leslietarot · 5 years
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leslietarot · 5 years
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Merry Christmas my friends. May you find the true spirit of Christmas ~ love, hope and light. May you follow the brightest star like the wise men.. May you hold your loved ones dearly and gather around to honor the birthday of a beautiful man who was, like many, so deeply misunderstood but still willing to love.. He who showed us that life isn’t just about being born to live, work, eat, gain, procreate and die. He showed us there is a much bigger picture to our little time on this planet. Happy Birthday Jesus! I love you so much .. 💗#merrychristmas #leslieannefranklin #tarot #jesus #happybirthdayjesus #inspirationaltarot (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrzqTAln61l/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u4v5dolfgyvv
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leslietarot · 5 years
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Happiness! #leslieannefranklin #inspirationaltarot #tarot #bookareading #2019 #happiness (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrWqe_2HjMw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qh1jouttixe5
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leslietarot · 5 years
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I want LOVE, ABUNDANCE & LAUGHTER! #leslieannefranklin #tarot #bookareading #inspirationaltarot #love #intentions (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrWpYpwHJg_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gf2atqjnnehd
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leslietarot · 6 years
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TAROT CARD OF THE DAY: TEMPERANCE. Today try to not swing to extremes and take an even keel. You can enjoy everything in moderation but to swing to extremes will make you unbalanced. The wise masters keep their balance no matter what is happening. There could be a hurricane happening around the master but he remains inwardly calm and unshaken. Dramas, anger, excess only rob you of your inner peace. Try to breathe and be tranquil inside no matter what is happening. The center is still while having access to everything around it. Taking extremes will only bring you to one side. The practice of being calm in the midst of turmoil means you truly have mastered your life. #leslieannefranklin #inspirationaltarot #bookareadingwithme #heretohelp #temperance #masterhasitall #calm #wisdom #tarot @keithurban (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrIbRi4H8PZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hkhu4slhps8a
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leslietarot · 6 years
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TAROT CARD OF THE DAY: FIVE OF WANDS. We all have our personal battles. We all have issues and problems we need to work on. Do you want to be part of the problem or solution? Every problem we find ourselves in, is a golden opportunity to be our best selves and grow stronger from it. Conflict is a natural part of life just as harmony is. Even in our body the red blood cells are fighting the white blood cells. Fighting is a part of life. The fight for survival, the fight to be accepted, the fight to get over your ex, the fight to be successful. Fight for the Light in yourself. Fight the good fight! I see the Five of Wands representing the five senses as well. Touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste. The senses can control our lives big time. Food, love, sex, desire. Don’t be victim to all these things. Connect to your Soul in quiet moments and surrender. The Soul never fights. The Soul is calm and all accepting, eternal. Be at peace with your Self .. beyond the periphery of fighting .. Gave a blessed day. #leslieannefranklin #bookareadingwithme #tarot #inspirationaltarot #gobeyond #surrendertoyoursoul #heretohelp @official.brunomars.fanpage (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrDh7BUn5yg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p1mxsddyz0b7
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leslietarot · 6 years
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TAROT CARD OF THE DAY: SIX OF COINS/PENTACLES: Today ask yourself if you are compromising your own values by accepting less than you deserve. Setting up personal boundaries is important when establishing your own self worth. It’s ok to overextend yourself to someone if you are certain that you know what you are doing and why. If you just give in all the time people can take advantage and use your generosity to their own advantage. In relationships there has to be an equal exchange of give and take. If one is giving more than receiving eventually one will get tired. Be open to receiving as well. Also ask yourself what is the reason you give so much. Is it to be loved, appreciated and accepted or does it come purely from you wanting to do it and owning it? Have a blessed day everyone. #leslieannefranklin #inspirationaltarot #bookareadingwithme #tarot @oprah (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqx0-scnW-n/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xrjuvz8azqdn
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leslietarot · 6 years
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leslietarot · 6 years
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TAROT CARD OF THE DAY: THE MOON. Today be aware not to step into illusion or false hopes. See things as they are, looking beyond the veil. Follow your intuition. Emotions might run high today. The day after Thanksgiving full moon will be here. We think the moon shines but it is actually the suns light on the moon that creates the illusion of light. That is why this card can represent illusion. Look into the real reason of things and don’t assume things are how they look. #leslieannefranklin #tarot #inspirationaltarot #dailytarot #bookareading #websiteonbio #heretohelp (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqcyFb-HoLo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=br49jduivj25
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leslietarot · 6 years
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TAROT CARD OF THE DAY: THE HERMIT. Sometimes in life it is necessary to distance yourself from all your usual day to day activities and spend some time alone. Some YOU time. The Hermit is not afraid to be by himself. He chooses to be. He is removing himself from all drama and vicious circles of life so that he can pause and reflect gaining insight and knowledge. Sometimes you have to physically remove yourself from a situation so that you can appraise it and gain an overall insight. Sometimes we are overly involved so we can’t see a clear picture eg. When you look at someone really closely yet you are so close that your noses meet and you can only see his or her eyes, you don’t know really what that person even looks like. You need to step back to see the entire person. Becoming a Hermit and deciding to to remove ourselves from drama helps us to gain perspective and inner wisdom. Don’t be afraid to look for answers inside and not outside of yourself. Answers will always come in silence. The Hermit is alone but never lonely.. #inspirationaltarot #leslieannefranklin #bookareadingwithme #tarot #followme #hermit @ladygaga https://www.instagram.com/p/BpkDJ62AUJp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ku772c990d7w
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leslietarot · 6 years
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TAROT CARD OF THE DAY: QUEEN OF WANDS..Today is a day for getting into your feminine power of creativity and attracting beauty into your life. Remember that even minor creativity such as doodling or humming a song on your way to work can shift your vibration and open your day to more happiness. You are what you create and it starts with the thoughts in your mind. Envision a beautiful life for yourself and know that you can attract that. If you focus on complaining and the negative you will also attract that! What do you want to attract in your life? Be the Queen of Wands and create it! #inspirationaltarot #leslieannefranklin #bookareadingwithme #happymonday #loveyouguys #create (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpPLBb6A2Ev/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16gvrphqyh5dj
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leslietarot · 6 years
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DON’T BE AFRAID TO LOOK DEATH IN THE FACE. I don’t mean to go out there and kill yourself..not what I meant. I had a client who came to me recently who had seen a family member at the time of his death. This was a first for her and she was traumatized and came to me for guidance as she couldn’t stop thinking about death and she was scared that she was going to die and scared that her loved ones would too. It was a beautiful session as what came through was the beautiful teaching about facing ones own mortality. As soon as we were born into this planet we are also given an allotted number of breaths, years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Death came with the price of being born. You got that ticket the minute you were born. So when we are able to accept the fact that we are spirits inside human bodies and that the body is just a mere casing that we are subjected to as the condition of being a human being alive on this planet earth, we should give more importance not to material things that will pass as our bodies will but to LOVE .. and anything that will connects us to our eternal Soul.. Don’t be afraid to look death in the face cos it’s going to be that moment when you decide to LIVE. Death is nothing but a casing of the human body dying so the spirit can move into its next adventure.. cherish everyone you love .. be kind.. turn up the vibration of your LIGHT .. pray.. chant.. dance.. cos that’s the only thing you take with you in the end YOUR SPIRIT... LOVE to you all! 👻❤️🙏😇 .. #inspirationaltarot #leslieannefranklin #death #tarot #faceyourfears #remembertoliveyourlife #harekrishna #lightup #shine #bookareadingwithme #atyourservice (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoxqtveA1Jc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rjcw06arlpot
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leslietarot · 6 years
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Thank you to all who participated in the competition. Please keep coming back and checking if I post another one as iso them regularly. Congratulations to @sneha_morar for winning a one hour tarot reading with me! #winner #congratulations #yay #inspirationaltarot #leslieannefranklin (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BouISM7g5C6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i5znibr7qde7
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leslietarot · 6 years
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If you subscribed please comment ‘Done’ Winner announced 8th October #inspirationaltarot #leslieannefranklin #luckydraw #win #free #reading #yay #askmeaquestion #tarot #tarotreading #accurate (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoXk2ycgGjC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w1g7p1d0iyi2
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leslietarot · 6 years
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I’m missing the pizza card!!
40% discount for Autumn season transition! Promo : AUTUMNLEAVES
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leslietarot · 6 years
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Yeah .. my clients faces when I say this .. #leslieannefranklin #inspirationaltarot #bookareading @tarotgeeks (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoR6E9PAtEm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1x7dusmrygfdh
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leslietarot · 6 years
Crystal talks about her reading with me.
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