lilbitstuffy · 5 months
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lilbitstuffy · 9 months
Day 3: Confinement
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Not me posting late again and also forgetting to color in the handcuffs omg
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lilbitstuffy · 9 months
Day 2: Angels (and Demons)
I realllly like this I want to make an actually good version of it maybe a lil comic
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lilbitstuffy · 9 months
Day 1: Engagement
I DIDN’T POST THIS YESTERDAY GUYS AAAAAA first day of k2 week and I didn’t post omlll
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lilbitstuffy · 10 months
I’m going so insane at mincer Kenny omg
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late 20's au
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lilbitstuffy · 11 months
i think that south park angst is the funniest thing ever. i can almost never take it seriously, cause someone will make a comic or write a story about one of the characters breaking up with someone, or getting killed in the most gut wrenching, toe curling way possible, or go through the most heartbreaking emotional turmoil imaginable. and then the character in question looks like this:
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lilbitstuffy · 11 months
K2 Wedding!!!!!
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I love these two sm :) I think they’d get married around their mid twenties-ish?? I have many wedding Headcanons and I might write a lil fic ab it 👀
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lilbitstuffy · 1 year
Ghost Hunter au????
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Idk if I'm feeling romantic style for this au or not tbh but!!! theyre ghost hunter buddies regardless
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lilbitstuffy · 1 year
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take me down to south park where the ass is gay and the . whatever
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lilbitstuffy · 1 year
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Silly Little Comic I made!!! Someone's gotta help me name it!
It's VERY LOOSELY based on the story Midnight, Texas (elements from show and books). So it wouldn't be spoilers to tell you that everyone here is a little goddamn freak. Also since it's kinda bait-y if I don't add a disclaimer, Stan and Kyle are only platonic in this, but super close. Much love to my Style shippers, but I've yet to decide if I even want any ships in there aside from Creek, who will have a big ol cameo. (If I do add another ship, it'll be K2 probably).
And as always, click for better quality :)
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lilbitstuffy · 1 year
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I just think that they would
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lilbitstuffy · 1 year
Art requests!!
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and then some!!
I’m gonna get to more, and I might redo the Stolkien one bc I got lazy with it. Style fell asleep at the dance and Kendy is just there bein slayas.
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lilbitstuffy · 1 year
Me when i me when I’m in love with this art
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Scribbles I've scrabbled over the past few weeks.
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lilbitstuffy · 1 year
South Park fellas send me shit to draw in my ask box. I’ll do anything (within reason, you freaks). I’ll do ships, characters, random stuff for gits and shiggles, etc. 
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lilbitstuffy · 1 year
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051221 & 231221
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lilbitstuffy · 1 year
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lilbitstuffy · 1 year
do you have any k2 fanfic recommendations??
HI ANO N Very honored u came to me for this lol i'm also going to be including fic recs my friends gave to me because i haven't been reading (ive been busy lately!) fic recs below the cut!
Mysterion Begins | K2/Kysterion | T | TW: None author: indirectkissesiniceland I'm still reading this! The chapters feel short but the pacing + story is so good. Kenny and Kyle's relationship in here is sooo ;;_;; it's so soft to me and I'm such a sucker for pining.
SUMMARY: Four years of college didn't get Kyle any closer to figuring out what he wants to do with his life, but his friend Jimmy pulls through for him with an opening in the newspaper office where he works. Newbies have never been known to get glamorous work, of course, and Kyle's first assignment proves it: a filler piece on a costumed vigilante calling himself "Mysterion." When a dangerous situation brings him face-to-face with the hero himself, however, Kyle—and the growing number of readers his articles on the friendly neighborhood superhero bring in—seeks the answer to a question that burns within him: Who is Mysterion? it's three am, i hope you're home | K2/Kysterion | T | TW: None author: JuniperTrees AGH.. SORRY I'M A SUCKER FOR KYSTERION. THIS ONE WAS VERY GOOD, I want to tell you my favorite part but I don't want to spoil it for you!! I think when you read it, you'll know which part it is (hint: it's near the end. LMFAO) SUMMARY: Kyle knows what he wants, but Mysterion keeps climbing in through his window. back to december | K2 | T | TW: None author: JuniperTrees AJGSKLKJHFG9AOJLGKHSHSJODGDKLHJSAGNBLDKFSHJSJGISLKBMSDHJSOIGKLSAGJNASKHSAJSGJSALDK TTHE Y FALL IN LOVE. AND THEY GROW OLD. AND THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. One of my favorite fics, I just really love seeing K2 grow up together and the way the author wrote it was phenomenal. SUMMARY: Kenny has always been involved with Kyle’s holiday celebrations in one way or another. Take Me High and I'll Sing | K2/Kysterion | E | TW: domestic violence, smut author: Courtanie sorry for being kysterion trash i didnt mean it. i actually really enjoyed this fic, i think the author did a great job on portraying kyle's character when it comes to him being concerned about kenny being mysterion (idk if that makes sense). it gave me a rollercoaster of feeLS and ugh... its... its soft. im so bad at giving opinions im sorry LMFAO SUMMARY: For far too many years Kyle has watched Kenny slipping in and out of his heroic persona, wondering each night if it would be their last together. But when it's his needs stacked against the safety of the rest of their town, finding common ground is far more difficult than either of them could have accounted for. Lionheart | K2, Creek | T | TW: None author: indirectkissesiniceland i haven't read this one, yet! though, my good friends recommended it twice AND it's by indi so i trust that this is v v v v good :) SUMMARY: For far too many years Kyle has watched Kenny slipping in and out of his heroic persona, wondering each night if it would be their last together. But when it's his needs stacked against the safety of the rest of their town, finding common ground is far more difficult than either of them could have accounted for.
Ok, Cupid It Isn't Funny Anymore | K2 | T | TW: None author: Courtanie this one is my favorite because i love the oblivious pining and k2 being the dumbest people on planet earth when it comes to each other. stan is so sick of their bullshit here KLJDSGLKSGJSDFLKJ SUMMARY: Years of sabotaging one another's dates and dancing around feelings have led Kenny and Kyle to fall into states of pitiable loneliness. Living under the same roof sure doesn't help the situation, but some vodka might. Playback | K2 | T | TW: None author: Corrupted_Quiet i love britney spears ok and kenny here loves her too. this is one of my favorite fics !! i hope you like it as much as i did too, i thought it was really cute and the way author uses music here is fun! SUMMARY: Kenny's always listened pop music, with its bumping beats, simple lyrics, and easiness at capturing the complexities of love. Sometimes he feels himself in those songs, especially when pining over Kyle Broflovski. No one else knows that part, though, secret kept between himself and his playlist of Britney songs. But one day, his music decides to stop playing quietly, and start blasting out of his head. Oh, baby, baby, how was he supposed to know?
Daywalkerpox | K2/Kysterion (Side Stendy & Creek) | E | TW: sexual content author: Zormikea THIS WAS THE FIC THAT MADE ME SHIP K2 EVEN FURTHER. I have to reread this fic because it's been a while but oh my god i could not stop reading it when i first saw it.. SUMMARY: It’s not love. It’s not affection. It must be a disease, then.
Kyle wonders if it’s curable. Kenny knows it isn’t. Peering Through Windows | K2, Cryle (Side Stendy) | E | TW: graphic depictions of violence, non-con, major character death, sexual content author: jwink85 PLEASE be super cautious going into this fic as it does include a lot of heavy topics and depictions of said warnings listed above. that being said, this was one of the first fics that i read coming back to the fandom (i found it through the animatic based off this fic LOL). personally i like it, i really enjoy the author's storytelling here and how she takes care of certain events happening in the fic. i get that this might not be everyone's cup of tea though! please note that craig here plays a heavy villain in this story and kyle is the victim of the villain in this story, so if they're one of your favorite characters and you don't want to see them this way i think it's best to avoid this one! SUMMARY: Kyle was so in love with the good doctor until he revealed himself to be a monster...by then, it was too late. Fell In Love with a Dead Boy | K2 | T | TW: None (character death but it's kenny's) author: spirograph I NEVER READ THIS ONE!! BUT MY FRIEND SAID THIS AS A RECOMMENDATION SO I'm going to put this down here for you! I hope you like it, anon! SUMMARY: In the 3rd grade Kenny dies for the first time. OKAY, I'll stop here. Let me know what you think when you read some of these, anon!!!!! if i had to suggest what to start off with first i'd suggest mysterion begins and/or daywalkerpox!!!!! two very very very good fics!!!!!!!! if i have anymore in mind, i'll reblog this with add ons!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD @herbietales and @allymumu helped me out with fic recs so if needed, you can ask them too!! <333
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