makeinushijou-blog · 7 years
“You’re not soft headed, you know exactly how I feel about that monster.” Izaya scoffed. Yet, in some corner of his mind, there was a voice that quietly reminded him that Shizuo was a friend. Bah. What a joke that facade was. So cumbersome to keep up with in this big city.
Reaching out, he put his arm around A-ya’s shoulder to speak almost conspiratorially with him. “Do you know the difference between the things man and beast leave behind? Man leaves a name, only, but the beast leaves a glorious pelt that lives on far beyond the lifespan of the hunter. What I want of you, dear boy, is to make our monster a hero. Endear people to him, make the wicked fear and respect him. This is the greatest challenge for you.”
That response actually managed to make him laugh. Congratulations, Izaya.
“Requesting something like that, but you still want to convince me that you don’t care about him?” His expression turned contemplative, and he placed a hand to his chin in thought. This was a weird request for him of all people, wasn’t it? True enough, he spread rumors for a hobby, but this was outside of his usual practices. “That sounds interesting though, so I’ll try it. Hmm, I wonder how different it is to spread that kind of rumor... People usually fixate on what’s depressing or scary, but with someone like him, something heroic might be more shocking.”
Father To Son
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makeinushijou-blog · 7 years
Had the two ever gotten an opportunity to meet? A-ya couldn’t say that he recalled a chance meeting between he and the rather quiet brother of the man Izaya was always so focused on. Well, he was lucky for such an opportunity with the famous star now, but he didn’t care much for the other’s stardom. Something else was much more interesting to him.
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“Ah, you’re Heiwajima Kasuka-san, aren’t you? Shizuo’s little brother?”
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makeinushijou-blog · 7 years
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1/8 is my favorite holiday 
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makeinushijou-blog · 7 years
“Something painful, I imagine. Your daddy has quite the temper towards my pet names.” Izaya sighed with overplayed fondness before sticking his hands in his pockets. “But you guessed my problem with it incorrectly. You see, I control his image here. What you spread is counterproductive to my ideal and happens to be something to give him and me some domestic strife, considering I made a promise to stop spreading rumors about him.”
He grinned a little more, tilting his head to the side. “… However, you are not me. You are my poor, unchallenged son. So I have a project for you that you’ve never attempted before.”
“He’s not my daddy, and I don’t blame him. I wouldn’t be happy either if someone called me their territory. I’m sure you can come up with something better since you care about him so much.” He responded plainly, and Izaya would surely deny it. Really, there were times that his ‘father’ sounded like he did in high school. A-ya really wasn’t convinced.
“So you’re not asking me to stop, but try something else instead?” Canting his head to the side, he gave Izaya a curious look. “Hmm... What is it?”
Father To Son
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makeinushijou-blog · 7 years
“New things indeed but, you see, they are only new to you. Just as you are similar to me, so do you have the same ideas.” Izaya smirked as he rocked the suitcase forward, grounding it as he hopped off towards the boy. “You are encroaching on a specific territory of mine, you realize.”
“I wonder what he would throw at you if he heard you call him your territory.” His voice was dull and expression just as lacking as he shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know why you care that much, but I’m not causing any problems for him that he can’t handle in a few seconds.”
Father To Son
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makeinushijou-blog · 7 years
“And it has you bored again, does it?” Izaya asked with a smirk. “You take after me too much. Shouldn’t the apple roll further from the tree?”
“You say that like you don’t call me your son because we’re similar.” He put his hand to his chin in thought. “But I guess it is’t too boring. Being here has given me a chance to try new things.” By which he means it’s given him the opportunity to spread new rumors.
Father To Son
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makeinushijou-blog · 7 years
“They don’t die in here.” Izaya informed him lightly before glancing over his shoulder, a rather dangerous tilting motion. “I’m pleased to see that you’re active and enjoying your time in the city. Adjusting well to the change?”
“I guess.” He responded with a shrug. “Even in a bigger city, it’s not like things are that different. Hm... I guess going to college is different, but it hasn’t been challenging.”
Father To Son
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makeinushijou-blog · 7 years
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translator/typesetter goremet scanner/cleaner gareki-nightray
Scanlated with permission from the original scanner.
※ The book C-ta was holding seemed to say オカサ, which, according to google, is shorthand for オカルトサークル (occult circle/group/club).
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makeinushijou-blog · 7 years
If he wasn’t aware of Izaya’s ability, A-ya would be much more fearful of his “father” risking a fall from the top of this building. Well, it was fine. Even if he did lose his balance, Izaya would have no problem catching himself on the side of the building. He had plenty of experience with that.
“Dying in a small, dark place is overrated.” A-ya responded in a dull tone. He would know.
Father To Son
“You know, A-Ya, these large suitcases are always so expensive.” Izaya sighed as he stretched out his arms as if to embrace the dark cityscape before him. More peculiar was the way his body gently rocked with the wind, balancing on a sturdy piece of overseas luggage on the edge of the building like a surfboard. “You would think that kids would be more pleased to go out like this.”
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makeinushijou-blog · 8 years
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“If we’re starting with them, we need to word the cards carefully. Shinji’s sentimental, but it won’t be like a normal love letter.”
A-ya didn’t spend much time with either of them, but Brick and Shinji’s relationship was... rocky, from what he’d managed to gather through rumors and observation. They certainly went to some grand extreme, no matter what they did. That made them even more interesting, though.
“Hadyn and Tsukasa have an interesting relationship too. They’re both pretty loud, so it could be interesting if we do something with them next.”
In the midst of his thoughts, Izaya spoke up again, and A-ya paused. He’d almost forgotten. Jeez, he wasn’t used to making something from himself on Valentine’s day.
“Ah, right. I’ll do that first so I don’t forget.”
With the two of them, it would undoubtedly wreak some lovely havoc in some people’s relationships. What better time to add a little fuel to the fire than when feelings were already high? Last Valentine’s Day he had gotten what… Three different suicide meet ups planned? Beautiful fun.
“Hmm… Let’s start with the reactive ones and work ourselves down.” He hummed as he got settled in with a nice cup of coffee. “I’m thinking we mess with Dumb As A and Angel Lover. Their influence is generally big enough to begin our game crafting.”
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“Oh, don’t forget to write something nice for your sister.” He reminded as he flipped through the book for a few other ways to connect all the ideas in his head.
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makeinushijou-blog · 8 years
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How irritating. Not noticing someone so tiny, even when compared to him, was hardly his fault. Beyond that, no real harm had come from it. Jeez, why was this guy so loud?
He spoke in a dull tone. Beyond a doubt, that’s the voice of someone who’s sorry.
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            ❝ Oi, oi  !                        Watch where you’re going  ! ❞
     Really, Cervantes. With your small stature, who could of possibly of seen you  ?
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makeinushijou-blog · 8 years
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“I’m making use of the only thing it’s good for. At least that way, it can be interesting.”
And the only thing this holiday was good for was fueling his ‘hobby’. Putting the finishing touches on a letter written in some poor girl’s handwriting, a twisted smile spread across his face, unrestrained in only Selena’s presence. He could only let that excitement show when he was alone, or with Selena or Izaya.
“It’s not so bad if you can find a way to make it enjoyable.”
      Oh, this might as well be happening. Of course, right after she confirms with herself just how much she hates the emotion, a holiday dedicated to it rolls around the corner. She gives a sigh as she watches A-ya writing what appear to be love letters to multiple people, in multiple different hand writings.
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“Why do you participate in this human holiday, at all? It is nothing more than an ugly reminder for a ridiculous emotion. I see no merit in it.”
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makeinushijou-blog · 8 years
Valentine’s Day was perhaps not what you would assume to be one of A-ya’s favorite holidays. Truth be told, he had little interest in participating-- at least, under his own name, that is. Ah, what an emotion-driven holiday, full to the brim with “love,” a great tool for creating an interesting situation, if you spread the rumor correctly. Usually, he works alone, but with Izaya’s company, this had the potential to be even more entertaining.
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“This might be helpful.” A-ya set his notebook on the table as well. Gathering rumors was his talent, and practically anything important there was to know about the more interesting inhabitants of the island was in here. Izaya had his own copy from Christmas, of course, but this was updated. “Where should we start?”
Izaya dumped a large pile of colorful papers, lace, stencils, calligraphy pens, and stencils on the dining room table after Shizuo had left for work. The perfect amount of time for them to get to work on the necessities for the next holiday. Like father, like son, they loved both romantic days of exchanging chocolates and confessions of love.
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“Time to get to work, son.” He chirped while pulling out a heavy binder filled with every interesting citizen’s handwriting samples and signatures. 
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makeinushijou-blog · 8 years
Send me ✏ for a quick little doodle of your character || no longer accepting
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( rumour boy and his piece of shit evil rabbit ) 
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makeinushijou-blog · 8 years
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“You’re being loud.”
Not to mention annoying. She’d already caused quite a bit of damage by yanking the plush’s leg off, and now she not only refused to give it back, but she was still hassling him about not handing the doll over to her. A-ya frowned slightly, pressing what stuffing he could back inside the rabbit’s torso as he spoke up again.
“You’re saying that, even though you said it was yours?” There was a sigh between his words. “...I didn’t want you to mess it up, but you did anyway. I just want it fixed.”
          Balling her small hands up into fists, she simply stamped her feet on the ground, clutching the plushie’s leg in her hand tighter. A-ya didn’t seem to be fazed by the whole thing at all, even though it was his plush that had been ripped. 
          Pouting and furrowing her brows, D-ne shook her head furiously. “No! You’re not having it back.” D-ne pointed towards the rest of the plush in A-ya’s arms. “I still want it!”
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               “I wanted to play with it but A-ya didn’t let meee. I only wanted to borrow it.” Being the sulky child she was, D-ne wouldn’t give in that easily, even on such a simple thing.
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makeinushijou-blog · 8 years
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“Weird. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Crona.”
He didn’t really think about it until now, but A-ya supposed he’d grown pretty fond of Crona and Ragnarok. How odd.
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makeinushijou-blog · 8 years
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“A large, abandoned place?”
What an odd request. It was made even more strange by the fact that nothing had particularly stuck out about her before, and surely she must be aware of how suspicious her question came across. If she were really up to something sketchy, she would be more mindful of that, right? Or maybe she was suspicious and stupid.
Anyway, it wasn’t like he was some hero of justice, but he was curious. As long as it didn’t impact him, he didn’t really care what she did, beyond just wanting to know what it was.
“What do you need it for? All of the places I know are haunted.”
Actually calling him out– there was a small chill running down her spine, uncertain of if she had really struck a nerve on him in doing so. As what she could tell, he was fairly uninterested and rather eager to get a move on.
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“I could use some help.”
Well this guy didn’t seem so interested in sticking around– She might as well try to make it quick. “Do you know where to find a fairly large and abandoned place?” Of course, she possibly made it seem like it was a much bigger thing or deal than it was– or at least… in a more suspicious manner.
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