lunuanaki · 6 years
I just finished FFXV and now I get why I have no idea what any of you are doing on your XV blogs. You really were given the absolute bare minimum weren't you. No wonder you all have such different muses, ya gotta build on the basics the game contained. I cannot believe. I don't wanna sound like That Bitch, but. This game let its own cast down. I don't dislike the characters but I dislike what was(nt) done with them. Where is my Aranea content. Why did Iris get forgotten almost immediately. Luna. Why. I. RAVUS!? YOU GOT LIKE TWO APPEARANCES AND YOU WERE SUCH A GOOD BOY!!! I'm so sorry. I'm mad bc it had so much potential and it just. Got really rushed toward the end and. ;-; GOD DAMMIT THAT COULD HAVE BEEN A REALLY GREAT GAME. aaaaaaaaaaaaa
ps cid never called me to collect the final engine blade upgrade and I'm salty as shit
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lunuanaki · 6 years
a psa from the pr office of prince noctis lucis caelum
"all this nonsense will just have to sort itself out, we've decided to pursue careers as professional Justice Monsters Five players"
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lunuanaki · 6 years
I spent the chunk of the weekend I wasn’t hungover playing XV and now I at least know who the heck some of you are
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lunuanaki · 6 years
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the absolute audacity of this callout
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lunuanaki · 6 years
There’s kind of a thing I low-key do, a test of sorts. If you can stand to write with me off-tumblr and without the use of icons, we’re golden.
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  “Damn, caught me... I only want you for your body.”
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lunuanaki · 6 years
Y'all I might have to give in and play FFXV even tho I don't like boys they smell
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lunuanaki · 6 years
✿ What do you think about public call out posts? // Isn't a general fandom call out how we actually started talking and getting along?? xD
LORD okay-- OKAY BUT--
I’ve seen one that was warranted that I witnessed from the sidelines. It was some fictionkin dicklord who was going around a different fandom trying to force kids to write graphic incest porn with them because, quote, “I am [character], and I remember having intimate relations with my brother” and if you disagreed, you were ableist. They were doing it to a lot of 16~year olds and none of them were talking about it because this person was a grown ass adult and they were intimidated as he kept vagueposting about how he was being mistreated for his kin status and how everyone was bullying him. But as soon as they started conversing, they realised how far it all stretched and gathered to boot him out once and for all. 
But even then, you gotta be ready for the fallout. Burger King, as his code name was, setup a counter-callout blog that didn’t say much besides “you don’t need to be mean about it”. War raged all the same. One or two of the opposing side still obsessively check the blog the original callout is hosted on, daily (I know one of the owners, she has the statcounter login), and this was like. I wanna say it wasn’t even last year, it may have even been the year before.
Then there was that callout post about me, that didn’t have my name on it -- I was told after the fact by a defected member of the Furry Weirdos Gang that it was a huge in-joke about me that they’d planned on Skype. The post basically said “stop trying to be friends with people, no one likes you” and I thought it was fucking bizarre at the time. But. Like. I’m not the one selling art of actual toddlers with their bits out and justifying it by saying “but they’re wearing cat ears, it’s furry art”, so I’ll just... brush that one off, I think... If people like that think I’m worth “bullying”, I must be doing something right...
tl;dr sometimes they can help in strange and unexpected ways, but they’re always about as clean as chucking a bucket of cold sick across the floor. At best they’re a fuckin circus. 
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lunuanaki · 6 years
We don't rp anymore because Dios quit lol. Though every so often I can hear her screaming loudly whenever I see you and Syn on my dash
( @misplacedheroics join in with me here )
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lunuanaki · 6 years
Also I'm jealous af that satan made you more beautiful than me what the fuck
The best part is I’m listening to Ghost albums one after another right now, I have never been more Satan-favoured in my entire life, Ebony WISHES she was me
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Sounds fake though, this is the pinnacle of goth beauty
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lunuanaki · 6 years
KICKS IN THE DOOR. 'RIGHT SUCKA YOU WANNA KNOW WHY I DON'T RP WITH YOU??????? I mean we write the same muse but that never stops us from having a hellishly good time. New plot idea: We both run around making Squall suffer. Doesn't matter which one. All of them. Every. Single. Last. One. Of. Those. Puberty. Boys. Is. Ours. To. Torment. MUAHAHAHAHHHA okay but really I'm a slow shit with depleted imagination so my writer's block is at an all-time high and that's really why I don't RP with you.
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What if Seifer was twins the whole ass game and nobody told Squall because they all thought he already knew? I mean, nobody would tell him “Zell has a face tattoo”. That’s common knowledge. How did he not know Seifer was twins? 
Fr though, *sniffs ground* a mood has been here, and it’s a big one. Apparently the only realistic way to get past writer’s block is to force yourself to sprint for a set time with your phone’s alarm set, then throw out the results (so you can’t possibly get hung up on quality or content and you’re making yourself perform the action without any external pressure). That’s a nice idea but I tend to sit there like “man, I suddenly can’t remember a single word I could make these letters form”. Y’all know it’s serious when I don’t even have a hyperfixation to fall back on. I’ll let you know if I come across some other potential cure but Bahamut’s balls, it’ll have to be a Good One. 
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lunuanaki · 6 years
☀ What’s your rp pet peeve?
Tbh right now it’s me!!! It is deadass me!!! I am my pet peeve!!! _(:3」∠)_
I started posting again but I look like I’m still not doing anything RP related because I’m on about my fourth rejection _(:3」∠)_ Even tho I specifically try to only offer plots that center mostly around other peoples’ muses (I really don’t mind being the support tbh, genuinely).
I can’t tell if it’s just me and my nonfunctioning brain? But I feel like there’s a “plague, do not go near” sign on me I can’t see. _(:3」∠)_ And even though like. Alex specifically said “join our au” about three times I’m still like “haha she doesn’t mean me tho” because of the amount of people I now know say “let’s rp some time” and they absolutely do not mean it, they’re just being nice. If I actually joined I feel like I’d be forcing myself on them.
Other me: who the fuck else is in this room, who else could she mean rn?Me: Yeah but haha she doesn’t mean me.
Idk I have no confidence and PROBABLY a reputation for flakiness by now that I cannot help (if I could switch my mental health issues off, I would, I don’t love isolating myself from everything for months at a time, believe me). AND ALSO nobody likes multi blogs, which, to be fair, I knew going in. So I am that kid sitting at the side of the playground like yep u rite guys I am a fuckin nerd loser lol no no allow me to shut myself in that locker for u
Trouble is, I set a different standard for Chu’s blog back in the day, but that’s because I was trying so desperately hard to escape my home life I poured every ounce of energy I had into her. I only worked part time and it wasn’t involved enough to keep my mind off shit, so that did jack all to distract me. Towards the end I was sleeping in split shifts so I’d be here when everyone else was. That is how badly I needed to tune out. Tbh I’m not that much better off now, I just work full time and a different type of home bullshit means I feel intense guilt for doing anything “non productive” that I’m still trying to work through. My Big Goal is moving house sometime soonish (dependent on a friend rn) and I think that will solve a massive amount of problems for me, but I don’t know how long it’ll be. Months or another year, maybe.
I don’t know if it might help to re-split my blog back up into single ones so I can at least stop giving off That Multimuse Vibe (dropping some of them bc I wouldn’t go as far as having single blogs for all), but it’s a lot of work to get ignored some more. I wish I had one muse I could focus as hard on as I did Chu, but I’m so skittish about committing in case the same stuff keeps happening??? I’ve thought for a few weeks now about one character I want to have a go at, but. Also. What if he gets ignored again _(:3」∠)_ The problem with that is, it’s not only the trivial matter of my pride getting bruised; it also makes me look even worse if I end up having to abandon it. 
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lunuanaki · 6 years
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Please like or reblog if you’d be interested in interacting with an OC Turk!
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lunuanaki · 6 years
new rule: if your character is a sassy little rebellious spitfire who likes to talk shit, you better be prepared for your character to get hit. 2018 is the year that muns with these kinds of snarky characters accept that there should be consequences to smarting off at the mouth to another character who could easily ruin their fucking day.
if you’re writing a character of high status, immense power, incredible skill, or just someone that you generally would not want to antagonize for shits and giggles, it is not fun feeling as though you have been written into a corner by someone who wants to show off how sassy and badass their character is when you know that your character could DEMOLISH them :T
like, damn, maybe plot together first, or — if you’re flying by the seat of your pants here — let the other person know it’s ok if they fuck up ur muse for being a disrespectful little shit. life is more fun when u get to write fight scenes anyway tbh.
anyway pls respect other muns w/ characters who could fuck your shit up b/c it’s really not fun for them when every other character comes at them with their fists up (verbal or otherwise), yet so few people are willing to let their characters face the consequences of their actions.
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lunuanaki · 6 years
Hit us with that salt shaker. :| ☀, ☣, ❀
☀ What’s your rp pet peeve?
The absolute biggest is hardcore purple prose. It’s heinous. At best it comes off like autogenerated bot text, at worst, snotty and elitist (because a lot of these people are stuck up and like to spam the word “literate” as if there’s an illiterate RP blog on this website; what they mean is, “I’m on par with the Classics, prole” and they’re invariably wrong). What good writing isn’t is shitting out 200 words broken up with bizarre messletters fonts, lists of synonyms for eyes and parenthetical references to greek myths or other completely irrelevant poetic devices, when all your muse just fucking did was blink. 
Rule One: Omit Needless Words. Not fucking “Add More of Them”. 
This isn’t any kind of vague btw. I straight up don’t associate with people I can’t comprehend. 
☣ Have you ever rp’d with someone you knew for a fact was abusive but tried to give them a chance/to make up your own opinion on the roleplayer? Did they change or did you understand what people were talking about?
Yes, it was @misplacedheroics, and she continues to abuse me to this day. One time she forced me to snort juice out my nose.For real though, two sides of this; that was one time I “knew” someone was abusive based on info fed to me by someone else that turned out to be incorrect. On the flip side, I’ve second guessed myself and extended chances to people I already had a bad feeling about and it turned out to be a small brain decision. I don’t fuck with actually abusive people, so the consequences are never huge, but one of my muses did get shoved into two different unwanted, pretty terrible ships because I was Too Concerned That I Might Be Being Mean to say no. One of them got ugly/messy because I wrote more of a different ship (one I was in on purpose, not through coercion). :/Thankfully both those blogs got abandoned not long after hehe uwu
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
:))))))))) I don’t actually go full ham often :))))) but :)))))))))))))))))))
Once upon a time :)))) someone actually thought :)))))) they could word for word, copy and paste, steal two thirds of summoners-path’s about page and a bunch of their posts :))))) only tweak it to be blonde and exclusively gay :)))) slap a new name on it and call it an OC :))))) so they could ugly ship it with a disgustingly ooc canon muse their irl partner had been making a mess of for a week or so :))))))) then start throwing shit at the walls, making up accusations of art theft they’d been proven to have committed themselves and :))) and they actually thought they’d get away with it :))))
I can say all this without much concern for it being a vague because they aren’t here anymore. All I did was politely ask where they got their inspiration, crossing all my fingers that they’d give me some story that would somehow explain away the copied and pasted content before I shredded them like cheese. What they actually did was flip the motherfuck out, start screaming about how they hadn’t stolen anything and all summoners-path’s friends were lying art thieving pricks despite having no art on our themes to speak of, then deleted the blog and moved to a different fandom, where I hear them and their irl partner are writing actual pedophilia while soapboxing about how art theft is problematic and making callout posts about people who do it, so. Nothing of value was lost.
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lunuanaki · 6 years
unpopular opinion, tiny text themes with dark font colours on dark backgrounds are small dick energy and must be thrown away in 2018. it’s pure bad design & you are going out of your way to make sure no one is physically capable of reading your rules or anything else you’ve written, so don’t have a bag on when someone doesn’t realise x detail about ya muse. like... their name.
the worst one i saw was just yesterday. i actually had to go into dev tools to find their links bc they were hidden behind dark DARK red tooltipless 10x10px circles scattered in the lower left corner of their black container theme. all their posts were permanently set to .8 opacity with grey text on black. i’d usually highlight the whole page to force some contrast, but they’d coded their selection highlight dark grey and the text black. WHAT are you doing. WHY are you doing it. WHY are you booing. im right
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lunuanaki · 6 years
Chikusa: People perceive you as somewhat...
M.M.: Tempestuous?
Chikusa: Heinous bitch is the term used most often.
M.M.: *Smiles proudly*
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lunuanaki · 6 years
we used to rp, but assholes kept making it difficult for you to be around. we drifted, so we don't do anything anymore, and sometimes it feels like maybe it's better that way. i miss what we had, tho if it wasn't a lot. i'm glad to have you around anyway. i love seeing you on my dashboard.
I read this last night and I been thinkin bout it since. This is sad. I hate that I ever allow any form of small brain to affect my presence here, but I do, cos I’m a big sad boi. I'm sorry if I especially killed the RPing mood with my patchiness. Obviously I don’t know who you are (I wish there was only one person some dry dickhead had cut me off from -- I could hazard a guess but I won’t in case I bring down the full force of the Ghost of Fandom Shattered), but I am 100% sure I love seeing you as well because I never stop loving my lads. I don’t follow many people and I don’t seem very present, but I am here following along with people’s stuff a fair bit. If you do ever feel like picking something back up again, I’m here! - but I understand if you do feel like it’d be better not to instead. I wouldn’t want you to force it. 
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