luckylucariosblog · 9 days
Be Cautious About Nature Cures and Herbs
I believe in natural remedies and medicinal herbs.
​​I just get annoyed when people only use natural remedies. Please consult a Dr or a Nurse, before making big changes !
Like say stopping medications. Or just checking in with a health care professional. They can help make sure you aren't accidently hurting yourself.
At the end of the day it's your body and your life. Just please don't trust everything you read or hear.
Sometimes the professionals get it wrong as well !
*This is not medical advice. I am not in anyway apart of the medical field. This is me just wanting people to be cautious and aware of what they are taking.*
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luckylucariosblog · 9 days
My General View On Haters
My thought is this: Let the haters hate. They will eventually bring people in that want to know the truth. They also have to watch the content to quote it. So more views.
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luckylucariosblog · 12 days
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The cure for Christianity is reading the Bible-Mark Twain.
I think that the book of Revelations would make a great horror movie.
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luckylucariosblog · 12 days
The Dark World of Megachurches 
I really like this video. It shows corruption of Mega Churches. It’s very well researched.
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luckylucariosblog · 12 days
Lucario GIFs & Pics Just Because
Here are a few lucario GIFs and pictures just because I felt like it. Obviously I didn't make any of them. They should have the credits for the amazing people who did make them. It's to hopefully contain pictures and GIFs of the Pokemon to one post.
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luckylucariosblog · 12 days
The use of labels
Labels are like a rallying call. It says I am this and am not that. Doesn't mean you have to use a label. It's just helpful to find others.
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luckylucariosblog · 12 days
Be you !
The freedom of thought and feeling are the core of being human ! Be you and harm none ! Labels are there to define the meaning. Look beyond the labels and descriptions. Look for the truth behind them.
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luckylucariosblog · 16 days
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Lucario is the Pokemon that I am named after. It's one of my favorite Pokemon.
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luckylucariosblog · 16 days
I have been thinking about how Christianity can bring peace to people. But at the same time bring out the hate in them.
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luckylucariosblog · 23 days
One of the things that woke up me.
I was at an Wednesday Youth Group. The pastor said that some people come here just to cause problems and distrupt everyone else. Then told us to ask our selves why we where really coming to events.
​​It made me think about why I was actually going. I wasn't going for the right reasons. So that is when I started thinking for myself more.
I had been thinking about why I was going to youth church for a long time. Ironically that Pastor who was trying to discourage people from acting out. It gave me a big push to look inward as to why I was really going.
I was also getting to the age. Where the cutesy stories aren't told anymore. The harshness of the church's doctrine was starting to show.
I was also at the age of figuring myself out. Coming to terms with the fact that I might not be straight. That my understanding of the social parts of life was low. There where other things that happened around that time. Things that deserve there own post.
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luckylucariosblog · 1 month
Why Do People Want The End Of Days To Come ?
Why are people so worried about the end ? There is so many things humanity can do as a whole. We are barley scratching the surface of tech and spirituality.
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luckylucariosblog · 1 month
Intro Post
Occasionally I am in the comment sections of videos or commenting in live streams. If I happen to make an impact. Or like what I said. I will copy and paste it. This blog is me taking those small blurbs and hopefully expanding on them. I'll try to stay on topic,but it might not happen.
I will also post links to articles and videos that I really like.
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