longlivemystories · 3 years
I look pretty good for a dead bitch
Anyways! I will admit: i gave up on this blog. I wasnt writing like at all and I still dont write nearly as much as I want to, but I post more regularly to archiveofourown.com under the same username. I want to do more short stories so Im going to put in the effort to post here more.
Expect stories from these fandoms plus original short stories:
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
Yu yu hakusho
And more!
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longlivemystories · 5 years
A Day in the Life
Fandom: SCP Foundation Short description: See what its like in the Foundation through the eyes of 4 different OC SCPS Rating: Mature Tags/Warnings: NSFW, Violence, Blood, Bullying Chapter: 1
     I glanced back at my beat up car, already being sprinkled with the sand as a fierce wind whipped the particles around. Tired eyes turned to focus behind the chain link fence at the massive building. So many guards... Hopefully, I won't be shot down... I awkwardly clambered over a shorter portion of the fence, catching the sleeve of my hoodie on one of the spirals of barbed wire. The cloth ripped, however, my skin went unscathed so I brushed myself off and continued on, towards the high concrete walls, also topped with barbed wire. It didn't take long for a pair of heavily armored guards to notice and stop me.      "You. Stop."     I obliged and stood nervously, fidgeting with the hem of my sleeves.”     "What are you doing here?" demanded the other.     "I-... this is the Foundation, right?" I sputtered, the nerves welling up in my belly.     They glanced between each other.     "Who are you?" the first one snapped, turning back to me, gun aimed at my chest.     "Mm... I think... I-I think I'm a danger to society."     Saying it out loud was hard. I practiced saying it all the way here, but saying it out loud was too much and the words caught in my throat.     After a moment, a guard moved forward.     "Come with us now."      I followed the guards inside, both aiming heavy artillery at me as though I could possibly kill them in an instant. Not surprising, I considered some of the things I'd heard about this place. They lead me inside, into some large open area where people were constantly walking back and forth between doors on opposite ends of the room. A large percentage of the people wore lab coats while others were either in guard or prison uniforms. One of my own guards called to someone wearing a suit, a rather expensive looking one, who came over. He, a tall man with pitch black hair and angry eyes, looked at me, then the guards quizzically.     "Sir, our apologies. This civilian wandered onto our premises and claimed to be a threat to society," the first, taller guard explained.     "An SCP?" he inquired, returning his gaze to me, looking more armed.     "Supposedly, sir."     The suited man shifted his weight onto one leg and considered something. He then took out a walkie and called for a Dr. Shep to meet him in exam room 2B. I shifted, biting the inside of my lip in uncertainty. What had I gotten myself into? I knew what I was capable of, what I could cause, and yet I was still nervous about selling my soul to the devil. I was about to give up total freedom to these people in the hopes that no more lives were lost.     Fingers snapping in my face brought me back. I focused my gaze on the suit in front of me.     "I am O5- [redacted]. From this point on you are going to be treated like any other SCP, understand?"     "Uh--"     "You will be subjected to tests, physical, mental and emotional. You will be cleaned vigorously, dressed in scrubs and given a thorough medical exam. Is that understood?" he demanded.     My eyes flickered, focusing on one or the other of his eyes. Was he serious? They really were going to strip me of my privacy and all for what? Because I might,j just/might/ kill someone again? Or because I /already/ killed someone, no matter how vile, and am in need of some sort of justice? I glance nervously over to the initial guards who brought me here as if they might hold some answers in their emotionless helmet visors.     "Y-yeah..." I mumbled, finally tearing my gaze away from the guards, turning it towards the O5.     He nodded and turned, motioning for us to follow him. I hugged myself, a coping mechanism I've used for years, tightening my sweatshirt around myself tightly. We stopped in front of a room marked 'Exam Room 2B'. After swiping his card, the O5 opening the door and allowed me to enter first. This strangely looked like a normal doctor's exam room, with pamphlets and posters on both normal and unheard of diseases and how to prevent them. I glanced back at the others, specifically the guards, but it was the O5 who motioned towards the medical cot.     "Dr. Shep will be here soon enough, so sit tight until then."     "Wait--"     Before the tall man could leave, he sighed and turned somewhat towards me.     "Don't you... well... want to know?" I mumbled, glancing between him and the guards nervously.     "I'll read the reports later," he responded, leaving curtly.     The guard who initially talked to me stepped inside only to hand me a pile of clothes.     "There's a shower through that door," he informed me once I had accepted what I assumed to be scrubs. "Clean thoroughly."     "W-wait," I sputtered.     He waited more patiently than the O5.     "What's your name?"     The guard paused, then glanced down at his chest before sighing. He turned back to the other guard, who had apparently been listening, and was frantically searching his pockets. A moment later, he pulled what looked to be an ID card from his pocket and returned it to the other guard.     "Sorry, Hu-- Jenckles," he sputtered.     The guard, apparently Jenckles, sighed and clipped on his name tag before turning back to me.     "This is Donahue and I'm Jenckles," he finally responded. "We might not always be your guards, but it's a high probability considering we made initial contact. Now, go shower before the doctor arrives."     I glanced between them a moment more before doing as I was told. The bathroom's shower looked more like a decontamination chamber, but that was probably for the best. The soap burned my skin, but I dealt with it and once I was dressed, returned to the exam room. I paused upon seeing a short woman, scratching something down on a paper.     "Sit on the cot," she said briskly without even turning.     I tentatively sat my clothes on a nearby counter. Was this the doctor? I sincerely hoped so. The thought of dealing with a male doctor made me nervous, especially with a most likely extensive exam. Suddenly, the woman turned toward me, quirking an eyebrow.     "Can you hear me?"     "O-oh, uh... yeah..." I mumbled, hurrying over to the cot and sat down. "Sorry..."     "No need to apologize. I just need to gather all the information I can," she said, sitting on a rolling chair and moving closer. "I'm Dr. Shep and I'll be performing several exams. Let me know if you're uncomfortable."     "I uh... was under the impression I didn't have a choice," I responded, playing with the hem of my shirt.     She snorted. "We're cold, not cruel. We won't strap you to a bed and probe you."     I shifted somewhat, though that did put me at ease.     "So, have you ever been to see a doctor before?"     "O-once when I was a baby," I mumbled.     She glanced up at me before jotting something down. "Any serious illnesses?"     "No... I've never been sick."     "Not even a common cold?" she inquired incredulously.     "No... or... yeah? Just-- never been sick," I sighed, shrinking into myself somewhat.     "Interesting."     Several dozen more questions and exams later and I was left alone while she went to call someone.  The door opening startled me and I looked nervously up at Jenckles.     "Come with me."     I willingly followed him and Donahue out. Down several confusing hallways and many locked doors, we finally arrived at a bigger, more open room with only a metal table and two chairs. In one of the chairs was a man wearing an orange jumpsuit with a tag labeled D-02142. I glanced back at my guards. Donahue offered a thumbs up while Jenckles just stared at me until I took a few tentative steps inside.     "Sit at the table." The intercom in the corner crackled with the demand.     I flinched at how loud it was but did as I was told and sat in the opposite chair, not pushing it in. We sat silently for a few minutes before the intercome interjected.     "D-02142. Attack SCP-5023."     I squinted for a moment, trying to figure out what the hell that meant before whipping my head toward the intercom, then back toward the scraping noise. The man stood up so quickly, his chair went crashing to the ground and suddenly he was brandishing a pocket knife, open and ready. I stumbled as I stood, scraping my chair against the floor.     "W-wait, you don't h-have to," I sputtered quickly, voice tight.     The man furrowed his brows and started circling the table, so of course, I started around the other side. My heart pounded in my chest. I came here to not use my abilities on anyone.     "Please, I'm begging you," I whimpered, constantly changing directions to avoid the much larger man.     "Ain't nothin' against you, darlin'," he growled, twirling the knife in hand. "It's either you or me, babe and I'm just--"     Suddenly, he flipped the lightweight table out of the way and rushed toward me. Dipping out of the way, I stumbled to my knees and scrambled up.     "I-it's been one week since you looked at me, cocked your head to the side and said I'm angry. Five days since you laughed at me, saying get that together, come back and see me."     The words, although sung in the correct pitch and tempo, were shaky and only when the D-personnel stopped moving, did I. As lyrics spilled from my lips, the large man turned toward the corner where a young girl covered in stab wounds and blood stood, cocking her head to the side quizzically.     "Daddy?"     The man's knife clattered to the ground, as did he. He muttered something under his breath, reduced to incoherent whispers and whimpers as he struggled to back away from the young girl.     "Daddy, why?" she asked, voice gurgling with blood as it spilled out the corners of her mouth. "Why?"     "Oh god," cried the D-person, tears streaming down his face.     Muffled screams could be heard and when the door burst open, I shut my mouth, focusing on the heavy artillery shoved in my face as armed guards crossed the room hastily. Jenckles motioned to Donahue, who gathered the prisoner and ushered him out. Backed into the corner, I tried to stop my lip from trembling as I stared at my guard.     "If you value your life, you won't open your mouth," he warned.     I nodded, blinking away tears.
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longlivemystories · 6 years
He has rly soft hair
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Doodled Jake Clayton from my Moonlit Strolls (Hellsing) fanfic
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longlivemystories · 6 years
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Doodled Ollie from Moonlit Strolls
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longlivemystories · 6 years
Art Stream
art stream today (6/6/18) at 5pm, EST
Go to picarto.tv/longlivethereaper to chat and have fun!
When Im not working on commissions, I’ll be doodling characters from a story I‘ve revamped
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longlivemystories · 6 years
Moonlit Strolls: Chapter 10
Chapter ten: Monday pt 2
     Jake stood in front of Integra's desk, hands tucked casually in his suit pants pockets. His deep purple hair was pulled back in a low, loose ponytail and he'd already applied some dark makeup. Ever the same fashion. Integra was sitting at her desk, signing something, then handed the packet of papers to Walter.
    "Mr. Clayton."
    Jake stood a little straighter while I couldn't help but slump further in my chair. I was happy that Jake was better and uncaged, but now Integra was even more unpredictable about Jake's situation. Integra never seemed to like the idea of Jake being here in the first place, but I didn't expect her to kick him out on the street, being an untrained werewolf and all.
    "How would you like a job?"
    That caught me off guard. A job? Why in the hell would Integra offer a job? Suppose it's better than killing him, which I was grateful for. Jake had a moment of confusion as well, before offering a smile.
    "I'd like that very much, sir, considering I think my old job is gone," he responded, shifting his weight onto his other leg.
    "I don't think you understand the situation," Integra said. "You have no choice, no leniency in your options. Mr. Clayton, you will never have a life outside my manor. You will never live a normal life and you will strictly follow my rules or face the penalty of death," she stated calmly, fingers intertwined on her desk.
    "You're quite the heavy hitter, sir, but I think I'm more than up for the challenge," Jake responded, grinning a little more.
    Integra watched him carefully as if debating if he really knew what was at stake. Jake glanced over at me, eyes almost twinkling. I knew the way he could push buttons with authority figures and I was terrified he'd push the wrong one with Integra.
    "Fine. Seras and a few of my men will train you. I hope you're 'up for' several long days and nights," Integra told him.
    Not a moment later and Seras entered the office, offering Jake and I a small wave.
    "Train him well, Seras," Integra ordered.
    Jake gave Seras he own wave in return, then bowed lowly towards Integra.
    "I hope not to disappoint you, sir," he said calmly.
    Jake took a moment to say something to me, but I shook my head, wanting to talk to him in private later. My friend settled with a light pat on my shoulder before heading out with Seras. Integra leaned back in her tall chair, letting out a long breath.
    "Your friend better be ready," she grumbled.
    "Thank you for hiring--"
    "Don't go thanking me yet," she interrupted, leaning forward once more. "I have more tests for you to do. Nothing quite as fun as blood drawing, unfortunately," Integra told me. "Stay in your room and the doctors will come to you."
    "I... all right. Thank you, anyways," I responded softly, leaving once she gave me the okay.
    "How's it going, Ollie?"
    I looked up to see Jake standing in my doorway, holding two trays of food. I smiled lightly up at him and put my journal on the nightstand.
    "You look like you could use a bite to eat," he murmured, waiting for me to slowly make my way to the small table in the corner before handing me a tray with veggie soup. These tests were already wearing me out.
    "My favorite," I sighed happily, biting off a small piece of bread.
    "I know it," he chuckled, rolling up his sleeves to reveal tanned arms. "You never answered my question, though. I heard you've been doing tests all day," he pointed out, sitting next to me with his own tray.
    "Yeah... I guess there's something wrong with me... For some reason, vampire hybrids keep attacking me so she's checking to see if it's biological or something," I murmured, stirring my soup mindlessly.
    Jake was quiet for a moment. "You sure it's safe to be here then? With two full blooded vampires not two feet away?" he asked, taking a bite of his salad.
    I looked over at him. "You think Alucard and Seras are likely to attack me?" I     snorted. "If they wanted to, don't you think they would have by now?"
    "Sure, but... I don't know, just be careful," he mumbled, rubbing my back.
    "What about you, hows the training going?" I inquired, nibbling on my bread some more.
    "Man, I thought the training at the office was tough," he laughed, removing his hand from my back and sipping his water.
    "Not funny, Jake. You need to take this seriously. Integra is not someone to play with," I chided, throwing him a playful glare.
    "Yeah, yeah, I gathered that," he mumbled, shaking his head, "but I'm learning."     "Oh, hey, where's your room now, anyway? I doubt she'd let you just return to your apartment," I snorted.
    "Nah, she's got me in the same room, cage and everything," Jake laughed. "Decent enough to put a bed in, though. So you gunna let me braid your hair or what?"
    I blinked at him silently for a minute or two. Was he serious? He hadn't braided my hair since college and it made me wonder where the request came from. I suddenly thought of Integra's words and shifted somewhat. Too many very unlikely scenarios were popping in my head and it took a hell of a lot of effort to shove them back down. Jake was my friend, there's no way he'd think of me like... like that... would he?
    "W-why do you ask?" I stuttered quietly, mindlessly pulling some hair over my shoulder to play with.
    "I figured just in case you have more tests to do, ya wouldn't mind having your hair out of your face if you get nauseous. An added bonus: It'll look beautiful," Jake added, giving a thumbs up.
    I looked him over quietly, pondering the consequences, before finally giving in. I answered him by turning my chair around and scooting it closer. Long fingers pulled my hair back over my shoulders to rest on my back. I couldn't help but notice goosebumps covering my body as he started brushing my hair. Even though it'd been years since he'd played with it, the feeling was so familiar and it brought back nice memories of college. I rested back against the chair, relishing the calm.
    "So what happens if they never find out why you're being attacked?" Jake inquired. "I don't think they can keep /you/ here against your will."
    "I'm not sure how I would feel about leaving you, even if they did let me leave. But maybe... I don't know. Hey, have you seen Alucard at all?"
    "Oh, big tall guy, black hair? Yeah, a real peach. Ran me ragged all morning," Jake snorted. "Why?"
    "He, well... we... I don't know," I sighed. "We had a little fight, or I dunno, it was back though and I just feel bad for snapping, but I have some questions for him," I rambled, wringing my wrists nervously.
    I didn't notice Jake had stopped moving until he started up again.
    "Do you care about his feelings or something?" he grumbled, fingers moving swiftly.
    "I mean... yeah, he can be a bit brutish, but he's saved my life several times n the last week alone and he's been doing his best to reassure me about your situation, and he doesn't even like werewolves," I answered quietly, shifting in my seat.
    "Are you serious? The same ass I met this morning has been by your bedside, wiping your tears away?" he snorted.
    "You sound pretty nasty about someone only trying to help," I sighed. "Listen, I just... just got you back and want to enjoy the moment."
    It was tensely silent now between us and I felt bad, but still couldn't quite figure out what Jake had against Alucard. These two had been acting so strangely lately and it was so tiring.
    "There," Jake murmured, lightly flicking my finished braid over my shoulder.
    I paused upon seeing the bow tie neatly around the base. It was black with red highlights.
    "Where'd you get that?" I inquired quietly.
    "Walter," he answered with a small sigh. "Seras is probably looking for me by now," he continued, standing up and taking his tray. "Finish your food and I'll be back tonight."
    4 in the morning and I was bent over the toilet, my stomach wholeheartedly disagreeing with the day's events. I was surprised I even made it to the bathroom at all after all the painful tests I went through; spinal tap, bone marrow. Hell, they even took a small piece of muscle from my calf. Everything ached and nothing stayed in my stomach for more than a minute or two. I leaned back against the tub, holding my head in my hands. At least Jake was right: my hair was clean and still looked nice.
    "Long day?"
    I couldn't even bring myself to look up at this point, but I knew who was in the doorway.
    "You could say," I mumbled.
    The vampire made his way over and sat on the tub side, near me. A soft clink told me he put something near me, so I dared a peak.
    "First tea, now Pepto? What kind of vampire are you?" I asked lightheartedly, accepting the small glass and downing the contents.
    "The kind who believes in medicine. I have a human master who comes down with illness. Granted, not very often, but it does happen," he chuckled, taking his sunglasses off and tucking them in an inner coat pocket. "I heard they were cutting you raw today."
    "Y-Yeah..." I mumbled, leaning against the tub once more. "And I heard you ran Jake ragged."
    "Not for long... He did come with us on a hunt today, though."
    That news surprised me. Why hadn't anyone told me Jake would be out so soon after gaining back his memories? A twinge of worry ran through my chest, but it quickly dropped into my belly and I was over the toilet again. Thankfully, nothing came out, but that didn't make me feel any better. I stayed where I was for a moment before leaning back against the tub again.
    "Such a fragile body..."
    I laughed a little, though it was winded.
    "Were you ever human?" I murmured quietly.
    Alucard remained silent for a second or two but then stood, taking the cup with him. After rinsing it out in the sink, he filled it with water and sat back in his spot, handing me the water. I accepted it and took a sip.
    "A long time ago. I don't particularly miss it," he finally responded.
    "Mhmm," I hummed, drinking some more water.
    "These tests... they don't seem to be doing you any good," he commented. "If it helps, I don't think you're problem is the biological you're thinking of," Alucard added.
    "What could it possibly be, then?" I mumbled, wondering if all these tests were for nothing.
    "Genetics, lineage. Who were your parents?"
    "No idea. I was adopted with I was little," I admitted with a light shrug.
    I looked up at him to be met with an intense, thoughtful stare. I hadn't been this close to him in a long time and I caught my breath. Alucard leaned forward slowly and reached up. I wanted to pull away, but couldn't. I winced when the vampire pulled away the bandage covering Jake's scratch. Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I started to stay something but didn't get the chance before he snipped a stitch with a sharp nail.
    "Alucard, what--"
    "Don't worry. I have some more self-control than you think."
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longlivemystories · 6 years
Moonlit Strolls: Chapter Nine
     Alucard leaned against the wall with the door attached to it, watching the nurse closely enough to make her nervous. Her hands shook as she put a couple simple stitches in the scratch I'd received from Jake not half an hour ago I could tell Alucard was fuming about what had happened, though it was hard to say why, exactly. I was quickly becoming tired of his presence. 
    "Alucard, I'm fine. I don't need you hanging out," I grumbled, trying not to move my mouth too much because of the pain.     "And who will make sure you don't do something stupid again," he growled, arms crossed over his chest.     "I had the situation under control," I sighed, wincing when the nurse put the bandage on my face, careful not to stick medical tape in my hair. "How long do you think it'll take to heal?" I asked her.     "N-Not too long. I'll come back later to change your bandage," she stuttered, giving a quick bow before gathering the medical supplies and trash and scurrying out of the room.     "I told you not to go too close to the cage, Red. You're human and it's far too dangerous."     I looked over at him tiredly, brain too fried to figure out why he was acting so weird. Alucard didn't seem to care too much before, so his irritation was baffling to me now. Something about his mood made me want to stop the argument, but then again, it also made me want to fight on. Perhaps it was the exhaustion, but my common sense was seeping out, leaving me behind and I wanted to prod the bull.     "Remind me again why I have to listen to you?" I grumbled, pulling my legs up to cross on the bed.     Red eyes flashed with something I couldn't identify, but it made my spine crawl with uncertainty. I may have made a bad choice, though there was no turning back now.”     "My master has tasked me with keeping your safety," he responded evenly, eyes glowing, "but if you'd like to throw your life into the hands of some useless mongrel-"     "He's my friend!" I snapped, sitting up straighter. "Not some monster incapable of empathy or reason. He /will/ recognize me soon enough and then there won't be any danger at all."     "And yet he still harmed you," the vampire snorted, pulling his upper lip back in a sneer, flashing his canines in an obvious show of power. "There will always be danger where monsters are concerned."     I caught my tongue before I responded too hastily, an insult very nearly endangering my life. I closed my eyes a moment and grabbed my brush from the nightstand; this was a sure way to calm my mind.     As I started methodically brushing my hair, I responded with, "You startled us both."     "And look at what he did to you in turn. If he's this dangerous when startled, then he really can't be trusted."     White knuckles were glaringly obvious as I gripped my brush, practically ripping it through my hair. Where the hell did this guy get off acting like such a jerk?! Last I checked, he was lord Dracula himself, capable of probably much more damage than Jake upon being startled an yet he acted like he was the most harmless thing in the world.     "That's pretty funny, coming from someone who wanted, who /pressed/ me to spend more time with him."     That seemed to be the last straw for the vampire. He stood up straight, pushing his sunglasses on.     "It's too early in the goddamn morning," he growled. "Stay here until I return."     With that, he left my room and I threw my brush on the bed.
    "You made a ruckus in my home."     I turned my head away from my journal. I had turned to it in this time of deep frustration in the vain hopes it would help sort my thoughts. I had a chance to calm down at least a little and sat up, putting book and utensil down.     "Sorry," I sighed lightly. "It's been... difficult today, but that's no excuse."     Integra was quiet a moment before moving over to the chair at the small table. She casually lit a cigar and took a long drag.     "Alucard can be... difficult," she finally stated, cutting the silence.     It took a lot of willpower not to snort at her blatant comment.     "You're his uh... master, right?" I inquired, sitting up to cross his legs. "You'd think he wouldn't be so annoying towards you."     My statement drove an interesting chuckle from Integra. I had a feeling the two had been working together for quite some time and she was used to his games.     "Yes... He has his moments, as brief and far between as they are. How is your friend, Jake?"     The sudden change in subject caught me off guard, welling up feelings I hadn't had time to process by myself yet. How was he? How was I even supposed to answer that? How was I supposed to know? I dropped my gaze, taking my time in figuring out an answer.     "Better."     "Oh?"     "I know; the face... it looks bad, but it doesn't hurt, really," I sputtered, looking up at her once more. "Alucard startled the both of us--"     "Yes, so I've heard quite a bit about it," she interrupted, looking at me pointedly. "He was holding your face... much like a loved one would caress."     "Exactly! We-- wait.. I... no, no, uh no, I uhm." The sputtering only worsened so finally I just shut up.     Another, lighter chuckle came from the Englishwoman.     "This might work to our advantage."     I snapped my head up at her in confusion, but she was already leaving the room.
    I stood with uncertainty at the top of Jake's stairs, staring down into the pitch blackness.     "Jake?"     A soft rattle of chains told me he was indeed awake. I reached over and flicked the nearby light switch before descending. The taller man was sitting with his legs crossed, towards the near edge of the cage, watching me with intense, focused eyes. I smiled gently at him and sat near the cage.     "Oliver?"     The both of us looked up at the entrance, startled. This was happening too much for any heart to remain healthy. Seras was the intruder this time and she came down quietly.     "You sure it's a good idea; being down here and all?" she asked, plopping down next to me.
    "I trust him with my life, Seras," I admitted softly.     She smiled fondly at that, not taking her eyes off Jake. "How'd you two meet, anyway?"     "High school," I laughed, thinking back and finding the memory all too quickly. "I was uh... picked on a lot as a kid and that, of course, traveled into my freshman year of high school. Jake here had just transferred in from the States, New York, I think and it was barely a week into the school year when my old childhood bully started his crap.     "Big ol' Larry Southerson... It was hard to be mad at him once I found out about his family life. Abusive mom, absent dad... He had it rough, but that doesn't really completely excuse his actions. Anyways, first week in and I'm in a locker--"     "A locker?" Seras repeated, incredulous. "You're so tall--"     "Not as tall as I seem." I laughed. "Just uh... skinny. Jake, he saved me. Apparently, he'd seen Larry pull some other stunt on another kid earlier that day. They fought, I mean literally, physically fought. Larry ran off, having never had someone other than teachers stand up to him."     I found myself recalling the very moment Jake pulled me out of the locker and checked me over so carefully for any bruising or any other injuries. His ringed fingers were gentle, as were eyes line heavily in black. If I knew then how much he was going to impact my life, I might've kissed him right then and there.     "Anyways, Jake spent all his time with me from then until, well, now," I mumbled, looking at him fondly.     "That's really sweet... Well, save for the bullying, but I'm glad you two are friends now," Seras said, smiling.     "U... tah..."     The word startled both of us and all our attention was on the werewolf, who was holding a slight smirk on his face.     "I'm from... Utah."
    His voice was hoarse and gravelly, but it brought tears of relief to my eyes.     "R-right," I sputtered. "Utah... how--"     "I'm feeling.... better," he sighed, leaning his weight back on his hands. "It's like everything went blank for a little while... except your face. I couldn't remember who you were, just that, well... anyways... A cage, really?"
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longlivemystories · 6 years
Hey guys! Just added some new shirts to my teespring. The one labeled “Law of the Land” is where 50% of the profits go to ST. Jude’s Children’s hospital charity. The one labeled “Furry Friend” is where 50% of the profits go to Salem Friends of Felines charity.
Even if you can’t buy anything, a reblog would be very much appreciated!
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longlivemystories · 6 years
Hey guys! My Redbubble and my Teespring have been updated with new items! If you can’t by anything, a reblog would be most helpful.
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longlivemystories · 6 years
Hey guys! I’m gunna see if my laptop can handle a live stream on Friday, 1/12/18, 5PM EST! Just gunna be some doodles, might accept requests. I’ll post the link tomorrow before hand a couple of hours so look out for it.
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longlivemystories · 6 years
If there’s any characters, especially OCs, that anyone wants drawn for visual clarity or just to see them in a cute outfit or somethin’, lemme know! I have an art blog, but I will reblog the drawing here, too :) Feel free to ask for any character!!
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longlivemystories · 6 years
Like if you want a Nick Valentine/Natalie oneshot with fluff and possibly nsfw
Reblog with the tag: “Preston” if you want a Preston/Finn oneshot with fluff and possibly nsfw
Reblog with the tag “falloutcharacter/someone else” if you want to see a different couple.
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longlivemystories · 6 years
hey! do you have any prompts or dialogue for a cute but weird-personality couple getting married? x
Hello :)
• They get matching tattoos that no one else understands the significance of except them.
• “Honey, I’m home!”
“Is something wrong?”
“No, why?”
“You’ve never said that to me in years of dating.”
“I wanted to say it before we get married.”
• They say “I love you” in a different language every time.
• It’s one of their birthdays. A is opening B’s present. A’s family are all sure A will hate it, but A actually really loves it.
• Midnight trips in PJ’s to various stores
• They have their own secret language/ code words.
• They have embarrassing names for each other in their phone… or embarrassing ring tones.
• Prank wars/ holiday decorating competitions/ water gun wars/ etc. that the neighbors look down on because they don’t think the couple are mature adults.
• “Hey, look what I got you.”
“A leaf?”
“It’s from the maple tree that we first kisssed under.”
• Proposed with a candy ring
• DIY wedding clothes
• Unique/ geeky wedding cake topper
• Weird wedding in general like while scuba diving or on horseback
• The planned honey moon is to an unexpected place like a road trip visiting the biggest things in the country (biggest ball or string, piece of chocolate, etc.)
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longlivemystories · 6 years
Established Relationship Prompt List
Disclaimer: All are mine, free for grabs. If you write them, please let me know because I'd love to read them. These can work for any fandoms, AU or not.
1: Could you maybe stop stealing my warm socks, I told you I’d buy you a pair but you insist you don’t need them, so leave mine alone!
2: You are sick and the shop where I always buy you your favorite tea was closed today, now I’m on the quest to get you your tea.
3: When you said you wanted to bake cookies, I didn’t hear anything about flour war, stop it!
4: You had a bad argument with your parents, now I’m working hard to make everything fine without you knowing about it.
5: I’m away and you’re home alone, I keep checking on you every hour because you being alone in the house is dangerous af.
6: I get you are a big Harry Potter fan and we have all kinds of stuff at home, like blankets and pillows and wands, but that giant Aragog will NOT be on our staircase, I’m telling you.
7: We watched a horror movie and now you’re afraid to go to the bathroom alone, this was the last time, I warn you.
8: Someone ate my cheese and it’s weird because you don’t like cheese, I’m going to investigate.
9: I was ironing your favorite t-shirt and accidentally burnt a hole in it, now I’m scared to tell you.
10: Your mother keeps coming to our house unannounced and the embarrassing situations she’s caught us in have been accumulating lately, perhaps we should get an alarm or something.
11: I was supposed to take care of your pet fish while you were away, but it died on me and now I have to replace it before you return.
12: I found you drinking from my favorite cup, this is unacceptable!
13: When we go shopping, you always try to sneak some childish stuff like Batman-shaped cereals or lollipops in our basket and I think it’s adorable.
14: Every time I come back home after some time spent away, I find your plushie in our bed, but you insist you don’t sleep with it.
15: You offered to mow our lawn and I thought you knew how to do it, but as I can see now, it wasn’t the case.
16: It’s after Thanksgiving/Christmas and we are trying to figure out what to do with all the leftover turkey.
17: I knew I shouldn’t have left checking the car before the road trip up to you, dammit, now we’re going to die here in the land of desolation, miles away from civilization.
18: You keep leaving a “do not eat” post-it note on everything you buy, like, we’ve been living together for three years, I think it’s time to stop.
19: Our kitchen has ants and you decided to take care of that problem, I guess I should say goodbye to the kitchen and find out if our insurance covers irresponsible adults using chemicals.
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longlivemystories · 6 years
I might die if that happens but thank you like so much aah
Caught in an Ashstorm
Fandom: Hollow Knight Rating: NSFW, Mature Pairing: Quirrel x The Knight (Main character) Words: 1,830
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longlivemystories · 6 years
Caught in an Ashstorm
Fandom: Hollow Knight Rating: NSFW, Mature Pairing: Quirrel x The Knight (Main character) Words: 1,830
     "It doesn't look like it's letting up any time soon," Quirrel mumbled, watching the snow-like ash whip around in a chilled frenzy just outside the cave.     The knight had spotted the cozy little outcrop of a cave not too much earlier and it'd taken them long enough to reach it, let alone try to start a minuscule fire with what wood they could find. The cricket returned to the small fire and nestle down next to the knight. It wasn't a big cave, but they were far enough in so the stormy winds didn't strangle the flames. Still, they weren't really high enough to keep the two bugs very warm so it wasn't long before the small knight crawled into Quirrel's lap. Of course his lover wasn't going to complain, so he pulled out the blanket he'd packed and wrapped it around the two of them.     "You hungry, love?" Quirrel inquired, gently rubbing the knight's short legs to try and warm him up.     The cold, stone floor of the cave wasn't helping the pair any and Quirrel's own, thin legs were suffering already. They hadn't expected to be stuck in the area so long, but finding this rare flower for a friend of theirs was taking longer than they'd initially thought.     The knight nodded, nuzzling up to the taller bug tiredly. The adventurer shuffled through his pack before coming up with two granola bars, offering one to the knight before quietly nibbling on the other. Quirrel looked down at his lover. He was small and didn't do too well in the colder regions of Hallownest and he worried about his health at times like these. After they finished eating, which didn't take long at all since neither had eaten all day, Quirrel coaxed his boyfriend into laying down, using his own body and the blanket to shield the knight from any stray winds that tried to enter the cave.  The knight turned towards his boyfriend and sighed contently. The taller bug noticed the vessel shivering still, so he started rubbing not only his legs, but his abdomen, too.     "Are you trying to get frisky," the knight mumbled playfully, nuzzling his face into Quirrel's chest, being cautious of his horns.     "Perhaps..." Quirrel teased. "If it'll warm you up any." He pulled the smaller body closer, long limbs wrapped around him. "You think you're up for something after such a haul today?"     "Mm, of course," he responded.     Suddenly, the smaller bug was ontop of the cricket, startling him. Quirrel started to protest, wanting the knight to be more under the blanket, but he moved too quickly and was turned around, nestling down to coax a navy blue cock from under one of Quirrel's plates. It didn't take long before he was fully aroused and he let a short breath, heart started to speed up.     "L-Love, you should be-- ooh," he groaned when the knight took him in his mouth. "--u-under the blankets," he sputtered, gripping uselessly at the stone.     "Mhmm," he mumbled, swirling a black tongue around the length, already dripping with precum.     Quirrel knew there was nothing he could say to make the knight listen to him, so he gave up for a time. He laid back, allowing the smaller bug to take over, uttering soft moans that were torn apart the minute they tried to escape the cave. His head was closer to the fire now and a hazy mind barely registered enough to pull the edge of the blanket away from the red hot embers. He managed to lift himself enough to pull out the blanket some more without toppling his boyfriend to the ground. The knight didn't complain as the ragged cloth was draped over him, the smaller bug's own hot breath filling up the open space underneath.     It hadn't taken long for the two bugs to become this comfortable with each other. They'd almost instantly clicked, though perhaps that was due to a previous connection from the time of the King. Either way, Quirrel respected the smaller bug, though had no qualms about teasing him every once in a while. In turn, the knight had come to respect the cricket and before long he began to seek out the bigger bug, if nothing more than a comforting word and a moments respite from the hell that had taken over Hallownest. The minute everything had been resolved and the knight deemed a hero, he'd sought out the cricket and explained his feelings, actually proud of himself for figuring it out on his own. They'd been inseparable ever since.     Now, Quirrel wasn't the impatient type. If anything, he enjoyed taking his time with everything, even battles, despite how fast his movements were. The knight was another story, disliking the way things dragged out. This was no exception so it wasn't long before he pulled himself away from the cricket's cock, moving back up to kiss him lovingly.     “You always know just how to rile me up," Quirrel sighed softly, peppering the knight's face with soft kisses.     Clearly the knight was having a grand time as well, considering how warm his face was becoming and Quirrel could feel lubricating juices seeping from his warmth and onto the taller bug's belly. He pulled on the knights hips playfully. It took a moment for the knight to grasp the cricket's intentions, but he finally did and climbed up his body so that Quirrel could help position the smaller bug over his face. The cricket lovingly kissed his inner thighs, nuzzling his face against them before glancing up to see a rather impatient lover looking down back down at him. He smiled playfully, finally turning his attention to the pulsing warmth between the knight's legs. A warm tongue lapped up extra juices around the area before finally divulging, dipping it in and out and playing with the small bug at the top. Quirrel felt the smaller bug shiver eagerly, leaning back so he could put a hand on the larger bug's chest for stability.     The noises spilling out of the knight's mouth were causing an almost delirium for the cricket, who in turn sped up his process. The faster he went, the sloppier he was, but the knight clearly didn't care, rocking himself against Quirrel's mouth, making it even harder to keep track of. And yet, the tiny bug shot through his orgasm, walls tightening uncontrollably around Quirrel's tongue. The taller bug's cock ached with yearning and the memory of that same feeling around it.     "You okay, love?" Quirrel inquired almost playfully, reaching up to caress the knight's face.     The smaller bug rested his face against his lover's hand, humming happily. "Do you wanna continue?" Quirrel murmured softly.     The knight nodded happily, rolling off of his lover to lay on his back, wiggling playfully. Quirrel moved to lay over him, placing butterfly kisses all over his face. He used one arm to hold himself steady, but the other was slipping two digits in the knight's warmth.     "You ready?" he mumbled softly, rubbing the roof of his smaller lover's center. He nodded, head tilting back and legs spreading further apart for better access.     Removing his fingers, he used the natural juices from the both of them to slick his cock the best he could. Of course, under better circumstances, he'd have lube, but this is what he had to use. Quirrel rubbed himself against  the knight's opening, slicking himself even further with the seemingly endless liquids seeping out of his lover. Finally, he started pushing himself in, careful to watch the smaller bug's face for any hint of pain, a grunt slipping out of his mouth in the process. A soft sigh escaped the knight's lips and he lifted his hips for a better angle. Quirrel wasn't particularly large for his kind, but he was more than big enough to pleasure his lover. The knight knew it would take a moment for him to adjust, but he just wanted Quirrel to  move faster already. The larger bug seemed to sense his lover's impatience and grinned lightly, massaging it hips with his thumb a little bit before picking up the pace, adjusting for just a short moment for a better rhythm.     A higher pitched moan crawled up through the knight and came panting out through his mouth. Quirrel shivered, always relishing the way his lover mewled out his name when he managed to him him just right. The faster he moved, the sloppier he became, but god it was worth it to soak in not only the knight's moans, but of the wet, slicking noises from below. Quirrel felt a growing pain in his knees, feeling as though he may slip if he didn't move. The knight groaned at the sudden pause in movement to adjust and playfully glared up at him. The cricket kisses the middle of the smaller bug's face, chuckling lightly before abruptly thrusting into him, causing the knight to call out his name in a strained manner. It wasn't long before the heat built up to cause an almost uncomfortable tightness in the smaller bug's belly and his walls started tightening hard around Quirrel's cock. The harder he tightened, the harder it was for the larger bug to breath through the pleasure.     "Ah, l-love!" the cricket groaned, feeling his own release building up deep within, biting down hard the nothingness.     "Quirrel!" the knight mewled, wrapping his legs around the cricket the best he could.     The cold was lost to them. Neither was wrapped up in the blanket and the fire was surely threatening to extinguish, absolutely annoyed at being ignored for so long. However, neither bug seemed to care about what was happening around them as Quirrel suddenly leaned forward into the thrusting to grab his lover's hand, using the other to steady himself. With his free hand, the knight grasped Quirrel's wrist, riding out a long orgasm. With that done, Quirrel quickly pulled out, moving to the side somewhat so he could finish a little bit away from his boyfriend so they didn't have to clean up too much after.     Both were breathing hard, the knight seeming completely immobile for the time being. Quirrel, too, wanted to simply flop on the ground with his lover, sleep seeming so easy now, but there was the problem of an ignored fire to deal with. As warm as they both felt now, he knew it was only a matter of time before that bliss ended and they'd be stuck in the cold again. Finally, he managed to please the fire enough with new wood and poking that it agreed to light once more. Content with this, he laid down, wrapping the blanket tightly around the both of them once more and smiling contently as the smaller bug curled up to him. Quirrel knew the vessel wasn't capable of sleep and as much as he wanted to stay up, too, he knew it wasn't worth the exhaustion the next day and finally drifted off.
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longlivemystories · 7 years
Hey guys, I set up a ko-fi. If you cant afford any commissions, any support is worth the world to me!
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