likeabutterflyji · 6 years
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listening to i need u is like going through your old pictures with family and friends, you have such immense feelings of nostaligia rushing through your veins -- that one song that makes you react some kind of way. yeah that's i need u. hyyh era will forever remain close to my heart, no other era will be able to replace hyyh era. i would really want to describe what i feel while listening to i need u and run, but it's nearly impossible. it's similar to watching a full moon run with you while travellin g in a car or watching the clouds move noticeably in front of your eyes or drinking the perfect coffee; not to cold not too hot, not too bitter not too sweet, just perfect for your taste. it's the era when i joined this wonderful place and i remember being so fascinated by the true superior song(s)- i need u. and i truly believe that even though bangtan has marked their own style now, i still believe that hyyh era was what made bangtan bangtan /the superior era/. and also when my eyes found orbs that held the prettiest galaxy ever! yes jimin's eyes!
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likeabutterflyji · 6 years
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listening to i need u is like going through your old pictures with family and friends, you have such immense feelings of nostaligia rushing through your veins -- that one song that makes you react some kind of way. yeah that's i need u. hyyh era will forever remain close to my heart, no other era will be able to replace hyyh era. i would really want to describe what i feel while listening to i need u and run, but it's nearly impossible. it's similar to watching a full moon run with you while travellin g in a car or watching the clouds move noticeably in front of your eyes or drinking the perfect coffee; not to cold not too hot, not too bitter not too sweet, just perfect for your taste. it's the era when i joined this wonderful place and i remember being so fascinated by the true superior song(s)- i need u. and i truly believe that even though bangtan has marked their own style now, i still believe that hyyh era was what made bangtan bangtan /the superior era/. and also when my eyes found orbs that held the prettiest galaxy ever! yes jimin's eyes!
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
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Jealous//171013 happy birthday manggaetteok. two years and counting, ive known you and im yet to see you irl. i really don’t mind not seeing you irl, im used to being locked up behind this screen of oceans and languages that i’ll never seem to get through. i don’t wish to meet you, i don’t wish to be known to you. i ve been living off the small fantasies and images i have of you and i wouldn’t want any fraction of it to be altered. even though at the bottom of my heart I wish to see you perform, its okay. of course im not envious of anyone who gets to see you within a few feet. not at all. am i jealous? im jealous of the autumn breeze that gets to kiss your face-that gets to caress your hair.im jealous of all the eyes that get to lay themselves on you from up close.im jealous of your blanket that gets to wrap you warm and tight.im jealous of all the songs on your playlist that gets to roam your mind and cause no stress.im jealous of all the hands that get to touch your soft ones.im jealous of the little things around you that fascinate you and have your gaze glued.im jealous of your bedside mirror that gets to manifest your beauty— and tell you every day just how great you are.im jealous of the rays of sunlight that bleed through the blinds of your window, and get to welcome you in the morning.im jealous of the starry sky you look up to everyday what s funny? we are under the same sky yet you’re so far from my reach.
do i fear? maybe. there will come a time when, you won’t be the first one to pop up in my mind when i think blooming flowers and cherry blossoms or warm marshmallows dipped in melted chocolate. there will come a time when your name’d fail to dance on my tongue when i speak about things i love. there will come a time when i’d barely meet you, in my dreams. there will come a time when a thought of you would do anything but trigger butterflies in my stomach. there will come a time when, i’d no longer resort to writing about you to let out my feeli??ngs??there will come a time when my days are not as fruitful as these days for the time must have come to a point where you consume little or no part of it. there will come a time when you’d stop putting yourself out there to have a normal life, even though its nearly impossible. will a time ever come when i’d stop wishing to know what goes through your mind-- what those glassy orbs perceive? will a time ever come when i’ll stop wondering how you conquer your problems? whether you bottle them up or not?will a time ever come when this will all become a memory that’d solely warm my mind? well, i know that time is not now.
you re a star that shines so bright, radiating beams of light and warmth amidst all the darkness and coldness, but unreachable, im the avid admirer that’s confined to this never-ending dream.it would be a lie if i said i never wondered what it’s like to meet you. is there more to what i see from across my screen? is there an added melanin glow bestowed upon your face in real life? are your cheeks a warmer shade of pink? or are there more beauty spots and moles playing on your face that were never caught on camera? are your hands as warm as your smile? are they soft? do you smell like cotton candy or vanilla flowers? is your scent strong enough to persistently linger on in my nose with just one whiff? would that be one of your effects that i had been missing out on all this long? is your voice deeper in real life? is it deeper than how much many of us have fallen for you? do your eyes hold the same warm welcoming glimmer? would your eyes appear to transform into thinner lines when you smile? are the crinkles around your eyes more prominent from up close? i’m curious and more than curious, i’m unsure. im bound to believe what i see from this side of the screen, i am unsure of how you really are. i don’t know you at all, and that terrifies me and im restricted to make an impression of you from all that i see--a few minutes of your life like a jigsaw puzzle i m fascinated yet puzzled i put them all together to form what i call my admiration for you. and i have no questions about your smile. due to you,i ve learned to look at things positively so whenever your smile flashes my mind, i’d only wish for it to be genuine. on camera or behind. always.
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
@walls-foryourass  i love it ! thank you yazi <3
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when use please like or reblog
dm for any special requests 
@tteok-jimin your wall is ready, hop you like it💗💗
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
ironic when my fav colour is purple and im here being v loyal af with my tumblr blog
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
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look! at!! the!! two!! flowers !! i wanna add more roses to make it a bouquet ;(( 
and look @ what month it is the month of all flowers month of all bloom
blossoms are blooming
my favourite one blossomed more than two decades ago
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
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your eyes are unparalleled. my favourite. 
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
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what makes it so hard for me to look at you straight for two seconds without having to hear my heart pound in my chest so loud // amu
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
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imma stop my cheese 4now- 
hate me for this or not, the only thing crooked about jimin is his teeth bye
and i love it just as much as i love the feeling of my morning coffee. warm and intoxicating.
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
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of all the million stars in the sky, i choose you. the brightest one, i admire ~amu
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
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“you re the cold autumn breeze welcoming me after a heavy gloomy shower.” -amu
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
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“you re my favourite cherry blossom-- one that kisses the warm spring ground.” -amu
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
when will black-haired jimin return from war?
amu /tteok-jimin
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
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 ❝ if you didnt know, im a black haired jimin enthusiast. ❞ 
。◕‿ ◕。 now you know 。◕‿ ◕。 
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
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❝you manage to make my heart race, even when we re oceans apart ❞ -amu
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
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❝yellow’s one of the colours that compliments your skin so well, it always makes it harder for me to catch my breathe; everytime i see bumble bee in yellow, im stunned. the beanie just confines your child-like face and head like a cherry on top. ❞~amu
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likeabutterflyji · 7 years
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❝you say you took a picture with the view, but you re all the view to me. pleasing.❞  - amu❤ 
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