Day 15 - 177.2
I’m on day 3 of my fast at about 62 hours. I’m trying to do 10 days but I have a driving test soon so I’m going to have to cut it off early. I’m taking Vitamin B12 and Electrolytes so I don’t get lightheaded and it’s kind of working but I think I need to be taking more electrolytes because I’m peeing every 4 seconds since I’m drinking 100 oz of water a day.
I’m hoping to be at around 173-174 by the end of my fast so hopefully I get there!!!
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Found this on a subreddit and I nearly fucking choked.
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Day 9 - 179.8
Under 180 today!! Really excited! I had a high cal dinner with my boyfriend though so big oof.
Breakfast - Nothing
Lunch - Nothing
Dinner - Boba Tea (230), Roast Pork (222), pesto pasta (448), bite of a corn dog (86) ((986))
I’m going to start a 10 day fast on the first of March!
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Day 8 - Fasting
I’m away from my scale today so I don't know how much I weigh today. It’s honestly making me so anxious. Sometime’s I’ll spend 15$ just to uber back to my house to weigh myself when I’m staying the night with my boyfriend. Guess its better than spending money on food though.
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Day 7 - 182.4
I’m sorry I haven’t been keeping up the last couple days. Let’s just say there was a lot of purging these last few days..
I can’t believe I’m almost under 180 lbs. thank god. I can’t wait to be at my LW again and I’m one step closer to it.
Breakfast - 3 1/2 celery sticks (18 cals)
Lunch - Mac and Cheese (260 - purged)
Dinner - Bowl noodle (380 - purged)
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Life Saver
You know what’s a fucking life saver? Miracle Berries. Melt one of those fuckers on your tongue and it makes sour stuff taste hella sweet. They last 30 mins to an hour and they’re perfect for killing sweetness cravings cause you can just eat lemons like mad (10-20 cals each) or squeeze them into your tea as a replacement for honey. They’re kinda spendy (15$ for 10) but they’re saving my life during fasts.
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Day 4 - Fat
Honestly I didn’t even want to write this journal today because I ate a lot of shit last night. I’m doing a 84 hour fast rn and I’m 18 hours into it.
Breakfast - Coffee (5)
Lunch - ////
Dinner - Lemon tea, a half a lemon and green tea.
My boyfriend bought pizza so I’m gonna try my best to dodge it
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Day 3 - 183.6
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Day 2 - 185.2
Second day of my fast! Currently about 42 hours in.
Breakfast - Ginger Ale (120)
Lunch - ////
Dinner - Green tea, Coke Zero (5)
I have to break my fast cause I’m going to the movies with my boyfriend. I’m gonna get a Diet Coke and pray he doesn’t make me share a popcorn. Tomorrow will be a recovery day from fasting and I’ll just have veggies and fish.
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Day 1 - 189.8
I decided to start this blog out with a fast. I’m fasting for 72 hours right now and I’m almost 24 hours in.
Breakfast - 2 cups of black coffee
Lunch - one cup of black coffee
Dinner - slimfast and Green tea
118/128 oz of water
I forgot how much I loved fasting✌🏽. Let’s see how long it takes for me to get to 145 lbs.
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8 hrs into a 72 hour fast. Breakfast of champions! Who else is trying to lose 50+ lbs for summer?
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