listen-to-his-song · 2 years
Hello! Sorry if this is stupid, but I often like to watch a single ep before binging the whole thing. I hear the first third or so of Macross 7 is kinda fomulaic and slow (before it gets better) and it's a pretty long show, so I think about watching an ep before will make the binge more enjoyable. If you remember, what is the averagiest, most stand-alone ep? Thank you. Please, answer privately.
hmm, i'd say maybe check out the movie; The Galaxy Is Calling Me
it's supposed to take place way later in the show, but it's a stand-alone story, so it doesn't spoil the plot if you choose to watch it.
some concepts (powers and aliens) might be a bit confusing without the grounding provided by the show, but i think it gives a decent grasp of the world and characters. it does largely focus on basara and a new movie-only character though, so you don't really get to see much of the other main characters and their interactions.
i'd say it's relatively plot-detached story is probably a decent test drive for macross 7 tho! <:
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listen-to-his-song · 2 years
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listen-to-his-song · 2 years
Here's a short interview with Yoshiki Fukuyama with some trivia on the song Totsugeki Love Heart!
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listen-to-his-song · 2 years
oh my god hi hi hi hi I saw your blog a few days ago while working on my finals and I found ur website thru it and IM SO HAPPY I DID!!!!! I've been into Macross 7 my whole life (I watched the movie with my dad when i was 3 and that scene with basara and emilia scream singing in the mountains impacted my psyche permanently) ITS HARD TO FIND ANYONE TALKING ABOUT IT 😭 ur website was a super fun to go thru while i was taking a break from my work LMAO ok sorry thats all i wanted to say
Omg that makes me really happy, thank you!! I understand the excitement of finding another Macross 7 fan lmao, it really feels like we are few and far between! ;v;
It really makes my day when other M7 fans find my site and write me excited thank you notes lmao
It's so cool that you were a fan for so long tho!! Kudos to your dad for raising you with utmost culture lmao
I really hope that i'll find the time, energy and drive to add the last few bits I wanted to add to my website, there are like two or three things left on my to-do list but they were on that list for years TvT
I should really rewatch the show sometime but boy, I'm just constantly busy these days ;;
Again, thank you so much for your message, it made me really happy 💖🔥
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listen-to-his-song · 2 years
Hey man, I just found your blog. I only saw a clip of the movie a long time ago and then decided to look it up the other day. What really got my attention was Sivil. I love her design; cute but wild elf/fae not seen much anymore. Researching her led me to your tumblr. You've got some good insights. I wanted to mention, if you haven't seen Super Robot Wars, Basara and Sivil get to be together there in a few installments (and Mylene with Gamlin). Canon or no, it made me happy.
Sivil's design was also what first piqued my interest! I saw a gif of her on a retro anime aesthetic blog and I thought she was just so pretty I had to look up where she was from lmao
Glad you like my blog!!
As for shipping, I'm actually really happy with how Macross 7 ended up without any couples lmao, I thought it was extremely unique for a show like that to just.. not go down that path?
I wrote about Mylene and Gamlin (and Basara) here, and for Basara and Sivil.. well I don't think there was any intended romance there at all!
I always interpreted their relationship to be much more akin to that of an artist and a muse, in a non-romantic way since, across the board, Basara seems to be more or less an asexual character to me, showing no romantic signs towards any character. I didn't exactly write about this yet anywhere since I haven't had time or inspiration to, but I touched upon it slightly in my big Basara analysis (if you're up for a LONG read lmao)
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listen-to-his-song · 2 years
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Also here's one of the photos from the recent Basara Explosion 2022 concert that I sadly didn't get to see due to not living in one of the 15 countries this "worldwide" stream was available in 😭
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listen-to-his-song · 2 years
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literally just popping in to say the band looks awesome on the new promotional art!! (x)
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listen-to-his-song · 3 years
Hello! I just came across your fansite, and I just wanna say that I really enjoyed reading your theories! I thought some additional stuff might interest you in regards to Basara in the Macross Chroncle 30th Anniversary book. The book comes with relationship charts and Basara <->Sivil has curiosity (興味) for each other, it more or less confirms your interpretation that Sivil is his art muse. (1/4)
With Basara and Mylene, the book is still pretty intentionally ambiguous on Mylene's feelings but it seems like it clears it up that they were never meant to be together. I'd like to think the staff was intirely intentional in making the promo work to seem like Basara/Mylene would be the endgame since they did something similar in SDF Macross and keep the actual endgame ship (or lack of thereof in the case of 7) a twist. (2/4) Mylene's page in Macross Chronicle has two charts, before and after Operation Stargazer. Before the arc, Mylene <-> Basara is pretty much 'always arguing' (よく衝突). After that arc, Mylene 'has feelings' for Basara (気になる存在) which is also what she thinks of Gamlin, but Basara sees Mylene as a little sister (妹的存在). (3/4) I'm still learning Japanese so I'm still in the (very slow) process of reading the rest of Fire Bomber, but I was reading through this and wondered if you have come across them before, so I hope it isn't entirely repetitive trivia. I hope you have a great day! (4/4)
I've never seen translated relationship charts from the chronicle book, so this was actually super interesting to read!!
I will add this information to my site sometime since it's definitely very relevant to some of the things I wrote about
Thank you very much for taking the time to send me this!! <3
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listen-to-his-song · 3 years
it's also as good a time as any to once again bring up my 20-page character analysis of basara nekki 😘
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listen-to-his-song · 3 years
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Happy birthday to the 🔥🔥KING🔥🔥
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listen-to-his-song · 3 years
Figure full reveal + information
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SIZE: 230mm (8.97in)
RELEASE: December 2021
PRICE: ¥15,800 / $144 (retail)
More photos can be found here!
That's quite a bit pricier than I expected (I initially assumed it'll be between $70-120), but it's definitely not gonna stop me from preordering this absolute grail ASAP
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listen-to-his-song · 3 years
Fellas we got a figure update!
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listen-to-his-song · 3 years
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listen-to-his-song · 3 years
OH almost forgot to post the source of the news lmao
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listen-to-his-song · 3 years
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listen-to-his-song · 4 years
Totsugeki Love Heart was trending on Japanese twitter today, thanks to this awesome cover by a popular vtuber! 
If there’s any song we should vibe to in these very strange times, I’d say it’s definitely this one 🔥🔥💖
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listen-to-his-song · 5 years
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MEGAHOUSE announced that they’ll be making figures of Basara and Mylene!! I’ve been waiting for this moment for years .... 
Whenever anything new regarding the figures comes out, I’ll be posting updates!! Hopefully we can get a prototype preview soon!!
(Also sorry for so much inactivity, life has been really busy lately)
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