lubvre · 7 months
I fucking overwrote dr lovewell in comparison to like everyone else oopsiessss 😭
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lubvre · 7 months
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dr lovewell and his patient
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lubvre · 7 months
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more doodlesss I need to find a way to transport my laptop to school safely in my backpack so I can seriously work on the game
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lubvre · 8 months
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saw this on twitter and it reminded me of hugo m. Iovewell from 2025 hit game love, your doctor
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lubvre · 8 months
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figuring out rpg maker vx ace one step at a time (+mc artwork)
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lubvre · 8 months
i just slapped together the first game OST on garage band I don’t know anything about music i think I’ll use it 4 the title screen it’s probably ass but shruggg
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lubvre · 8 months
dr lovewell was the first character i made for this project so there’s a rather significant imbalance of the amount of art I have for him vs the amount I have for the others. I hope to even that out soon!
i made him to go alongside my old friends’ mad scientist ocs and we were planning on making a game (which I honestly doubt would’ve come to fruition w them) but we fell out! But I found that I still adored this character, and I had so many ideas I wanted to pursue w him but couldn’t due to being restricted by the creative differences of my old friends (they also sucked as people).
Like the other characters I made like were only made a short while ago after I dropped those people, and they wouldn’t have been made if I didnt. So this project is very special to me, and I love all of these characters I made and wrote w all of my heart and I hope it can go somewhere!
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lubvre · 8 months
she’s my no1 mad scientist
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lubvre · 8 months
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some art! also the previous image I used for 11212 is my other 2 blogs was outdated oopsies. The girl in the top left of the first drawing is the design I’m currently using
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lubvre · 8 months
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I think it might be good to do some brief informal summaries on the characters
Patient 11212- the main character of the game! She’s previously homeless before being taken in by Dr Lovewell to do experiments in Palisander ‘Hospital’ under the guise that she’d be given food and shelter, and that experiments wouldn’t be too extreme. She realises that the guy is genuinely insane and she needs to escape. She’s very sensitive and meek, and very prone to manipulation. She’s also very good at running away, and she always tries to do the best possible thing in any situation (which more often than not leads to trouble). Generally she’s very troubled and depending on what choices you make she either gets better or gets worse. But she’s a sweet girl!
Dr Lovewell- the runner of the Palisander ‘Hospital’ facility, running an independent medical practice, in which he conducts immoral experiments on human subjects. He’s fascinated by the human body, particularly the brain, to unhinged levels. He has several screws loose, but is very meticulous with his work, and his very intelligent and calculated. He’s a scientist first before he’s human.
Patient 00333- One of Dr Lovewell’s beloved patients (possibly his favourite!) and he seems to be mysteriously linked to him. He’s one of 11212’s closest allies, and helps her navigate the ropes of the facility, having been there for a good while. He’s lazy and a little aloof, but he’s probably a lot softer than he lets on, and can be genuinely clever when he wants to
Miss Estrada- Hugo’s secretary/ camera watcher for the facility! She keeps her distance from Hugo, even as the two work quite closely together, but she also isn’t very helpful to 11212, unless she feels as though she gets something out of it. Her relationships are purely transactional, and she seems to be very closed off, but she’s very cool and level headed, which is just what you’d need in Palisander Hospital!
Mister Buzek- Hugo’s sleazy lawyer, who always seems to be in a huff or going on a tangent about something. But he’s also very smug and cocky, which comes with his sleaziness. (babygirl, dare I say)
Detective Beaufour- A detective in England (even though he’s French) who travels to Poland to investigate Dr Lovewell, following a hunch he had. His colleagues believe that he’s off his nut, but his will is pretty much unshakeable. He can come off as a little pompous, and he’s quite stoic, but he’s an ace detective, who has good intentions! Maybe
Detective Andrews- Detective Beaufour’s partner who investigates Dr Lovewell with him. He’s often mocked and ridiculed by his peers for being a bit of a softie, but Beaufour doesn’t seem to mind him (which is high praise!)
I’m thinking of making more characters since I might need a couple more people to fill out roles in the story or act as background/ side charas, but this is what I have!
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lubvre · 8 months
hello! if ur reading this you are lucky enough to have stumbled upon this humble little dev blog for the my game project “Love, Your Doctor”! It’s gonna be some sort of artistic psychological horror (groundbreaking I know.)
I won’t be heavy on promotion of this game I’m making quite yet since I don’t have anything solid. I have a story, a couple pieces of art and ideas that have yet to be written down! I don’t have a game making program yet, but I’m hoping to get my hands on RPG maker mz. It sounds kind of flimsy since I have nothing concrete, but I’m genuinely very passionate about this project!
I’ve never done a big art project like this before but I have a strong feeling about this project. That being said I’ll have to somehow teach myself coding and sound design and music making…but I’m starting off small and humble :] my plan is to make a short demo and hopefully gain some traction, and find some extra hands (if I don’t then I’ll probably still make a full ver). But that being said! I am currently in full time education (I’m 16 yrs old and I just started my A Levels youch) so progress will be quite sluggish. I don’t have any solid deadlines for myself yet but I’ll look into setting those up when I get my hands on rpg maker!
I thought it might be handy to document my work to keep track of changes I make over time, and i might even gain some traction who knows ?! Whatever ends up happening I’ll always be happy I did this
To end off, here’s the current cast of characters I have! W their names, ages and heights [all of which are subject to change!]
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