linhuuuu · 1 month
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linhuuuu · 1 month
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Cutting loose
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linhuuuu · 1 month
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how it feels liking and reblogging posts
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linhuuuu · 3 months
Hi so I know you've all seen my post floating around because times have been rough on me as of late! So short version is I lost my job suddenly in January with zero warning. I have been desperately struggling to gain a job the market here is rough for everyone including my local friends but double so as a out and visible trans woman. I've already been subject of obvious discrimination and its making things rough. On top of financial concerns, this long term stress has left both my partner and I with medical struggles further adding to issues so we need help as I continue job hunting to pay our upcoming car and electric payments as well as rent. this all totaling over $2000 so anything helps. We don't have family support in any way and already have large debt we cant get loan help. Donos help us so so much and we thank you all for constant support but we still need it thank you for reading <3
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linhuuuu · 3 months
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Shirley Mallmann, Dior Spring Couture 1998 by John Galliano
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linhuuuu · 4 months
To be a meal is the privilege of the living
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Close up on our gourmets ‼️
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linhuuuu · 5 months
To whoms reblogging my oc art i hope you have a great year ahead i also promise to make more oc content next year. On God.
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linhuuuu · 5 months
When Shakespeare describes the eventual end of human history as “the last SYLLABLE of recorded time” suggesting that the end of humanity will not be with a bang, a whimper, a gunshot, a sword, or even a breath, but with a syllable - a word….
And the fact that the line ends on the word “time”, which is one stressed syllable past its welcome in the iambic pentameter, suggesting that time itself continues long after human speech (iambic pentameter) has already ended AAAAAAHHHHHHH-
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linhuuuu · 5 months
Want to learn something new in 2022??
Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)
40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)
Excellent basic crochet video series
Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)
Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)
How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)
Another drawing character faces video
Literally my favorite art pose hack
Tutorial of how to make a whole ass Stardew Valley esque farming game in Gamemaker Studios 2??
Introduction to flying small aircrafts
French/Dutch/Fishtail braiding
Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)
Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)
Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)
Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:
Calculus 1 (full semester class)
Learn basic statistics (free textbook)
Introduction to college physics (free textbook)
Introduction to accounting (free textbook)
Learn a language:
Ancient Greek
Japanese (grammar guide) (for dummies)
Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)
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linhuuuu · 6 months
Fire tornado soap bubble
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linhuuuu · 6 months
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Yoshitaka Amano Art of Final Fantasy VI 
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linhuuuu · 10 months
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cancel your plans we’re thinking about the pale blue dot voyager pic tonight
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linhuuuu · 10 months
99 legal sites to download literature
The Classics
Browse works by Mark Twain, Joseph Conrad and other famous authors here.
Classic Bookshelf: This site has put classic novels online, from Charles Dickens to Charlotte Bronte.
The Online Books Page: The University of Pennsylvania hosts this book search and database.
Project Gutenberg: This famous site has over 27,000 free books online.
Page by Page Books: Find books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and H.G. Wells, as well as speeches from George W. Bush on this site.
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Read Print: From George Orwell to Alexandre Dumas to George Eliot to Charles Darwin, this online library is stocked with the best classics.
Planet eBook: Download free classic literature titles here, from Dostoevsky to D.H. Lawrence to Joseph Conrad.
The Spectator Project: Montclair State University’s project features full-text, online versions of The Spectator and The Tatler.
Bibliomania: This site has more than 2,000 classic texts, plus study guides and reference books.
Online Library of Literature: Find full and unabridged texts of classic literature, including the Bronte sisters, Mark Twain and more.
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eMedicine: This project from WebMD is continuously updated and has articles and references on surgery, pediatrics and more.
Keep reading
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linhuuuu · 10 months
how to make your effects extra special
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linhuuuu · 11 months
shirou’s noble phantasm is the ability to impose his ideal upon the world. shirou’s ideal is a fake. it is something he copied from kiritsugu. it is an impossible and childish ideal that the world is too complicated to allow. but the reason unlimited blade works is a reality marble is because shirou does not accept the world as it is. if the world will not allow everybody to be saved then i will create a world where everybody can be saved. archer’s version of unlimited blade works is a desolate desert under a sand brown sky filled with cogs, because archer has become a cog in the mechanism of the counter force and his own image of the ideal he holds has become tarnished by the tragedy he has been made to face and enact in the name of that ideal. even if he were to impose his ideal upon reality, the world created by that ideal would not be a beautiful one. but shirou’s version holds a clear blue sky. even if the ground is still desolate, even if the path is harsh, there is a better future to look forward to. the wish to help others is a beautiful one, and the world where everyone can be saved is a beautiful one. it is a world worth striving for even if that horizon cannot be reached within a lifetime
shirou’s ability to copy weapons is an extension, a manifestation of the way he copied his ideals. noble phantasms are representations of heroic spirits, embodiments of that hero’s ideals. shirou is someone who copies the weapons, the ideals of others. but he doesn’t copy them without understanding. in order to copy a weapon he has to understand its structure, the components and conditions that came together to shape this ideal. shirou almost exclusively uses strengthening in fate route until he becomes able to project caliburn with saber’s help after he grows closer with her and comes to understand the ideals that led her to take caliburn from the stone in the first place. shirou regularly projects swords in unlimited blade works but only becomes able to activate his reality marble after clashing with and coming to understand his own borrowed ideal, after seeing for himself what the reality of that ideal is and coming to realize what kind of world needs to be imposed upon reality to fulfill that ideal anyway. in heaven’s feel all his acts of magecraft are borrowed, useable only through the arm of archer, who embodies his ideal. but that reality marble, that borrowed ideal, becomes incompatible with him as he develops his own, unborrowed ideal. unlimited blade works is the logical extreme of a copied ideal, the shirou who no longer borrows another’s ideals cannot use it.
shirou copies his ideals, and shirou makes a world where those ideals become reality. so shirou is also someone who makes other people’s impossible ideals manifest. even weapons that don’t or no longer exist are possible for him to create as long as he can understand how they are created. shirou’s ideals are copied, and the weapons he uses to fight for those ideals are copied, but the act of copying is an act of respect for those ideals. he cannot copy ideals he cannot understand (ea), and he cannot copy ideals he does not believe he can achieve (excalibur). archer prefers kanshou and bakuya as his weapons because they were swords forged without ideals, and thus don’t burden him with the weight of those ideals. archer uses broken phantasms in unlimited blade works, destroying the weapons he borrows, because he is lashing out at the very idea of heroic ideals being worth fulfilling. conversely, when shirou projects heracles’ sword and technique in heaven’s feel it is to borrow heracles’ power to fulfill heracles’ ideal of protecting illya. when shirou copies a weapon it is a promise to fulfill the ideal behind that weapon in your stead. because the reason shirou is a hero is that he promised to fulfill kiritsugu’s ideal in his stead. he will take up the weapon, the ideal that you left behind, and he will create a world where that ideal can become reality.
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linhuuuu · 1 year
been thinking a lot about anticipatory grief lately. i love you so much that i know losing you will devastate me. i haven't lost you yet but i already miss you. we still have time, but it won't be enough. i think about what i would say at your funeral, and say some of it to you now cause i need you to know how loved you are before you go. you will go where i cannot follow, but you will never really leave me. it won't make it hurt less but it is a part of healing somehow.
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linhuuuu · 1 year
Some Surtr (FGO) appreciation
1. I loove how detached Surtr is from the whole ‘humanity as a species’ concept.
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Ophelia reacts like this is a cheeky comment, but he genuinely cannot tell human’s apart by their faces alone! It’s the whole reason he categorizes Mash as ‘Shield Girl’, he needs some other factors to differentiate them….Mash with her shield, Napoleon with his annoying-ass comments, Ophelia by her eye and their contract…And it makes perfect sense! He never met a human in his life before Ophelia (spent his time guarding Muspelheim with only the Sons of Muspel as its inhabitants, no-one ever visits or leaves, in no small part maybe bc of Surtr sitting guard) much less multiple ones, and only really ‘meets’ other people at Ragnarok when it’s killing time, but even then it’s only Jötnar and the Gods and at the most dead souls but he’s not really involved with fighting them (his one singled out opponent is Freyr, a god, before he starts flinging fire everywhere). Imagine spending your life as a human observing birds and deer and stuff and hunting them a bit, only to suddenly be dropped into the body of an ant and being asked to differentiate between other ants. The dialogue may feel a bit awkward, but you see it further in one of his other conversations with Ophelia:
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(And while it’s implied in the logical conjecture, I feel other translations make it a bit more clear that he’s referring to Sigurd’s memories specifically here) Sure, the dialogue itself it probably meant to make a point about ‘oh, women + feelings stereotypes’ but given Surtr’s character as a whole it just comes across as someone who has no familiarity with humans as a species and human society making a really basic observation…Like: analyizing Ophelia’s expression + comparing it to others in the Sigurd database + matches found, categorized as ‘women’ = Ophelia categorized as ‘woman’ -> showing off his ‘I recognize that reference’ game.  (Unrelated, but while my own Japanese skills are not up to the task, if you compare the official translation with some other fantranslations released before it, you can’t help but notice that there are some instances where it seemingly ramped up the whole ‘remember how Ophelia is a woman? Well, so do all the characters and will not talk about anything else’ a bit, yes, also in the case of Surtr)
Also it’s kind of adorable sometimes, okay? Especially when it makes him seem a bit gullible.
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 2. He’s really perceptive, not just a meathead! I’m sure that you’re probably at least in part supposed to put it down to the whole ‘higher existence so automatically knowing and perceiving more about the world’ trend but don’t care didn’t ask. Immediately recognizing not only Mash but also Holmes as something mixed, sneakily mindcontrolling/influencing Ophelia from the beginning (much as I may disagree with the narrative choice itself), noticing the boost from the Counter-Force to Napoleon, trying his best to parse out Ophelia’s emotional state and insecurities despite having the emotional finesse of a teaspoon…
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3. He’s an equal opportunity hater.
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Is he wrong? Given just how closely tied together Gods and Humanity are, and how often the conflict is about how the Gods are too controlling and humanity has outgrown them etc., it’s kind of refreshing to have a character that just goes ‘actually both of you suck’.
4. Supportive King!
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‘Did you already know how awesome Ophelia’s mystic eye ist?’; [Ophelia panicking] ‘How is it possible for her to do that?!’ [Surtr immediately explaining how it’s possible for her to do that]
5. Apart from his endgoal (and the whole ‘actually he was influencing her from the start!’ bc that’s stupid) Surtr and Ophelia actually do have a fairly functional working relationship? Yes, Ophelia makes it a point remind him that it’s pure business and not to try and get too chummy (which is one of her primary issues in general, the whole mage-sona vs what she actually wants to do and be), and ‘maybe please don’t just opt for killing everyone?’, but aside from that, fairly often they are in accord? Ophelia tries so hard to act as the restraining influence but as soon as someone annoys her she’s immediately all in for murder, fuck what Skadi said actually:
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I mean, this is basically Ophelia wink-wink-nudge-nudging Surtr ‘Hey, don’t kill them. Accidents can always happen, but make sure to at least not kill Mash.’ When Surtr does come to her with genuine complaints and questions about their task she does readily give an explanation; she is ready to acknowledge when she does have to loosen the reins a bit (ie releasing his limiters) and as much as the whole knight-tshtick may be a bit of play-acting for Surtr, he does take the act serious and reigns himself in whenever Ophelia reprimands him (and tries to make up for it, in his way, when he apparently messed up a bit).
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6. His outdated mode of speech (sometimes a bit lost in translation :(…). Go old man, give us that ‘Alas’! Also just some of the stuff he says in general, big fan of when he does that.
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While it does feel a bit more inconsistent in the official translation there’s still more than enough left to make the point, I feel. Anyway, very much reminded me of this post:
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7. The violence of course. Both how he conceptualizes himself as a being of pure destruction (and isn’t even wrong about that, per se) and how in part flowing from that he’s just ready to start killing at the drop of a hat. Very iconic of him to just cut Holmes in half, bit of a flop that he ultimately wasn’t allowed to kill anyone though :( Give him his enrichment :( Tfw your love language is murder but your mage won’t let you kill…
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