to escape but Steve held you tightly.
“Oh! I think we found a bad spot.” Steve teased continuing to spider up your ribs and under your arms.
Everyone in the room shook their heads. They did not want to get in the middle of that. Especially Peter who was often the target of tickle attacks. Being the youngest of the bunch he himself was often a target for incessant teasing.
“Sorry Y/N!!” Peter shouted from his spot on the floor. “You did this to yourself!”
“I hahahate youhoho!” your laughter raising in octaves with each squeeze and poke.
“You HATE us?!” Bucky gasped feigning hurt. “Clearly you haven’t learned your lesson! I think we need to pull out the big guns, what do you say Rogers?”
“Nohohoho! Ihihihim sohohorry!! Ihihihim sohohohory!” you squealed throwing your head back in deep belly laughter.
“Ready Buck?” Steve said with a smirk.
“Aye Aye Cap’n!” Bucky bellowed before the two men leaned down to either side of your neck blowing raspberry after raspberry. It was torture, their scratchy beards mixed with the tickly raspberries was too much. You screamed in laughter before tears spilled from your eyes and your laughter went silent. After a moment, they let up, deciding you had suffered enough.
You laid there for a moment, your body still shaking from residual giggles trying to get rid of the ghost tickles that still covered your body.
“Yohuhu two are the wohohorst!” you said covering your face to hide the blush that filled your cheeks.
The two super soldiers chuckled as Steve helped you sit up. “Maybe, but now you know what happens when you mess with two super soldiers.” he said with a wink.
You looked at everyone else in the room, who were clearly amused by what had happened. “Y’all suck! No one tried to help me!”
“Sorry Y/N!” Wanda chimed in “I wasn’t getting in the middle of that.” she said with a laugh. “Vis gets me enough, I don’t even want to try to fight those two.”
“Yes it is true.” Vision said with a small smile. “It does seem you, as the young spider boy pointed out, did it to yourself.”
You huffed and crossed your arms. Bucky raised his eyebrows as he leaned over to look you in the eyes. “Shall we go for round two or is the sass master done for now?” he said wiggling his fingers teasingly.
“Nohoho! No mohohore!” you said giggling holding up your hands in defense.
Bucky lowered his hands but leaned forward so he hovering over you slightly. “Watch yourself little one. Now everyone knows your weakness.” he said with a final poke and a gentle kiss on you’re forehead.
You settled back into the couch, leaning on Steve’s shoulder and smiled to yourself. You hadn’t exactly hated that and you were already plotting how to make it happen again.
Revenge is sweet.
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“create the content you want to see!”
but I’m tired
46K notes · View notes
*pulls up to the fanfic drive-thru window* uh yeah, i’ll take a fake relationship with a side of mutual pining and thinking the other isn’t interested, thanks
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lgbt neon dividers
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baker 8-stripe
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please rb if saving! ❦
*these work best with dark themes
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growing up bisexual, i know what it’s like to be rejected twice in a row. that’s why this pride i’ve partnered with marvel’s morbius
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Happy Pride Month Everyone!!
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Alignment Chart of Ways To Title a Fic On AO3
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This was the original way I was going to have Steve tell the others about Nat's singing, but I didn't know if it was too weird having a format change in the middle of the story. I had fun writing it so I wanted to share it.
Steve wanted to stay and listen longer to her beautiful voice, but he had at least a small amount of self-preservation. He quickly existed Natasha's room and made his way to his room. Once he was in the safety of his room Steve closed out of the video and opened the messaging app. His finger hovered over the team group chat. Yeah, he definitely had been hanging around Tony too much.
~Steve has started a new group chat~
Bruce: Steve did you mean to start a new group chat?
Tony: Do you need to be shown how to text again Capsicle
Clint: Why isn't Nat in the group???
Clint: 😲 Wyd 👀
Steve: No Tony, I made this chat on purpose. I know how to text.
Tony: Well why did you make it
~Steve shared a video~
Bruce: She has a beautiful voice.
Clint: She's gonna kill you 🥶
Sam: Damn she can sing. American Pie is an interesting choice
Steve: I just wanted to share a nice video of our teammate singing, Clint.
Clint: Then why isn't she in the chat?
~Bucky liked the video~
Steve: … don't tell her, please.
Tony: Christ Thor the caps button!
~Bucky liked Thor's message~
Steve: Thanks, Thor.
~Bruce, Clint, and Sam liked Thor's message~
Steve: Tony.
~Tony liked Thor's message~
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Your new fic was so good! I loved it so much! I also related to it a little lol I love singing, but have so much trouble singing for people and admitting I can sing, but my dance instructor is sort of like Steve and he always tells people I can sing and shows people videos and makes me admit I’m talented 🥺
Thank you <3!
Listen to your dance instructor! I'm sure you have a wonderful voice. I can't sing nor dance but I know the feeling of thinking your talents are just ok and feeling so embarrassed when people see you doing them. I get the same way when my mom shows off my art to people. But people's encouragement is honest and genuine; they want you to enjoy your talent as much as they enjoy it!
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Bye-Bye Miss American Pie
Pairing: Steve x Nat (platonic) - Hurt/Comfort
Summary: (Based on this prompt from a friendly anon.) They say never trust a man with two first names, but does anyone know if you should trust a man with three? Natasha Romanoff can tell you the answer, and that answer is no. Only because he's noisy and will indirectly embarrass you in front of your teammates and show them a video of you singing. But then he'll go out of his way to make you feel better about your singing by proving to you how amazing you are at it in the most obnoxious way. So I guess in a way the answer can also be a yes.
Word Count: 5887
CWs: slight spoilers for Black Widow, mention of guns, a handful of cussing, this is a song fic, this is a tickle fic
I did in fact end up writing this backward. But don't worry it was edited forward, so everything flows lol. This was definitely a challenge but a fun one! This is my first non-reader story. I hope you guys like it <3. I'm sorry this took so long life has been busy.
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The morning air was filled with silence, occasionally broken by a wisp of wind cutting through the surrounding forest. The sky was painted in vibrant blues and purples, with hints of oranges as the sun slowly began to peek over the horizon. Natasha laid peacefully under her mountain of covers; the sounds of the outside world nonexistent to her resting mind.
The sound of piercing bells and wind chimes cut through the comforting silence. Turley, a beautiful melody if not for its origin. Natasha's alarm continued to sound off until her hand emerged from under the cocoon of blankets cutting off the piercing sound. She let out a groan as she stretched and stepped out of bed to start her early morning routine.
The grogginess slowly faded as she shuffled around her bathroom. Midway through brushing her teeth, she paused and took a quick glance at her phone.
No new notifications.
Natasha's hand faltered as her fingers hovered over the messaging app. She took a deep breath and placed her phone on the counter going back to her routine. She continued to shuffle around her room pulling out a tank top, a pair of sweatpants, and its matching hoodie to wear for her workout. She grabbed her water bottle and gym bag as she made her way down to the gym.
The sound of fists hitting leather echoed through the training room as Natasha stepped through the double doors. Steve paused his workout as he heard the doors swing open, "Morning," he smiled.
Natasha mumbled a quick morning back. Steve's eyes followed her as she moved across the room towards the bench where he placed his gym bag. Natasha's brows furrowed at whatever sat on her phone's screen. She stopped next to the bench and tossed her bag and phone down with a huff.
"You feeling alright?"
"I'm fine," she quickly adjusted her posture, "Are you? I think I see your first punching bag over there," she tossed a teasing smile in his direction.
Steve rolled his eyes, "Ha Ha, very funny." He decided not to press the issue yet, 'If Nat needed to talk she would. She's always been a private person.' He resumed his boxing as Natasha made her way across the room to the artillery range.
Natasha cocked her gun and aimed at the target that laid a few yards in front of her. She took a deep breath trying to clear the nagging feeling that lingered in the back of her mind. The restless feeling wanted to reach the front of her mind, fighting any and all other thoughts she dared try to process first.
Steve watched her from across the room; he noted how her heels dug into the ground as if they could crack the concrete beneath them. The gun clicked as she pulled the trigger. They both watched as the bullet soared towards its target. It landed a few inches away from its intended position, though if the target was a real combatant it would have been fatal. She lowered her gun and let out a huff. She rolled her shoulder trying to shrug off the cynical thoughts that now sat at the forefront of her mind.
Steve continued his workout intermittently looking up at Natasha firing at the targets before her. Shot, after shot, her demeanor continued to tense. Her brows were tightly knitted together, and her knuckles slowly turned whiter with each shot. The sound of Steve's final punch echoed across the gym in tandem with a round leaving Natasha's gun. Steve stilled the swinging punching bag, "Hey Nat, do you want to spar?"
She holstered her gun and made her way to the sparring mats, "Sure Cap."
She tossed her hoodie on the bench as she jumped into the ring. Steve tried to make small talk while they both circled each other around the mat. He hoped the Natasha would open up, or at the very least he could distract her from whatever was currently bothering her.
"So how's your day been?"
"Steve it's first thing in the morning, there hasn't been much of a day." She throws a jab at him. Steve let out a mock gasp as he dodged her punch. "Are you saying you haven't been enjoying my company?"
"I was earlier. Treasured every moment."
Steve's brows pinched together, "We weren't talking earlier." She shrugged her shoulders, a cheeky smile framed her face. Steve made a lunge for her, "Rude," and pinned her against his chest. Before Natasha could break free Steve scribbles his fingers across her neck.
Natasha giggles spilled out of her mouth as she struggled against his hold, "Steeeveee! We're supposed to be sparring!" Steve let out a small chuckle as he continued to drag his fingers up and down the length of her neck.
Natasha had very few spots that would elicit laughter, and usually, she wouldn't let herself be on the receiving end of a tickle attack, but right now she couldn't bring herself to break out of Steve's hold immediately. Maybe her guard was slipping more than she realized. Whatever the reason she appreciated little moments like these. Moments that helped make her thoughts and body feel a bit lighter; pushing the troubles her phone was causing further into the back of her mind.
After enduring another minute of Steve's attack he released her from his hold. Natasha leaped across the mat to distance herself from Steve; a few giggles still escaped her as she rubbed her hands along the sides and back of her neck trying to get rid of the remaining phantom tickles.
Steve smiled down at Natasha, his hands still partially outstretched towards her, "All that over a few tickles, Nat?"
She shot him a playful glare, "Like you're any better than me, Cap."
Steve raised his hands, "Fair, no more funny business, promise."
"Fine," she re-entered her fighting stance and nodded at Steve to do the same. Steve kept true to his words sensing that Natasha's mood had improved. They went a few more rounds with little to no more funny business, Steve even managed to pin her again. After their last round, Natasha grabbed her bag and water and waved goodbye, leaving Steve to complete his workout.
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Stepping back into her room, Natasha placed her water bottle on the nightstand; she paused for a moment looking longingly at her bed. It was still early enough for her to get a few more hours of sleep; she barely went back to sleep after starting her day. She checked her phone one last time; still no new messages from Yelena. She tossed her phone onto the bed as she let out a heavy sigh; and thought to herself, 'Shower first then bed'. She cringed at the idea of getting into the bed feeling sweaty and sticky.
Natasha kicked off her gym shoes and workout clothes as she entered her room's attached bathroom. The tile floor felt almost comforting beneath her feet, the cool sensation was welcomed after a rough workout. Turning on the shower the tranquil sound of running water filled the room.
While the water heated up she began pulling out all the supplies she needed for her shower. She hummed the lyrics of a song she's heard countless times before; one that Yelena would play at least once every time they had a mission together. She'd roll her eyes every time Yelena insisted on playing it, and groan about how the song was bound to get stuck in her head. She hadn't heard the song in a while and began to miss it almost as much as she missed Yelena. She continued to hum, welcoming the song into the forefront of her mind; hoping it would spread into every corner of her brain pushing out the negative emotions that were flooding her mind.
'It's a standard mission. You knew that there wouldn't be much communication. Yelena can handle herself.' Natasha reminded herself as she moved about the room.
Having Yelena walk back into her life stirred up a whirlwind of emotions. For starters a huge headache, Natasha smiled to herself at the memory of re-meeting her sister at a gunpoint standoff, which soon turned into a messy fistfight. Most people would be horrified to hear the story of how they reunited; even her teammates may cringe at the story, but Natasha found it fitting. She will always be thankful for the day when Yelena found her again.
Now that Natasha had fully accepted Yelena back into her life, they both had to make up for the lost time. Though some would call their methods unorthodox; they spent most of their time together working on taking down the last of the Black Widow program. An extremely daunting mission, especially without the help of her fellow Avengers; the team had become too noticeable, and in some cases, it was even too risky to have herself attend missions. It was always rewarding and an added sense of relief when the mission would go well. Their success marked a step closer to saving more Widows and fully eradicating the program.
Natasha reached her hand under the running stream of water to test its temperature. A content smile formed on her lips, the temperature was perfect. The water heated her skin as she stepped into the shower, it felt amazing against her sore muscles. Natasha's humming slowly turned into quiet mumbling of the song. She thought more about her and Yelena's new life mission, focusing on the little moments she got to enjoy in between the constant battles. She loved the long car rides between each mission point; they were filled with nonsensical conversations and impromptu car karaoke.
Natasha let out a sigh pausing her singing; a new wave of sadness washed over her. She hadn't seen her baby sister in a few months, their schedules had been violently misaligned. Each of them had to take on solo missions, only communicating when the missions were completed, or in rare cases for emergency backup. Even when their schedules align, they never attempted to see each other outside of a mission. She had thought serval times about inviting Yelena over to the Compound but hesitated each time, always questioning if she was ready to tell her new family about her past. Natasha shook her head trying to clear her mind and think of the next lyrics to the song.
She groaned as the words escaped her, "FRIDAY?"
FRIDAY's sweet Irish accent filled the room, "Yes, Miss Romanoff."
Natasha hesitated for a moment before responding, "Can you play the song American Pie for me?"
FRIDAY replied sweetly, "Of course, Ms. Romanoff."
The hidden speakers began to play the opening tune of American Pie. Natasha hummed along to the opening melody. The sounds of the running water rippled over Natasha's voice as she sang the opening lines.
🎶A long, long time ago
I can still remember how that music
Used to make me smile🎶
Her singing started soft and heavy, barely above a whisper as she kept in time to the song's rhythm.
🎶And I knew if I had my chance that I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while🎶
As the song continued she gained more confidence in her voice. Nodding her head to the beat of the music.
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Back in the Compound's training room, Steve was finishing cleaning up the mess of training dummies that were destroyed in the wake of his shield. He carried the last bot over to the return mat, and placed it under the handmade sign that read, 'Training Bot Medbay'. The sign wasn't anything too fancy. It was made by Peter out of a piece of copy paper and red and black markers and secured to the wall with duct tape.
Steve took one more look back over the room, before walking over to the bench where he left his gym bag. On the bench, he spotted a hoodie. 'Oh looks like Nat forgot her hoodie,' Steve thought to himself as he grabbed the hoodie from the bench and placed it on top of his bag. He flicked the lights off as he exited the room heading towards Nat's room.
Steve knocked on Natasha's door waiting for her to respond. The sound of running water and muffled music echoed through the door. 'She must be showering, I'll just leave it on her bed.' Steve opened the door making his way to Natasha's bed. Steve paused mid-stride as he registered that he was not only hearing whatever song Natasha was playing but her voice.
Natasha had reached the chorus of the song. She sang at full volume having a mini-concert with herself.
🎶I started singin' it
Singin' bye-bye, Miss American Pie🎶
Steve sat on the edge of Nat's bed completely enthralled by her singing. Natasha's voice was soft with a raspy undertone. He could hear the passion behind each word she belted out. He began nodding his head along to her singing, not only was her voice captivating but the song was pretty catchy. Steve pulled out his phone partially wanting to capture Natasha's breathtaking singing, and the other half wanting to find out what song she was singing. He pressed record on this phone filming the door to the bathroom. Natasha continued to sing along to the chorus.
🎶Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
Them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
And singin' "This'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die"🎶
Natasha's raspy slow-paced voice picked up in tempo as the song played a guitar riff.
🎶Did you write the book of love
And do you have faith in God above🎶
Steve could hear the laughter and enjoyment in her voice as she continued to sing.
🎶If the Bible tells you so?🎶
Natasha was having a full concert, singing into her shampoo bottle and dancing around the shower. She smiled to herself enjoying the silliness of the situation.
🎶Now do you believe in rock and roll, can music save your mortal soul
And can you teach me how to dance real slow?🎶
Steve wanted to stay and listen longer to her beautiful voice, but he had at least a small amount of self-preservation. He stopped the recording on his phone and placed Natasha's hoodie on the bed. Stepping out of Natasha's room he headed down the hall to his room. Once he was in the safety of his room Steve took a shower of his own.
Natasha sang at the top of her lungs and continued to sing along unaware her solo concert had a surprise attendee. Natasha put down her makeshift microphone and continued her shower routine still singing along to the song.
Moments later, Natasha belted out the last lyrics of the song.
🎶Them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
And singin' This'll be the day that I die🎶
Heavy steam-filled her lungs as she took a deep breath. She continued to stand under the water waiting for the last note of the song to finish before she cut off the faucet. Her mind felt more at ease and her spirits were slightly lifted after having a mini-concert. Though she was still keen on taking a few extra hours of sleep.
Now ready to jump back into bed and try starting the day again in a few hours, Natasha leaped onto her bed, haphazardly throwing her blankets over herself. She poked her head out from under her blanketed cocoon, "FRIDAY can you turn off the lights?" Natasha's muffled voice called out.
"Of course, Ms. Romanoff." The lights clicked off as FRIDAY responded.
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Refreshed and changed Steve made his way to the Compound's kitchen. It was still early enough that most of the team should still be in bed. Steve wasn't surprised to see Bucky and Sam in the kitchen; they were early risers like himself, though there was no contest that Steve was the earliest riser out of them. Now seeing Tony and Bruce, caused Steve to pause.
Tony was seated next to Bruce at the kitchen island, both looked incredibly exhausted. Bucky sat at the breakfast nook in the far end of the kitchen looking at his phone, while Sam was leaning on the counter waiting for the coffee machine to finish.
"What's wrong with them?" Steve pointed towards Tony who was resting his head on the counter, and Bruce barely keeping his eyes open.
Tony gave a curt response, not lifting his head, "Early experiment." Tony pointed to himself, "No meds," he pointed to Bruce, "No coffee." then pointed in the direction of Steve, "No talking."
Bruce yawned and gave a sleepy wave to Steve. Steve shook his head at Tony's antics and greeted Sam, Bucky, and Bruce. He moved a crossed the kitchen, humming the song he heard Natasha sing while he grabbed a mug from the cabinet. He stood next to Sam waiting for the coffee machine to finish brewing.
Bucky looked up from his phone, "What ya singing, punk?"
"Oh um, a song I heard Nat singing earlier. I don't know the name."
Tony lifted his head from the counter and squinted his eyes at Steve, "Double-O-Seven, that Natasha? Sings?"
Sam gave Steve a questioning look, "And you heard her doing it?"
Steve nodded, "Yeah and she sounds amazing. Do you want to hear her?"
Bucky crossed the room and joins the others, "Oh absolutely."
Steve pulls out his phone and plays the video for the four of them. The video starts with Steve's face in front of the camera before flashing to show the door to Natasha's bathroom next to her closet. Natasha's sweet voice played through the speakers.
🎶Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
Them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye🎶
Steve hands Sam his phone as the coffee machine beeps. He reaches for his mug and pores up a cup.
🎶And singin' "This'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die" 🎶
The video cuts after a little over a minute of Natasha singing.
"Damn she can sing. Wouldn’t have thought she'd like American Pie." Sam exclaims as he hands Steve back his phone.
"She has a beautiful voice," Bruce states.
Bucky nodded in agreement, "Never thought I'd hear her sing."
"Well looks like our Super Spy, has more talents than we thought. And Cap's noisier than I thought." Tony shoots a quick smirk at Steve.
"Hey, I was returning her hoodie."
Tony shrugs, "Whatever, come on Bruce you have your bean juice let's go do science."
Steve called after the pair, "Did you eat?"
Tony gave a quick shout from down the hall, "Eh order breakfast, we'll come get it!"
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The sun had crept further into Natasha's room signaling a few hours had passed since the events of this morning. The sun rays felt warm against her skin, as she was drawn from her slumber. She let out a yawn as she stepped out of bed. Her mind felt more at ease, though her emotions were still slightly delicate. A growl escaped her stomach, 'Time for breakfast', she thought to herself.
Steve greeted Natasha as she entered the kitchen, "Morning Nat." She gave Steve a nod as she weaved her way over to the coffee machine past Sam.
Sam turned to face Natasha, a teasing smile on his face, "Ah the rockstar has graced our presence. Clint beat you to breakfast, you know. Did your opening solo tire you out that much?"
Natasha's hand faltered slightly as she reached for a mug. She spoke softly to herself, voice barely above a whisper, "My what?" She placed her mug down and turned to ask Sam to elaborate. Bruce spoke up before she could, "Don't worry there's still food," Bruce gestured to the take-out bag, "You have an amazing voice by the way."
Natasha tried to conceal that her body tensed as the realization set in. She gave Bruce a thankful smile as her mind raced. 'What? How would they know? Clint's not that stupid. Have I even sang in front of Clint?' Natasha internally shook her head, 'Just ignore them. Just get coffee, food, and get out.' She returned to making a fresh pot of coffee, hoping no one spotted her internal conflict. The pot of coffee was almost done brewing, Natasha was a few minutes away from freedom.
Before the machine could beep Thor strolled into the kitchen. His eyes lit up at the site of Natasha. "Lady Natasha!", he pulled her into a tight hug, "Friend Steve shared news of your beautiful voice. May we hear you sing your song about the pie?"
"Steve shared." Her response came off more like a cold statement than a question.
Bruce cut in trying to calm Thor, "Thor this isn't a Disney movie, you can't just ask someone to burst out into song."
"You can at a karaoke night," Sam interjected, "That would be fun."
As the others continued their conversation she slipped out of the kitchen, racing down the hall towards the elevator mortified at the realization her teammates/friends had heard her singing. She had only ever sung to herself, or in front of her parents and sister. She knew her voice wasn't the best, but she could at least sing Happy Birthday. And that was only because she could hide her voice under everyone else singing. Most days she would have ignored her friends teasing or poked fun right back at them, but today she didn't have the energy.
"Then let's have one of those! Lady Natasha how does a night of karaoke sound!" Thor boasted as he turned to where Natasha last was, "Where'd she go?"
Steve's ears perked up the moment he heard Natasha speak his name. He watched the scene unfold before him - she froze like a dear in headlights for the briefest of seconds, and in a blink, she was gone. He swiftly followed her down the hall, "Nat wait up!" He was only a few steps behind her when the elevator doors began to close. He just managed to stick his arm through the doors before they closed. "You tried to close the doors on me."
"No." Natasha crossed her arms as she stepped to the side making room for him.
Steve eyed her, "What's wrong? Why'd you leave back there?"
She huffed, pressing her tongue to the inside of her cheek, "I didn't want to hear everyone talking about my 'great' singing. It's too early."
Steve's eyes soften, "You never run when the others tease you. And don't put quotes around great, no one's joking about how your singing is. Your voice is amazing. You're a great singer." Natasha rolled her eyes and crossed her arms tighter.
Steve huffed, he knew there was something deeper bothering her. This morning's workout, her sleeping in, and now not engaging in verbal sparring. Something was wrong. His gaze never left Natasha as he pushed the emergency stop button. "We're not leaving till you admit you're a great singer."
Natasha was jilted off balance as the elevator came to an abrupt stop. "Steve what the hell! FRIDAY, call Tony to get us unstuck."
FRIDAY's voice chippered over the speaker, "Sorry Ms. Romanoff the Capitan stated not to alert Tony until after you've agreed with him." Natasha could have sworn she detected a hint of mischief.
"Override the command then!"
"Access denied."
Steve smirked, "Well…"
"Well, nothing." Natasha snapped, "I’ll wait till you get bored." Natasha settled cross-legged on the floor. Her eye stayed fixated on the wall in front of her.
Steve let out a small laugh as he looked at the sight in front of him. It was a rare sight to see a sulking Black Widow, but she can be just as petulant as Tony or Clint. Well, if she was going to act childish so would Steve.
Steve kneeled next to her, "There's other ways to get you to talk." Natasha rolled her eyes still electing to ignore him. In one quick motion, he grabbed Natasha's arm and yanked her into his chest. Natasha definitely did not let out a shriek as they both tumbled back into the wall of the elevator. Natasha landed with her side pressed against Steve's chest and half seated on his lap. "Steve! I'm going to - AH!", she gave an exasperated shout as he managed to pin her. She now sat fully in his lap with her back pressed against his chest in a bear hug.
Natasha struggled against his hold, "This is your plan? You're going to hug me until I think I can sing?"
"You can sing. And no this is my plan." He gave her sides a few quick warning pinches dangerously close to her hips. Her choice of loungewear barely dampened the ticklish feeling. Why did she decide to put on such a thin baggie t-shirt and shorts?
She flinched against his touch, trying to keep her voice even, "Tickling me? That's your plan? Do you really think this is going to end well for you?"
He smiled and nodded his head, "Yeah, it did earlier and I'm willing to test my luck again." Steve began lightly scribbling both his hands on Natasha's sides. He knew it wasn't a particularly sensitive spot for her, he wanted to start off slow hoping to pull her into a playful mood. She bit her lip trying to suppress the smile that tried to form on her face. "I know you want to laugh Nat." He moved one of his hands up to her ears. "Come on let's hear that beautiful laugh."
"Мудак! (Asshole!) I'm giving you one more ch-Ance!" Her string of insults quickly turned to squeaky giggles as Steve fluttered his fingers over her ear. Steve's fingers danced over the shell of her ears, he constantly switched between the right and left ear keeping her guessing. Natasha shrugged her shoulders and shook her head trying to dislodge his fingers. "There's the laughter! Now back to the original reason we're here. Would you like to rethink your answer to my original question?"
Natasha shrieked as Steve's hand hit a particular spot behind the back of her ear. She swung her head back nearly missing his face. "Woo! Easy here!"
Nat shook her head side to side trying to dislodge his fingers, "Move your damn hand!"
"Ok ok." Steve chuckled as he slowly dragged his nail to the base of her neck. He lightly tapped his fingers waiting for her breathing to even out.
"Ready to admit that you're an amazing singer?" Steve leaned over her shoulder to look down at her with a smug smile, eyes filled with impish glee. Natasha was having fun, honestly, it was the most fun she's had in a few days. Would she admit that to Steve? No, would she play along? Yes, but not without giving Steve a bit of a fight.
"Отвяжись. (Fuck off.)" Natasha threw her elbow back against Steve's stomach. Steve let out a grunt as his hold loosened around Natasha's waist. Now free she reached behind her to wrap her arms around Steve's neck. She managed to flip behind him and use her momentum to push him forward onto his stomach. Natasha scrambled onto Steve's back hoping to pin him.
"So that's how you want to play?" In one swift motion, Steve stood up causing Natasha to wrap her arms and legs around him. Steve's hand grabbed her crossed ankles pinning them in place. "You really didn't think this through." He rapidly began raking his fingers along her arches.
"AH! STeveeee! I'M GOING TO FALL!!"
"Well, you better hold on tight then." Steve didn't even give her a chance to respond before he tightened his grip and scribbled faster, drilling his fingers into the ball of her foot. Natasha tightened her arms around Steve's neck as she buried her face in his shoulder, loud bubbly laughter poured out of her. Despite how hard she tugged on her leg Steve wasn't letting up.
"Hey Nat, do you have anything to say about your singing?" Steve did not speak Russian, but even he could tell the words Natasha was trying to communicate between various peals and laughter were not the answer he was looking for.
"Something tells me that's not the correct answer." Steve lowered both of them towards the ground not letting up on his skilled attack on her arches. Once safely on the ground, Natasha released her grip around Steve. Steve gave her a brief moment to catch her breath, which she did not hesitate to use.
Steve turned around to face Natasha, "You're really stubborn, you know." He grabbed Natasha's ankle pulling her onto her back. He quickly sat on her legs, his arms looming next to her head. Natasha could easily break out of his hold, Steve had been giving her an out the entire time they scrapped with each other. She knew she could just agree with him, leave, and hide in her room for the rest of the day. And he knew she could easily turn the tables and wreck him, he's seen her do it to several of the others. But they both knew she wouldn't; she was having fun and feeling better than she had been in quite a bit.
Natasha playfully glared up at him, "Says the man who trapped me in an elevator!"
"Only because you've been beating yourself up for the past several days." Steve swiped his hands across her neck causing her to giggle and duck her head down. "Now are you going to keep being stubborn," Steve lowered his hands to hover over her hips, "because I can keep doing this all day." Steve wiggled his fingers as he slowly got closer to her hips.
"Steven Grant Rogers! I swear to - NO! Wait! HAHAhaha!" Steve's thumbs dug into her hips at a relentless pace. His thumbs rotated directly into the center of her hipbones. Natasha arched her back as a deafening shriek escaped her.
Natasha's hips were by far her worst spot, it felt like lightning was running through every part of her body. Her feet drummed behind Steve's back as the rest of his fingers pinched and clawed at the sides and back of her waist. She shook her head from side to side as her cheeks became rosier. Steve reached one hand forward and scratched at the spot behind her ear that he found earlier while continuing to dig his fingers into her hips.
This was far worst.
Her laughter turned silent as her body shook. No matter where she turned Steve's fingers followed her. Natasha willed her body to turn so she could try and block his hands. Steve easily evaded her hands and sped up his attack. He shifted his hand on her waist to use all five fingers to scratch at her hip bone. Natasha shrieked at the top of her lungs, finally giving in. She gave a weak tap against Steve's wrist by her waist, he immediately retracted his hand and moved to kneel next to her. Natasha curled into herself taking several deep breaths as she waited for the electric feeling to reside.
"Sorry if I went too far. Are you ok?"
Natasha nodded her head as she continued to give oxygen back to her lungs. Steve looked down at her with a genuine smile, "You have a beautiful voice, I mean it, Nat."
Natasha took a deep breath and turned her head towards him, "Thanks, but don't think I won't get you back." A mischievous smile formed on her face.
Steve chuckled, "Oh I know." Steve readjusted himself to comfortably lean against the wall as he sat. "The song's called American Pie, right? Sam told me about it. I'm surprised you like American Folk music."
Natasha's smile fell as her mind harkened back to what was causing her to have such an off day. Her eyes fixated on a random ceiling tile above her, "It's Yelena's favorite song, my sister."
Steve's eyebrow shot up, it was rare to hear Natasha talk about her personal life, even more, shocking to learn that she had a sister none of them knew of. Steve sat up straighter and nodded for her to continue.
"It gets stuck in my head whenever… whenever I miss her." Nat took a deep breath, "I just miss her sometimes. We haven't needed to see each other recently." Natasha sat up and crossed her legs, keeping her eyes on her lap.
Steve listened closely as she explained how her sister re-entered her life, and the turbulent days that followed as she and her family took down the main hub of the Black Widow program. How there was still work to be done with finding and freeing other Widows. And how she wished she could see her sister more often. It was a lot of information to take in, but Steve took it in strides.
He listened to every word she said not once scolding her for hiding such immense secrets. Or questioning why she didn't inform the team about the Black Widow program. He understood she would share everything at her own pace, and that she is capable of handling the mission she and her sister took on. Right now she just needed a friend to listen and reassure her about a less death-defying issue.
Steve rested a hand on her knee, "Nat, you know you don't have to be on a mission to talk to your sister. Most people would invite them over for brunch or something."
"Since when do I act like most people?" Natasha rolled her eyes, a soft smile formed on her face, "Or look like a brunch person?"
Steve gave a mock gasp, "And what's wrong with brunch? I'll have you know it is a superior form of mealtime. "
Natasha let out a breathy laugh and smiled at Steve. "You've been hanging out with Tony too much."
"Fine no brunch, how about karaoke?" Natasha rolled her eye and shove his shoulder.
"Come on or do you need a round two?" Steve wiggled his fingers in her direction.
Natasha raises her hands to protect herself, "Alright, I'll think about trying 'most people stuff'. I guess I could call her and see what she would like to do."
"There you go, baby steps," he nudges her shoulder. Natasha couldn't help but smile at Steve's words.
The elevator door opened revealing Tony holding an electronic control panel, "Look who it is, America's Ass and American Idol. Did you two make up?"
Natasha turned to Steve, "You get his legs, I'll get his arms." Steve nodded and rose to his feet.
"Wait! Wait! Stay away from me!" Tony took off down the hall as Steve and Natasha chased after him. Tony managed to make it halfway down the hall before he was tackled and pinned. A new wave of laughter filled the halls of the Compound. Natasha laughed along with Tony, in the back of her mind she thought to herself, 'I think I will bring both halves of my family together.'
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I have waited exactly an hour to ask about the new fic 😂 I’m so excited!
I am formatting for Tumblr as we speak!
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I finished, it's done! I swear this time, I promise. New fic will be posted in the hour. If it's not I give y'all permission to bully me in my ask.
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Fun random fact I just noticed. The Avengers and I think the MCU superheroes as a whole don't use Apple phones. Everyone uses various different types of android phones.
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I am still here! Life just has been very very busy (in one of the best possible ways). Ya girl got a job🥳!!!! I'm so excited, but change is stressful😭. I've been running around dealing with the hiring process.
I haven't forgotten about the two requests! Those are in the works. The Steve and Nat fic is almost done, I just need to write one more section (lowkey a wee bit stuck, but we gettin there) and then proofread it.
Stay tone! I hope you like the fic!💙
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Of course, this Hellsite is the only place that knows how to do April Fools correctly.
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Hey guys, the current fic is taking a bit longer than I thought it would for a few reasons. One thing being, it's longer than I guess (probs gonna be between 4k to 4kplus words) and life has been hectic as hell.
But here's a sneak peek of the story so far:
As the others continued their conversation she slipped out of the kitchen, racing down the hall towards the elevator mortified at the realization her friends teammates had heard her singing. She had only ever sung to herself, or in front of her parents and sister. She knew her voice wasn't the best, but she could at least sing Happy Birthday. And that was only because she could hide her voice under everyone else singing. Most days she would have ignored her friends teasing or poked fun right back at them, but today she didn't have the energy.
"Then let's have one of those! Lady Natasha how does a night of karaoke sound!" Thor boasted as he turned to where Natasha last was, "Where'd she go?"
Steve followed Natasha down the hall, "Nat wait up!" He was only a few steps behind her when the elevator doors began to close. He just managed to stick his arm through the doors before they closed. "You tried to close the doors on me."
"No." Natasha crossed her arms as she stepped to the side making room for him.
Steve eyed her, "What's wrong? Why'd you leave back there?"
Natasha huffed, pressing her tongue to the inside of her cheek, "I didn't want to hear everyone talking about my 'great' singing. It's too early."
Steve's eyes soften, "You never run from teases. And don't put quotes around great, no one's joking about how your singing is. Your voice is amazing. You're a great singer." Natasha rolled her eyes and crossed her arms tighter.
Steve huffed, he knew there was something deeper bothering her. This morning's workout, her sleeping in, and now not engaging in verbal sparring. Something was wrong. His gaze never left Natasha as he pushed the emergency stop button. "We're not leaving till you admit you're a great singer."
Natasha jilted as the elevator came to an abrupt stop. "Steve what the hell! FRIDAY, call Tony to get us unstuck."
FRIDAY's voice chippered over the speaker, "Sorry Ms. Romanoff the Capitan stated not to alert Tony until after you've agreed with him." Natasha could have sworn she detected a hint of mischief.
"Override the command then!"
"Access denied."
Steve smirked, "Well…"
"Well, nothing." Natasha snapped, "I’ll wait till you get bored." Natasha settled cross-legged on the floor. Her eye stayed fixated on the wall in front of her.
Steve let out a small laugh as he looked at the sight in front of him. It was a rare sight to see a sulking Black Widow, but she can be just as petulant as Tony or Clint. Well, if she was going to act childish so would Steve.
Steve kneeled next to her, "There's other ways to get you to talk."
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