lost-in-love-maze ¡ 5 hours
I thought I was the only one who noticed this.
Can’t wait for the next installment of “fixing Kataang post-canon so no one can disagree with it”. Wouldn’t be surprised if Aang tells Katara why he locked his chakra and Katara is completely okay with it for some OOC reason.
So due to friends who ship it, I often end up in KA spaces more than I would like. But I recently was told something I think you especially would find funny/ridiculous. Apparently Bryke has continued the revisionism of their show due to criticism. First it was the comics and Aang asking Katara if he can kiss her. Then it’s the freaking cookbook that tells us Aang cooks all the time for his friends and knows lots of air nomad vegetarian recipes. Now according to my KA shipping friends, Avatar Legends has talked about how Kya and Bumi were included and received a full air nomad cultural education just like Tenzin did. That Kya uses her father’s lessons on “philosophy, meditation, and balance” in her own life and teaches classes to the new air nomads. So now KA shippers are trying to claim that this shows that Aang was a good dad and did treat them fairly and wasn’t neglectful. I can only imagine what Bryke will come up with next for their new movie!
Fortunately thanks to you I have a solid argument for my friends whenever this kind of thing crops up, “If Bryke thought it was important they would have showed it on screen in the show.” So thank you!
I'm happy to help! I would add that them making these adjustments to Aang after everyone complained about them is too little too late. Especially since most of these have come well after LoK wrapped. Who are they even doing it for? Aang's stans are going to stan no matter what awful things he does. Those of us who don't like Aang aren't going to be fooled by such an embarrassingly transparent attempt. And unless they're going to George Lucas LoK and rewrite whole episodes and plot points, their original ideas still stand. All they're doing is proving the Zutara/anti Aang fans right. Aang was a terrible father/husband/friend, and now they're trying to retcon their boy. I don't follow the comics and other properties, but what I've heard about it all makes me feel vindicated. I can't wait until they reveal that Katara had a bigger statue than Aang in another part of Republic City the whole time, and the only reason she wasn't at Yakone's bloodbending trial is because she was singlehandedly delivering an entire maternity ward's worth of babies. In the middle of a blizzard. With her teeth. And the reason she's the only one who can stop Aang's Avatar Super Tantrums is because every Avatar has some sort of mystical counterpoint that's born to babysit their rage outs.
Bryke's writing is a joke.
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 1 day
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i’m in too deep, swimming in your sea
@zutaramonth 2024 day 12: kiss at midnight
(yes i’m a month late but every month is zutara month, baby)
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 2 days
THIS. Like, we all know she’d be mad as hell.
i often think about how katara would have reacted if she actually found out why aang failed to master to avatar state in the first place.
like what if aang had told her. there is no way you can convince me that any version of katara wouldn’t feel enraged and guilt-ridden.
she wouldn’t find it romantic. she would immediately think about all the innocents suffering as a result and likely blame herself.
and that is why i view aang’s actions here as misguided and selfish and cannot view them as some wise, romantic gesture rooted in love like the narrative wants me to.
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 7 days
Fortnite, are you sure about this? Did you think it through?
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 7 days
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No you don't understand this conversation occupies like half of my brain
Excuse me while I ramble incoherently.
Zuko pretty consistently thinks in terms of 'complete task = result'. (Capture avatar = Dad will love him; get gf food = gf won't be grumpy; light candles for date = date not sad etc.) In this case (following her threat) 'prove I won't hurt the others = Friendship with Katara'. He wants to be friends with all of them, not just allies.
He's done what he was told to, but it hasn't changed anything, what is he missing?
Zuko (and the audience) are under the impression that her anger with him is based in her protectiveness, her caution and her strong sense of morality... BUT THEN THIS HAPPENS
Katara turns around and lets him know EXACTLY what he's missing.
This is not about the others, it's not about him being a threat, it's not about Aang. Its about them! Him and Her!
The rug is pulled out from under our feet. And Zuko's. Katara won't forgive him because she did feel a connection to him, felt like she could trust him, and then he hurt her. Then after she's convinced herself that it was all a deception and doesn't matter, this idiot just shows up and reveals that oh, that wasn't a deception at all, that connection was genuine, but he still betrayed her. The others trusting him grates on her because SHE WAS THERE FIRST AND LOOK WHAT IT GOT HER!
I can't even put it into words how much I think about the line 'Oh, everyone trusts you now? I was the first person to trust you, remember?!'
She's reminding him that their relationship didn't start at the Western Air Temple, it started in the catacombs. Maybe Zuko thinks that who he was then is behind him, but Katara doesn't.
No wonder Zuko's next move is, okay, give me a new, specific task that will fix this problem. There must be something I can do to fix it. He tries by finding Yon Rha, but in the end it isn't his actions that lead to her forgiving him, it's her personal judgement and newfound closure.
I think realising that there's no easy task that can salvage their connection helps him move away from feeling like he can earn relationships from people. When he goes to his uncle (after talking to a certain someone might I add), he doesn't list what he's done right to prove why he should be forgiven (as he does when he joins the gaang), he just apologises and accepts that he might not be forgiven no matter what he does because its not something he can earn through performing services for people.
Altogether, this moment is so special because the show for once is willing to admit that the catacombs moment mattered to these characters and they haven't forgotten that.
Ugh they break my brain they really do.
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 7 days
katara put so much faith in the avatar and also aang specifically. she would be CRUSHED if she found out the reason he couldn’t master the avatar state and stop the war sooner was her. her faith in him would crumble if she ever found out.
furthermore, she DESERVES to know, and we never get any confirmation that she finds out. this could fundamentally alter how she views aang.
and i don’t think it’s a coincidence that they chose not to address this or have her find out because it would bring to the forefront the fundamental flaws in the way their relationship was written.
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 8 days
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You ain’t gotta pray for me, me and my wild boy and all of this wild joy
a late post for day 9: “you’re married?” also kinda a follow-up to the bdilh comic
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 9 days
GOD i wish they kept katara's burn scars from aang's mistake
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I agree.
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 10 days
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Uncle Iroh in zutara fanfics b like: do it. now. cmon. get married.
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 13 days
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Something simple and angsty for Zutara month~
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 15 days
I’m on the Kathony is Zutara in another world train, and I am not getting off of it. Thank you very much.
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 21 days
I have a weird feeling that natla is gonna have Zuko join at the end of season 2 because I don’t see how they’re gonna crunch season 2 and 3 into 8-10 episodes each otherwise.
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 22 days
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Zutara Week 2021 Day 7: Stories
In my mind there is a very clear connection between the prompt “stories” and my attempt at rewriting part of the AtLA ending, however I’m having a terrible time verbalizing it (sort of “stories belong to their readers” ala John Green vibes?). Instead you get this snippet from a meta I wrote months ago (which I guess I’ll need to post now to have this make sense):
So if someone asks me if a romantic Zutara relationship is “canon” within the context of AtLA, then no it isn’t. But for me, that’s literally the only place where Zuko and Katara aren’t deeply in love and living their best lives together. AtLA is a work of fiction, and fictional characters are just as fictional when a fan thinks about them as when the character’s creator thinks about them. A story is only as real as you make it. And for me? Zutara is real.
Sorry, no kiss, but as I’ve said a few scattered times - my preferred show ending would have had no canon romances except Sukka (although I certainly wouldn’t have been upset if there had been a Zutara ending…). 
♥ Please do not repost. If you like it and want to show people, share a link to this page instead. Thank you!
Transcript under the read more.
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 23 days
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Older Zuko and Katara with their babes
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 23 days
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my first girlfriend turned into the moon🌕
sokka finally joins my ATLA series! you can view the rest of my atla series below⬇️
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 23 days
Zutara Month Day 14: Exposed
Katara could get used to Fire Nation fashion. She quickly got over her shock at the skin-bearing nature of the outfits worn by the women in Caldera, and even enjoyed how the breathable, silky fabrics felt like soft butter against her skin and flowed beneath her fingers like water.
She could even get used to the practice of both men and women stripping down daily to bathe in several feet of hot water, often publicly and socially.
During a particularly hot summer spent in the palace, she'd been advised that it was often customary to sleep in the nude. This was something she herself had not been desperate enough to try, but she'd found out just how common this practice was one night when she'd woken to sounds of a scuffle coming from the firelord's chambers.
Katara rushed down the moonlit corridor in the nearly transparent bedrobe that clung to her form like spider's silk, drawing water from the humid air as she went.
When she'd pushed open the door, she saw the would-be assassin unconscious on the floor in a puddle of moonlight, Zuko standing over them, still poised in a fighting stance. A thin trickle of blood oozed from his nose, but he was otherwise unhurt, Katara quickly noted as her eyes roved over his body, checking for injuries.
His unclothed body.
"You're fine," she'd said, relieved, then instantly mortified as the words escaped her mouth. Unfortunately she hadn't stopped staring at him, though, and Zuko was just staring back at her, not even having the decency to cover up. Then he reached a hand up to casually wipe the blood from his upper lip. The movement, added to his...everything else, was what finally made her blush and turn away.
"Everything's fine," he said.
Back in her chambers, Katara told herself it was the heat that prevented her from returning to sleep that night. Or the perfectly understandable effects of adrenaline and fear from her friend being nearly assassinated. Her friend who she would picture clothed only, thank you very much. Adrenaline and embarrassment, that's all it was. Katara decided that in the morning she would investigate whether anyone in the Fire Nation took cold baths, by themselves. And if her cheeks pinked at the thought of Zuko, remembering the way his eyes had met hers and not looked away, it was only because it was another thing she'd have to get used to. It didn't mean anything, and she was sure Zuko thought nothing of it, as she did.
Nothing at all.
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lost-in-love-maze ¡ 26 days
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“The Fire Lord and the Southern Water Tribe Ambassador sure are chummy lately…” I have this headcanon (and I’m sure others do too) that Zuko and Katara have a lot of inside jokes/similar sense of humor from being friends for so long, and the Fire Nation nobles and officials are like… gee, they sure get along. I don’t know what they’re laughing about, but I just love the lead up to Zuko and Katara getting together being rife with Ambassador/Fire Lord flirtation, so I thought I’d do a quick grayscale sketch for that idea. Sorry it’s not like, super polished looking, but just had to get the idea of them laughing together as they leave a meeting out of my head. n.n  Please do not repost or use without permission, thanks.
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