lionessmistress · 5 years
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Is a snake, but also notably clarified to be a demon. This combined with how extreme her animal aspect is makes me think she’s a particularly old/powerful species of demon.
Is based on both the serpent in the garden of Eden and Lucifer’s mate from Paradise Lost, who gave birth to death. This means she was likely the one who carried Mors. 
Due to her status as the Serpent, she is likely the person who turned Reficul into a devil. If she has the power to do this, she might be more of a big deal than anyone thinks. Keep in mind that Gokuen beat the shit out of Satanick, so Gods and Devils aren’t always the top standard for power in Mogeko worlds.
She might have ruled the Pentagram world’s demons before Reficul became the devil. If she didn’t, she and Reficul probably created them together.
Due to both her diamond pattern on her tail and how the serpent tempted humanity into eating the fruit of knowledge, I have a feeling she is tied to the human mystery, possibly even being responsible for the human world.
Her union with Reficul gave birth to a demon of death. I think that alone should be an indicator of how powerful she really is.
Mogeko stated that Reficul is entirely devoted to her, making her one of the first examples of a “lesser” creature being above a devil in demon hierarchy. Keep in mind that Reficul is generally the most orderly and seemingly respected out of all the devils. Their love for each other must be hardcore.
And, I saved the most important for last. The key around her neck. I have no doubt as to what it is - namely, it is the key to the seven seals that keep hell from overtaking the earth. And how many Mogeko worlds are there, counting the human one? Seven. This indicates that Sin’s plan might be the conquest and/or destruction of all the worlds. She seemingly has the same plan that Satanick hints at in the LOGS, except unlike him, Sin seems actually competent.
In short, I think Sin might be a schemer on the tier of, if not beyond, Sagan. She might be cute with Reficul, lovable, and pretty, but let us not forget that she is based on the very first villain in the bible. Elux might be evil, but I don’t think their opposite number is any better. I can’t wait to see her connections with the human story :3c
Some other cool things to note:
In the above pond image she is surrounded by demonic hounds. Going by her relaxed posture and how the hounds seem relatively at ease, they are most likely on her side. I wonder if she’s tied to GriRea in some way? Purple and Green are opposites, after all, and her son is a death demon.
What with the above-mentioned diamond thing, her almost undeniable tie to humanity via being the serpent, and the pentagram/pentacle motif of her world, I think Kurokawa and by extension the supernatural parts of Nataka’s story take place in the Pentagram world, as the stars in the kurokawa promo are all explicitly made to be pentacles. Noir being in Wadanohara doesn’t even deconfirm this, as reficul transports demons outside her world due to how often she “walks”, like with Lowrie.
Reficul and her are the best mogeko couple.
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lionessmistress · 8 years
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Oh boy, I certainly cannot wait for Tales of He-man.
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lionessmistress · 10 years
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Ongoing shouting from the three of them.
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lionessmistress · 10 years
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lionessmistress · 10 years
I saw your post about the asucaga centric directors cut from bored and sleepy, I actually saved it and akatsuki no kuruma to my hdd, if you want to see it again and cry because too many asucaga feels, not really a question, just a heads up if you still wanted to see it again
I do have Akatsuki No Kuruma Version, but thanks. I have enough Feels the moment i watch episode 50 of remaster, same shit all over, I was aware they won't do any asucaga scene changes anyway. :)
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lionessmistress · 10 years
Whenever I become an engineer, I don't feel alone when I have EIN with me, a cute yellow bird.
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So already I’ve drawn Ein umm. I love him so much okay? Also an excuse to draw my Engineer - and ohlord I had to reference Engie’s face SO MUCH to get it to even look right. I can’t draw people properly yet husfhvchn.
I’m so sosososo proud of this, even if there’s loads of problems with it LOL. I tried. Wanted to make a pretty drawing that actually looked like effort was put in to it. Hopefully it looks like that? ((Also lazy and used a screenshot of 2Fort as the background))
» Click the image to be taken to the deviantArt page! «
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lionessmistress · 10 years
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Mask, Mask everywhere. Duplicating Full Frontal's mask.
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lionessmistress · 10 years
A Friend have asked me to share this, well why not, it's your choice. To sign or nay. [More Information] The SOPA (Stop Online Privacy Act) bill has resurfaced and is once again trying to be passed. The link attached will take you to a petition. Unless this petition reaches 100,000 signatures by next week, this will happen: 1. All websites containing media that refers to or is owned by a company that hasn’t given its permission for the media to be displayed can and will be shut down. This means sites such as Tumblr, Wattpad, Pinterist, fanfiction.com. 2. People who post such media can and will be fined, with a maximum sentence of five years in prison. This includes, but is not limited to, people who own/post the following: fanfiction, fan art, roleplay blogs, fan blogs/accounts and movie streaming sites. "The legislation would allow copyright holders and the Justice Department to seek court orders against websites associated with copyright infringement. SOPA, the House version, applies to both domestic and foreign websites, while PIPA targets foreign websites. If that court order is granted, the entire website would be taken down. Internet users who typed in the site’s URL address would receive an error message, and for all appearances, the site would never have existed. Importantly, the court does not need to hear a defense from the actual website before issuing its ruling. The entire website can be condemned without a trial or even a traditional court hearing." We need 100,000 signatures by next week. Make one of them yours, or all these things that make you happy will disappear. SOPA? More like soap...
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lionessmistress · 10 years
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hope this was informative :)
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lionessmistress · 10 years
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57K notes · View notes
lionessmistress · 10 years
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Adachi's Best solution to your problems. 
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lionessmistress · 10 years
To be honest, in the anime itself I ship no one. I'm not a fan of shipping in that series. Though, when I see Seras & alucard together it's like father & daughter bonding kind.
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lionessmistress · 10 years
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Megaman Starforce Satellite Admins and Forms
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lionessmistress · 10 years
Gonna buy you one day that's for sure. Hope I ain't too busy with my duty work.
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HGBF 1/144 Gundam Exia Dark Matter + HGBC 1/144 Dark Matter Booster: Update Promo Posters, Full Info, Links http://www.gunjap.net/site/?p=157505
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lionessmistress · 10 years
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Any of you fans of Levi heard of Ocelot? It fits perfectly.
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lionessmistress · 10 years
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lionessmistress · 10 years
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Favourite Saint Row Character Meet Matt Miller, who claims himself, a Cyber god. In Saint row The Third, he lead a group called Deckers. Neon Blue, like they glow like Tron Style. He is a brat, but i can’t hate this British kid. Seeing him in Saint row 4, working with Aisha is just..wow.
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