lorem-text · 4 months
Breaking News: Charred Policeman Found in West Hollywood
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A gruesome discovery sent shockwaves through West Hollywood earlier tonight when a charred body was discovered behind a nightclub.
Authorities were called to the scene in the early hours of the morning after reports of a fire in an alley behind the popular nightclub. Firefighters arrived on the scene, only to find a burnt body lying in the alley with a deformed jerrycan nearby. The residual smoke was still coming out from the burnt wearing apparel showing sign of fire, and the strong smell of kerosene was reported on the scene. Foul play is strongly suspected, with the victim identified as Officer Mark Stevens, a respected member of the LAPD.
This suspected targeted attack on law enforcement has left residents reeling with unease. Concerned residents demand heightened security, while the LAPD is fully engaged, promising swift justice.
Stay tuned as the investigation continues, and stay safe out there.
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lorem-text · 5 months
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lorem-text · 5 months
Under your grave, there is a sky full of stars. The eyes of those who slumber.
You will never get to see those stars, but they will keep a watchful eye on you.
They will be there long after you are gone, and long after those that will follow. They have been here for even longer still.
Even when the shifting and writhing ends, they will watch over you. In the end, nobody is alone.
In the end, nobody will be alone.
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lorem-text · 5 months
Good evening, Night Owls.
It’s quiet tonight. There are no news to report, no public service announcements to be made-- at last, not yet. The night is still young, after all.
For the time being, however, I have a question for those more technologically inclined who may be listening.
You see, for the past hour, the office printer has been adamantly refusing to cooperate, but I cannot quite put my finger on what the problem is...
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What do you think? You can call in, or message us here, to let us know.
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lorem-text · 5 months
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lorem-text · 5 months
Can tell you the murder that happened wasn't a fuckin recap that's for fuckin sure. It's ghastly though... I've got my money on some vampire or maybe a some kinda nastie.
Good evening, listener!
That's one chilling theory coming in... It's true, sometimes reality can feel straight out of a horror film. When you hear of cases like that, it's difficult to stomach that a human being, like you or I, was behind it. But when it comes to uncovering the truth, it's important to stick to concrete evidence and see the reality of the matter, instead of feeding the monsters of our imagination.
Still, we appreciate you calling in! And we'll keep you informed as more details on that grim case rise to the surface.
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lorem-text · 5 months
Breaking News
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A startling incident rocked Downtown LA near 5th and Main, where a car crash took a bizarre turn. As per the driver's account, a swarm of spiders appeared inside their vehicle, a spine-chilling intrusion that caused chaos on the road.
Reports from witnesses depict a scene of pandemonium as the driver grappled with the sudden appearance of these arachnids, struggling for control before colliding into a storefront. Yet, the most confounding part; the spiders vanished after the crash, leaving a puzzling void.
Emergency responders tended to the driver, but the aftermath deepens the mystery. Authorities are now exploring the possibility of substances influencing the driver, citing the abrupt disappearance of the reported spiders as grounds for inquiry.
Stay tuned for ongoing developments as investigations aim to untangle this perplexing incident at the heart of Downtown LA.
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lorem-text · 6 months
Your Night, Your Stories - A Night Owl Special
Good evening, Night Owls.
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Tonight’s news….aren’t. Due to certain technical difficulties, any news which may have been announced tonight are simply not, and all ongoing stories are entirely bereft of any new developments. It's…bizarre, listeners, I won’t lie to you.
However, we at Night Owl like to be optimistic! As such, we are taking this opportunity to to focus on you, dear listeners, and your stories!
What news do you have tonight? What grim and ghastly happenstances would you report on if you were the voice on the radio? What is your favourite song? 
The stage is yours, listeners, and we’re looking forward to your calls and messages!
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lorem-text · 6 months
Tragedy Strikes: Man Found Butchered in Los Angeles Affluent Neighborhood
The following content contains descriptions of graphic and disturbing material that may be unsettling for some readers. Reader discretion is advised.
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Good evening, Night Owls.
Tonight, we start on a solemn note. In a grim turn of events, the tranquillity of an upscale Los Angeles neighbourhood was shattered as a man was tragically discovered deceased within his own home. Details remain sparse, but the gruesome discovery has sent shockwaves through the community.
The victim's identity has been withheld pending official procedures and out of respect for the family's privacy. However, an anonymous witness has given us a gruesomely vivid description of the scene of the crime. Reader discretion is advised.
"I... I can hardly find the words. His chest, it was... it was torn open, wide, like someone had ripped him apart. The rib cage was shattered. And then... then you could see it, his heart, just there, exposed. It was like... it was still pulsing, beating, and I couldn't look away. It was a nightmare.
It looked like whatever did this, it was sharp, vicious. Like a knife, or... or something worse, a claw maybe. The way it cut through him... it started at the neck, that soft part at the bottom, and just tore down. Peeled back his skin and flesh, layers and layers, like... like filleting a fish to tear out the spine. I'll never forget that sight. It'll give me nightmares for months..." 
The thoughts and condolences of the broader Los Angeles community go out to the family and friends of the deceased during this difficult and trying time. As the investigation unfolds, the hope for clarity and closure pervades the hearts of many, hoping for answers in the wake of this unforeseen tragedy that has shaken this affluent neighbourhood to its core.
For now, authorities advise that residents lock all doors and windows at night and avoid going out alone. More on this story as it develops.
Until next time, Night Owls, Stay safe.
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lorem-text · 6 months
Tragedy Strikes: Man Found Butchered in Los Angeles Affluent Neighborhood
The following content contains descriptions of graphic and disturbing material that may be unsettling for some readers. Reader discretion is advised.
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Good evening, Night Owls.
Tonight, we start on a solemn note. In a grim turn of events, the tranquillity of an upscale Los Angeles neighbourhood was shattered as a man was tragically discovered deceased within his own home. Details remain sparse, but the gruesome discovery has sent shockwaves through the community.
The victim's identity has been withheld pending official procedures and out of respect for the family's privacy. However, an anonymous witness has given us a gruesomely vivid description of the scene of the crime. Reader discretion is advised.
"I... I can hardly find the words. His chest, it was... it was torn open, wide, like someone had ripped him apart. The rib cage was shattered. And then... then you could see it, his heart, just there, exposed. It was like... it was still pulsing, beating, and I couldn't look away. It was a nightmare.
It looked like whatever did this, it was sharp, vicious. Like a knife, or... or something worse, a claw maybe. The way it cut through him... it started at the neck, that soft part at the bottom, and just tore down. Peeled back his skin and flesh, layers and layers, like... like filleting a fish to tear out the spine. I'll never forget that sight. It'll give me nightmares for months..." 
The thoughts and condolences of the broader Los Angeles community go out to the family and friends of the deceased during this difficult and trying time. As the investigation unfolds, the hope for clarity and closure pervades the hearts of many, hoping for answers in the wake of this unforeseen tragedy that has shaken this affluent neighbourhood to its core.
For now, authorities advise that residents lock all doors and windows at night and avoid going out alone. More on this story as it develops.
Until next time, Night Owls, Stay safe.
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lorem-text · 6 months
Good evening, Night Owls.
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Have you looked outside today?
The windows are foggier than usual, so we would not blame you if you haven't. Especially if you have sight impairments of any sort, which would only make the faint blinking lights in the distant night sky even fainter, smudged against the thin obscuring sheen of humidity on bulletproof aluminium and fiberglass.
You should take a look. Even if you do not quite comprehend what you see, and your mind struggles within its own confines and sense and logic to attribute some arbitrary, reassuring explanation; some, any, meaning.
Unless, of course, you are of a weaker constitution, or suffer from regular headaches. In which case, this is your daily reminder to hydrate properly, keep a painkiller at arms' range, close your eyes, and relax...
I promise, you're not really missing anything.
Tonight’s show will have a half hour delay due to a scheduling error. But even with that slight delay, Loki and I will be with you soon to keep you company through another foggy winter night, whether you're at home curled up under a blanket with a nice cup of tea or driving down the hazy roads outside.
Until then, Night Owls,
Stay safe.
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lorem-text · 6 months
Good evening, Night Owls.
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Have you looked outside today?
The windows are foggier than usual, so we would not blame you if you haven't. Especially if you have sight impairments of any sort, which would only make the faint blinking lights in the distant night sky even fainter, smudged against the thin obscuring sheen of humidity on bulletproof aluminium and fiberglass.
You should take a look. Even if you do not quite comprehend what you see, and your mind struggles within its own confines and sense and logic to attribute some arbitrary, reassuring explanation; some, any, meaning.
Unless, of course, you are of a weaker constitution, or suffer from regular headaches. In which case, this is your daily reminder to hydrate properly, keep a painkiller at arms' range, close your eyes, and relax...
I promise, you're not really missing anything.
Tonight’s show will have a half hour delay due to a scheduling error. But even with that slight delay, Loki and I will be with you soon to keep you company through another foggy winter night, whether you're at home curled up under a blanket with a nice cup of tea or driving down the hazy roads outside.
Until then, Night Owls,
Stay safe.
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lorem-text · 6 months
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11-18-2023, 9 AM
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lorem-text · 6 months
Good evening, Night Owls.
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There have been some complaints about the woods behind the station. Namely, that the trees look unnervingly human-like, their bark etched with haunting expressions of pain and horror, and that the disembodied screams and cries of agony are disturbing the neighbours.
Well, Night Owls, we are sorry to say, but we have no control over nature. None of us at the station can carve the wood into pacified smiles, nor silence the creatures which lurk within the thicket. We can, however, assure you that any such incidents are merely the results of fatigue-induced Face Pareidolia, and the cries of wandering foxes and coyotes.
Remember; there are many things that lurk in the shadows, many of them human in nature, but the notions it is all malevolent supernatural entities is mere superstition and a draining, unnecessary anxiety in our already busy lives...
Still, if you are wandering somewhere alone late at night, away from the thickly populated city districts, where the nightlights can’t guide you, it is always a good idea to implement the Buddy System.
That is all for now, Night Owls, but we’ll be right back with you after a brief word from tonight’s sponsor.
Until then, Night Owls, as always; Stay safe.
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lorem-text · 6 months
Good evening, Night Owls.
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Tonight, I write to you from a weather-worn bench, seeking refuge from tonight's downpour beneath the balcony of an old, condemned block of flats, dwarfed by the looming giants of modern urban architecture that crowd it. Even this balcony now bears the scars of time, its tiles cracked and worn, and I'm kept alert by the occasional raindrop that sneak through the tired concrete. But come sunshine or hurricane, this journalist's work must go on.
In tonight's news, Mystery Persists in Case of the Unsigned Letters; LAPD Urges Caution.
The investigation into the case of the unsigned letters continues, with no suspects or motives identified as of yet. However, forensic reports from earlier today suggest that the blood used in Mr. Pierce's letter is most likely of animal origin.
The Los Angeles Police Department has issued a public advisory urging vigilance. Citizens are encouraged to report any unsigned letters received in the forthcoming days to their nearest police station and are advised against direct contact. If handling the letters is unavoidable, the use of plastic gloves is strongly recommended for safety and to preserve potential evidence.
Furthermore, if any unusual odors emanate from the letters, immediate contact with the nearest police station is advised for prompt and secure extraction.
The search for answers in this odd case persists, with the LAPD requesting public cooperation and caution during this ongoing investigation. More on this story as it develops.
Well, dear readers, the rain seems to have finally died down a bit so I'll book it to the nearest bus stop. With any luck, I will be back at the station before it picks up again. But, either way, I will be with you soon on your radio, to keep you company through another dark and stormy night.
Until then, goodnight, Night Owls. Stay safe.
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lorem-text · 6 months
Good evening, Night Owls.
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Tonight, I write to you from a weather-worn bench, seeking refuge from tonight's downpour beneath the balcony of an old, condemned block of flats, dwarfed by the looming giants of modern urban architecture that crowd it. Even this balcony now bears the scars of time, its tiles cracked and worn, and I'm kept alert by the occasional raindrop that sneak through the tired concrete. But come sunshine or hurricane, this journalist's work must go on.
In tonight's news, Mystery Persists in Case of the Unsigned Letters; LAPD Urges Caution.
The investigation into the case of the unsigned letters continues, with no suspects or motives identified as of yet. However, forensic reports from earlier today suggest that the blood used in Mr. Pierce's letter is most likely of animal origin.
The Los Angeles Police Department has issued a public advisory urging vigilance. Citizens are encouraged to report any unsigned letters received in the forthcoming days to their nearest police station and are advised against direct contact. If handling the letters is unavoidable, the use of plastic gloves is strongly recommended for safety and to preserve potential evidence.
Furthermore, if any unusual odors emanate from the letters, immediate contact with the nearest police station is advised for prompt and secure extraction.
The search for answers in this odd case persists, with the LAPD requesting public cooperation and caution during this ongoing investigation. More on this story as it develops.
Well, dear readers, the rain seems to have finally died down a bit so I'll book it to the nearest bus stop. With any luck, I will be back at the station before it picks up again. But, either way, I will be with you soon on your radio, to keep you company through another dark and stormy night.
Until then, goodnight, Night Owls. Stay safe.
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lorem-text · 6 months
Good evening, Night Owls.
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I write to you from a bus, driving along the highway to the outskirts of Los Angeles, the red door lights flickering on and off although the doors remain firmly shut.
On tonight’s news, a flurry of unsigned letters have been pestering citizens in the Santa Monica area. Every nights, stacks upon stacks of blank papers in cheap $0.5 envelopes find their way to unsuspecting people’s houses and lodge themselves in the cracks of the door frames, jamming the doors shut from the outside.
Nobody knows where these letters come from, nor what they mean, and they all appear to be devoid of any meaningful content.
Until a few hours ago, that is, when Mr Pierce in one of the apartments over the old pawnshop (you know the ones) reported that in one of his letters he found a note with the letter ‘C’, haphazardly scribbled in dried, cracked blood. Police are looking into the matter.
In the meantime, local authorities advise sealing any accessible cracks on your doorway with duct tape, and toning down the thriller binges. Not all red ink is blood, and to say otherwise is to disrespect the hard work of master ink makers all around the world.
More on this story as it develops.
Until then, Goodnight, Night Owls. Stay safe.
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