literallylou · 1 month
i forgot about this account
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literallylou · 11 months
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literallylou · 11 months
sometimes I be thinking a lil too much, but then I think about something else and get silly
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literallylou · 1 year
“It's taboo to admit that you're lonely. You can make jokes about it, of course. You can tell people that you spend most of your time with Netflix or that you haven't left the house today and you might not even go outside tomorrow. But rarely do you ever tell people about the true depths of your loneliness, about how you feel more and more alienated from your friends each passing day and you're not sure how to fix it. It seems like everyone is just better at living than you are. A part of you knew this was going to happen. Growing up, you just had this feeling that you wouldn't transition well to adult life, that you'd fall right through the cracks. And look at you now, it's happening.”
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literallylou · 1 year
okay okay okay something i saw that i havent seen anyone else talk about is the sequence of shots when sneeg gets dragged back in and "reprogrammed" (for lack of a better word while still missing information).
Just about everyone ive seen talk about how intense and revealing that scene is focuses on the shot with sneeg in the foreground and the puzzler in the background, and the majority of takes ive seen say something along the lines of "he's in shock, he knows something is wrong, and all he can do is stare at sneeg getting put back" but here's the thing: thats not it!!
it wasn't something i noticed till it ended - not really - but they weren't staring, they weren't in shock. They were paused.
The Puzzler is mid-comment, the victims were all still begging and sobbing, and ranboo has his hand on the controls with the carousel spinning- and then Squiggles popped up with only the message "Please hold." and everything goes silent. And then sneeg starts screaming.
We see the carousel stop, we see ranboo with their hand on the controls, and we see the Puzzler frozen in place with his mouth still open mid-remark. Even the Rats dont move. All of that is pretty quickly skipped over and forgotten as the focus is on sneeg's recapture, reprogramming, and reinstallment.
Then the shot that pulls the most attention, sneeg in the foreground and the puzzler in the background with the focus alternating between them. we see the producer that placed sneeg leave the set, then another shadow cross the scene, then a few more beats to allow the other producers to leave the set... and then everything comes back all at once.
The carousel starts moving again, the victims all start sobbing and begging all at once, the Rats continue to hop around, the Puzzler finishes his exclamation and moves away from the cage, and ranboo finally shifts his weight.
I wont pretend to know what exactly all of this means. However, i believe it shows exactly how much control Showfall Media has over the production so long as their "characters" have not broken free.
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literallylou · 1 year
It's the way I wanna write a fic inspired by generation loss like omfg that was so cool
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literallylou · 1 year
Bro I was watching the ending and im actually crying thinking about this character I made it’s so devastating
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literallylou · 1 year
so genloss is all about breaking the 4th wall right? right. when ranboo wakes up he realises that there is no 4th wall. every time the stream ‘glitches’ we’re seeing through to whats actually happening, we’re seeing beyond the 4th wall and potentially so are the characters (im looking at u sneeg). the mask is what keeps the 4th wall in place for ranboo, but thats not where it ends. the breaking of the 4th wall doesnt just stop with the characters.
what im loving about genloss is the psychological horror and how well and uniquely its handled. its fairly clear at this point that ranboo is not in control of their actions, but has been able to break free/has tried to break free at multiple points. showfall media is the one in control, not ranboo.
but thats not where it ends. genloss is a live show for a reason, and that reason is chat. without chat, genloss would not be able to be what it is. throughout the stream there’s things to do; buttons to press, decisions to make, pipes to rearrange. they exist for a reason.
the first episode was relatively tame compared to what we’ve seen since. options were things like ‘where should i look’ and ‘what wacky device should i use against the guy made of slime’ (i could probably write a whole other post about the connotations of blood and slime but that is For Later). those choices dont seem in spirit with something advertised as psychological horror. the entire first episode was kinda… tame honestly.
theres a reason for that. think back to the inauguration video chain. the first question was harmless, cats or dogs? it got you used to the mechanics of the ‘game’, made you familiar with the concept of ‘pressing buttons’. the first episode serves the same purpose; desensitise chat to pressing buttons, so when the decisions switch from ‘where should i look’ to ‘who do i leave to die’ all they really see is a button, without any real consequences. it’s just a button, we should press it.
showfall media isnt just manipulating the characters, its manipulating us.
what i found really interesting is jerma also being able to manipulate the controls, as such, when he solved the pipe puzzle. it established that chat arent the only ones able to use these controls, and i fear what it’s going to bring. i think that showfall is going to start rigging things in their favour, but we won’t be able to tell. one person alone cannot tell what thousands of others voted in this scenario, so there isnt a way to tell that the vote was rigged from the start. and it gives showfall such an easy way out. chat voted, thats what they wanted. we are going to be tricked into ‘wanting’ what showfall wants, ‘doing’ what they want us to do, even if we’re not the ones with the masks that connect to our fucking brains.
there was never any 4th wall. we’re just as deep into this as ranboo is
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literallylou · 1 year
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Shared in a public post on FB three years ago, my FB memories just brought this up;
This guy was 67 years old when he started his transition. On the right he is pictured 3 years on T and just recently after his top surgery, so about 70 years old.
It is never, ever, too late for you. I suspect that's why he shared it the way he did, to show others not to be afraid, if he can do it as a senior citizen it's okay if you can't do it as a teen. Live. Survive. And whenever you're ready, chase your happiness. You deserve it.
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literallylou · 1 year
I long for the day I get to reach my arms out to you and hold you against my body with your arms wrapped around my frame as we melt in each other's embrace and are finally togsther.
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literallylou · 1 year
i wonder what it must be like
to be held against your chest
and embraced within your arms
with our breaths in synchrony
as we stare into one another's
from a distance where we cannot
hold each other dearly against
our beating hearts that chant
each other's names with
our gazes longing for
the other that's simply
out of reach.
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literallylou · 1 year
All these weird bots following me (⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠)
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literallylou · 1 year
Thinking of making a redbubble...
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literallylou · 1 year
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literallylou · 1 year
I don't know why I'm suddenly doubting my writing...
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literallylou · 1 year
I really wanna write more
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literallylou · 1 year
Oh snap, Tumblr has livestreams now
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