lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When something breaks, there are rifts, SPLINTERS, that rip and flow from the epicenter. Equate the idea to water and the way it ripples when a rock is thrown in. Equate it to thunder and the counts it takes for lightning to strike its furthest location. Equate it to choices of justice and of misdeeds that impact the lives of the chosen and the innocent. Equate it to TURMOIL, for that’s what New Orleans is best at...
The saying goes that even the worst of deeds can have the best of intentions. Well, what if the blood on your hands of an idle innocent soul was for profit? Blood spilled for monetary means simply because it was asked of you, or not-quite-so-simply because they had leverage to hang over your worried little head. Would it bend your heart from waning if you knew your family, your loved one, your friend, or even you, would be better off once the deal was made? Souls are coming up as more ripe for the reaping with every spell cast, every pure soul lost, and every crack carved into the cobblestones that pits friends against friends and foes against family. It seems not every soul in the French Quarter can claim itself pure when rifts in the city are running far deeper than even the Original family could even have imagined. OVER FIVE YEARS, vines have grown in the Mikaelson home, and around the mouths’ of those too scared to speak up. But not for the human faction, they’re becoming more outraged by the day, perhaps it’s time someone spoke up before more breaks turn into mass splinters and even worse, more chaos….
$ 100 million - for the bloody damaged soul of KOL MIKAELSON $ 350 million - for the once crowned soul of JACKSON KENNER $ 200 million - for the puppy dog eyed soul of SAM WINCHESTER next up? could be you. could be your best friend. maybe your lover...
Wonder who’s reaping the monetary benefits of someone else’s heartache? SO ARE WE. Think you got what it’ll take to unravel the mystery now that the coffins’ been kicked wide open and supernaturals have been outed to mainstream society?
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                      LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                             THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                      NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
0 notes
lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When something breaks, there are rifts, SPLINTERS, that rip and flow from the epicenter. Equate the idea to water and the way it ripples when a rock is thrown in. Equate it to thunder and the counts it takes for lightning to strike its furthest location. Equate it to choices of justice and of misdeeds that impact the lives of the chosen and the innocent. Equate it to TURMOIL, for that’s what New Orleans is best at...
The saying goes that even the worst of deeds can have the best of intentions. Well, what if the blood on your hands of an idle innocent soul was for profit? Blood spilled for monetary means simply because it was asked of you, or not-quite-so-simply because they had leverage to hang over your worried little head. Would it bend your heart from waning if you knew your family, your loved one, your friend, or even you, would be better off once the deal was made? Souls are coming up as more ripe for the reaping with every spell cast, every pure soul lost, and every crack carved into the cobblestones that pits friends against friends and foes against family. It seems not every soul in the French Quarter can claim itself pure when rifts in the city are running far deeper than even the Original family could even have imagined. OVER FIVE YEARS, vines have grown in the Mikaelson home, and around the mouths’ of those too scared to speak up. But not for the human faction, they’re becoming more outraged by the day, perhaps it’s time someone spoke up before more breaks turn into mass splinters and even worse, more chaos….
$ 100 million - for the bloody damaged soul of KOL MIKAELSON
$ 350 million - for the once crowned soul of JACKSON KENNER
$ 200 million - for the puppy dog eyed soul of SAM WINCHESTER
next up? could be you. could be your best friend. maybe your lover...
Wonder who’s reaping the monetary benefits of someone else’s heartache? SO ARE WE. Think you got what it’ll take to unravel the mystery now that the coffins’ been kicked wide open and supernaturals have been outed to mainstream society?
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                      LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                             THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                      NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
0 notes
lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When something breaks, there are rifts, SPLINTERS, that rip and flow from the epicenter. Equate the idea to water and the way it ripples when a rock is thrown in. Equate it to thunder and the counts it takes for lightning to strike its furthest location. Equate it to choices of justice and of misdeeds that impact the lives of the chosen and the innocent. Equate it to TURMOIL, for that’s what New Orleans is best at...
The saying goes that even the worst of deeds can have the best of intentions. Well, what if the blood on your hands of an idle innocent soul was for profit? Blood spilled for monetary means simply because it was asked of you, or not-quite-so-simply because they had leverage to hang over your worried little head. Would it bend your heart from waning if you knew your family, your loved one, your friend, or even you, would be better off once the deal was made? Souls are coming up as more ripe for the reaping with every spell cast, every pure soul lost, and every crack carved into the cobblestones that pits friends against friends and foes against family. It seems not every soul in the French Quarter can claim itself pure when rifts in the city are running far deeper than even the Original family could even have imagined. OVER FIVE YEARS, vines have grown in the Mikaelson home, and around the mouths’ of those too scared to speak up. But not for the human faction, they’re becoming more outraged by the day, perhaps it’s time someone spoke up before more breaks turn into mass splinters and even worse, more chaos….
$ 100 million - for the bloody damaged soul of KOL MIKAELSON $ 350 million - for the once crowned soul of JACKSON KENNER $ 200 million - for the puppy dog eyed soul of SAM WINCHESTER next up? could be you. could be your best friend. maybe your lover...
Wonder who’s reaping the monetary benefits of someone else’s heartache? SO ARE WE. Think you got what it’ll take to unravel the mystery now that the coffins’ been kicked wide open and supernaturals have been outed to mainstream society?
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                      LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                             THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                      NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
0 notes
lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When something breaks, there are rifts, SPLINTERS, that rip and flow from the epicenter. Equate the idea to water and the way it ripples when a rock is thrown in. Equate it to thunder and the counts it takes for lightning to strike its furthest location. Equate it to choices of justice and of misdeeds that impact the lives of the chosen and the innocent. Equate it to TURMOIL, for that’s what New Orleans is best at...
The saying goes that even the worst of deeds can have the best of intentions. Well, what if the blood on your hands of an idle innocent soul was for profit? Blood spilled for monetary means simply because it was asked of you, or not-quite-so-simply because they had leverage to hang over your worried little head. Would it bend your heart from waning if you knew your family, your loved one, your friend, or even you, would be better off once the deal was made? Souls are coming up as more ripe for the reaping with every spell cast, every pure soul lost, and every crack carved into the cobblestones that pits friends against friends and foes against family. It seems not every soul in the French Quarter can claim itself pure when rifts in the city are running far deeper than even the Original family could even have imagined. OVER FIVE YEARS, vines have grown in the Mikaelson home, and around the mouths’ of those too scared to speak up. But not for the human faction, they’re becoming more outraged by the day, perhaps it’s time someone spoke up before more breaks turn into mass splinters and even worse, more chaos….
$ 100 million - for the bloody damaged soul of KOL MIKAELSON $ 350 million - for the once crowned soul of JACKSON KENNER $ 200 million - for the puppy dog eyed soul of SAM WINCHESTER next up? could be you. could be your best friend. maybe your lover...
Wonder who’s reaping the monetary benefits of someone else’s heartache? SO ARE WE. Think you got what it’ll take to unravel the mystery now that the coffins’ been kicked wide open and supernaturals have been outed to mainstream society?
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                      LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                             THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                      NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
0 notes
lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When fairy tales of magic, weaved through heirlooms of dream catchers, turned into a twisted new horizon fraught with living nightmares, there was no hope of ever seeing things the same way. It was one thing for the residents of New Orleans to believe that magic mulled about into every cobblestone and cranny of the Quarter ... it was another thing entirely to see it with their own eyes. A spectacular honoring the long-held tradition of the Harvest was just a once-a-year festival, where offerings were brought to the ‘witches’ of New Orleans. With the offerings came bountiful rewards for the city they thrived in, and the people of NOLA wanted to extend the continuity of the give-take relationship for another year.
But the Strix had something else in mind...
If they couldn’t play there, no one could really. Especially not the Mikaelsons. After losing Aya, her heart ripped out at Hayley’s hand, and Elijah wanting nothing to do with the elitist snobs he had once hailed as companions and soldiers, they grew weary and wrought. And they enacted revenge with their coven, The Sisters.
The party that once hailed itself a historical tradition riddled in sentiment, La Fete De Benedictions was one to be rivaled. Once a spectacle, it soon turned to mistrust and mangled ideas of fiction and reality - THE SISTERS (of the Strix Coven) outed the magical community without a sense of compulsion to rid human minds of the misdeeds of the supernatural community.
ARIANE, choosing to do so for her own freedom and crossover into a new life bound to a 10 year deal with the hell hounds, led the stray witches as they broke the bond of secrecy of their kind, of supernaturals alike. For her actions, she got what she wanted - she was slaughtered by a member of ROBICHAUX ACADEMY, who to this day, remains unknown.
But her soul didn’t descend to Heaven, it was stripped bare - her soul ripped clean from her spine - and what became of her is still left to the dogs, even if their paws were innocent of murder…
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We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                      NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
0 notes
lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When something breaks, there are rifts, SPLINTERS, that rip and flow from the epicenter. Equate the idea to water and the way it ripples when a rock is thrown in. Equate it to thunder and the counts it takes for lightning to strike its furthest location. Equate it to choices of justice and of misdeeds that impact the lives of the chosen and the innocent. Equate it to TURMOIL, for that’s what New Orleans is best at...
The saying goes that even the worst of deeds can have the best of intentions. Well, what if the blood on your hands of an idle innocent soul was for profit? Blood spilled for monetary means simply because it was asked of you, or not-quite-so-simply because they had leverage to hang over your worried little head. Would it bend your heart from waning if you knew your family, your loved one, your friend, or even you, would be better off once the deal was made? Souls are coming up as more ripe for the reaping with every spell cast, every pure soul lost, and every crack carved into the cobblestones that pits friends against friends and foes against family. It seems not every soul in the French Quarter can claim itself pure when rifts in the city are running far deeper than even the Original family could even have imagined. OVER FIVE YEARS, vines have grown in the Mikaelson home, and around the mouths’ of those too scared to speak up. But not for the human faction, they’re becoming more outraged by the day, perhaps it’s time someone spoke up before more breaks turn into mass splinters and even worse, more chaos….
$ 100 million - for the bloody damaged soul of KOL MIKAELSON $ 350 million - for the once crowned soul of JACKSON KENNER $ 200 million - for the puppy dog eyed soul of SAM WINCHESTER next up? could be you. could be your best friend. maybe your lover...
Wonder who’s reaping the monetary benefits of someone else’s heartache? SO ARE WE. Think you got what it’ll take to unravel the mystery now that the coffins’ been kicked wide open and supernaturals have been outed to mainstream society?
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                       LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                              THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                       NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
0 notes
lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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Deals are something bound in blood and a pact - one gets what they want, and when the other wants to collect, the debt is paid without question. Dahlia had given much of her life, and her sanity, over to the darkest sides of magic - necromancy, expression, ritualistic sacrifice - you name the dirty deed, she did it. It wasn’t for selfish means (to begin with, at least) - it had been to save the life of her sister, Esther, and then to bless her with her first-born child. When Freya was born, Dahlia swore to Esther that when she came to 5 years of age, she would come for her.
And she did. She came for her, and she came for witches far and wide - the first born of every generation she coveted when they grew to the tender age of 5. She would teach them her ways, then she would string them along as a power source of eternal youth and immortal life.
The one caveat to her plan had been with the Halliwell witches - the most profound and most hard to find, for Halliwell magic had made a pact of its own. The Halliwell line was spoken of, but daughters were hidden from Dahlia’s grasp the moment they were born. Each mother witch cloaked her daughters, and for the Charmed Ones, Penny gained the trust of Abby Bennett, another all powerful witch to ensure her daughters stayed hidden. Abby agreed on the premise that Bonnie received the same safety blanket. The girls were cast under a spell, never to be found.
Until Paige was born. She was adopted for her hybrid nature, and was reclaimed as a Matthews. She lost the Halliwell namesake and she lost the protection as she fell under the radar of the cosmos - but she popped up right on Dahlia’s. And Dahlia came for her, leaving Paige and Freya to live a dreadful existence; siphoned for their magic with no choice but to use it for her wicked ways.
They refused to see it happen to future generations. Freya went to her family, reclaiming her role in the Mikaelson family lineage, and Paige did the same with her sisters, the Halliwells. Time has healed wounds of separation, and has forged bonds that not even she could break.
The return of DAHLIA, once thought to be the uncontrollable lover of CROWLEY - she ran hell on Earth, while he ran… HELL itself. He had his hell hounds sniff far and wide for the return of Freya Mikaelson and Paige Matthews into existence, and when found, they caught up to the girls biting at their heels, and Dahlia delivered her twisted form of fate. And with the return of the daughter she stole simply for the bargain given to her sister, and the daughter that had become uncloaked by happenstance, Dahlia wanted a parting gift - the molding of magic with Hope Mikaelson, to ensure her continued immortality with each line of witches she came calling for.
It wasn’t until the blood of family & friends ripped apart the bond of insanity that her spell was broken. She was sent back to Hell, and into the waiting arms of Crowley, who, using this moment to solidify a soul to return to Earth, took his chance and pardoned a hell hound to release a soul...
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We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                     NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
0 notes
lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When something breaks, there are rifts, SPLINTERS, that rip and flow from the epicenter. Equate the idea to water and the way it ripples when a rock is thrown in. Equate it to thunder and the counts it takes for lightning to strike its furthest location. Equate it to choices of justice and of misdeeds that impact the lives of the chosen and the innocent. Equate it to TURMOIL, for that’s what New Orleans is best at...
The saying goes that even the worst of deeds can have the best of intentions. Well, what if the blood on your hands of an idle innocent soul was for profit? Blood spilled for monetary means simply because it was asked of you, or not-quite-so-simply because they had leverage to hang over your worried little head. Would it bend your heart from waning if you knew your family, your loved one, your friend, or even you, would be better off once the deal was made? Souls are coming up as more ripe for the reaping with every spell cast, every pure soul lost, and every crack carved into the cobblestones that pits friends against friends and foes against family. It seems not every soul in the French Quarter can claim itself pure when rifts in the city are running far deeper than even the Original family could even have imagined. OVER FIVE YEARS, vines have grown in the Mikaelson home, and around the mouths’ of those too scared to speak up. But not for the human faction, they’re becoming more outraged by the day, perhaps it’s time someone spoke up before more breaks turn into mass splinters and even worse, more chaos….
$ 100 million - for the bloody damaged soul of KOL MIKAELSON $ 350 million - for the once crowned soul of JACKSON KENNER $ 200 million - for the puppy dog eyed soul of SAM WINCHESTER next up? could be you. could be your best friend. maybe your lover...
Wonder who’s reaping the monetary benefits of someone else’s heartache? SO ARE WE. Think you got what it’ll take to unravel the mystery now that the coffins’ been kicked wide open and supernaturals have been outed to mainstream society?
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                       LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                              THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                       NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
0 notes
lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When something breaks, there are rifts, SPLINTERS, that rip and flow from the epicenter. Equate the idea to water and the way it ripples when a rock is thrown in. Equate it to thunder and the counts it takes for lightning to strike its furthest location. Equate it to choices of justice and of misdeeds that impact the lives of the chosen and the innocent. Equate it to TURMOIL, for that’s what New Orleans is best at...
The saying goes that even the worst of deeds can have the best of intentions. Well, what if the blood on your hands of an idle innocent soul was for profit? Blood spilled for monetary means simply because it was asked of you, or not-quite-so-simply because they had leverage to hang over your worried little head. Would it bend your heart from waning if you knew your family, your loved one, your friend, or even you, would be better off once the deal was made? Souls are coming up as more ripe for the reaping with every spell cast, every pure soul lost, and every crack carved into the cobblestones that pits friends against friends and foes against family. It seems not every soul in the French Quarter can claim itself pure when rifts in the city are running far deeper than even the Original family could even have imagined. OVER FIVE YEARS, vines have grown in the Mikaelson home, and around the mouths’ of those too scared to speak up. But not for the human faction, they’re becoming more outraged by the day, perhaps it’s time someone spoke up before more breaks turn into mass splinters and even worse, more chaos….
$ 100 million - for the bloody damaged soul of KOL MIKAELSON $ 350 million - for the once crowned soul of JACKSON KENNER $ 200 million - for the puppy dog eyed soul of SAM WINCHESTER next up? could be you. could be your best friend. maybe your lover...
Wonder who’s reaping the monetary benefits of someone else’s heartache? SO ARE WE. Think you got what it’ll take to unravel the mystery now that the coffins’ been kicked wide open and supernaturals have been outed to mainstream society?
Tumblr media
                       LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                              THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                       NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
0 notes
lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When something breaks, there are rifts, SPLINTERS, that rip and flow from the epicenter. Equate the idea to water and the way it ripples when a rock is thrown in. Equate it to thunder and the counts it takes for lightning to strike its furthest location. Equate it to choices of justice and of misdeeds that impact the lives of the chosen and the innocent. Equate it to TURMOIL, for that’s what New Orleans is best at...
The unraveling of the Hybrid Curse. The suppression of a side seen as heinous and immoral, due to the atrocity of infidelity, had one born hybrid unable to connect to his latent half. But centuries later and one hunger for solidifying his status in society in tow, KLAUS MIKAELSON was able to break the chains of his creation by slaughtering a werewolf, a vampire and a doppelganger.
This left Elena’s Gilberts’ entire existence teetering on the edge between life and the other side - in Purgatory. In a surprising twist of chance, John Gilbert, Elena’s biological father, decided to give his life for that of his daughter, and melded their spirits together. For when she died, she was given a second chance at a life while his was, sadly, snuffed out. But that didn’t mean that her life back on the good side of the proverbial coin meant that she was simply meant to live another sunny day - she was meant for something much darker for now her soul had a higher value than before.
You might be able to escape Crowley once, but hell if you’ll escape him twice…
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We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                       NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
0 notes
lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When something breaks, there are rifts, SPLINTERS, that rip and flow from the epicenter. Equate the idea to water and the way it ripples when a rock is thrown in. Equate it to thunder and the counts it takes for lightning to strike its furthest location. Equate it to choices of justice and of misdeeds that impact the lives of the chosen and the innocent. Equate it to TURMOIL, for that’s what New Orleans is best at...
The saying goes that even the worst of deeds can have the best of intentions. Well, what if the blood on your hands of an idle innocent soul was for profit? Blood spilled for monetary means simply because it was asked of you, or not-quite-so-simply because they had leverage to hang over your worried little head. Would it bend your heart from waning if you knew your family, your loved one, your friend, or even you, would be better off once the deal was made? Souls are coming up as more ripe for the reaping with every spell cast, every pure soul lost, and every crack carved into the cobblestones that pits friends against friends and foes against family. It seems not every soul in the French Quarter can claim itself pure when rifts in the city are running far deeper than even the Original family could even have imagined. OVER FIVE YEARS, vines have grown in the Mikaelson home, and around the mouths’ of those too scared to speak up. But not for the human faction, they’re becoming more outraged by the day, perhaps it’s time someone spoke up before more breaks turn into mass splinters and even worse, more chaos….
$ 100 million - for the bloody damaged soul of KOL MIKAELSON $ 350 million - for the once crowned soul of JACKSON KENNER $ 200 million - for the puppy dog eyed soul of SAM WINCHESTER next up? could be you. could be your best friend. maybe your lover...
Wonder who’s reaping the monetary benefits of someone else’s heartache? SO ARE WE. Think you got what it’ll take to unravel the mystery now that the coffins’ been kicked wide open and supernaturals have been outed to mainstream society?
Tumblr media
                       LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                              THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                       NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
0 notes
lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When something breaks, there are rifts, SPLINTERS, that rip and flow from the epicenter. Equate the idea to water and the way it ripples when a rock is thrown in. Equate it to thunder and the counts it takes for lightning to strike its furthest location. Equate it to choices of justice and of misdeeds that impact the lives of the chosen and the innocent. Equate it to TURMOIL, for that’s what New Orleans is best at...
The saying goes that even the worst of deeds can have the best of intentions. Well, what if the blood on your hands of an idle innocent soul was for profit? Blood spilled for monetary means simply because it was asked of you, or not-quite-so-simply because they had leverage to hang over your worried little head. Would it bend your heart from waning if you knew your family, your loved one, your friend, or even you, would be better off once the deal was made? Souls are coming up as more ripe for the reaping with every spell cast, every pure soul lost, and every crack carved into the cobblestones that pits friends against friends and foes against family. It seems not every soul in the French Quarter can claim itself pure when rifts in the city are running far deeper than even the Original family could even have imagined. OVER FIVE YEARS, vines have grown in the Mikaelson home, and around the mouths’ of those too scared to speak up. But not for the human faction, they’re becoming more outraged by the day, perhaps it’s time someone spoke up before more breaks turn into mass splinters and even worse, more chaos….
$ 100 million - for the bloody damaged soul of KOL MIKAELSON $ 350 million - for the once crowned soul of JACKSON KENNER $ 200 million - for the puppy dog eyed soul of SAM WINCHESTER next up? could be you. could be your best friend. maybe your lover...
Wonder who’s reaping the monetary benefits of someone else’s heartache? SO ARE WE. Think you got what it’ll take to unravel the mystery now that the coffins’ been kicked wide open and supernaturals have been outed to mainstream society?
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            LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                     THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                     NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
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lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When something breaks, there are rifts, SPLINTERS, that rip and flow from the epicenter. Equate the idea to water and the way it ripples when a rock is thrown in. Equate it to thunder and the counts it takes for lightning to strike its furthest location. Equate it to choices of justice and of misdeeds that impact the lives of the chosen and the innocent. Equate it to TURMOIL, for that’s what New Orleans is best at...
The saying goes that even the worst of deeds can have the best of intentions. Well, what if the blood on your hands of an idle innocent soul was for profit? Blood spilled for monetary means simply because it was asked of you, or not-quite-so-simply because they had leverage to hang over your worried little head. Would it bend your heart from waning if you knew your family, your loved one, your friend, or even you, would be better off once the deal was made? Souls are coming up as more ripe for the reaping with every spell cast, every pure soul lost, and every crack carved into the cobblestones that pits friends against friends and foes against family. It seems not every soul in the French Quarter can claim itself pure when rifts in the city are running far deeper than even the Original family could even have imagined. OVER FIVE YEARS, vines have grown in the Mikaelson home, and around the mouths’ of those too scared to speak up. But not for the human faction, they’re becoming more outraged by the day, perhaps it’s time someone spoke up before more breaks turn into mass splinters and even worse, more chaos….
$ 100 million - for the bloody damaged soul of KOL MIKAELSON $ 350 million - for the once crowned soul of JACKSON KENNER $ 200 million - for the puppy dog eyed soul of SAM WINCHESTER next up? could be you. could be your best friend. maybe your lover...
Wonder who’s reaping the monetary benefits of someone else’s heartache? SO ARE WE. Think you got what it’ll take to unravel the mystery now that the coffins’ been kicked wide open and supernaturals have been outed to mainstream society?
Tumblr media
            LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                     THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                     NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
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lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When something breaks, there are rifts, SPLINTERS, that rip and flow from the epicenter. Equate the idea to water and the way it ripples when a rock is thrown in. Equate it to thunder and the counts it takes for lightning to strike its furthest location. Equate it to choices of justice and of misdeeds that impact the lives of the chosen and the innocent. Equate it to TURMOIL, for that’s what New Orleans is best at...
The saying goes that even the worst of deeds can have the best of intentions. Well, what if the blood on your hands of an idle innocent soul was for profit? Blood spilled for monetary means simply because it was asked of you, or not-quite-so-simply because they had leverage to hang over your worried little head. Would it bend your heart from waning if you knew your family, your loved one, your friend, or even you, would be better off once the deal was made? Souls are coming up as more ripe for the reaping with every spell cast, every pure soul lost, and every crack carved into the cobblestones that pits friends against friends and foes against family. It seems not every soul in the French Quarter can claim itself pure when rifts in the city are running far deeper than even the Original family could even have imagined. OVER FIVE YEARS, vines have grown in the Mikaelson home, and around the mouths’ of those too scared to speak up. But not for the human faction, they’re becoming more outraged by the day, perhaps it’s time someone spoke up before more breaks turn into mass splinters and even worse, more chaos….
$ 100 million - for the bloody damaged soul of KOL MIKAELSON $ 350 million - for the once crowned soul of JACKSON KENNER $ 200 million - for the puppy dog eyed soul of SAM WINCHESTER next up? could be you. could be your best friend. maybe your lover...
Wonder who’s reaping the monetary benefits of someone else’s heartache? SO ARE WE. Think you got what it’ll take to unravel the mystery now that the coffins’ been kicked wide open and supernaturals have been outed to mainstream society?
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                        LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                                THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                        NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
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lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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When something breaks, there are rifts, SPLINTERS, that rip and flow from the epicenter. Equate the idea to water and the way it ripples when a rock is thrown in. Equate it to thunder and the counts it takes for lightning to strike its furthest location. Equate it to choices of justice and of misdeeds that impact the lives of the chosen and the innocent. Equate it to TURMOIL, for that’s what New Orleans is best at...
The saying goes that even the worst of deeds can have the best of intentions. Well, what if the blood on your hands of an idle innocent soul was for profit? Blood spilled for monetary means simply because it was asked of you, or not-quite-so-simply because they had leverage to hang over your worried little head. Would it bend your heart from waning if you knew your family, your loved one, your friend, or even you, would be better off once the deal was made? Souls are coming up as more ripe for the reaping with every spell cast, every pure soul lost, and every crack carved into the cobblestones that pits friends against friends and foes against family. It seems not every soul in the French Quarter can claim itself pure when rifts in the city are running far deeper than even the Original family could even have imagined. OVER FIVE YEARS, vines have grown in the Mikaelson home, and around the mouths’ of those too scared to speak up. But not for the human faction, they’re becoming more outraged by the day, perhaps it’s time someone spoke up before more breaks turn into mass splinters and even worse, more chaos….
$ 100 million - for the bloody damaged soul of KOL MIKAELSON $ 350 million - for the once crowned soul of JACKSON KENNER $ 200 million - for the puppy dog eyed soul of SAM WINCHESTER next up? could be you. could be your best friend. maybe your lover...
Wonder who’s reaping the monetary benefits of someone else’s heartache? SO ARE WE. Think you got what it’ll take to unravel the mystery now that the coffins’ been kicked wide open and supernaturals have been outed to mainstream society?
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                       LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                              THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                       NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
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lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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( * &. ✧ ━  COME MEET OUR ADMINS !! )
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way.
Tumblr media
                      LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                             THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                      NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
0 notes
lndcrp-adverts · 7 years
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( * &. ✧ ━  COME MEET OUR ADMINS !! )
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way.
Tumblr media
                       LA NUIT DU C H A S S E U R
                                              THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
We’re a new roleplay drawing aspects and characters from supernaturally-amped shows such as The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Charmed - with aspects from AHS: Coven. But don’t be fooled, we simply couldn’t stop there with a plethora of ideas ( mostly diabolical ) mixing in the minds of the mods - we have our own lovely batches of original characters to bring a new level of tricks and thrills your way!
                       NEW ROLEPLAY COMING SOON!
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