madisinnerdiary · 2 months
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this is someone who is very excited to be playing a frog in a musical.
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madisinnerdiary · 2 months
i’d be so happy if sir hop a lots face was the last face I ever saw
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madisinnerdiary · 2 months
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me too rancilda
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madisinnerdiary · 2 months
this is the perfect example about how starkid changes people 😭😭 I was so depressed before starkid and I was scrolling through tiktok and saw a clip (it was WDYWP) from TGWDLM, I watched it and immediately got so invested, I’m so much more happier than I was those many years ago. Jon Matteson holds a special place in my heart because his facial expressions in What Do You Want Paul was the reason why I watched it. I probably watch NPMD every week, I could most definitely tell you the songs in order on the album and my fav to least.
Jon holds a special place in my heart and I’m ECSTATIC THAT HES IN CINDERELLA’S CASTLE god I love Jon Matteson guys you don’t understand 😭 genuinely going to save up to go to LA to watch it in person because I don’t wanna wait until December to January, and for reference I live in the UK so it would cost so much the cheapest flight I can find is £469 😭😭 I wouldn’t even care going by myself because I’m so desperate plus idk if anyone I know irl would even go with me since I have no friends who like starkid 😭😭
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Big shoutout to Dead Meat for introducing me to Starkid and resparking my love of musicals. After the kill count came out I started taking singing lessons, I’m making a T’noy Karaxis costume, I own a Hatchetfield nighthawks shirt, I’ve seen every single Starkid show and Spies are forever, and I’m now 90% sure I’m bisexual when I was like 45% sure before.
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madisinnerdiary · 3 months
please no one show this to the mariner 😭
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madisinnerdiary · 3 months
im starting to feel genuinely concerned for my future… my family are disappointed in me, my friends tell me to get a hobby, I want to get a job but I can’t work at a fast paced and that’s literally any job for people my age, I want to drop out of college but I don’t want to get an apprenticeship. My friends around me do amazing at school and I study as hard as I can and still get bad grades. I just feel useless…
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madisinnerdiary · 3 months
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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madisinnerdiary · 4 months
I have yet to watch Hazbin Hotel, but i have been informed that most people don’t know that it is a FIDDLE that Lucifer plays not a violin, im very sensitive on this subject due to one of my favourite songs being The Devil Went Down To Georgia, you should listen to it it’s so GOOD AGH!
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madisinnerdiary · 4 months
I’m so sad rn… I’m on my period so i really wanna eat chocolate (specifically kinder, like I really want a kinder bar or maybe even a kinder egg, yum) but I’m also really sick so I can’t have sweets, brb crying
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madisinnerdiary · 4 months
main blog: @wheredallthetimegoblog
this is just a place where i post my inner thoughts and rants <33
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