all-systems-charged liked this!
She was excited, to say the least. She knew Ezreal was coming over and he was bringing along his Pulsefire suit. She had never seen it up close and the time she had seen it in the League did not do it justice. She wanted to sit down and observe it. See how they both interacted with it. Maybe... she could bring such ideas to the Steel Legion? That would surely make for better technology, right? She waited patiently in her room, practically bouncing up in her chair.
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steel-talon-blades liked this. 
She knew this was on the borderline of suicide... but Talon has to know. Going into Noxus was... it was not something she wanted to do anytime soon, again at least. But she found a secluded placed and waited for Talon to show up... she knew he would show up.. hopefully. He had to know the truth. Apparently, there was another assassination attempt on Prince Jarvan... and Talon was blamed the culprit. Truth of the matter was Lux just knows it wasn’t Talon. Problem was, she has no evidence of such. A warning to him would at least be.. proper. 
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theundyingblade liked this
“ You are a little out of your element, don’t you think?” Lux stated flatly, not looking upon the Blade’s Shadow. “ You wouldn’t come here for Prince Jarvan, after all he isn’t here. The only person who would be here is me. Does someone want my head? I wouldn’t be surprised. Or maybe, just maybe, you’ve come to talk. Interesting thought, after all, you are no mindless brute. Garen might think so, but you are no fool... Talon.” She turned to look at Talon, gripping tightly to her light wand, ready for a fight if he wanted it.  
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grandthief liked this. 
Lux could always sense power and magic. It was what made her so good at infiltration. She felt a sense of power, one almost akin to a champion. But who would be in Demacia? She knew what most of the League’s magic users felt like. giving off their own sort of... magic thumbprint that other mages can sense. But who was this one? “ Show yourself... now.” 
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michael-the-primordial-mage liked this.
“ Hmm, I don’t think I have ever seen you in Demacia before?” Lux asked the strange mage. His garb was untraceable. Maybe Bilgewater or Shurimian? No, no. Not right. Was he a summoner? Possibly, thought she had never seen summoner robes like that before. They looked a bit unique. Maybe it was a custom robe? Her mind was going through every single possibility, before she just simply shook her head. “ Where are my manners, my name is Luxanna Crownguard of the Demacia. Champion of the League. And you are, sir?”
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iris-the-electromancer liked this. 
“ Ah! Iris!” Lux gave a small wave to the Piltovian and walked over. “ What brings you to Demacia? A special delivery I assume? Well, it’s nice to see you here regardless! How have you been? It has been such a long time since either of us actually got a chance to sit down and talk. Is that okay?” she asked, glancing over to see if Iris had any parcels on her. “ You know I wouldn’t want to keep you from your job.” 
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jackson-elsa-jack-frost liked this.
“ Hmm... interesting.” she mumbled to herself, looking upon the being before her. She had never seen them before, so it was rather strange.. but for some reason she could tell something was off by the air around her. It was... cold. Maybe they were from the Freljord. “ Hmm, no matter, a proper greeting is necessary, right? My name is Luxanna Crowguard of Demacia. Champion of the League of Legends. And you are?” 
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“ Three weeks is still three weeks, no matter how much we may get use to it.” she gave a large smile to Quinn. “ Still, it is wonderful to have you home. I know, you might get a big welcome from your family or Cassiopeia, but.. hey, it is something to be celebrated... no?” 
She let go of Quinn and took the report. “ Oh come on, don’t tell me you wouldn’t like to hear the latest news about Demacia this and Demacia that? Please Quinn! I thought you were a big supporter of Demacia! You would surely love to hear about more Demacian things right? Demacia! Demacia! Demacia!”she teased, shaking her head. “ Honestly,sometimes he works himself to much and things waaaaay to much about Demacia. It’s not going to fall apart if he doesn’t think about it for two seconds you know.”
"Lady Lux." Quinn smiled and gave a small, polite nod. "Is your brother around by chance? Prince Jarvan asked me to give him a copy of the report from my latest mission."
“ Oh?” Lux asked, looking up from a book. Her eyes seemed to light up when she saw Quinn and she rushed over and hugged her. “ Oh, you’re safe! Thank the light! I heard you went on your mission a while back! I’m glad to see you safe and sound!” 
She pulled away from the ranger and gave a bright smile, “ Sadly, Garen isn’t here at the time. I can take the report and give it to him if you wish? It would save you running around Demacia trying to find him.” 
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“My muse climbs into bed with y–”
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“My muse spanks yo–”
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“My muse kisses yours by surpri–”
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“My muse walks in on yours undressi–”
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“My muse climbs into the shower with y–”
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Why I don't reblog a lot of memes:
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Reblog with your favorite gif of your character
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[[ Want to rp with Lux?Like this for a starter. :P ]] 
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*glances at notifications, sees that he's being followed by a popular mun, screeches loudly into the night. starts thinking about a starter involving magic and shit like that*
[[ SHHHH i’m just an ordinary mage ;) ]]
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“ An unforeseen even from the mixing of certain magics together.” Lux grumbled, dusting soot off of her. “ Don’t worry. Nothing important is in this place of residence.” 
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Random Starters [ send me one maybe? ]
"Do you believe in the tooth fairy?"
"I think I'm pregnant. And it's not yours."
"I feel like I'm going to puke."
"Are you seriously wearing that to the party tonight?"
"You need to change that attitude before we leave this house."
"Stop staring at me like I grew a second head."
"Are you drunk or do you just act like that all the time?"
"I forgot where I parked my car."
"I'm not going to lie to you anymore. I do love you, but I..."
"It's only a slice of pie."
"I just want to be loved again. Is that so wrong?"
"The cat is looking at me funny."
"I think you're the prettiest thing I've ever seen."
"Care to join me?"
"I would rather not eat dinner alone."
"Did you remember to lock the door?"
"How do you live with yourself everyday, doing what you do?"
"I don't feel pretty enough for him."
"You can do anything you set your mind to."
"People say ignorance is bliss, but... I just want to know the truth."
"People are stupid today."
"I'm in the hospital. Can you come?"
"You're act liking I'm in love with you or something."
"Go ahead and leave. I'm not going to stop you."
"I'm tired of fighting."
"I think you need help."
"Do whatever you believe in, and I'll support you."
"What is it like being you?"
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//I’ve had a theory for a while about how to explain the game’s name as ‘League of Legends’ now that there’s no League with the Institute of War gone. It could be ridiculous so don’t click if you want something sensible.
Keep reading
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“ Shyvana, coffee isn’t very healthy for you and who knows what it could do to you. Caffeine is an addiction and I think because you are a half dragon it may have amplified some of the effects. Here, have this. This will help calm you down. you don’t act yourself when you are hungry.” she explained giving the dragon a cup of something fragrant. 
Shyvana threatening a person
“I’m going to burn you, your house and what ever is inside your house! So move all the stuff you love out of your house. Except I will find it and burn it anyway! So bring a bucket of water I guess… no wait that won’t help, I’m going to cover myself in grease so your water won’t do any good! Anyway my point is I’m coming to burn everything you love. Now will you give me my coffee now?!”
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"Lady Lux." Quinn smiled and gave a small, polite nod. "Is your brother around by chance? Prince Jarvan asked me to give him a copy of the report from my latest mission."
“ Oh?” Lux asked, looking up from a book. Her eyes seemed to light up when she saw Quinn and she rushed over and hugged her. “ Oh, you’re safe! Thank the light! I heard you went on your mission a while back! I’m glad to see you safe and sound!” 
She pulled away from the ranger and gave a bright smile, “ Sadly, Garen isn’t here at the time. I can take the report and give it to him if you wish? It would save you running around Demacia trying to find him.” 
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