lightning-jay · 7 days
JJK 261 Spoilers!!!
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Happy pride to my favorite tragic doomed yaoi
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lightning-jay · 12 days
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A poster I made of my ocs for my Unvale page!!! You should totally follow me there wink wink nudge nudge
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lightning-jay · 18 days
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Rip Junpei Yoshino you would have loved Mother Mother (including the bg for this one because GOD I'm so proud of that jellyfish)
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lightning-jay · 22 days
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Jjk doodles <3333
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lightning-jay · 29 days
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First art post here, starting with Kai!🔥:)
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lightning-jay · 30 days
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Gojo jumpscare
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lightning-jay · 1 month
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Hello lgbtq community. I continue to feed you lostshipping content :3
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lightning-jay · 1 month
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Me when I got from Ninjago to CRK to oc art all under a week (it will happen again)
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lightning-jay · 1 month
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Stormbringer Cookie redesign!!!! Because guess what. I LOVE HER!!! ADORE HER EVEN!!!!
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lightning-jay · 2 months
The make Cole straight again petition has been taken down!!! WHOO !!!
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lightning-jay · 2 months
Thinking about trans Geo and how much sense it makes when it comes to his character writing.
Trans Geo, who was not only outcasted for being a mix between two races who hated each other, but also because he didn't conform with society's expectations of his gender.
Trans Geo, who was forced to run away not only because there was no other person with the same race as him, but also because he could never find someone who understood what he was feeling.
Trans Geo, who got forgotten because people only remember him by the gender he was born as, and not who he truly is.
Trans Geo, who made himself a family who loves him and accepts him for who he his. A family he wishes he could have had when he was younger and who he could now give the same amount of love he deserved.
Trans Geo, who, after Bonzle pretty much came out to him, immediately accepted his daughter for who she was because he knew what she was going through and how it felt to choose your identity.
Trans Geo, who is not only insecure about how much people need him, but also about being seen as himself.
Just. Trans Geo, man.
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lightning-jay · 2 months
Cole wasnt “changed” to be gay. He never was STRAIGHT in the first place.
and hell- whi says he’s strictly gay now? Cole could like girls as well for all we know 🤷‍♀️ uk like, be a Bi king or smth.
The thing is, just like people are used to seeing characters from books as white as a default until stated otherwise, just because they’re so used to it, this happens with straightness as well.
People are will BEG and SWEAR that a character is straight just because they were never outright stated to be otherwise. And emphasis on “outright stated” because even when there is coding, hinting or just blatant portrayal of it, people will still deny that that certain character is queer because it’s not like they canonically turned to the camera and told the audience that “I AM NOT STRAIGHT.”
But to them, even if the character rarely showed any interest in the opposite gender or ever really talked ab their attraction, the character is just automatically straight. It’s just inherent. Of course they’re straight.
And you know what? Even if the character does, who said Bi people don’t exist? I have a lot of Bi friends and a family member that either are bi or are dating a bi person, and their attraction towards the opposite gender has never invalidated their attraction towards the same if gender non-conforming.
And even then, a lot of gay men or lesbians have struggled with comp-het in the past, reuniting them in having tried to date or even marry people from the opposite gender only to then realize they never truly were straight, and were just compulsively trying to conform or believe that they are straight because again, straightness has always been seen as the status quo. As the normal thing to be. The default.
And this isn’t me saying that “the writers were writing Cole as a dude with comp-het this whole time” or smth because I don’t know that. And while I could theorize that I don’t think the writers really were thinking about implementing compulsive heterosexuality into this silly Lego show.
But just like I can’t assure that Cole canonically has suffered from comp-het or that he is gay and not Bi or hell he could be asexual or smth while being gay WHO KNOWS-but just like we can’t exactly assure that he is exactly one of those labels, people cannot come here and act like Cole was ever REALLY canonically straight. Hell. You could even say None of the characters of the show are STRAIGHT because who said they were? You can def interpret them as straight! But why do people insist on acting as if portraying Cole as having a male character a romantic interest as them CHANGING him as if he really ever WAS straight?
No one acts that when a character is straight that it was a huge betrayal or smth because the character was “OBVIOUSLY” gay by default. No. People just see it as normal and move on because that has always been the status quo.
Because this is a heteronormative society as much as people try to act as if making a character gay is “appealing to the world and the general public” as if straight people are suddenly oppressed. Hetero friends of mine or my family will always automatically assume I’m straight because that’s the norm to them. People will always assume someone it het or cis unless outright stated otherwise.
And if you can’t tell what’s wrong with that…
And you know what? Get all pissed off about it. Complain. Make petition for “saving your boy Cole” (save him from what exactly? It’s not like Christianity exists in Ninjago so yall can scratch hell out of the list at least) the season was made. The character of Geo was made. The scenes where Geo fantasized about Cole being awesome and handsome were made. Scenes where Cole and geo talk about needing each other were made. Scenes where geo and Cole hold hands and look at each other all lovey dovey were made. None of that bigoted complaining is going to change that. Theyre not going back and deleting those scenes and they’re not suddenly gonna write Geo and Cole in completely different way from what they were written before. Womp. WOMP.
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lightning-jay · 2 months
Homophobic Ninjago fans are so funny to me like. Imagine being so angry over fictional plastic bricks being gay lmao can't be me
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lightning-jay · 2 months
I've seen a few posts talking about how Geo has his piercing in the left ear (otherwise known as the gay ear) and to that discussion I bring: Geo's skin is literally PURPLE. That's the GAYEST COLOR.
Do with that what you will.
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lightning-jay · 2 months
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Og screenshot ^^
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lightning-jay · 2 months
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Oc posting??? Its more likely than you think!!!
Introducing Aithra and Braxen!!! The most badass couple of the century. Reference sheets under the cut if you wanna see their usual outfits
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lightning-jay · 2 months
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I keep forgetting to post this here. whoops. Anyways.... guess who's been playing Witch's Castle.....
(Individual versions below!!!)
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