lp4556 · 5 years
Growing up
There’s something about growing up that just doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t feel right because it’s so foreign, it’s so new. But there comes this moment where you want to engage with people not to compare yourself, but to genuinely participate in an adult conversation about each other’s successes and failures on a level of maturity that hasn’t been utilized until now. But when you are faced with people who only judge your actions and can’t contribute to this level of conversation, you are faced with a decision to wither humor them or let them go. And this is a crossroads no one tells you about...
However, I urge you to go with your gut. If you love the judemental person and can see past their shallowness, hold on to them and stick it through. But if this level of judgement is too much, if it weighs you down.. let it go. You will be lighter for it.
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lp4556 · 5 years
Narrator: she was depressed, and wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball and sleep for all eternity
Narrator: but instead she spent hours on end scrolling through semi humorous text posts and watching videos she’d already seen seven times.
Narrator: She truly is the epitome of humanity
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lp4556 · 5 years
Just one of those nights...
Where I want to talk to someone, but I don’t feel confident enough to reach out. But I know if I did, I’d either be met with silence or I wouldn’t know what to talk about. It’s a lonely night.
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lp4556 · 5 years
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Take a deep breath. You are safe here  💖✨
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lp4556 · 5 years
Narrator: she was depressed, and wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball and sleep for all eternity
Narrator: but instead she spent hours on end scrolling through semi humorous text posts and watching videos she’d already seen seven times.
Narrator: She truly is the epitome of humanity
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lp4556 · 5 years
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lp4556 · 5 years
Idk what I need, but I’m not getting it and my soul hurts.
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lp4556 · 5 years
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Reblog this for suicide prevention.
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lp4556 · 5 years
Everything Okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. There are many support services that are here to help. 
If you are located in the United States, consider reaching out to the National Alliance on Mental Illness HelpLine.
If you are located in the United Kingdom, The Mix is here to help you with any challenge you are facing.  Reach out online, on social or through their free and confidential helpline.
If you are reading this from in any other country in Europe,  Mental Health Europe has compiled a list of helplines and other resources in your country. 
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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lp4556 · 5 years
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As I sit here on the beach, no kids, no friends, just me- I think and I observe: I’ve been through a lot in my short 25 years. From first love, heart break, babies, and success; I’ve lived so much life! I’ve sabotaged myself and others, I’ve accomplished more than I thought possible, and ultimately, I’ve found some peace. And in this observation I’ve realized something: there is no “right” “one” way to do things. My life has been a fucking mess! But I’m SO happy. Every trial I’ve faced, every terrible decision, I have lived through and kept moving and that’s why I’m where I am today. Other people go years until they hit this point, and it’s beautiful!
My journey is my own. Your journey is your own. Embrace it and make it memorable ❤️
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lp4556 · 5 years
Hi, I’m bored!
I’m new to the tumblr world, how do I actually make this a useful thing?!
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lp4556 · 5 years
For real, the tiniest show of appreciation is enough to fill our hearts!
Hello, sorry for wasting your time, feel free not to respond to this. I just wanted to ask you if you have ideas how I can thank a really awesome teacher I have. I have many good ones and I appreciate them all but this one just really stands out. She helped me with a personal crisis and is in general just so nice to me although I am a crazy annonying student (I am THE most annoying actually). I just want to thank her for all of that and make her happy because she deserves that.
Hey Anon,
1.) You’re probably not the most annoying! 
2.) Teachers, for all of our complaining, are SUPER easy to please. A post-it note with a smiley-face would make my day. Teachers deal with a constant stream of negative feedback from every direction. 
One iota of positive energy will go a long way. Good luck.
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lp4556 · 5 years
When I tell students they are allowed snacks, not full meals, in class
They’re like:
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lp4556 · 5 years
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lp4556 · 5 years
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lp4556 · 5 years
Riley: Angel! You gave me three pieces of paper.
Angel: yeah! One for your rough draft, one for corrections, and one for your final draft.
The conversations between an English teacher’s children.
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lp4556 · 5 years
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Happy Lesbian Visibility Day!
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