loonainleo-blog · 5 years
a straight guy getting so drunk that he gets horny for his sober gay friend
straight guy doing anything his gay friend wants to do (go to the movies, dance, cuddle, give piggy back rides, take showers together idk
brotherly love (turning into something more)
guy cuddles in bed with (brother/father) and ends up having sex dreams
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
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gashina ♢ heroine ♢ siren
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
a t l a s‌:
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“You’re making no sense, I don’t know how you want me to do thi-.” The freckled red-head narrowed his eyes, watching the witch as she walks over to him, only to be overtaken by the sudden sensation of dizziness. He stumbles, the usual kindness in the seal-folk’s eyes replaced by ice. “You bitch. Just explain how you want me to get it and I’ll do it, fucking hell. I was being nice, and now you’ll be lucky to get it quickly. I was going to get it real quick so you could get on with whatever damn spell you’re doing but I’m less compelled now.”
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Mara decided to take it easy on him, since she really do needed his help. She knew that she could put him through much worse than that, and she would enjoy watching it. “ That’s the thing, I can’t really intervene. Tears of a human woman, shed for you ” the witch raises the small bottle that’s in her hand and puts it on the selkie’s. “ stored in a glass botle. The rest is up to your imagination. And since I went to hell and back just to get your skin, which you would have NEVER found without me, you owe me that much. ”
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
n i k o l a i‌:
During this life, Adrienn planned out how this meeting would go. He’d plan what to say, how to act, how to avoid the cycle from happening again. But it wasn’t something avoidable, it was part of his cursed life. And now he was almost accepting defeat again without even trying. “Asking nicely” he chuckled, humorless. “Why don’t you tell me what you really have in this mind of yours today?” he asked. “Last time if I recall, I died before you were able to answer the question” he pointed. Yeah, that was the cycle. Adrienn would be born, he’d grow up with weird flashbacks of the past life he had, he’d struggle to keep himself grounded and understand what the fuck was going on- before he could finally understand that he was somewhat immortal. That he’d die. That he’d reincarnate. And that he’d meet Ambrus again. Just to die and reincarnate once again. 
But… there was something different from time to time. He’d be more conscious and aware of who he was, he’d be who the original Adrienn used to be. And this one was one of those times. “So?” he questioned, raising an eyebrow.
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Having lost track of time a long while ago, and sucking at math, Ambrus was never able to even calculate when he would meet with Adrienn. It happened every time in a while, that’s how the vampire would describe it. The immortal was a spoiled one, at that wasn’t a surprise for anyone who knew him. He liked this soul, and he wanted it around. Fate clearly brought them together   e v e r y   time. He wasn’t so into the other’s attitude, but he could bear. 
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“ Perhaps that’s why you always die. You’re always trying to find out what do I want and never what you have on mind. Do you even like the life you’re living? How old are you? ”
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
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It sure as hell felt like Jae didn’t trust him. Aksel thought it was obvious how much he wanted children—but then again, it should have been obvious to him that his partner didn’t. He bristled at the idea that Jae thought he could change his mind, but fought to keep his voice calm. “Okay, then ve vait. I don’t mind vaiting until you know for sure. I know this is a big step, but…” But then he accused Aksel of not being ready, and he snapped. “Fuck you,” he spat. “I practically raised my siblings. I’ve done it before and I’d do it again. If a kid appeared on our doorstep I’d drop everything to take care of them. So don’t you fucking d a r e accuse me of not being ready just because you aren’t.”
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It was clear that this was a sensitive matter for Aksel. Jae had thought about this conversation in general multiple times, it felt as if his arguments were rehearsed. And they almost were. He would always get asked at family settings if he’d bring a girlfriend home to raise children with. The topic was always over the table. Or at least it felt that way. “ Look at how you’re reacting at me just because I’m speaking my mind on this. Do you really feel ready to take on the responsibility for another human being now? ”
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
j a e r y o n g‌:
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“  already  drunk,  huh?  i  can  tell  it  was  either  an  awfully  bad  day,  or  a  really  good  party.  ”  he  found  it  quite  amusing.  he  knew  absolutely  nothing  about  this  person  just  beside  him.  hell,  he  didn’t  even  got  his  name,  he  had  no  idea  who  was  he.  but  somehow  he  sees  a  bit  of  himself  in  this  stranger.  just  a  few  words  and  he’s  already  laughing  because  he  can  totally  relate  to  what  the  other  said  despite  not  knowing  much.  and  just  when  he  realizes  that  the  although  quiet  chuckle  he  let  out  could  be  taken  the  wrong  way,  he  clears  his  throat  to  continue.  “  no,  it’s  fine.  more  for  me  i  guess.  ”  he  said  with  a  quick  shrug  of  his  shoulders,  taking  back  the  glass  he  had  just  offered  with  him.  “  so  water  it  is?  ”  it  was  what  jaeryong  usually  went  for  after  getting  a  bit  out  of  hand  with  the  alcohol,  but  this  time  he  wanted  to  know  for  sure  instead  of  just  assuming.
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“ I wish it was just a good party ” but it wasn’t. It had been a bad day, hell, a bad week even. Jae usted to bottle things up, feelings. And, to no one’s surprise, he would end up exploding on his couch with a six pack and a blanket on him. This time, though, it happened out in the street. And the nearest place he felt comfortable to be that vulnerable was that random bar. “ Water sounds great, actually. Wait, is this    are you charging me extra for that glass of water? If so... I might still want it. ”
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
a t l a s‌:
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“So, are you going to give me my skin back since I’m clearly a problem?” He ignored the zoo comment, he can’t even turn into a seal without his skin anyway. Like they’re going to take a human in a zoo. “Watch your mouth, I’m helping you because I have to but I can make your life hell in the process. Or I can be nice.” He narrowed his eyes. “Alright, princess, you want tears? You need to give that back to me so I can even retrieve them. What, am I going to go up to somebody and be like ‘yeah, can ya’ cry for me a sec? Let me just take this vial and put it up to your eyeball.’ Did you even think about this?”
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“ You need me more than I need you, so drop that attitude and start being of use. ” arms crossed over her chest as the other cried to get their skin back. It was only natural he did so, though. It was his by birth right. But life was never fair, and it had fallen under the wrong hands. A witch who was willing to extortion a mythical creature for her own purposes. “ I don’t think you’re quite getting the position you’re in ” her fist goes up to her mouth, she whispers something inside of it. All of this while slowly walking towards the selkie, stopping right in front of him. “ I am not giving you anything until you give me what I asked for. My spell doesn’t ask for you to take the tears in your seal form, so adapt the fuck up. ” Her hand, the same that had been whispered into, now went to touch the other’s temple. A dizziness illusion spell, one that wouldn’t last longer than five seconds. “ I think we both know who can make life a living hell for the other, and it’s not you. That’s for calling me princess. ”
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
n i k o l a i‌:
Adrienn had had quite a day… his hardwork had resulted in a few thousand dollars when it was worth a few hundreads of thousands at least. It was frustrating. He was used to see his work as fun, but that day- that day had been awful. And the profit had been the worst. He turned around to tell the person to go fucking buy their own cigarette, but, well, that voice was hard to forget… he stopped himself from saying anything before finally facing the familiar face and leaning back on the wall “Hello” he had this fake smile on his own lips. One more fucking unwanted meeting with him. That would end just like the other times. Blood. Not his, of course. “I’m in a bad mood. And call me Nikolai around here, please”.
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“ Nikolai ” the name came out of his mouth with reluctance. It was always a different name, sometimes different personalities as well. This time it was him, he could tell. He could also tell he was still hungry. Ambrus had ignored completely the fact that he had intentions to feast on this human at first, and he could barely think straight. His eyes worshipping the other’s features, thinking about how delightful it would be to drink a somewhat immortal being’s blood. The vampire channelled every bit of self-control in his body to keep himself from doing it. And he succeeded. “ I might actually need the cigarette, and that is me asking for it nicely ”
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✺ ;
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
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context: my muse is an ancient immortal being and your muse is cursed to constantly cross paths with them in all of their lifetimes. usually as an augury of death. 
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“ Excuse me, could you give me a cigarette? ” you’d be surprised by how many people he had killed right after asking that same question. He’d use advantage of the city’s poor lighting and approached individuals when they were weak, A҉LONE҉  . But this time it was different. He felt it. The other’s eternal essence. “ Adrienn? ” he pressed his hand on the stranger’s shoulder.       “ Is it truly you again? ”
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
h a n e u l‌:
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“i’m not fucking ignoring you, alright?!” haneul snapped at the other, slamming his hand down on the table. “i’m just … busy.”
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was violence really necessary? “ Busy? Stressed is what you are. And mean. ”  aish. his heart still beating fast from the unexpected slam on the table. “ If you’re going through something I get it, just don’t take it on me. ”
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
j u n h o‌:
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            junho is surprised that anyone is familiar with his works because they are loosely based off his life in the vampire royal courts from many years ago. so when this stranger comes up to him, asking him to sign one of his books, he is flattered as well. “i’m glad someone out there likes my books,” the author says with a small smile as he opens up the somewhat worn book, takes the pen offered and begins to write a message down. “what did you say your name was again…?”
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“ Yeona. My name’s Yeona ” It wasn’t the biggest celebrity of the country, but it was still someone she admired from her line of work. Honestly she was feeling a little starstruck. She never imagined meeting Junho ever in her lifetime, still, there he was. “ My brother gave me this book for my birthday last week. I’m usually not into fiction but this is so well put-together that I  ” Yeona shrugs, her mind was blank and she’d ran out of words. She wouldn’t have even recognize the author if she hadn’t googled his name a few days ago.
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
c h e o l‌:
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cheol had realized maybe a little dimly that he wasn’t in fact where he thought he was. which of course meant he wasn’t half holding his own robe at the moment. but it came to the forefront now that his brain had fully woken up. “oh….uh sorry about that?” cheol said a little bit uncomfortably. he rubbed the back of his neck not quite sure what else to say in this sort of situation. he didn’t often get blackout drunk and end up in a stranger’s apartment. “thanks for giving me a place to stay…?” it came out a bit more hesitantly than cheol would’ve liked. but he just hoped that he hadn’t embarrassed himself too much.
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“ Breakfast is ready if you aren’t in a hurry. ” he didn’t think that was the case, he seemed a bit lost. He had every reason to be. “ My name is Jae in case you don’t remember. You’re Cheol, right? ” he remembered a few minutes of sanity where they actually were able to exchange words, but mostly babbling. “ I don’t eat meat, or eggs. So breakfast means fried zucchini and things I found in the freezer. ”
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
s i l a s‌:
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“ right, you always did strike me as the chivalrous type. ” the response came quickly before he was inevitably silenced to listen to what piper would say next. it was like silas’s interest in psychology & communications was being fed by every move piper made. he was definitely nothing if not interesting. that’s what made silas listen to him. anything he said with such confidence was followed by his own attentiveness. it was hard to slow down, when you’re too intrigued to break away. “ so you’re a regular ? or do you enter every establishment like you own it ? ” it takes him a moment, reading the atmosphere once more “ you don’t own this place, do you ? ” just to be sure. it gave off the same energy he did. a little cool, a little bit too much, & overall very into itself.
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They got to their table and Piper sat right away on a big black faux leather couch, patting next to him so Silas would join him. “ Sadly this is the best place in town that isn’t trying to steal all of my money. I am a teacher, do you think I can afford owning a place like this? Or any place at all? Society is going downwards, Silas. If we don’t do something about it there won’t even be a future for those kids you invest so much for. A cigarette? ” somehow along his speech he’d plucked a pack of cigars from his jacket and was now holding it in front of his new friend.
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
c l y d e·:
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“Isn’t this the part where you blame me for all the shenanigans I get up to to encourage such things?” Clyde asked curiously as he reached out for the document being slid his way. Wasn’t he in a way a serial killer in his own right? The ghoul stared at it hopelessly lost. “What is this supposed to be? A shitty scrap book of all the times I’ve looked horribly ugly?” He asked with a frown as he set the document down and glanced up at the other. “Am I under house arrest? Do I have to form a bond with an agent now?”
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“ I was put off the case, ” she knew one of the victims, she was close with them actually. Etta still couldn’t take this case off her mind, and practically begged his boss to let her do something. And so they did. “ ... and to make it short I’m your babysitter now. Yay! ” hands on her hips as she walked across the room anxiously. “ Do you have any idea who might behind this? Do you know  any  of those people? ”
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
s i l a s:
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silas was quickly getting himself together to go & with a simple “ i’m going to go ahead & ask that you take a break from long winded explanations & strange questions while we uber there, so not to scare the driver. or me before a drink. ” the last sentence was under his breath, but he didn’t mind whether or not piper heard it. the drive to the bar went as well as expected. they were luckily there faster than anticipated & with that silas made a quick move to the bar ( politely keeping a close distance to piper so not to break away from the person he came with ). they may not be close, but they silas wasn’t about to back out of this night now. “ you know this place best, what would you suggest ? ”
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“ I wouldn’t really be a man of my word If the first thing I order isn’t a round of tequila, so   ” he didn’t even finish his sentence and turned towards the nearest member of the staff, signaling them with his hand for help.  “ Would you be the employer of the month and fetch us a round of shots? Tequila, please. Or anything else, if you have something worth offering. We’ll be waiting upstairs, yeah?  ” batting eyelashes, letting his hands make contact with people’s shoulders or backs in a non creepy way, or anything that came to his mind. It all helped to always get what he wanted. The key? Not hesitate.  “ Come on, love. Let’s get ourselves comfortable. Yes? ” The upstairs room had a nice view to the entire bar, which was very red and neon-y with a couple of fairly nice ladies hired to entertain the few mentally ill bastards that weren’t there to only get wasted.  “ Stairs are this way, follow me champ.” he signals to with glamor and starts his way to what, he likes to think, is his spot at that trashy bar.
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loonainleo-blog · 5 years
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Body Language Cheat Sheet for Writers
As described by Selnick’s article:
Author and doctor of clinical psychology Carolyn Kaufman has released a one-page body language cheat sheet of psychological “tells” (PDF link) fiction writers can use to dress their characters.
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