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Elenore Freemantle - A student studying Dance at a Brisbane university, she enjoys E-list indie monster movies, relaxing walks on the beach and not getting phone calls from randos.
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1-2 second animated loop redeux
Cleaned up the lines, fixed the swallow and added the shirt
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Running Through the World with a static world this time
Made him small because 1:1 size gave him enough zoom to be off shot before his second foot hit the pavement
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Colour Theory before and after roast critique
complementary I chose Green and Pink because they seem to me to be the best colours represent calm and Happy Times™ as well as the best Spring can offer, even the sunsets can often offer cool pinks in the sky. 
triad (cyan, magenta, yellow) The mood for this one was more surrealism with neons and shades of grey. There’s a flower that looks like the man she tells you not to worry about, a cloud with a goatee and a literal fairy in 70′s fashion - everything’s off kilter and the contrast reflects this to a degree.
monochromes Definitely aiming for a more lust-y vibe with this one. Shades of grey to draw attention more away from the surrounding park and more towards the two main characters, coloured in greys pinks and reds.
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1st draft running through the world - didn’t realise at the time that the world was to be still while the character ran through
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1: First day, leg motion smears too off so they got fixed on day two.
2: First draft walk run cycle. Feet too tall when they hit the pavement, singlet too stiff and forgot the beard somehow?
3: Final product. I went for a run cycle rather than the shuffling people always see in films because the movements were too slight and frustrating so I just put the pedal to the floor and took off and it looks great, totally satisfied with how it turned out versus how it would have if each step were fifteen frames. 
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Walk cycle puppet zombie.
Pivots: Wrists, elbows, shoulders, jaw, neck, upper torso, mid torso, hips, upper thighs, knees and ankles. 
Putting into TV Paint to work details like clothes, motion smears, hands and hair.
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Time 2017: The rapture has occurred, taking the babies and the children who have had not enough time to do wrong and leaving everyone else behind. Devils in the form of black smoke have risen and possessed humans, turning them into shambling monsters, the horde has afflicted mankind and spread across the world, having killed 80% of the world's population. Raising them back to autonomy in order to spread their influence further. Humanity has turned to anarchy and zombies walk the earth.
Societal rules: For humans: Survive, loot, gather resources, carve out a living in what's left of the world and try to live in peace. For zombies: Eat, hunt, destroy.
Physical rules: Zombies are always aggressive towards humans, either to eat them or to kill them with the venom fermented in their bodies by hell's influence and necrotic fluids and turn the humans. Using their superhuman hearing to listen for the heartbeat of humans as best they can. Being creatures of infernal magic rather than practical physics, their bodies can continue to be autonomous despite how little internal structure they have – only losing their classification as a threat once the head has been removed from the body and their limbs dismembered.
Political Structure: Surviving humans create their own ruling bodies – never staying in one place too long, making communities and hierarchies as they move.
Geography/topography: Similar to current earth, bottomless sinkholes opening up in random locations and at different opportunities.
Architecture: Similar to current earth: the invasion taking over so quickly it has not had a significant toll on the existing cities and modern day structures.
Technology: It has regressed the further from the major metropolitan cities people travel. Less access to generators and renewable energy sources. The economy has devolved from money to trade, more often than not – bullets being the optimal trading good.
Weather: Similar to current earth but slowly improving as greenhouse gas emissions around the world drop monumentality.
Religion: Same as current earth, but people form fringe cults and religions on their own around people and objects in feats of desperation. Despite the sparing of children and the arrival of Devils, this event does not prove any singular religion to be true.
Does the character fit within the world: No, to Travis' knowledge no other zombie has had to deal with the person their body used to belong to.
05/04 EDIT: Fixed problems pointed out
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1-2 second animation project.
Om Nom Nom.
Fix the lines, fix the chewing and swallowing
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character based on someone we knew
Leonard Sneably. Drill Sargent turned Ice Cream Waiter. Desperately wants to make the diner a fancy place but keeps getting stuck with those sadistic teenagers.
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