lucky-ai · 1 day
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While Liliana was naturally very popular at school, Lucia kept more to herself. Her crush on Dakota only grew as they got older and they were soon boyfriend and girlfriend. Things were a bit more complicated for Liliana and August.
Though they weren't dating, they were close friends. So much so, that outsiders often confused the two for a couple. To be honest, Liliana was being quite stubborn. But as she waited for him to ask her, time ticked by, and soon it was August's last year of high school. However, she was pleasantly surprised when he asked her to go to the fair one day. And as they spun around the Ferris wheel, August admitted his nervousness. Even though he had much to learn, he desperately wanted Liliana to be his. And to this, she said yes.
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lucky-ai · 4 days
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Liliana and her friends on a trip to the beach for summer vacation. Of course, Lucia and Luca begged to come along. Anton brought his little brother, Dakota, as well. In the end, they all had a great time. Briar and Blake certainly appreciated the break.
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lucky-ai · 7 days
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Soon after Lucia, Briar and Blake's last child was born. A sweet baby boy named Luca. Naturally, he was quite spoiled being the youngest. In the midst of this, Briar finally opened her veterinarian clinic and spent many hours working tirelessly. Liliana also started high school, along with August and Catherine.
Liliana was considered to be quite popular and almost everyone knew of her. The same could be said for August, who was often seen by her side. Now that they were older, he mocked Liliana much less and his behavior became much sweeter towards her. Often, Liliana could sense that Catherine felt like the odd one out. That's what everyone said at school, after all. But Liliana cherished their friendship and always let Catherine know that.
Soon, there was an addition to their friend group. Anton transferred into Liliana's class, only for her to find out that he was the older brother of a new friend Lucia had made. They often talked when Anton came to pick up his little brother, who naturally fit into their group.
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lucky-ai · 10 days
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While Briar was not motivated to get married, Blake was by her side nonetheless. Knowing him, she assumed he'd get bored after her second rejection. But, she figured there was a hidden side to everyone. They had agreed to live together and he didn't miss a second. Not when their youngest, Lucia, was born, nor Liliana's birthday.
Liliana turned out to be much more sociable compared to her mother. Briar assumed it was a trait she must've gotten from Blake. By now, she had made two good friends. There was August who was originally from Chestnut Ridge and was adopted by his new family. He was often teasing Liliana in some way and constantly full of energy. Then there was Catherine, a shy girl Liliana approached first. It took a while for Catherine to open up, but soon they were the best of friends. She even came along on their trip to Mt. Komorebi. Briar had been wanting to go for a while after listening to the stories her father used to tell. It was even closer to her heart now that her dear father had peacefully passed away. The least she could do was share the memory with her children.
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lucky-ai · 10 days
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As this so-called phase trickled on, Briar was shocked when the consequences came faster than anticipated. She was pregnant, the last thing she ever wanted. Unlike Briar, her parents were ecstatic, though surprised. But Briar was soon to be surprised as well, she had never expected Blake's eyes to light up the way they did when she told him. However, Briar couldn't help but loathe the situation she was in. She carried that feeling throughout her pregnancy, and then little Liliana was born.
At first, Blake came over every so often to help. Then he started staying the night. And, suddenly, he had a matching key to the house. A strange sensation stirred within Briar when watching him handle Liliana. She could tell that Blake truly adored children. Briar felt a longing she'd never felt before, and Liliana grew to be cuter and cuter in her eyes. It was then that the guilt poured over her and she swore to do better by Liliana. And, perhaps, a sibling of hers.
+Blake's Traits+
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lucky-ai · 12 days
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Beckoning Cat, Blake's lookbook
eyebrows | hair | top | bottom | socks | shoes
+Skin Details+
skin overlay | eyelashes | custom eyes | abs shadow | moles | hairline | highlight | nosebridge mask | nose mask | misc face details | skintone
teeth | remove ea lashes | eyeshine removal
Find Blake in the gallery at Marryssa18!
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lucky-ai · 13 days
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As university nears its end, Briar picks up a freelance job centered around programming to save up some money. To her, every cent counts towards opening her own veterinarian clinic one day...and maybe another cat as well. Void was looking quite lonely after all. Perhaps a calico.
Meanwhile, though she thought she would never see him again after that night, she found herself running into Blake around campus. That was it at first, after all, she didn't truly know anything about him. And that's exactly what she told him when he tried to stop her for a chat. But then an alluring smile played across his lips and he'd say, "So what, that's what getting to know people is for." At first, Briar would entertain him occasionally. He'd be rambling on while she studied at a cafe. That said, slowly but surely, they began to spend more time together. He got used to her reserved demeanor and she adjusted to his titillating banter. Every time, Briar would have to remind herself that this was simply a phase.
+Blake’s Traits+
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lucky-ai · 19 days
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Briar had always been secluded, and that hadn't changed once she moved out of her childhood home. To be fair, she was inundated with responsibilities now. Between her classes and her new cat, Void, she had little time for socialization. Other than the calls from her mother and father, that is. But college was supposed to be a fun and exciting time in her life, no? With that in mind, she decided to attend one party late into her senior year. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe she just enjoyed the thrill, but Briar decided for once to let go.
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lucky-ai · 21 days
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Black Cat Behavior, Briar's lookbook
hair | earrings | necklace | suit | rings | shoes
necklace | dress and coat | tights | boots
choker | top | jeans | tights | shoes
bra | dress | nail polish | heels
top | skirt | tights | waist chain | boots
eyeshadow | eyeliner | blush | lipstick
+Skin Details+
skin overlay | eye contacts | eyelashes | eyelid overlay | moles | hairline | highlight | nosebridge mask | nose mask | lip mask | misc face details | skintone overlay | clevage mask | body blush
eyeshine remover | eyebrow preset | remove ea lashes | teeth
Find Briar in the Gallery at Marryssa18!
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lucky-ai · 23 days
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Unlike her outgoing parents, Briar kept more to herself. On the other hand, she did have a soft spot for all the animals her mother took care of. And it most certainly shows, as now she dreams of working with animals herself. It'll be a lot of work, but if anything shows how dedicated Briar is, it would be the status of valedictorian she gained graduating high school. However, she doesn't plan on stopping now. Leaving her home of Henford-on-Bagely, she settles in Britechester. Following pompous cheers, she sets foot on the campus of Foxbury Institute ready to pursue a degree in Biology.
+Sims in Bloom Legacy Challenge+
Gen 2 - Buttercup (yellow, green)
From a young age you’ve always loved animals of all kinds. You spent your childhood playing in your parents’ garden, fascinated by the wildlife all around you. As a teen you were gifted a laptop for your birthday and you spent most of your time attached to it, competing in video game tournaments. Your love for animals persisted however, and you use the money won from video game tournaments to start your own vet clinic! ‘Romance’ and ‘marriage’ are things you never saw in your future, but you would still like to raise a child with love and care like you were.
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lucky-ai · 25 days
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Cooking with Fire, Jamie's lookbook
hair | earrings | top | bottom | shoes
+Skin Details+
skin overlay | eyelashes | freckles | hairline | eyes | eyelids | abs shadow | misc face details | nose bridge | nose mask | skintone overlay
eyebrows | eyeshine remover | remove ea lashes | teeth
Find Jamie in the gallery at Marryssa18!
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lucky-ai · 25 days
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The Family Tree for Generation Daisy! Find Dahlia and Jamie in the gallery at Marryssa18! For their cc, check out their lookbooks in my blog!
After a tumultuous teen life, Briar is ready to leave the nest! And with dreams of achieving a higher education, her destination is Britechester.
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lucky-ai · 26 days
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As Jamie rose in the world of culinary arts, so too did his fame. But in no way did that keep him away from his loving family. As Briar grew, she often followed her mother around the garden. Though she seemed to have a special interest in the cows and chickens even more. And when Briar started school, things finally seemed to slow down. Just in time too, because Dahlia and Jamie had longed to be officially married. They didn't care for the extravagant fanfare, however, and opted for a small gathering of just the two of them. It was simple, just the way they liked it. And, of course, Briar continued to grow, her brilliance acting as a beacon of light.
+Briar's Traits+
shy geek
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lucky-ai · 28 days
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Life seemed to move in a blur for Dahlia at this point. Jamie soon moved in and it became natural for her to wake up in his arms. And, even though she had an extra hand, things soon got busier for the both of them. As Dahlia prepared for the harsh winter to come, Jamie was determined to provide more support for his love and his future child. The culinary arts had always been a passion of his but, due to everyone's expectations of him, he had pushed this love away. But if he didn't pursue this goal, what was the point of him moving to Henford-on-Bagley?
With both of their goals set, winter came. And with winter came a new life, a baby girl. With skin that glistened like the petals of a buttercup, they named her Briar. With every blink, she seemed to grow more and more. And soon, she was walking and talking, her curiosity brimming.
+Briar's Traits+
Inquisitive Independent
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lucky-ai · 29 days
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As they talked and got to know one another better, Dahlia realized she was falling more and more for Jamie. He often came over to visit, helping her with the garden and cleaning out the shed. But some of Dahlia's favorite visits would be when Jamie had a certain light about him.
He would come strolling up the path with a basket of fresh berries from the townsfolk. Like his neighbors at Mt. Komorebi, Jamie quickly claimed the hearts of the townspeople. He would greet her with a blinding smile and soon got to work in the kitchen. Once done with her chores outside, Dahlia would follow the tantalizing smell of a freshly baked pie back into the house. It was on one of these visits when he finally asked her to be his girlfriend. And, obviously, she said yes.
Unfortunately, anxiety soon threatened this elated feeling. She found out that she was pregnant. Though she always wanted a child of her own, the suddenness of Dahlia's situation seemed to overwhelm her. But, as she lay in Jamie's arms and told him the news, she was sure she saw sparkles in his eyes. As he wrapped his arms around Dahlia, he reassured her and promised that he'd be with her every step of the way.
+Jamie's Discovered Traits+
Loves Outdoors
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lucky-ai · 1 month
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While a cow and two chickens make good company, Dahlia sure was craving some actual human interactions. Going down to the town center, she accepts some favors. But in the midst of all that, she runs into Jamie. His bubbly personality immediately enthralled her, and they hit it off! And with Love Day around the corner, he asks her on a date.
Strolling down the riverside, he tells her of his home, Mt. Komorebi. Jaime's always had a pristine image and everyone expected great things from him. But, as the pressure weighed down on him, he decided a quiet life might be what's best for him. Something he and Dahlia had very much in common.
+Jaime's Discovered Traits+
Loves Outdoors
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lucky-ai · 1 month
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Bracing the breezes, Dahlia's lookbook
hair | earrings | necklace | waist chain | top | bottom | shoes
nail polish | dress | shoes
earrings | rings | tattoos | jacket | tights | boots
eyeshadow | eyeliner | blush
+Skin Details+
skinblend | freckles | hairline | skin overlay | nose bridge | nosemask | misc face details | clevage mask | body blush | eyes | eyelashes
eyebrows | eyeshine remover | remove ea lashes | teeth
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