lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
Lucy 💬 Levi
Lucy: hey, you wanna catch a movie or do something else together this weekend? we haven't hung out in ages
Lucy: i'm sure dad wouldn't mind watching the little miss while we're gone, but if not, we can take her with us :)
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
Lark tried not to look so disappointed, but he was sure it was written across his face.  “Oh; sorry.  I didn’t mean to come in so early,” he shoved his hands in his pockets, looking down at his feet for a moment before looking up at the donuts.  “It’s my favorite bread.”
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Lucy looked up finally at her customer and gave a small smile, “It’s okay. I opened the stop a little earlier today, since I closed it early yesterday. It’s my fault for not having everything ready the moment the door were unlocked.” Finishing up the donut display, she gave a look down at her watch, but of course, the wait time was still the same. “Well, you want to sit and wait, I’ll let you munch on one of these donuts, free of charge...for the inconvenience,” she offered, not wanting to have him walk away disappointed. It was her fault for not getting things ready on time, after all. “What flavor would you like?”
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
jesse turned in the direction that she pointed, his eyes scanning the shop and he didn’t really see it but he was sure if he walked over there then he’d run into it. except, that wasn’t something he had to worry about now because she was taking him to it. he smiled and gave her a short nod, “thank you.” he breathed out in relief. he usually came out with his mom when he came here so he was clueless on his own. “i did. my mom loves that stuff and she goes through it.”
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“Oh, it’s no problem. Seriously, I’m always happy to help out my customers - you guys are the whole reason this shop stays running so smoothly, after all,” she grinned, meaning every word. She did cherish her customers, because without them, her shop would literally be nothing, and that simply would not do. Without having to search at all, Lucy immediately found the jasmine and rose tea blend on the shelf, and handed it over to the tall man beside her. “There you go, jasmine and rose tea, for your mother...Is there anything else I can help you with?”
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
Cory spent a lot of time at the Rose Garden, and not just because it shared a similar name as her own shop. It was exactly the kind of place that fed her soul. She loved shopping local, obviously loved the art, and, above all, most of her plants came from the shop. “Of course, Lucy! I’ll take you up on that rosemary and poppy bread when it’s done, I’m starved and you know it’s my favorite, but I’m here for a new plant baby. Want to help me pick one out?”
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The best thing about living in such a small town, as far as Lucy was concerned, were the locals that you inevitably got to know very well. It always made her day when her frequent customers stopped by, especially those who she looked to as friends. Cory Jackman was certainly one of these people - someone who never failed to put a smile on her face. Upon seeing that it was the blonde that had dropped by, the redhead paused in her arranging of the donuts to look up, a sunny smile forming on her face. “Morning, Cory. Sure thing on the bread front - I’ll be sure to put a loaf aside just for you, the very minute they get out of the oven.” She immediately took up the offer to help her find a plant, and quickly finished up the donut display, placing the now empty tray on the nearest counter. “Of course. What exactly did you have in mind? Something for your outdoor garden, or a plant for indoors?”
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
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I think my purpose on this planet is to try to bring happiness to other people, and to entertain, and create, whether it be five minutes or an hour of content that can help someone escape from their problems.
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
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Daphne decided to go to where everybody goes. To the bar. — There’s nothing exciting these days. Work, home, home, work, work, home. She looses her long blonde platinum hair, as she sat on the stool, adjusting glasses that slide from her nose. Her outfit was very formal, not fitting with any of the people around her because she knew if she goes home that day, she’d crash in bed, this is why she was wearing her work outfit. Daph ordered a glass of Bourbon, nursing it, and looking around to place. Not noticing somebody was talking, but then she realized the voice was indeed directed to her. ❛ Huh? Did you say something? ❜
Bars were not Lucy’s typical go-to hangout. Not because she hated them or because she didn’t drink - despite only drinking on occasion...but because she was usually just too busy to actually hang out anywhere, bars included. So when one of her friends had called her up and invited her out, her first instinct was to say no, as she had been at her shop in the middle of making some more candles, but she had surprised even herself by accepting the invite instead of declining it. It had been a while she had let herself go out, and she felt like she could really use it. Now, sitting at the bar while casually sipping a strawberry daiquiri and watching as her friend danced with all the confidence in the world several feet away with some stranger, she couldn’t help but sigh, “Most be nice to be that bold, huh?” she spoke to the blonde a short ways from her, only to bite back another sigh as the other woman seemingly shook out of a daze. “I said that it - ah, nevermind. It wasn’t important...Sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you.”
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
jesse didn’t normally frequent this shop but his mom had asked him to pick up some items for her before joining her for dinner tonight. he looked over at her, mostly just looking around before he grabbed what he needed and left. “alright.” he responded and then nodded, “actually, yeah. do you guys still have that jasmine rose tea? my mom asked me to drop by and pick some up.”
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She finished placing the donuts in their display, before turning her full attention onto the tall gentleman before her, and gave him a small, but nevertheless friendly smile as she nodded in answer of his question. “Oh, yes, we sure do. All of the teas can be found over there - ” she went to point in the general direction before pausing and giving him a sheepish look, “Actually, why don’t I just show you, hmm? Here, follow me,” Lucy chuckled, moving behind the counter and beckoned him along as she navigated around displays and islands of products, “You said jasmin and rose, correct?”
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
“If you’ve come in looking to buy some of my rosemary and poppy bread, you’re gonna have to wait another twenty or so minutes, as the first morning batch is still in the oven,” the redhead informed the first customer that morning, upon seeing them looking towards the bread station. Her attention was only half on them, however; the rest was on the lemon basil and raspberry filled donuts she was putting on the tray to place in the display case. “But if that’s not the case, and you’re just browsing, is there anything I can help you with?”
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
Seeing Jagger skateboarding with one of his dogs was not an incredibly uncommon sight for the town of Derry. However, he typically did it with his more tame dog, Gunnie. Today, however, he’d decided to take his younger one, Motley, out for a cruise to see how she did. She’d been doing fairly well and he’d been avoiding populated areas, but that didn’t last too long. As soon as she saw a person approaching from the other side of the sidewalk, she bolted, pulling him at lightning speed towards the stranger. Jag managed to steer his skateboard to the side, skidding to a stop and stumbling off it slightly as he tried to keep a tight grip on the leash. “I’m so sorry! She just really likes people. We’re working on it.” he spoke breathlessly, pulling Motley in as he bent to pick up the board. 
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Lucy had decided to take her lunch break a little early as she had overslept that morning and had accidentally skipped breakfast, so she was starving. Because her shop was located just a block from the diner, she had decided to head there on foot - it wouldn’t take her long to walk such a short distance, and plus getting to enjoy the fresh air, despite it being a bit wet out, was always nice. Lucy had only made it a short distance, however, when a dog literally came out of nowhere. For a split second, her heart practically leaped into her throat, startled as she was, but upon seeing that it’s whole little behind was a wiggling, she let herself relax, recognizing the tell-tail signs of a friendly canine when she saw one. She flashed the owner of the cute dog a grin and shrugged, upon seeing him stumbling off his board and trying to reign the dog in. “It’s alright, dogs can be like that sometimes, so no harm done. She’s a cutie...what’s her name?” she asked, reaching her hand out to give it a light scratch on the head and around it’s ears.
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
“Wow, Luce, I’m wounded!”  Spencer clutched her hand to her heart dramatically.  “And here I was really just hoping you’d tell me your brother would do it or me,” she winked playfully.  “What can I say, I just like a man who works with his hands.”  She knew the comments were probably out of line - she would never want anyone to say those things to her about her brother.  “I’m kidding, I promise.  What brings you out tonight?”
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“It doesn’t look like a very deep wound, so I’m sure you’ll heal up just fine,” Lucy sassed back, cracking a red-painted smile towards the shorter young woman, only to grimace a second later, “Okay, ew. Spence, if you wanna get your hands all over him, be my guest - I’m sure he’d be thrilled - just please, for the love of God, don’t tell me about it. I don’t need that sort of mental scarring, thanks,” she retorted, only half kidding herself. She knew Spencer must have been joking, and Lucille had enough of a sense of humor to take it as such, but even still, just the thought of her brother in that type of situation really made her want to barf. “Pushy brothers, that’s what...Can you tell just how stoked I am to be here?”
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
Hellraiser: Are some lives worth more than others?
“Well, yeah. Most people would like to think that we’re all equals, and in the eyes of the Lord that may be, but to other humans? No one’s lives are worth more than those who we hold the most dear to us. I would kill literally ANYONE if it meant my dad or my brother were left unharmed. I value their lives over anyone else’s, even my own.”
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
The Falcon was not a place most people who didn’t know her would expect to see Spencer, her tiny body perched on the bar stool, sipping her beer and watching the sports game on the tv - not that she really cared for the game, but it was something to watch, after all.  It didn’t take very long for her to feel the eyes on her, and she finished off her beer, slowly turning her body to face the person who had bee looking at her.
“You gonna buy me a drink or just stare at me all night?”
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Drinking wasn’t something that Lucy partook in all that often, mostly because she rarely had the time, as work and work-related things usually took up most of her day and evenings. Which she was totally fine with, since she enjoyed what she did for a living, and going out and mingling with people just wasn’t her usual idea of a good time. She wasn’t much of a people person, so often used work as a viable excuse to not go out. However, her brother knew her better than anyone and seen straight through her bullshit when he’d asked her out and she’d said she had things to do in the shop. He’d scoffed right into her face and told her to get her ass in the car, because they were going out, no arguing...Sometimes, Lucy had to question whether she truly loved her brother enough to keep from strangling him sometimes. Especially now, when she’d been abandoned the moment they walked inside - her brother wandering off somewhere only god knew. 
Silently cursing at her wayward sibling, the redhead sat at the bar, vaguely lost in own little world, staring unseeingly off to the side, only to be jolted from her thoughts by the woman speaking beside her. At her question, Lucy raised a well-manicured brow, “Oh? And what makes you think you deserve a drink from me?” she teased.
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
- W A N T E D   C O N N E C T I O N S -
Older Brother - 25-30, and his fc is UTP. He happily helps out with the shop and the greenhouses when he has free time, but he’s usually off doing his own thing. It’s UTP what that thing is, of course. Lucy and him are really close and she’ll be very supportive in whatever his endeavors turn out to be, knowing that he wasn’t as passionate about the family business as she was.
Father - 50+, and fc is UTP. If anyone is interested in picking up and older male fc, then I’d love to have someone bring in Lucy’s dad (or one of Leona’s, tbh). He’s the actual owner of the The Rose Garden and the dozen or so greenhouses on the Hannigan property. He is thrilled that his passion for plants have passed on to his daughter and that they get to work together everyday, and in incredibly proud of what she’s done for the shop - selling her goods. The father-daughter duo are very close.
Best Friend - (22-24) This person’s been beside Lucy from a very young age. They’d have to be a Derry native, and likely their parents were friends with Lucy’s, which is how the two met in the first place. Likely since preschool or kindergarten. Basically, they’ve been best friends forever and know EVERYTHING about each other. They’d be like sisters.
Ex-Boyfriend / Possible Flame - They dated for a handful of months after her return from New York, but she eventually called it quits because she just got too busy with running The Rose Garden to focus on a relationship. She genuinely did care about him though - their relationship simply came about at the wrong time - and she’d greatly like a second chance with him.
Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend - They could have dated in high school or something. They’d have to be a Derry native.
Employees - An extra pair of hands to help her and her dad out at The Rose Garden would be super. She makes so much stuff by hand to sell that it would be nice to have someone to help her with the workload. Theoretically, she does have help, but having a playable employee as a connection would be much better! Someone who is interesting in working with their hands, and natural, fresh ingredients to create a wide list of things for in-store and on-line purchases.
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
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[ MADELAINE PETSCH, FEMALE, SHE / HER ] — If you’re strolling Derry today, you might see [ LUCILLE ROSE HANNIGAN ] along the way! The [ TWENTY-THREE ] year old has been in Derry for [ TWENTY-THREE YEARS ] and can usually be found at [ THE ROSE GARDEN, her family’s botanical shop ], when they aren’t busy with [ GARDENING or MAKING THINGS FOR HER SHOP ]. I hear they seem to be [ AMBITIOUS and PASSIONATE ], but they are also rumored to be [ BLUNT and HOT-TEMPERED ]. I’m sure they’d never admit it, but they’re terrified of [ RODENTS ]
- B A S I C - 
Full Name: Lucille Rose Hannigan Nickname(s): Lucy, Lu, Lulu Age: 23 Occupation: Owns \ Helps run The Rose Garden - a natural apothecary, also known as a botanical shop Birthday: January 11th Zodiac: Capricorn
- F A M I L Y -
Father: Hugo Hannigan Mother: Renee Hannigan Sibling(s): Older Brother Cousin: Chrissy Rhoades
 - P H Y S I C A L   A P P E A R A N C E -
Height: 5′6′’ Weight: 120 lbs Hair Color / Type: Red / Straight Eye Color: Dark Brown Piercings: Just once on both earlobes
- P E R S O N A L I T Y -
(+) Independent, Ambitious, Passionate, Hard-Working (-) Blunt, Hot-Tempered, Judgmental, Sarcastic
Lucy has always been hard-working and ambitious, especially when it came to the family business. It helped that it was what she loved to do, and that she was super passionate about it. Seriously, she’s not exactly the most social of people, but don’t get her started on a conversation about plants - she’ll definitely talk your ear off.
She’s pretty much always been independent, too. She’s needed very little guidance or direction in her life, as she’s known from the very beginning where she’s wanted her future to go. Which was helping her dad.
She can be quite friendly with most people, if they’re also kind and friendly in return. However, typical redhead, she can also be very hot-tempered when she is angry - and she can get angry pretty quickly, if her buttons get pushed too many times.
Lucy doesn’t have much of a filter, so she can be very bold and blunt on occasion, and sometimes she can come off as rude, but she doesn’t usually mean for it to come out that way. She’s just super honest and opinionated. And Judgmental, can’t forget that. Boy, can she be really judgy and too sarcastic sometimes. Easily her biggest flaws.
- H E R   B I G G E S T   F E A R -
Musophobia - the fear of rodents; particularly mice and rats. However, Lucy’s fear extends towards all types of rodent, except squirrels and chipmunks - she isn’t bothered by them as much.
- L I K E S   /   D I S L I K E S   /   H A B I T S
Loves gardening - she spends a great deal of her time in the dozen or so greenhouses that her father has put up on their property over the years - all of which house many of the plants that help supply their shop for things like herbs, teas, essential oils, etc..
Obviously, she's obsessed with plants. Her small one-bedroom apartment is filled to the brim with house plants, almost obsessively so. Thankfully most house plants are very forgiving when it comes to colder climates, so living up in Maine, where it’s usually always cold and rainy with very little sun, doesn’t affect them.
Working out and staying in shape. Goes to the gym three times a week, if she’s not super busy.
Keeping journals, as she finds her life easier to manage when she documents specific life events.
Heavily into plant photography. She keeps an online portfolios up on her online shop, listing all of the species of plants that her family grows and that they sell through their in-store and online shop.
Being social, despite feeling like, at times, she could be a bit awkward when it comes to actually starting a conversation with a stranger. Good thing Derry’s small and coming across a stranger is rather uncommon.
Is 100% vegan
She is a true artisan - she takes the most pleasure out of growing and making things from scratch and by hand. She dabbles in a lot of areas - from baking to cooking, to DIY arts & crafts, and especially to making and perfecting natural-based recipes for a lot of different things that she sells in her shop: lotions, soaps, lip balms, scrubs, essential oil blends, candles, tea blends, spice blends, etc. You name it, and Lucy’s very likely got her hands on it. 
She dries her own herbs and spices and tea leaves, and though it’s quite a tedious process, she LOVES doing it. She loves harvesting the leaves and bundling them in twine and hanging them to dry all around the shop. In her opinion, it’s totally aesthetically pleasing. That, and she very much enjoys doing things the old fashioned way. By hand. She’s got a total pioneer-like homestead mentality when it comes to how to does things.
Ever since she was a very young girl, Lucille’s always been more than willing to help her dad look after the greenhouses and she’d come into the shop whenever she could, helping him stock shelves and nothing’s really changed. Only now, she was selling a lot of her own products as well as the plants that come from both the Hannigan and Rhoades nurseries.
Enjoys baking and cooking, immensely - having been taught by her mother from a very early age. She uses her baking skills to make specialty breads and other baked goods to sell in The Rose Garden.
Is a self-taught pro at needlework - embroidery, knitting and sewing alike. A lot of her hand-made pieces can be seen hung up around her apartment and her shop.
- T H E   R O S E   G A R D E N -
“ Where the love for nature, baking and art meet “
It’s very much an artisan shop, heavily focused on home grown and hand-crafted products. A botanical shop / natural apothecary / produce market / bakery all in one.
See the overview list of things The Rose Garden sells here
- B I O G R A P H Y -
Is a native to Derry. She’s lived here her entire life, apart from the four years she left to go to New York for college.
Is of Irish / Welsh / Scottish descent, from both of her parents’ side
Has an older brother, whom she is very close with. He, too, helps out with the family shop when he can, but he’s usually off doing his own separate thing.
She is also close to her first cousin, Chrissy Rhoades (Lucy’s dad being the brother of Chrissy’s mother) who’s family owns their own plant nursery. The two families are greatly connected with one another, as the fresh produce from both nurseries and greenhouses are sold at The Rose Garden shop. Lucy also uses fresh ingredients supplied in bulk from both family’s crops to whip up large batches of her various handmade goods and body products.
While her brother preferred going off and doing his own thing, Lucy often stayed close to her parents, finding comfort and peace at their side verses being out-going and overly social. This lent to her growing a very strong attachment to both of her parents, since she was never very good at relating to other people as a whole and Hugo and Renee Hannigan were her whole world as a small child.
That being said, she’s always had a stronger connection with her father, with whom she shares a love for all things leafy and green, and the want to turn said leafy and green things into a variety of different things. They had the biggest green thumbs and most inventive minds of the family, and it was just something the two had always bonded over. That, and they were both highly anti-social and quirky individuals, preferring their plants for company rather than other people. Not that they weren’t friendly and welcoming to the other locals of Derry, they just didn’t know how to talk to people outside of business-talk. At least, not very well.
The two are insanely obsessed with the work they do for The Rose Garden, putting all of their time and passion into their shop and making sure their greenhouses and various equipment were running nicely.
So you could safely say that she was a daddy’s girl, through and through, from the very moment she came into the world. She took after him the most.
Her childhood was quite normal, all things considered. The Hannigans were a happy family with a pretty healthy family dynamic. All was great, or so Lucy thought. She was around 10 when her mother started acting peculiar. One minute she’d be fine, fixing dinner in the kitchen or cleaning and then the next she’d totally flip out and start screaming. At seemingly nothing. The episodes would send the entire house into chaos. Her father would shoo her and her brother up to their rooms or into the next room to keep them both safe and trying to keep them from witnessing the full extent of their mother’s mental breakdown. Which both children were more than fine with, as just listening to their mother’s blood curdling screams and subsequent emotional crying was more than scarring enough for them.
This went on for two years, the episodes unpredictable but never any less intense and frightening. The mental health of Lucy’s mother decreased significantly over that short amount of time, until it reached the point where Renee refused to get out of bed, and remained in a perpetual state of terror, leaving her essentially catatonic, apart from incoherent mutterings under her breath, and the godforsaken rocking. Not even the professionals could tell what was wrong with the woman or what had even triggered her mental decline, but they did eventually, very loosely label her condition as catatonic schizophrenia.
At age 12, her mother was taken to Juniper Hill Asylum, where she’s been ever since, still unresponsive to anyone’s presence apart from her own mental demons. She continues to mumble nonsense under her breath that nobody seems to be able to make out.
Adjusting to life without their mother was hard for both Hannigan children, and hard on their father, but despite his heart breaking at the loss of his wife, he made sure his kids were taken care of and loved and wanting for not. And yes, they did consider Renee’s absence as a loss, for though she wasn’t dead, her lack of presence in their life was greatly felt and just as devastating.
They still, to this day, visited her often, but every time was a very painful experience, resulting in lots of tears, mostly on Lucy’s end. She just couldn’t bare to see her mother in such a sad state.
The absence of her mother caused Lucy to cling tightly to her dad, and even her brother. The three of them became one another’s rock, bringing the remaining three Hannigans even closer as a family.
After high school, Lucy moved to New York City for four years and graduated from NYU at the age of 22 with a double bachelors degree in Horticulture and Botany. That had been her set goal from as early on in her life as she could remember; she’d always planned to go to school to study plants and grow her knowledge on the subject. Plant science - or Botany, as it was called - and how to properly cultivate different species - was something she had always been fascinated in. She already had quite the training, having been taught a ton by her dad growing up, but she wanted to be properly certified when she joined him full time at the shop.
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
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lucy-x-hannigan · 4 years
Hi everyone! It’s Neptune here once again with her third character, Lucille - or Lucy, as she normally goes by. I will be posting her mostly complete bio later this evening when I get the time to put the finishing touches on it. Basically, though, she’s a 23 year old artisan, working in and co-owning the family shop, The Rose Garden, which is essentially a botanical or natural apothecary like shop, that sells plants, dried and fresh herbs, scented candles, organic body products and fresh vegan snacks made from ingredients found in the Hannigan and Rhoades family nurseries, and also essential oils, culinary oils, etc, to name just a handful of things. Anyway, if anyone is interested in plotting or building any sort of connections with her, just let me know!
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