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#What a year this week has been
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happy Ceaser Stabbing day everyone!!!
all of tumblr tomorrow, march 15th:
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People forget how adorable Annabeth is
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To The Substitute Art Teacher - Jordan Bolton
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genuinely, honestly, I wish fandom could move past "depiction isn't endorsement".
because it's really meant to be sort of the baby beginner step to media literacy but in fandom spaces it usually acts like a trump card to shut down critical discussions. it's one of the thought terminating cliches of fandom that discourages learning how to interrogate the text beyond "fiction isn't reality, dummy".
yes, the popular whump fic in your fandom isn't endorsing torture, but also, can you tell when the canon for your fandom is endorsing a message? how do you then choose to interact with that canon, and do you get defensive when people are critical of the source material?
depiction isn't endorsement, but can you tell when fandom trends are misogynistic or racist? can you see how killing off a black female character to "punish" her in fanfiction with the framing that she deserves it, and the popular narrative in a certain fandom that a heroic black man is a possessive liar and a white villain is a good man deserving redemption, is endorsing a message in fanfic? do you argue that it's "just fiction" when people get very understandably upset at misogyny and racism in fandom spaces?
yeah, depiction isn't endorsement, but do you think this is where it starts and stops as the only thing you really need to know? do you think people who are critical of things aren't engaging with it properly, or being mean, because they've forgotten the golden fandom rule of "fiction isn't reality"?
nbc hannibal isn't endorsing cannibalism as a dietary choice, but top gun maverick and call of duty: modern warfare were quite literally sponsored by the us military as propaganda for recruitment.
I'm not saying don't enjoy the ip that's making you happy or calling for moral purity in your media habits or whatever. just saying that there's a lot to media literacy beyond the feel good affirmations that periodically circulate fandom, and those affirmation posts both lack necessary nuance and discourage people from engaging with said nuance.
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the angel staying over at my house asked for a nightlight in their room and i told them buddy, don't you produce your own light? what're you gonna do with more? and they said they wanted to see why people like it so much. and also that the nightlight i own is blue and they're been trying to understand color. anyways i think they've stared at it for an hour now
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Remember when Cas died and Dean grieved like a broken widower??
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And then Cas came back and Dean said "I do" under a cross??
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And then for the first time all season, Dean was HAPPY
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And Dean had movie nights with Cas. And date nights. And he gave Cas a mixtape.
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Oh, and Dean didn't even look at any woman every since. Didn't flirt. didn't hook-up. Because Cas was the love interest all along.
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ADHD at night: I could write a book. I could get my Master’s Degree. I could go to the club and come home with 12 new friends. I could get a job at that club and meet the mother of my children. I could cure every disease and use my wealth to bring world peace.
ADHD during the day: Fold laundry too hard :( Come back next week
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Supernatural (2005) through the lens of narratology, recent roundup
Wikipedia: Narratology is the study of narrative and narrative structure and the ways that these affect human perception. [...] Cognitive narratology is a more recent development that allows for a broader understanding of narrative. Rather than focus on the structure of the story, cognitive narratology asks "how humans make sense of stories" and "how humans use stories as sense-making instruments".
Supernatural is a very attractive media franchise for narratologists. There are quite a few papers that include narratological analysis of Supernatural and related phenomena, such as narrative perception in fandom. Here are some from the past decade. I'll continuously update this if I find more.
Favard, F. (2018). Angels, demons and whatever comes next: the storyworld dynamics of Supenatural. Series - International Journal of TV Serial Narratives, 4(2), 19–26. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2421-454X/8164 (full text, pdf button hidden towards the bottom of the page)
Herbig, Art; and Herrmann, Andrew F.. 2016. Polymediated Narrative: The Case of the Supernatural Episode "Fan Fiction". International Journal of Communication. Vol.10 1-18. http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/4397 ISSN: 1932-8036 (full text, pdf)
García, A. (2016). A Storytelling Machine: The Complexity and Revolution of Narrative Television. Between, 6(11). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/2081 (full text, pdf button hidden towards the bottom of the page)
Wilcox, R. V., Abbott, S., & Howard, D. L. (2018). A tribute to David Lavery: Television canon, television creativity. Critical Studies in Television, 13(4), 455–469. https://doi.org/10.1177/1749602018799246 (restricted, webpage)
Theological narrative
Nosachev, Pavel. 2020. "Theology of Supernatural" Religions 11, no. 12: 650. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel11120650 (full text, webpage)
Fandom narrative
Boni, Marta, and Valentina Re. “The Monster at the End of This Book.” Essay. In World Building: Transmedia, Fans, Industries, 321–42. Amsterdam, North Holland: Amsterdam University Press, 2017. (full text, pdf)
Rouse, Lauren. 2021. "Fan Fiction Comments and Their Relationship to Classroom Learning." In "Fan Studies Pedagogies," edited by Paul J. Booth and Regina Yung Lee, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 35. https://doi.org/10.3983/twc.2021.1911. (full text, webpage) @transformativeworksandcultures
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okay so. when i was reading the 2005 supernatural forums there was a bit of talk about phone numbers and voicemails that i didn't really pay attention to until this morning when i found something more
right after 'phantom traveler' ended, people started talking about dean's phone number that john gave in his voicemail
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but i watched that moment and went, where are they getting this completely different number from? on bluray john gives the number as 785-555-0179
and then i see this
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so at some point, the producers went back and overdubbed the number john gives with a different number, but the people who were watching it live heard 866-907-3235. and they called it. and this is the voicemail they got (youtube recording of it)
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so, the first time dean's phone is given out on the show, the viewers are prompted to call it and get a voicemail. 11-2-83 is the night mary died.
the next time dean's phone is said on the show, in 'home', they're also prompted to call it.
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and they find out that the voicemail changed
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(i couldn't find a recording of this voicemail)
since dean gives out john's full email address in this voicemail, people start writing it too. and the day before 'asylum' airs, they get a reply
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so now they have a day's head start on figuring out what this connects to. and this person gets it
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dean does, in fact, get a similar message as them in 'asylum'
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i don't know, seeing people this engaged with the show from the very beginning is just cool
before the season 2 premiere they got one more e-mail, this time jo's
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if you wrote her, she would write back "Do I know you? Aren't you a friend of Ash?"
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according to the spn wiki, this message was automated up until s05e10 'abandon all hope', after which the e-mail no longer responded. :(
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still thinking about her: that final shot of dean sitting on the cold hard dungeon floor literally head in his hands sobbing in the dark and the music cuts and for a second all you can hear is him crying in pain and heartbreak
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it’s been three whole entire years
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Every now and then I think about how when Misha Collins was cast to play a completely new species of creature on SPN, he decided to make some bold character choices (the voice, the staring and personal space thing, etc) because he wanted to make sure the angels were different from humans (and he was originally only going to be there for like four episodes and wasn’t thinking long term commitments to character choices)
And then no one else who played an angel did the same thing
I mean, it gave us the amazing autistic gay angel with an iconic voice that we all love, but like. Did he run his plans by any of the writers or even other angel actors? I know Ackles was surprised but did Collins have a conversation with Wisdom and McNiven only for them to go “no”? Was there ever a formal conversation where anyone went “yeah this is just gonna be a your guy thing”
Can you imagine coming in to do some temp work, suddenly have the temp work become a (horrifyingly insecure) long term job, and the wild choices you made when you thought you were only gonna be there for a week were suddenly permanent, and everyone else in the same position as you goes “we aren’t gonna do that” even though your wild choices specifically were to fit the position, and it’s too late for you to make different choices or to change?
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