luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
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Gruvia during hidden requested by anon-san ♥
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
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~ Make me choose ~
Ciel Phantomhive or Demon Ciel Phantomhive 
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
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Gruvia & NaLu
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
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Planing a bigger project.. drawing Nalu in the middle again… 
jesus I need help
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
Squisherific Unisonraidd and Bonneyq are the Gruvia Queens and that's that
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
Gray and Juvia and their development
Recently there has been an outburst in Gray and Juvia hate. Comments like “Gray Fullbastard "or "gray is just an emmotional stripper ”,“Juvia is just a stalker” “Juvia is stupid ” and so on can easily be spotted everywhere and its awful because people dont realize how much both him and Juvia have grown emotionally. Ill start with Gray first. GRAY FULLBUSTER a boy whose family was taken away from him at a young and fragile age ,then taken in by ur and finding a somewhat new family with her and Lyon was forced into watching her die because of his mistake, once again he had failed in protecting those who he loves.Gray losing people he cherishes is a pattern that is well known to many people.Throughout Fairy Tail gray in my opinion is one of the people who has suffered most. The deliora tragedy taking both his family and ur,ultear sacrificing herself, his father pretending to be one of his deepest fears and fighting him and after revealing hes actually just a corpse controlled by keith asking his son to kill him in which gray broke down,later juvia defeats gray and he has to yet a second time lose silver and lastly the future impact on him when it gets revealed Natsu is E. n. D. Now excuse me but Gray is meant to have some issues when you think about everything hes been through.Juvia perfectlh understands that he needs someone in his life to stay by him and love him unconditionally and Gray has come to realize it too. In the beginning of Fairy Tail Gray wasnt one to smile much but now we see him smiling lots probably due to the fact he spent six months with her. Six whole months he lived with someone under the same roof ,he probably hasnt done that since he shared a house with ur and lyon. They worked together, trained together ,they had meals together.You can even see how much emotional development he has on different colours. From being disturbed by juvias presence to letting her cuddle in him and hug him whenever.Juvia has a big role in Grays development like it or not. Shes the person Gray has apologized to most in the series in fact other than her i remember him apologizing to lucy and thats it. When juvia confronted him we see Gray freaked out,he grabs her shoulders and asks her what shes doing here then apologizes,its clear he isnt satisfied with saying just sorry and wants to do it proper but the timing isnt right. Another example during the 413 days omake juvia knits him a scarf which he refuses and its left on the ground but later on the slayer dork remembers ur put a scarf on him as a child and assosiates urs love to juvias, he runs to the place the scarf last was seen and desperately searches to find it ,when he does he puts it on with a blush and says its warm. Grays an ice make mage he himself earlier noted the cold doesnt bother him but the scarf makes him warm in another way. Like in that panel where gray held frosch and said “it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside..” that is probably the same way juvias scarf and love make him feel. The next morning he apologizes to her a genuine apology because he realized he acted bad and i am sure gray knows how much juvia meeting him changed her life.From a man with a heart surrounded by a wall of ice to a man whos heart is slowly but surely melting,from a man who hid his tears to one that trusted juvia with them and his pain,Gray has surely come a long way. Now Juvia JUVIA LOCKSER a girl who unlike any other fairy tail member has had no one 17 years of her life.As a kid juvia had no one to look up to, no one to share with, no mother or dad to give her goodnight kisses, no friends to play with all she had was sorrow and the dolls she made to chase away the rain. We see her bullied,avoided as if shes the plague and when she thought she had found someone to accept her he turned out to be a douche named bora. Juvias story is one of the most relatable to,kids all around the world get abandoned each day, get bullied,get sucked up by deppression. Thats how juvias first years passed by, in loneliness and sorrow that is until she found a family in Fairy Tail. For the first time she experienced things known as love and actually having friends she can lean on. Half her life she was rejected but Fairy tail accepted her as she is. One of the moments i really came to admire Juvia was during the fantasia arc, everyone else fought against eachother but she refused to she prefered sacrificing herself rather than hurting a comrade that is how selfless juvia is.Another example was during her fight with meredy where she broke her own leg to protect gray and meredy convincing her that as long as there is love in your life you keep on living. A more recent example her keith vs silver fight. The task of defeating keith was up to her given by none other than silver, even earlier he spotted the connection she and his son have, but killing keith meant killing the father of her loved one juvia nevertheless carried out her duty.Later she confronts Gray and tells him she had killed the necromancer, no one in the guild had mentioned anything about it, gray himself had no idea she could have easily avoided telling him but she didnt.Juvia went to gray and told him what happened she was even ready to give up on loving one of the hardest things she probably put herself up to, when gray gripped her she was ready for him to hit her and accepted it with tears in her eyes ,thats how much she hurt, but instead he hugs her and apologizes. Now for the people who say shes a stalker heres the meaning “a person who harrasses another person as a former lover,a famous person etc often in an aggressive or illegal way”.Juvia has never ever harrassed Gray im any way in fact the only time she “stalked him "was before she was a part of fairy tail and who wouldnt hide, she was one of the villains she kidnapped grays comrade amd almost fried him. And just to say that i am positive that most of you "juvia is a stalker” have stalked someone in your life and would never do what she did for gray truth be told. From a lonely girl to someone filled with love juvia too has come a long way. This turned out rather long so i apologize but i needed to say whats been on my mind for quite long and im sorry if this insulted anyone in any way
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
Reblog if you would pay to see a “Spider-Gwen” movie with Emma Stone reprising her role as Gwen Stacy from the “Amazing Spider-Man” movies.
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
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Read more about your Zodiac sign here
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
The perfect smile squad
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
Live to dream
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
The Signs as Disney Princesses (/girls)
Aries: Mulan
Taurus: Aurora
Gemini: Jasmine
Cancer: Pocahontas
Leo: Ariel
Virgo: Belle
Libra: Esmerelda
Scorpio: Megara
Sagittarius: Merida
Capricorn: Tiana
Aquarius: Cinderella
Pisces: Snow White
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
kiss me!!!!!! hold my hand!!!!!!!! buy me flowers!!!!!!!! date me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go on picnics with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lay in bed with me!!!!!!!!! cuddle me!!!!!!!!!! go on road trips with me!!!!!!!! cook with me!!!!!!!!! do cute couple things with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
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i don’t care if you don’t like it it’s important that i worked hard on it
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luckynolucy-blog · 9 years
no inbetweens
aries: either a stone cold bitch or the most emotional sap ever who just wants Dogs
taurus: either the mom friend or satan
gemini: ???i don't even know what the fukc
cancer: either fun and outgoing or a total dick
leo: either feels like a total god or like total shit
virgo: either a social butterfly or a total introvert
libra: either a complete social flirt or only makes out with food and watches high school musical
scorpio: either the most sensitive person ever or the most insensitive
sagittarius: either a party animal or a sleep 24/7 kinda person
capricorn: either the meanest person ever or the biggest memer ever
aquarius: either the most wonderful person ever or the most bitter person ever
pisces: either the most precious thing in the world or a still precious thing, screaming about how non-precious they are
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