louisagay-alcott · 2 years
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300122, S.T.
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louisagay-alcott · 2 years
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My life in one word
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louisagay-alcott · 2 years
women literally have to have the mentality of prey animals every time we go outside and then we’re like “idk why I’m so stressed and angry all the time :( this is my personal failing”
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
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More Pre-Raphaelite & Dark Academia vibes from my room 🥀
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
this whole pandemic has been hell for feminist conciousness for some reason like women have lost a million more jobs than men have during covid and many are trapped in their homes pulling double duty of work and nonstop childcare and simultaneously it’s been nonstop soft propaganda about the evils of “girlbossery” starting with this carole baskin shit at the beginning of 2020 and now leading up to nonsensical attacks on a movie/book from 5 years ago. it’s like some kind of psyop to preemptively shut us up about the fact that women are the first to get fucked and the last to get justice in any kind of crisis situation. oh youre sad women are losing jobs? shut up girlboss women shouldnt have jobs in the first place
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
actually i firmly believe that libraries are some of the most sacred and necessary pillars of a community. they often offer as much solace as a church, care resources and shelter as a community center, knowledge miles beyond what most schools can afford and spaces for community to cultivate at any age. i’m glad to fully appreciate this privilege now that they’re beginning to reopen but if you have a local library you can support and give either time money or effort towards, i see it as a great place to start in community investment
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
Women be buff and fit 2021
Following this excellent post I decided to share the youtube workout channels I’ve been using to get fit. They’re all woman-run, use little to no objectifying body language (aka “get a juicy ass” or “love handle killer” type of BS), and above all feature beginner-friendly workouts with no equipment. These won’t make you into Xena the Warrior Princess overnight (sadly) but are a great starting point to start getting fit and a little more independent.
IsaWelly - Pilates
She has a lot of 10 to 30 minute full body workouts to chose from. Pilates is a really good start if you want to build core strength and body awareness, which will help you have good form and minimize injury risk if you then progress to more strenuous workouts. She has lots of infectious energy, she’s chatty but without being distracting. Also she’s from Togo so you’re supporting a Black woman content creator while getting stronger, win-win!
Move with Nicole - Pilates
Also pilates. I do find her mellow good vibes youtuber voice pretty irritating at times but her cues are clear and I find her workouts pretty calming and enjoyable so.
Yoga with Kassandra - Yoga
I mainly use her videos to stretch in the morning or before bed but she also has longer and more demanding videos for strength and balance. She has a lot of restorative, slow, yin yoga if you just want to stretch and relax. I think yoga is underrated when it comes to starting to get fit, it won’t make you super strong but it can be a great start if you’re out of shape, or ill and it’s super low impact. It’s also a great way to care for your body on rest/recovery days.
Yoga with Adriene - Yoga
She can be too bubbly and chatty for my liking but credit where credit is due, she’s the one who got me into the habit of daily yoga and it’s done wonders for my mental health. It’s overall a great start for beginners, her comment section is filled with people thanking her for finally making them move their body in a way that feels good.
Madfit - Fitness
I was really hesitant to include her because she does title a minority of her videos “sculpt”, “lose fat” and “flat stomach”, even though she usually puts more emphasis on strength than on looks. I still decided to share because my primary focus when starting this fitness journey was to gain arm strength and this workout has done wonders in that regard. Last week I was able to carry a 40kg (88 pounds) bag of dirt home. I would have been barely able to lift it only three months ago! My self-esteem was through the roof but still, be aware of your potential triggers concerning body image if you do decide to browse her videos.
As you can see this list severely lacks fitness youtubers with a strong focus on strength and actually Indian yogis so please feel free to add more options if you know any!
Beware of the youtube algorithm, it will absolutely try to give you an ED if it catches you watching workout videos. I advise you to use a private navigation tab for them, just so your suggestions won’t immediately be filled with diet culture stuff.
Also, shout out to @istanjoanne whose pinned female centered fitness post helped me know what to look for in a workout. If unlike me you’re able to structure a workout without following a vid, her docs may be enough for you to build your own practice!
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
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O saisons, ô châteaux (Agnès Varda, 1958)
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
TIL *uropean radfems are the mOst racist, xenophobic motherfuckers on the PLANET. Oh, France is like North Africa now! Barbaric Afghan refugees are gonna overrun us! The big bad Somalian men are coming for us innocent white women! Get fucked.
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
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ichiko aoba's "windswept adan" album cover / pretty sick's "deep divine" album cover
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
If you've read a lot of political theory and you think to yourself "I should start a YouTube channel where I explain political theory to the masses using my big fat brain," that is the voice of Satan. That is the Devil whispering in your ear and tempting you down the path to damnation. You must be strong.
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
even violent sexual fantasies do not require porn to masturbate to. those defending porn aren’t even defending violent sexual fantasies, they’re demanding that violent sex acts happen outside of their head, not as fantasy, but as real acts preformed on a female human being for a man to watch as a recording to ejaculate to. these men could easily think about whatever they wish, and masturbate to that, but they don’t want to. a few less seconds spent in thought before ejaculation, that’s what a woman’s health, safety, life, is worth to them. a few seconds.
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louisagay-alcott · 3 years
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“There is a global trafficking in women; as long as women are being bought and sold in a global slave traffic we are not free. 
There is a pornography crisis in the United States. Women in the United States live in a society saturated with sexually brutal, exploitative material that says: rape her, beat her, hurt her, she will like it, it is fun for her. 
We need to put women first. 
Surely the freedom of women must mean more to us than the freedom of pimps. 
We need to do anything that will interrupt the colonizing of the female body. 
We need to refuse to accept the givens. 
We need to ask ourselves what political rights we need as women. 
Do not assume that in the eighteenth century male political thinkers answered that question and do not assume that when your own Charter was rewritten in the twentieth century the question was answered. 
The question has not been answered. 
What laws do we need? 
What would freedom be for us? 
What principles are necessary for our well-being? 
Why are women being sold on street corners and tortured in their homes, in societies that.claim to be based on freedom and justice? 
What actions must be taken? 
What will it cost us and why are we too afraid to pay and are the women who have gotten a little from the women’s movement afraid that resistance or rebellion or even political inquiry will cost them the little they have gotten? 
Why are we still making deals with men one by one instead of collectively demanding what we need? 
I am going to ask you to remember that as long as a woman is being bought and sold anywhere in the world, you are not free, nor are you safe. 
You too have a number; some day your turn will come. 
I’m going to ask you to remember 
the prostituted, 
the homeless, 
the battered, 
the raped, 
the tortured, 
the murdered, 
the raped-then-murdered,
the murdered-then-raped;
and I am going to ask you to remember the photographed, the ones that any or all of the above happened to and it was photographed and now the photographs are for sale in our free countries. 
I want you to think about those 
who have been hurt for the fun, the entertainment, the so-called speech of others; 
those who have been hurt for profit, for the financial benefit of pimps and entrepreneurs.
I want you to remember the perpetrator and I am going to ask you to remember the victims: not just tonight but tomorrow and the next day. 
I want you to find a way to include them - the perpetrators and the victims - in what you do, how you think, how you act, what you care about, what your life means to you.
Now, I know, in this room, some of you are the women I have been talking about. 
I know that. People around you may not. 
I am going to ask you to use every single thing you can remember about what was done to you - 
how it was done, 
by whom, 
and, if you know, why - 
to begin to tear male dominance to pieces, to pull it apart, to vandalize it, to destabilize it, to mess it up, to get in its way, to fuck it up. 
I have to ask you to resist, not to comply, to destroy the power men have over women, to refuse to accept it, to abhor it and to do whatever is necessary despite its cost to you to change it.” 
- Andrea Dworkin, Remember; resist; do not comply. 
(Speech at the Massey College Fifth Walter Gordon Forum, Toronto, Ontario, in a symposium on “The Future of Feminism,” April 2, 1995. First published by Massey College in the University of Toronto, May 2, 1995. Copyright ©1995, 1996 by Andrea Dworkin. Reprinted from Life and Death.)
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