leonardo-fontana · 4 years
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i didn’t say i wasn’t coming back. the sound of his voice was enough to truly crack the brunette; it’d been too long since she last heard it, heard a true full sentence. and this time around, the new york accent stuck out more than ever before, indicative of leo having been in the states after so long. not that florentina minded, of course, but it just reminded her of how different things were now, even the way he spoke. and it didn’t matter that he never said he wasn’t coming back; florentina never knew when, and that made it seem as though it may never happen, so there was a relief that rushed through her entire body as she clung onto his because he was here. he came back. and as soon as she felt his arms wrap tightly around her small frame, it felt like she was the one coming home. this is where she belonged most in the world and it had been difficult trying to find her place in it without her other half … but hopefully she wouldn’t have to worry so much about that anymore. 
“you do too,” flor agreed with a broken giggle of her own, sniffling a bit as she buried into his neck a little further. she could always count on him to get her to smile even just a bit. and it was true: his embrace was warm and t-shirt smelled of fresh linen which contrasted the cologned after-shave but fuck was she relishing this moment of closeness. it was distracting her, but she came through again when he started with the apologies, and as much as she wanted to hear them, the way they were rolling off his tongue made her heart stutter. the kiss against the top of her head hadn’t helped either, and that’s when a few of her tears trickled down onto the fabric of his jacket. she was happy to have him back, and upset for having been left behind with little explanation, and angry for the lack of communication, but worried for what had to have happened for leonardo to be acting this way. to sound so desperate for her forgiveness. so she pulled away a bit, brows furrowed and eyes a little puffy, but regardless she brought a hand up to his cheek, tender and soft. “recovered from everything .. bello, what are you talking about? were you hurt?” she asked softly, gaze washing over his body for any sign of injury or scars over his face. truly, she did not realize the type of recovering he was referring to was emotional as she wasn’t aware of his father … but she was worried nonetheless.
flor got back down onto her heels, hands unwinding from around his neck but still she had to touch him, so she settled on grabbing his hand with both of hers. glossy eyes looked up at him as a sigh slipped past her lips; her emotions were all over the place, and she barely knew where to begin. so she let out another breath before continuing. “will you come inside .. please? it’s cold, c’mon,” it wasn’t freezing out, but it was chilly enough with the breeze, so she was already pulling him into her home before he could give much of a protest. besides, she didn’t think he would considering he just showed up at her door with a few bags as if he has just gotten back. flicking some of the lamps on in the quaint living room, a warm light began to illuminate the space and it was then that she could truly see how tired the boy looked. flor had to imagine she didn’t look much better. “leo, what happened?” she asked, eyes casting downwards as she found herself sitting atop her coffee table, patting the couch cushion directly in front of her for him to sit. “because, believe me, bello, i want to be mad at you,” she had to grin at that a bit, despite herself, “but it feels like there’s something … more, that you haven’t said yet.” 
Leo could melt upon hearing the softness of her tone as she responded to his trivial  — but true  — praise. Even after all the uncertainty he had put her through, she still had kindness in her heart. He thought how amazing that was; and how terrible he’d been; and how he knew she was the only one. It broke his heart how much she was crying in that moment. He imagined how many nights she had spent shedding tears for him while he was away. His eye lids fluttered shut as he stood there with Flor in his arms, sniffling and silently weeping against his chest. When he felt her pull away from him, he could have sworn she was about to either hold forth or fulminate. He opened his eyes to meet her gaze. Her brows were furrowed, indicating her unpleasant reaction. Leo inhaled sharply, bracing himself for what was to come. Instead what transpired was her show of genuine concern for him. Leo’s eyebrows shot upwards as she interrogated him in worry. He almost chuckled as she inspected his appearance; but he didn’t. He shook his head and cupped her cheeks once more, wiping her tears with his thumbs. “I was, but not in the way that you think.” He answered but did not expound because he wasn’t at Flor’s doorstep to rant. He wasn’t there to talk about his problems, or to give her excuses for the way he acted. He was there to apologise. He was there for her, not for himself.
Leo quickly brought his hands up to catch her wrists but he wasn’t fast enough. He wanted her arms around him for longer but he was also aware that he wasn’t in the position to choose how long she wanted to embrace him. He held on tightly as her hands found his. He held them as if she would slip away at any time. When she exhaled, her teary eyes staring up at him, he felt a pang of guilt. She had sad eyes. “I’m sorry.” He repeated. Before he could speak again, she asked him to come inside. Surprised, however unable to decline, Leo nodded in response. He released one of her hands to gather his belongings. 
He allowed her to lead the way, letting go of her grip. He carried his bags inside but left them by the side of the front door. He closed the door behind him and turned the lock before taking a brief look of his surroundings. It’s been a while since his last visit. He wondered if he still had things lying around somewhere. Flor’s abode was cosy, and warm; it filled him with love, and pleasant memories. He approached the sofa with a weary smile and sat on the cushion she was patting. “It hasn’t been long since I returned and you’re already bossing me around.” He teased before taking a deep breath. “It doesn’t really matter right now because I’m not here to burden you with my problems or make feeble excuses for leaving you like that.” He acknowledge with a shrug. “I’m here to tell you I’m sorry, and to let you know that you didn’t deserve it.” He added, almost in a firm manner. “If you want to punish me, I understand. I accept that. I just want to say that I’m genuinely sorry, Flor.” He said, tone become softer. He reached over and tucked her hair behind one ear. “And that I love you.” He stammered.
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leonardo-fontana · 4 years
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shaken. it was the only word florentina could come up with to describe how she felt after hearing leo’s brief and unhelpful explanation for his sudden departure. heartbroken - that was a close second - but the way his eyes drooped and the tenseness between his shoulders that wasn’t usually there when they were together gave way to the fact that there had to have been some good reason he was leaving. was leaving behind his shop, his apartment above the bakery … was leaving behind her. she may have been young, but florentina had spend much of her life looking for someone like leonardo, and of course it was just as she thought everything was lining up just right for them, there was something to stutter things to a halt. that day he told her he was leaving … there were so few details he gave her, even despite her questions, and she couldn’t even bring herself to close the short distance between them in order to give him a proper goodbye: a hug and a kiss and a shared i love you, because she certainly did. it should have scared her more to feel that way towards someone so unlike herself, but flor quite liked to figure that was what made them work so well. at least … until they didn’t. 
of course, she hung around by the phone. kept her notifications on even when she was at the flower shop in case he texted. would check the store’s mailbox as well as her own on the off chance he wrote to her. but months has gone by, and she hadn’t heard a peep from leonardo fontana. she had half a mind at one point to make some phone calls just to find out if he were still alive … but he was tagged in a rogue photo in new york city, and at least that answered her question: he was very much still breathing. of course, though, she hadn’t known that the same could not have been said for his beloved father … if she did know, she would have reached out any way she could have. hell, she would have flown across the globe just to be present and there for him during such a difficult time. she knew all too well what it felt like to lose a parent, and no matter the circumstances, it would always be unimaginabley painful; still, she would have tried to ease his pain any way she could. but of course, she didn’t know. so instead, she was left having to answer some of her own questions, in turn: did she hate him? did she still love him? could she ever get over him and move on to try again? did he truly just forget all about her and move on himself? honestly, it was all rather painful for flor to contemplate, so she mostly stuck to her work and started really making some vast improvements to the shop and better relationships with vendors and clients. for all intents and purposes, she became one hell of a business woman.
it’d been months since she last saw leonardo, but there was rarely ever a day that went by where she didn’t think about him. trying to move onto someone new was out of the question; not only had she fallen for leo so hard, but she was still hung up on the idea that he would come back. come back to his tattoo parlour, to his friends and life in italy, to the fresh flowers and the shop’s official co-owner: her. maybe it was foolish of her to still hold onto that hope, but it was giving flor something more to look forward to … a someday surprise. but it was 10 pm on a friday night and she was not expecting her ‘someday surprise’ to be right then and there when she heard the knock at the door. her home was petite, but in a traditional mediterranean style on a quiet street so she was grumpier than usual as she flicked on the porch light and started to edge the door open. “ciao? si?” she instinctively greeted, her eyes traveling from the man’s shoes, up his trousers, to a familiar sweater, and finally settling on those eyes that she got so lost in. flor could nearly cry.
there she stood before him, in slipped-clad feet and a silky pajama set, and fck was she embarrassed. this was not how she wanted him to see her for the first time again. quickly she went to smooth out her hair, breath growing a little heavy as she started to allow herself to trust in this moment: he was really standing in front of her, bags on the porch behind him, and sighing out a small greeting. she missed that voice; missed hearing it in the mornings when she first woke up and on her lunch break when he would visit with bushels of broccoli. “you came back …” was all that she could manage to get out, big brown eyes looking up into his amber flecked hues under the harsh florescent lighting. certainly, she was still hurt that he left without saying much. of course, she was annoyed that he never gave her any heads up before randomly knocking on her door. but there was a breeze that ripped right through her, chilling her body, and perhaps that was the excuse she was going to use as she launched herself towards the darker haired boy. arms wrapped around his neck, eyes feeling heavy and wet as she pressed into his shoulder, standing up onto her tip toes as she whispered again, “i didn’t know if you were gonna come back.” 
The sound of her voice sent a chill up his spine, the good kind of chill. It took an awful lot of restraint on his part from opening the door wider to finally see that angelic face. Leo inhaled as if to say something, but he still couldn’t seem to form a coherent explanation, and most importantly, a viable apology. He just stood there, eyes slightly widened, and mouth ajar, as she eyed him from his shoes to his face. “Flor.” He managed, but his voice was slightly shaking.
The eyes, they never lie. It was a famous line in one of Leo’s favourite films, Scarface. In that scene, Tony was telling Manny how he knew that Elvira liked him. Leo will always remember that line, and he’s used it in real life ever since. Aside from art, he tended to study people, the way their eyes looked, the way they looked at him to know how they felt about him. It always worked but this time, things were different. Just when he thought he wouldn’t be able to look Florentina in the eyes due to what he’s done in the past, he found himself unable to resist. What met his gaze was a haunting sight. Her big brown eyes were as glassy as they were the last time they’d seen each other. He wondered if she about to cry out in sadness or in utter anger. The eyes, her gaze, there was too much to read. He was ashamed to not know what she could be feeling in that moment, especially since he knew for sure that he loved her, and he should know.
There was a brief peaceful silence, allowing the sound of nature to take over for that short period. Leo’s gaze followed her hands as she smoothed down her hair. What he would give to smooth it down himself. To touch her without the tension he’d caused. She spoke causing his expression to change drastically. His eyebrows furrowed, and the corners of his mouth jerked downwards. “I didn’t say that I wasn’t coming back.” He said and tried to explain himself a bit more, because he knew that she was owed one after everything; but before he could speak once again, she flung herself against him. Instinctively, he enveloped her inside his arms and buried his face into her hair. “You smell good.” He chuckled, to try and lighten up the mood but there was nothing to effectively do that. He was overwhelmed. “I’m sorry Flor.” He mumbled against her as they swayed slightly under the dim porch light. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He chanted and kissed the top of her head. “I know I should have called but by the time I had recovered from everything I thought it was too late to call you. I thought you’d be too angry to respond.” He explained, sounding desperate, and that he was. He was desperate for forgiveness, and for everything to go back to normal even when he didn’t deserve it.
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leonardo-fontana · 4 years
It had been months since Leo had fled from Sicily, closed down shop and left his beloved to go back to America. It was difficult to leave the life that he’s built for himself, but, in all honesty, it did not come close to carrying the overbearing weight in his chest ever since he found out about his father’s terminal illness. The business would have been alright since, it wasn’t in-demand anyways. There were very few locals who wanted tattoos in Sicily, and the season for tourists to come visit the island was over when he decided to leave; however, there was Flor. Poor Flor, Leo thought, as he remembered her teary eyes when they glazed upon his face. The corners of her lips were curled downwards, a sight he wasn’t used to seeing. She always smiled around him, but when he told her he was leaving for a while, she wasn’t anymore, and understandably so as well. He wanted to embrace her but he couldn’t. Her body language that day had given away the feeling that she did not want him to hold her. The memory was burned in the back his mind. He remembered every detail as if it had only happened. He even remembered her scent that day. She smelled like orchids.
As the cab drove him away from the local airport, Leo kept remembering what happened to him those past few months, beginning from the day he told Flor he needed to leave, up to the moment he witnessed his father take his last breath on the hospital bed. It was as if everything had gone wrong, like a snowball effect, one problem lead to another and it got bigger and bigger as it rolled down the steep hill. Then, he wondered, when he was going to start feeling okay again. 
Sicilian nights were relatively lively which wasn’t unusual as it was a popular tourist attraction; however, that night was different. It was mid-March and Sicily was quiet. It was sound asleep. Leo rolled the car window down and allowed the soft breeze to enter. He took a deep breath and smiled for the first time in months. The air smelled like the sea, and he could hear the leaves of every tree they passed, at a distance he could hear the faint sound of the town centre. Maybe the island wasn’t fully asleep after all. My father lived a good life, he thought to himself for reassurance. In a few weeks, Leo and his mother will take his beloved papa home.
The taxi dropped him and his bags off in front of Flor’s. He figured it could wait in the morning but Leo cannot. He left his bags on the porch steps and rang the doorbell. It was very late and Flor would sure be annoyed, angry even, but he’d rather just see her then, no matter what expression she wore on that pretty little face of hers. He wanted that warm and comforting embrace he was deprived of many months ago. Most of all, he wanted to say sorry, but when the light came on and the door cracked open, he was at a loss for words. His heart was pounding so hard, it felt like it wanted to escape from his chest. “Hi...” He trailed off pathetically.
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leonardo-fontana · 7 years
That mouth … it was going to get the pair of them in serious trouble soon if Leonardo kept at it; her eyes grew wide as she let out a stuttering exhale, “Leonardo Fontana, you’re a naughty boy,” Florentina purred, eyeing him from head to toe, her eyes lingering for a second too long on the button of his denim, “Gonna be in trouble.” she warned, gaze traveling to meet his with a teasing grin as she didn’t know if she meant he was gonna be in trouble, or if she was. Either way, they’d both be spent by the night’s end, and that simple fact gave her all the motivation in the world to lock up the shop and get this grocery run over with quickly. “Very ready, il mio amore,” she smiled sweetly, brushing past him before swinging a leg over the back of his bike, the helmet soon to follow. For a lady who’d never imagined herself enjoying the thrill of a motorcycle, it was one thing Leo had absolutely changed her opinion of.
Their trip at the market was nothing shy of adorable and Florentina knew it; he was being sweet with her likely to justify being rough with her later. Again, this was nothing she’d be complaining of, for she adored that side of him. She giggled at his juggling and blushed as he tucked a flower behind her ear, but most importantly pretended not to notice when he went snapping photos of her profile. He was an artist, after all, and found her to be quite a muse, so she would oblige by whatever art he wants to participate in while they were out shopping. Of course there were a few times where she simply couldn’t reach a certain ingredient and had to ask him to get it for her, which came with a price, usually resulting in a kiss smack on his lips before they were both a smiling mess, nearly forgetting what she needed him to get in the first place. Alas, it was a short trip, for them at least, as they usually took their time and strolled through shops with little to no care about time. Tonight, however, they had plans that required them to get home to. His apartment was somewhat familiar to her, of course, as they’d spend some time there together; she knew what it looked like when it was messy, but seeing it so neat and organized, Florentina was impressed. He had taken the time to clean up for her … she was already a mess.
Just as she was in the midst of slipping out of her sandals, she heard his low register coming from the kitchen, words making her smile at him. “Shoes? Off,” she called, capturing his attention for another few seconds as showed off her long legs, hip popped, balance on one leg steady, cute little foot wiggling as proof. While she knew that dinner was important, and that Leo had already put in plenty of effort into making them a nice one, Flor was a little distracted and had slightly different plans. As she made her way into his kitchen, she wrapped her arms around his torso from behind him, cheek resting against his spine, “But wouldn’t it be better if you’re the one to put me into your clothing, bello?” she asked innocently, placing a gentle kiss against his back, “Mine really are awfully tight,” the girl nearly whined, nipping at the soft fabric of his shirt, barely getting at his skin beneath it. She wanted him so, so badly, and she had every reason to think that he was of the same needs, so it was difficult for Flor to come up with reasons to act like a functioning adult and simply enjoy dinner with her boyfriend before dessert. But, really, she couldn’t do it; it’s Leo, she’s weak when it comes to him.
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When tanned slender legs came into view, Leo’s eyes couldn’t help but marvel at them. Flor was a fine specimen and she knew it. She also seemed to be determined to have him before dinner. He might have caught that tempting idea but he will do everything in his power to resist. After all the longer the wait, the riper the fruit. Although her intentions were clear, he had his own brewing in his head. The plan was to get her so turned on until it was time to, well, pick her. It was better that way, much more delicious per say, especially with that body of hers. Her clothes aren’t the only thing that were tight, Leo imagined.
Instead of responding to Florentina’s goading, Leo grinned and shook his head as he returned his attention to preparing their romantic dinner. Only did his actions falter when he felt Flor’s willowy arms snake around his waist and her soft cheek against his back. Upon hearing her filthy coaxing, he nearly sliced his finger off. The kiss she planted on his back made him stop. When she whined, and grazed her teeth on his back through the material, the muscles on his back moved. He was tensed up and she was winning. For a moment, Leo didn’t speak as if he was upset with her but when he turned around the expression on his face said other wise. “Just what do you think you’re doing kitten?” He asked, towering over the petite Italiana. “You think you have me wrapped around your finger, don’t you?” He asked as a devilish smile crawled across his face. “Whatever I say goes, understood?” He added but he didn’t need an answer to know that she had.
Leo tipped her chin upwards a bit using a finger. Instead of leaning down to kiss her, he wedged his thumb in her mouth while his free hand suddenly cupped her heat. “Do you want this?” He asked, putting his hand on her crotch in motion. At first it was gentle and teasing, only running his palm up and down following the slit of her mound but it had gotten much rougher the longer he kept it up. “I know you want that princess but after dinner.” He grinned. She wasn’t the only one turned on by that. Once again, his shaft was tight in his jeans and aching to break free from the restraints. “You’re gonna eat what Daddy made you, okay?” He whispered and bit down on his bottom lip while he watched his thumb penetrate her mouth. “Now,” He began after withdrawing both his hands from her. “Go to my bedroom and take off your clothes. Don’t come out until I tell you to.” He ordered, seriousness painted on his face.
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leonardo-fontana · 7 years
Leo’s dirty and demanding mouth absolutely turned Florentina on, and she knew that he was entirely aware of that fact. He was dominant and took control over her quivering body, which was exactly what she needed when she’s so dazed and under a bit of a trance - all thanks to him, obviously. No one’s ever been able to captivate and tease and make her yearn for their touch quite like Leo can and does. She nodded obediently, almost too distracted by his fingers working against her hard bud, lashes fluttering to a close, “You ask the questions, daddy,” Florentina agreed, breathless, swallowing hard as she bunched up the fabric of his clothing in her fists. If it were a perfect world, she would have already dragged his boxers down his limbs and had him in her mouth; truly, she would have. Her entire body ached and she needed to feel some sort of relief, and she would especially settle for pleasing him in order to feel that relief. But, alas, that would have to wait until later that evening. In her blissed out state, she very quickly came out from under the fog of it all as he moved his hand from her chest, digging his shirt out of her grasp, completely putting a stop to wherever they were going.
Florentina pouted, quite frankly upset, as she whimpered. “But Leo,” the brunette whined as he kissed her forehead, for no matter how sweet that was, she was still so aroused by him. Florentina could find almost anything Leo did to be sexy, so even despite his best intentions of leaving a gentle kiss against her temple, it still turned her on. She looked up at him with those eyes, the ones where she might as well have been screaming ‘fuck me’, never leaving his golden hues even as he fixed her bralette, readjusting and returning everything just as he discovered it. “If I’m too spoiled it’s because of your doing,” Flor reminded him quietly, careful of what she said as to not prompt another overtly stern response, which would just get her going all over again. It was one of the problems with falling for Leonardo - while she liked how dominant he was, and she really did need him to boss her around or else she’d be a mess, it was hard not to find that to be the sexiest thing in the world when she was meant to behave. Which was why she restrained from telling him that she’d just like to eat him for dinner, and instead settled on something more safe, “No, we wouldn’t want to miss dinner, bello. You’re right.” she cooed, nodding in agreement.
There he was, licking his lips, hand reaching to readjust himself as he was absolutely teasing her; she could tell because he wasn’t looking at her but instead trying to play it cool, his gaze elsewhere. And it worked, because she was still lust-drunk on him, and his stern question wasn’t helping. Still, she nodded, her fingers caressing his chin as she pulled his mouth to her’s, kissing him hard and fast - but just once, only for a few seconds. She left another ghost of a kiss, so much more gentle, before pushing his chest with her palms, forcing him to stumble back a bit as she hopped down and off of the counter. Grabbing her bag off of the stool beside her and slinging it over her shoulder, she swiped the keys off of its ring and began for the door, looking over her shoulder at the much taller man as she said, “Well, come on then,” extending an arm as she wiggled her fingers, “We stay here any longer and I’m going to die, Leonardo.” Florentina warned, eyeing him up and down as she was still waiting for him to take her hand. Once out of the shop, she could lock up and they could be on their way to the market to pick up everything they’d need to make dinner. It would be a quick trip, as Florentina would make sure of it; the sooner they were done shopping, the sooner they’d get back to his place to make dinner and then desert. Which, perhaps it was a little pathetic, but she really didn’t know how long she could wait for that part of the evening.
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Leo’s dark, thick eyebrows furrowed after Flor pulled away from the very brief kiss she gave him. At first it got him thinking that maybe his little Italian sweetheart was upset from all the teasing. It seemed to Leo that a girl such as Florentina always got what she wanted, especially from her lovers, so having him do that to her must be exasperating on her part. A pang of guilt reflected upon his face as he slightly stumbled from her push. It wasn’t strong enough to tip him over, but it did take him by surprise. “Baby,” He said to catch her attention once more. He’s never used that name before but he was more than glad to test the waters. He wasn’t planning on using it until after the special night but he was desperate to know what was on Flor’s mind and how to make it all better. “I might have gone overboard. I’m sorry.” He managed to say with full sincerity. His gaze followed her movements from the way hopped off to the way she snatch the keys off the ring. Not once did she even look at him. 
Only did Leo feel a sense of relief when she brought her eyes back to him. He nearly sighed if he weren’t so conscious about looking like he just overreacted to her actions. For a man of his age, he sure felt childish around the younger woman with him. “Right.” He chuckled and lifted a hand to take her delicate fingers. “You’re going to die?” He asked, acting surprised. Once again, his playful streak returned to mock his girlfriend. “What’s killing you love?” He teased before planting a kiss on her temple. “I’m not stabbing you with my cock yet.” He added with a menacing grin as they made their way out of the flower shop. He watched as Flor turned her back to him to lock the door. He decided that she deserved a quick shopping trip. A romantic stroll and shop through Sicily’s famous famous farmer’s market would have to wait for another day, for that night he just had to have her. “Ready princess?” He smiled before he lead her to his motorcycle.
For the rest of their grocery shopping, Leo opted away from being naughty. He behaved for both his sake and Flor’s because if he even kept up with the teasing he was sure that their first time would end up being behind a fruit stall. Although he could not be playful with Flor in a provocative way, he tried to be playful with her in a purely romantic way, stealing flowers from a stall and putting them in her hair, and taking oranges from another to show off his secret talent of juggling. Occasionally he would bring out his camera to take pictures of the scenery, of things that  are worthy of sketching out, and of her. It was sweet date, but he made sure that it would be a short one. Once he made sure they got all the ingredients for the night’s meal, he drove her to his place and began to make dinner. Prior to Flor’s arrival, he had cleaned the apartment for her. All his art materials were neatly organized atop a window sill, a clean canvas stood in front of the same window, his usually cluttered desk was arranged to close perfection. Leo had no reason to be nervous of whatever judgement she would have regarding his apartment, yet he still was. He couldn’t help but hope that she would like it because he couldn’t help but hope that she would want to spend a lot of her time there, with him. “Make yourself at home. You can take off your shoes or put on one of my shirts if your clothes are too tight.” He joked and looked over his shoulder from chopping vegetables just to smirk at her.
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leonardo-fontana · 7 years
His words, his warm breath against her ear and down her neck, it was so teasing; it left her with chills washing over her in waves as if there was a constant breeze drifting throughout the room. The hairs up and down her body stood straight up, and she had a sneaking suspicion the more time they spent together, specifically like this, that it wasn’t going to change anytime soon. Leo had a pretty chilling effect over most people; even she was a little intimidated by him the first time he came into the store. But then, as an over six foot tall man with raven hair and piercing eyes was purchasing a single rose, it didn’t scare her nearly at all. It wasn’t until they got to be so close and intimate that she realized what other people saw when they looked into his eyes, dark mischief that left chills. In her case, it was the most exhilarating kind and not something that would scare her off. What certainly wouldn’t deter her from being with him was this newly discovered kink of his, one that she fully supported and was entranced by. She wasn’t an overtly dominant person in her everyday life, but she did like having some control over things; with Leo, she was willing to give herself up to him in that moment and not think twice.
“I’m your good girl,” she breathed, a little unsteady as her voice hitched, surprised by the words coming out of her mouth and how wet they made her. As his fingers reached the lace hidden underneath her shirt, she let out another shaky breath in anticipation for what was to come. If she had known that this is where her day was going to go, she would have worn something a little sexier, maybe even a set that matched. She threw on a bralette and a simple pair of panties earlier that morning, entirely not expecting for her boyfriend to see her in either, but she was thrilled by the spontaneity of it and she figured he would not care what she had on. It was what was under the fabric that was more of a pressing matter, far more so than if she was wearing a matching Victoria’s Secret set. After all, it didn’t matter to her if he had on boxers or briefs, all she knew was that she needed what was underneath those and the thought alone left her in a haze, one where her jaw was lack as she was breathing through her mouth, out through her nose, a little dizzy from everything. But it was all good. ‘Everything’ was good things, and she figured it would be with Leo. Her grip on the hem of his pants tightened as he explored her ribcage with his teasing fingers, “A good little girl.” she repeated, resting her temple against his before he moved to look at her properly. 
As she met his eyes, she couldn’t tell where his pupil ended and iris began as his eyes were dark pools, and she has an idea that hers were similar. His casual tone and choice of words startled her, and it caused a bit of a breath-meets-moan to escape past her lips, nodding her head at his commands. “Yes, Daddy, not allowed to interrupt.” the brunette affirmed, closing her eyes briefly as an attempt to collect herself, although the weight of his hands against her chest was enough to distract her all over again. As soon as his palms slid over her nipples, she was entirely unable to suppress the few moans that came from her open mouth, digging her fingers into the thick fabric of his jeans as she needed to grab onto something. As his hands worked over her tits, she grew a little more impatient, scooting her ass closer to the edge of the counter as she got to be closer to him in doing so. She just wanted every inch of him pressed against her body as she could get, and that was one thing she knew she was going to get. “Yeah?” she squeaked, looking into his eyes with intent, “You want a kiss, baby?” the girl asked innocently, another moan coming from her that she tried so hard to keep from escaping her, as she was trying to give off the impression that she was composed despite his hands, “I’ll kiss you, but first we have to do something about this shirt,” she said, moving her hands to the hem of his t-shirt now, “Please, Daddy?” Flor asked, this time with her eyes glues on his, big and asking for all kinds of permission, but she bit down on her lip and it was obvious what he was doing to her … how his hands were treating her, and this was only the beginning. 
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It might have not been the first time Leonardo has had a girl squirming and begging in his arms, but it was the hardest one to resist. His eyes stole a glance at her full pink lips while she called him Daddy. The mere utterance made the head of his shaft twitch in excitement. That was the thing that made it the hardest. His throbbing, aching cock. It was so tight in his pants, he needed to release it from the restraints just to let it breathe. If he were to do it then and there he was sure it would come out more red and purple than its usual fully-erect self. With gritted teeth, he smiled toothlessly at Flor who pressed her crotch against the top of his pelvis. Judging by how Flor responded to his superiority, she wouldn’t mind getting punished for that after dinner. And punish is exactly what he’ll do. “Shut up princess.” He interrupted her and squeezed her breasts firmly. “I’ll be asking the questions here.” He added and began to flick on her left nipple with his right forefinger. Leo was left thinking about all the other things he could and would do to her tits once he got a full view of them. 
Temptation clouded his mind as they were positioned on the counter-top inside Flor’s family’s flower shop. He wondered how any of her relatives would even react if one of them would just walk in and discover the two of them doing obscene things in such a place full of sweetness and innocence. Flor hasn’t even introduced him to any of her family yet and he had only one chance to make a good impression. It was already bad enough that he was over six feet tall, covered in tattoos, and bad at Italian. He felt bad dirtying up the place, dirtying up Flor, yet what made the situation they were in so much hotter was the fact that it was a place full of sweetness and innocence. So was Flor. “Babe,” He chuckled lowly as he watched her squirm due to his touch. Again, it was hard for both of them. “We have to save that for later.”  He added calmly as he removed his left hand from her breast to pry he hands off from the hem of his shirt. “You don’t see me trying to take off your top, do you princess?” He asked and leaned forward to casually plant a soft lips against the crook of her forehead.
“Are you gonna kiss me Flor?” Leo asked in a stern tone. The pleasantness in him earlier when he kissed her forehead had completely disappeared. Once more, he was back to his authoritative self. He felt that Flor needed that in him most in that moment. “You’re getting to spoiled kitten.” He grinned wolfishly and withdrew his right hand from her tit. He tucked her underboobs back into her bra and neatly put them back in place. “We’ve got to leave for the market, don’t we? We wouldn’t want to miss dinner.” He said and shamelessly rubbed his crotch in an attempt to get his hard on to disappear. As if to tease her more, he licked his lips then averted his gaze towards her dainty hands. “Are you gonna kiss me,” He asked again, bringing his gaze back up to her face. Frosted hazel eyes loomed over her lust-drunken state. “or not Florentina?” He finished before grabbing her face with one handgently but playfully.
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leonardo-fontana · 7 years
The rhythm between the two drummed slowly, steady though; never faltering but rather stringing together a magnificent symphony all in due time. Florentina realized he wasn’t going to rush into such things with her on their first date, but from the moment they first met there was a spark that burned urgently amongst she and Leo. He was awarding her the physicality she unapologetically longed for, as her desires were likely those he was familiar with. It would take her a little longer to figure out all that he yearned for from her, but that was a part of the rush. Leonardo, a man older than she a women, is likely to be more experienced than Flor, but this caused little doubt in her abilities to please someone else. She was simply worried that he would have far less to learn and she would be constantly catching up to what it was he wanted, but luckily, he was a man of action and vocality. If there was something he wanted, she was confident that he would make sure she knew exactly what that would be.
For the brunette, his calloused hands mapping her figure was as intoxicating as his lips attached to her neck were; she was a simple girl with simple pleasures … nonetheless a complex woman, but Leo was likely learning that, too. Which, as she grew so noticeably blissful, Leo’s actions stopped and she was brought back down as his palm warmed her cheek. Focusing her attention back onto him, her brows furrowed and she couldn’t help the slight frown that quickly spread across her lips, “Don’t stop,” she mewed, adjusting again as she kept her legs wrapped around his waist. It dawned on her that perhaps she was being too selfish, taking everything he was giving her with little in return, but she was relieved by the sudden smirk against his lips. At his kiss, Flor greeted his tongue as he tasted her, stealing the same as she bit at his lower lip and slipped past his lips as to taste him, too. All she wanted was him. All of him was really what she wanted. But whatever honeyed touches and exchanges he was willing to spare she would gladly take, as evident in the way she hummed satisfaction into his mouth. She placed her hands against his face, caressing his soft skin as he pulled away from her lips and she was met with his signature expression once again. It left a knowing grin against her features, nodding once as if she were reading his thoughts. As much as she wanted him, wanted him to take her then and there, Flor knew that it wasn’t the most ideal way the two of them would have preferred it.
Still, for the time, she was pleased with all they had shared and were yet to. While he found himself too busy staring at her, Florentina took the opportunity to explore him briefly. She let one hand travel down to the collar of his shirt as she pushed it down and pulled him towards her, her unoccupied fingers weaving through his raven locks and guiding his head to a tilt. It was then that she finally got her lips on his cut jaw, plump lips kissing at his stubble and leaving a trail down his neck. Her mouth felt hot against his skin, leaving the most wonderful sensation in her wake before painting a portrait against the base of his neck with the tip of her tongue, between her lingering kisses. It must have been a little much, she knew the feeling, as his rough tone was demanding of her. She smirked, stopping her actions at once and meeting his mossy hues which seemed darker than mere moments ago; the sight made her pulse race, specifically coupled with his hands disappearing underneath her top and his words so filthy. Her eyes grew a little wide, swallowing as she challenged back, her slender fingers dragging down his chest and closing around the hem of his denim, pulling him closer to her as her thumbs rest against the button. “Yes,” she breathed, looking up at him with innocent, doe eyes, “It’s okay.” Flor nodded silently, licking her lips as her heart pounded. “I want -” she started, but closed her eyes as she sighed, overcome by his teasing hands rubbing at her thighs, “Please, Daddy? Please,” she begged.
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The feeling of Florentina’s warm and full lips tickling his skin from the prominent structure of his jaw to the curve of his neck was strange, in the sense that he was so used to giving neck kisses instead of receiving them, yet so pleasant like a mini embrace from his current little obsessions. This Florentina whose hands felt up his torso, pulling on the bits he wants to be pulled wasn’t far from the Florentina he met. She was still playful yet shy, sweet but alluring, the type of enigma that matched his own brooding nonetheless cocky image. The perfect woman was what he thought of her, and she further proved so when she gave into his demand and implored with those words. “Please Daddy? Please.” were such sweet music to his ears as cliche as that may appear to be. Frankly, Leo was a man who needed to be in control, career-wise and well, sex-wise. It was the simple truth, and he was going to make sure that Florentina was going to get a taste of his dominance in that moment. “That’s my good girl.” He cooed in her ear before giving it a soft peck.
Although Flor couldn’t see it, his lips spread out into a wolfish grin. Leo may have taken pleasure in showing off his menacing expressions, but it was something he couldn’t help, especially seeing that this girl was growing faint to his explicit words and gestures. The mere sensuality of dirty talking his woman to the desired effect of making her wet and steamy was so provoking, he will continue to do so throughout the date and as often as he pleased. “Tell Daddy you’re his good girl Florentina.” Leo prompted while his hands further traveled upwards until he could feel the bottom edge of her bra. The grin never left his face, if it was possible for it to spread wider it already would have by then knowing he was touching her intimate wear. For days he has been imagining what they felt like, what they would look like on her if she would ever reveal them to him. The mere thought of Flor shedding her outwear for him, and letting him reach around her to unlatch a sexy bra was mouth-watering, but he will have to save it for the days after their first night. He knew, not only thought but straight up knew, that he would have plenty of days with Florentina. So many that they would eventually lose count and find themselves wondering what day it would be. Once again, he pulled slightly away from her ear so he could look at her. The way her mouth was slightly open, her slender neck exposed, and he hair fell back was so beautiful that he found himself in a short trance. The tips of his fingers traced the outlines of her ribcage. He allowed them to explore until all of a sudden he took an abrupt stop.
“Daddy’s going to play with your cute little tits.” He stated so casually as if the words weren’t so provocative. “You’re not allowed to interrupt. Understand?” He asked, but Leo didn’t need an answer from her to do what he wanted to do. His rough hands slid beneath the fabric of her bra. The contact of her peaks against his palms were enough to give him a full erection. It was a shame the counter was preventing him from pressing his manhood against her heat. His gaze was glued directly on hers as his hands squeezed, gently at first but it soon developed into rough touching. “Come here baby, give me a kiss.” He teased with that signature all-knowing, cocky smirk of his. 
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leonardo-fontana · 7 years
“The better question is of what she said to me, bello.” Florentina cooed, a grin against her lips, looking up at him as he undoubtedly towered over her, “Think she was trying to hit on you, couldn’t get her eyes off of you and she said you were handsome.” she said, letting her eyes wash over his body. If she didn’t already have a look of longing for the man, she had certainly adopted one. He was not the usual sheepish boy who would come into the shop looking for a few flowers to impress someone they wanted to take to the spring dance, but he also wasn’t the usual guy who chatted her up in the store ever so often in hopes of getting her to go out with them. No, Leo was something else entirely and he had this little brunette wrapped around his finger. “Not that I could possibly disagree.” the girl admitted with a hint of a smirk, finding his eyes once again. Which, of course she wouldn’t agree with the woman; he was so beautiful, well beyond anything Flor thought she deserved. It wasn’t just his outward good looks that left her feeling this way, either; he was sweet, someone who could make her laugh whenever, selflessly showed his care for her.  He was so, so special to her and it only took a short amount of time for the girl to feel such a way; it was frightening yet exciting, too.
As he clapped along enthusiastically, Flor couldn’t help but giggle at the sight, it was very much unlike him to be so jubilant, but once she felt the brush of his finger tips against her arm she realized why. It already left goosebumps in his wake, and a slow, staggering breath escaped her as she nodded along with the idea. “Mhm,” she hummed, her long fingers gripping onto the fabric of his shirt as he pulled her towards him with ease as she was more than willing to comply with his unspoken demand. Her eyes fluttered to a close as lips touched her forehead, letting herself enjoy how comfortable she felt in his presence and how relaxed he could make her feel with just a few words. It would be a gross lie to say that she didn’t want him; all of him. “Ice cream before dinner, naughty boy,” Flor chastised, a smile against her lips as he pecked her nose. She nuzzled her cheek into his palm before meeting his hues once more, “You’re lucky I like sweets,” she cooed, a devilish look in her eyes as she moved her mouth to wrap her lips around his thumb as his palm was still against her cheek, sucking until she released with a pop.
This time she wasn’t so caught off guard by his demanding hands, and she instead relished in the desire as she wrapped her tanned legs around his waist. He felt strong against her small frame, although Florentina still supported herself a bit as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I say yes,” she quickly affirmed, although she was soon muffled by his lips as she eagerly met his, but still was not disappointed despite the loss of brief contact as he dragged her bottom lip between his teeth. She pressed her fingers into the muscles of his back, tightening her grip around his waist at that. “You can have whatever dessert you want,” she breathed, tilting her jaw up to give him as much of her neck as he desired. Without anyone in the shop now, his lips working against her skin left her breathing subtle moans into the vacant air. His compliments filled her with a confidence that felt like radiance as evident by the smile on her face; she had already squeezed her eyes shut, fingers now tangled in the mess of his dark locks before a louder moan betrayed her lips and she grew bashful. As his lips traveled further down her and was soon to meet her collarbone, she tucked her cheek into the bend of neck and bit down on her lower lip. She knew, for him, he was being delicate with her and she didn’t want her loudness to ruin such sweetness.
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Florentina’s skin felt as soft as petals from a rose against Leo’s lips. Her fingers running through his Raven hair served as an instrument to coax him further to take her. The slight part of her lips was causing a stir below his belt. Everything about the situation was turning him on, from being the only two people in the still unlocked flower shop to her beautiful slender legs being wrapped around his waist. The man could sense though, that his precious little flower wasn’t quite willing to bloom yet. She was holding back, which was all right in a sense because he wanted to save their moment until after dinner but there were means of having fun a little to warm them up. Leo lifted a hand from the counter top and rested it on Flor’s thigh while his lips continued to explore the base of her neck. They finally trailed onto her prominent collarbone, tracing the outline. The hand on her thigh gave it a firm grip before his teeth raked her collarbone as he pulled away to look at her face.
“Baby,” Leo breathed out and brought his hand up from her thigh to cup her cheek again. He enjoyed the teasing he was giving her with every pause he took. He craved to see the wrinkle between her eyebrows as they knitted close together, her mouth partly opened ready to ask what was wrong to which he would reply in a nonchalant and playful tone that nothing was wrong. He just wanted her to beg for him. He wanted to hear her say what she wanted from him. Leo just wanted her. That trick with his thumb in her mouth earlier brought him to euphoria, how much more if it were his manhood. The thought made him smirk and brush his thumb across her plump bottom lip. Leo leaned over and kissed her full on the mouth. Gradually, he tipped his head to the side and intensified their exchange, widening the opening between her lips and slipping his tongue past them to taste her mouth. The last time Leo kissed someone like that had been a while, it was a kiss where lust and intimacy were equally strong not lust over intimacy. It was a kiss he truly enjoyed and would continue to feel on his lips days after. A hushed groan was elicited from his lips, causing hers to quiver with the sound. She tasted as saccharine as she looked and smelled; it almost made him lose control and take her then and there. All of a sudden, Leo pulled away from his sweet Florentina and smirked at her. She should know by then that his smirks served as warnings rather than just an array of his confidence.
Rough and calloused hands crept back and forth Florentina’s thighs, while mossy hazel eyes flickered onto his prize, his candy, his dessert. He vowed not to look yet, nor taste until after dinner but that didn’t mean his hands had to keep away. It just wouldn’t be fair to him, or even Flor who appeared to have been relishing the attention and extra touching. “Look at me.” He urged and locked his gaze onto her rich brown doe-eyes. The hands that were caressing her stems were wandering close to the hem of her top, then swiftly disappeared beneath. “Tell Daddy it’s okay.” He ordered.
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leonardo-fontana · 7 years
The flower shop was a place where most people who walked in made it their home and left their kind of stamp on it one way or another. Whether that be clearing out certain isles of the same flower or requesting a bouquet for a certain holiday every year, it was just a very familiar place for everyone who walked in. Luckily for Flor, that was working to her advantage as Leo was absolutely distracting her from doing her work and she was glad to know that her customers would at least know what they were looking for and where everything was. She was far too occupied with his rough hands on her ass as she stood slotted between his limbs, lips against her cheek and his hot breath sending shivers through her body. With closed eyes, the brunette leaned her cheek against his temple for a little support as his words left her a little breathless. It was a sheer embarrassment: Leo’s affect over her was intoxicating. It surprised her every time and, in hindsight, she knew exactly what to expect as soon as she saw the malicious smirk spread wide across his features. She planted her hands against his knees, supporting herself as he pulled away from her and she met his gaze once more. She shook her head immediately at his question, “No, not too much,” she assured, watching as his eyes averted to something behind her. The warning look on Leo’s face made her cheeks flush, “Definitely not too much.” Flor admitted, a breathy laugh escaping her as he flashed a toothy grin at her.
As Leo stretched his arms above his head, Flor stood up against with her arms at her side, moving her palms from his knees where they previously sat. “I’ll have you know this place was always this small, it just happens to fit me like a glove.” she teased, sticking her tongue out at her boyfriend. Her brow piqued at his head nod, as if signalling her to get back to work. “You’re the one who’s been distracting me,” she defended, pointing a stern finger at the boy before turning back to her work; although she couldn’t resist breaking character with a shake of the head and a smile as he moved her from between his legs. Florentina is a very animated girl as most Italianos are; she uses her hands every time she speaks and cannot limit her facial expressions or neutralize her body language when something affects her. This is why it is especially hard for her to come out from whatever spell Leo could put her in, and he would come to understand that she really does need the little nudges and pushes to get back to business when necessary. She was already thinking of all of the things she would do to distract him and get him in a bit of trouble the next time she stopped into the tattoo parlour. Two could play at this game.
“Si, si, bello, qualunque cosa tu dici.” Florentina called, rolling her eyes as he walked over to one of the customers in the store. She kept an eye on his every so often as she continued to ring out a few more people, tying off the ends of ribbons on baskets and reminding a patron how often to water their daisies. Leo must have had a way with his words, since the woman he was talking up was the last in the shop and as his eyes met Flor’s, all she could do was shake her head. He was man of many talents, or so she was learning more and more with each day; the brunette couldn’t believe he would just chat up a random woman and pretend to be a clerk for the store, feeding her all sorts of nonsense about whatever display she was interested in. It wasn’t long before the woman settled on a couple of different baskets and she came to the register to pay, in which Flor couldn’t resist asking, “How was everything today, ma’am? The clerk who assisted you included?”, an equally smug smile against her lips as she eyed Leo this time. The woman answered politely, saying that the gentleman was very helpful and handsome, which only made Flor light up in a smile as she handed her back her change, agreeing with her. The woman exited with a smile equally as bright, and as the shop was now empty, Flor couldn’t come up with a reason not to close for the day. It was already late enough, right? “So, what do you say, Fontana?” she asked, tossing her bag over her shoulder as she got out from behind the counter, keys jingling in her hand, “Get out of here with me? Go shopping, make dinner, have dessert?” she asked, invading his space now as he was directly in front of her, “Doesn’t necessarily have to be in that order.” 
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The customer Leo attended to was very polite and much more patient than he was, and it was evident considering that he only spoke broken Italian. Over the course of time he spent in quaint Sicily, then dating the most Italian girl there probably is out there, Leo had definitely picked up more words and terms; however, he was quite there yet, not at the least bit enough to make his parents proud. Despite the barrier, he seemed to have convinced the woman; that, or he must have annoyed the will out of her. Regardless of whatever it was, the man was glad that she ended up purchasing his recommendations, but not as much as he was glad he could finally get some alone time with his favorite girl to-date. He watched with slightly furrowed brows and veined forearms folded over his midsection as Florentina cashed out the last customer’s choices. The smug smile on her lips hinted that there might be a bit of girl talk between her and the woman he just assisted, but he didn’t pay much thought to it and focused on how sexy Flor looked whenever she got smug. Before the woman stepped out of the store, Leo called out a goodbye and told her to come again. He might not be around the next time but he wanted the flower shop to prosper as much as he wanted his tattoo shop to. 
Once Florentina shouldered her purse, Leo took a leap from his stance and met her halfway. As Leo approached his then exuberant girlfriend, he narrowed his eyelids in mock suspicion and stood close enough to tower over her in intimidation. “What did you say to the nice lady?” He asked and tried to keep that mock intimidation but her impish nature made it hard for him to keep such a straight face. Never has he ever felt so old by dating someone until Flor. Everything about her screamed young and perky. His jealousy might become an issue in the future, he had already noticed men taking a liking on Flor after all. Who is to say she won’t just slip out of his fingers no matter how dominant and protective he would get over her? “Okay. I have a suggestion.” He grinned and unfolded his arms to clap his hands together in enthusiasm. “How about dessert, get out of here, dessert, go shopping, dessert, make dinner, and then some more dessert.” He implied with a playful wink. Without even giving her a warning, he carefully held onto the strap of her bag and slid it down her arm. Leo spared a quick glance at her eyes before placing the bag on the counter with a smirk. “How about we make the level of dessert taste yummier and yummier until the one after dinner.” He added with a jerk of his brows. His hands slithered around her waist and firmly pressed on her back so he could push her against him. “I’ll have some candy right now,” He whispered and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before removing one hand from her back to rest on her cheek. His thumb caressed her smooth skin as his gaze found hers once again. “Ice cream before dinner.” He added then pecked her feminine nose. “And a whole cake after dinner.” He finished with a boyish chuckle. 
Leo’s hands suddenly grabbed on her rear again and lifted her feet from the ground. He moved an arm around her back for support while the other guided her legs around his waist. He had a rapacious grin on his face the whole time. “What do you say kitten?” He asked as graciously as he could muster in that moment. He placed Flor on the counter without a problem and rested his palms flat on the countertop on either side of her hips. He stole a kiss from her lips, but caught her bottom one between his teeth as he pulled away. “Can I have candy please babygirl?” He whispered and tilted his head on one side to begin kissing below her chin and along her jawline just as he had earlier. His lips lingered on the base of her jaw for a while, whispering compliments to her like how sweet she tasted, and how hungry he was getting before they trailed down the side of her neck.
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leonardo-fontana · 7 years
As Leo wrapped his hand around her waist, resting his laced fingers against the small of her back, it felt a lot like Flor was getting swept off of her feet by him all over again. Maybe this is what it would always feel like with Leo: new. No matter how many times she had felt the brush of skin against her’s or his hands reaching to pull her closer, the petite brunette was so confident that she would never get tired of it. Perhaps she has on rose colored glasses during the past weeks with him, but Flor felt something deep in her heart that seemed to beat only for him; it scared her, feeling so attached to him, and finding joy in actually being attached to him. The physicality and roughness in it had her in a daze, in which all she could do was stare into his mossy hues and smile sweetly back. His words washed over her in a comfort she wasn’t entirely familiar with, one that filled her up from the inside out and she couldn’t stop smiling because of it. Florentina was a native, someone who knew Italy and Italiano like the back of her hand, so hearing Leo utter sweet nothings into her ears in a language that is not the same for him was all the more endearing. He liked to let people think he was a brute, but she knew he was a heartfelt romantic who was willing to share small glimpses of just that with her. The subtle goosebumps that traveling up her arms tingled as he brushed back her hair. “Grazie, bello,” she said quietly, her lips moving into a grin before shaking her head, “I think we can agree on the both of us being lucky?” she posed, her brows arched in question as she found his eyes with hers.
It was as if he had read her mind as Leo leaned towards her to leave a kiss against her lips, for she has full intent on doing the same and met him along the way with equal fervor. Her eyes were still closed as he left her a little breathless with his lips against her neck. It was sweet, yes, but she knew he was doing it to frustrate her. To which she swallowed hard, fluttering her lashes open as she looked back at the boy, “You really know how to drive me crazy, Leonardo.” Florentina warned, although the smirk against her lips betrayed her. Truly, she loved it. ‘It’ being the effect that he has on her and the incredible talent to annoy, please, frustrate, and soothe her all in a few breaths. She’d never met someone who could string together words and emotions and actions quite like him, which was all apart of the thrill in being with Leo. She could only hope to supply him with as much excitement as he did her. “It’s going to get you in trouble soon,” now she was just toying with him as her fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck, skimming her nails against the warm skin there, “You’ll find out later, don’t you worry.”
While Florentina wasn’t usually the kind of girl who grew weak at her knees from a kiss while still at work, she couldn’t deny that she kind of enjoyed it. There was a certain deviance in it, and that kind of behavior was the sort that she was missing from her life. Flor followed rules and retained her professionalism, but she was weak to Leo’s magnetism and charm, so it was far too difficult to say no to him no matter how many customers were in the shop. As she was reminded of where she was in this world, though, a customer tapping their nails against the counter, Flor moved herself from his grip as she had to divert her attention from Leo onto them. The girl quickly churned out a couple of orders as her boyfriend spoke from behind her, tugging on her waist when he felt fit; the physical contact was always appreciated. “Yeah, who dare think of doing such a thing?” she asked sarcastically, rolling her eyes with a smile, letting him tug her towards him again. Her brow piqued as he began to describe her, and amused smirk illuminating her features, “You mean the incredibly beautiful, sweet little thing running around here all day while her boyfriend distracts her with his lips and bizarrely, broccoli?” she posed, challenging in every way, “Yeah, I think she can close up early. Might even be willing to go grocery shopping with you … Gonna have to ask nicely though if you want her to stay the night,” she said, quietly enough so only he’d hear it as she moved between his knees again, “Think she would be willing to say yes to that offer.” she wiggled her brows in return, that smirk never leaving her lips.
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Leo’s bottom lip caught between his teeth as his petite Italiana made her way back into his arms. He resumed the position they had on earlier with his hands clasped together at the small of her back and his mischievous gaze glued to her lips as she spoke such music to his ears. It could get better than that but he would have to wait for the evening, that is if he could coax and charm her. He took it by her display of surprising flirtatiousness and oozing seduction, he might have a chance. It was another side of Flor he quite enjoyed. He enjoyed all sides of her. This one though, might just be one of the most exciting ones yet. Who knew that a man of Leo’s size and outward personality that he would be under a five foot one, bubbly woman’s spell who may or may not be just a tad bit too young for his age? Certainly not Leonardo. The corners of his full lips stretched outwards into a wide wolfish grin. He assumed he knew what she wanted to hear from him, and he wasn’t about to deprive it from her. Not even the mere reality that they were at her workplace with a few customers in presence would prevent him from what he was about to do.
His masculine hands traveled down to her rear, suddenly grasping what he thought was his and pulling her lithe form against his torso. The wide grin had transformed into the malicious smirk she would have been used to by then, before his lips planted a soft kiss upon her cheek, on a spot close to her ear.  Then his lips brushed against her ear, warm breath touched her delicate skin as he whispered provokingly, “I won’t ask nicely.” He returned in a calm yet menacing tone. “It’s either you stay or I’ll have to grab you more roughly than this,” He threatened, emphasizing his statement by pressing on her back end firmly. “and wrap my fingers around your cute little neck.” He finished before pulling away to get a better look at her reaction. It was a risk to show that side of him to a girl he truly liked earlier on in their dating stage, but the more he was with Flor the more difficult it became not to. It was more than her looks that urged him - though her looks really were spot on no doubt - it was her touch, her kiss, her voice, her soul. Selfishly so, he wanted her everything. Leo smiled sweetly and loosened his grip on her rear before sliding his hands up to rest on the small of her back again. “Too much?” He asked and made a face that resembled a wince before having a look around in case anyone was watching them intently. One man at the corner of the store seemed to have creepily been doing so but a look from Leo took care of that. He brought his gaze back at Flor and flashed her a toothy grin before pecking her lips and drawing his arms back. He stretched his long arms and yawned, unable to resist mocking his girlfriend. “God this space is small, no doubt made for a gnome like you.” 
He folded his arms over his midsection and smiled at the customers who he must have annoyed by bringing his personal needs to his girlfriend’s workplace. He then nodded once at Florentina urging her to resume her work like a cocky piece of shit, far from the quiet brood she first met. “Più veloce, bella.  Stiamo andando a fare shopping.” He ushered, removing the positions of his arms and gently moving her away from between his legs. He got up and exited the space behind the counter. Putting on his marketing and sales charms, an important quality of a business owner, and approached a middle-aged woman who seemed to be looking at the expensive flower displays. He introduced himself as a clerk and began to chat her about the artistry and structure of one basket-ed bouquet. Astoundingly enough, she was listening to his sales talk which gave him a sense of satisfaction. Leo glanced at Florentina as the woman eyed another display, and raised a brow at her smugly.
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leonardo-fontana · 7 years
As if Flor didn’t look stupid enough having been entirely dazed from his kiss, she looked just as silly trying to recollect herself; with her grip on his biceps and his hands against her elbows, she was blushing just as fiercely as before and found herself a little weak at the knees. Needless to say, she was grateful he hadn’t let go of her until she let go of him. Leonardo has this thing about him, some aura that she is so not impervious to, and it caused her to be a bumbling, clumsy mess around the boy. Someone may describe acting this was when you really liked a person, to which Flor wouldn’t deny that, but she didn’t want to admit it either. She had only started going out with the man weeks ago – not nearly enough time to fall head over heels for someone and say it out loud. She had been rejected enough in life to fear putting herself out there in such a way, but then again, she had just gotten swept off of her feet in a grandiose kiss in front of a store full of customer, so she was already putting herself out there when it came to Leo. He made expressing herself feel easy.
“Me!? Ungrateful and sarcastic?! No, no, Leonardo, you’ve got the wrong girl,” she teased, arms crossed against her chest, a sternness in her eyes and stubborn in her voice, “I would say it’s the other way around, I’ll have you know! You, sir, are the King of such things.” Florentina said pointedly, although the grin that was spreading across her lips proved that her words weren’t as sharp as she meant them to be. It could be difficult to keep a straight face when engaging in such banter with Leo, especially when she found his brutish charm incredibly attractive; not that it was a challenge of any kind to find him attractive when he’s in any mood, but his calloused tone and expressions set her off a bit and she was just starting to really figure that out. There was still plenty to learn about Leo, and for Leo to learn about her, but that was the beauty in their relationship; they figured out pretty quickly that teasing banter was going to be one of the pinnacles of their relationship, and no matter how crass, it was going to work. So as he continued to tease her, she couldn’t help but place a hand on her hip and the other leaning against the counter directly in front of him, her brow piqued. She tried not to let any sign of a smile or blush show when he called her Thumbelina, which has become a nickname she actually really likes that he calls her because of the story of the character. It’s downright adorable and really reminds her of, well, them. She leaned closer to him once he finished, “What, are you going to say it louder so the whole store will show up?” the brunette asked quietly, a smirk against her lips.
“No, no! I never said I didn’t want it … Or that I didn’t want to join you for dinner at your nice apartment on Saint Lucia street, second floor of the pastry shop Pasticceria Regoli.” Flor admitted, that blush she was trying to suppress was now on full display as she watched the older boy perch himself onto her stool. It was only a few seconds afterwards that her attention was brought back to the customer she was helping, “Mi dispiace, perdona il ragazzo,” she quickly uttered in her beautifully, native tongue as she helped the older gentleman pick out a bouquet for his anniversary. Florentina suggested going for some sweet daisies instead of the traditional roses, but the older man had his eyes set on tradition; it reminded her of someone else in the room who had made it a mini tradition of his to buy a single rose from her. “Si, si, naturalmente,” Flor sang, tying together the roses and wrapping them in a dainty, all-white paper and leaving the natural rope in a bow over it all. She cashed the gentleman out and stood next to the seated boy behind the counter. “You stole my spot, Leonardo,” she scolded, although the smile against her lips betrayed her, “Is that going to be you someday? Leaving my advice for the wind and buying some lucky lady a bouquet of roses?” she asked, intrigue written all over her face as she turned her body to face his, “Maybe that lucky lady can be me? If I join you for dinner tonight … 7, you said? I can bring the broccoli! Someone left some lying around the store today.” she smirked, eyeing the bushel that she abandoned on the counter as she chewed on her nail, waiting for his response as she grew a bit nervous for it.1
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As the words so perfectly spoken, rolled out of his Italian girl’s mouth, Leo’s attention was completely on her. Managing a small flower shop in a not-so-big city within an island may not be the ideal ambition, but seeing Florentina so passionate about a thing and so good about it as well put a genuine smile on his face and utterly melted his heart. Despite his bad Italian-speaking skills - if one could even call it that - Leo understood the conversation Flor was having with the customer. He knew exactly from their exchange and the look on her face that she had thought of him. With Flor it was a burst of emotions, he would often feel two feelings at once if not all the good feelings in the world. That moment, he felt bashful and coquettish at the same time. There might not have been a more different pair of emotions but it was indeed happenings, from the blush on his T-zone to the smugness of his smirking lips. It was an effect unlike any other; he wanted to kiss her again and slide his calloused hands against her soft and silky bare skin. Such thoughts shouldn’t have occurred while at work, or while his girl was trying to be anything but professional; however, Leo’s still a man and he would very much like to show Florentina that. It would be his move tonight, but \to be subtle was needed first.
His gaze traveled down to her neck, passing her shoulders, grazing her slim waist and beautiful hips; only did it snap back upwards to her plump lips as the customer left with the neatly wrapped bouquet of roses. He was familiar with those roses. His eyebrows shot upwards at her playful question. Leo already knew what she wanted to hear him say. He knew she wanted that lady to be her; and it will be her. A deep chuckle escaped his shapely lips before he slid a hand around her waist until it rested at the small of her back. He pulled her against him by her tiny waist, his other hand met the one on her back and his fingers interlaced to lock her in place. No doubt Florentina was a small girl, but she filled the space completely and her body was so warm against his. He released a sigh, craning a neck then slouching over her small figure. His mossy hazel eyes stared into hers as a sweet smile crept across his lips. “Si, La mia bella rosa italiana.” He said in response to the former question. For a few quick seconds, he unlocked his fingers to tuck some of her babyhair behind her ear. It was kind of funny to think about how he advanced on that side of the counter with the pretty store clerk, from being the weirdo on the other side, always buying a single rose. She must have thought he had a dying lover, or a dead one in that context. “The spot is reserved for you.” He added to answer the latter question with a boyish chuckle. “And the lucky one between us two, is me.”
Leo couldn’t help himself and stole a kiss on her lips, then tilted his head to one side to give a softer one right below her jawline. It was sweet, yet he meant it to be slightly taunting. He wasn’t really sure how the customers felt about his presence in the shop, although he could guess it may have annoyed them, considering that he’s stealing away the attention of the clerk; but, quite frankly, he couldn’t care less in that moment. He couldn’t even spare a single fuck about store policy on clerks making out with their former-customer-now-boyfriend. He pulled away from her with a smirk and followed her gaze to the Broccoli he presented to her. “What a douche, who leaves Broccoli lying around huh?” He asked jokingly and lightly tugged on her waist. His gaze found her face once more as he continued to speak with a grin. “Unfortunately, that Brocolli isn’t enough.” He announced like it was devastating news. “Could you page my girlfriend? I think you know her, she works here. Small, kind of annoying, cute dimples...” He described for Flor’s amusement. “I need to know if she can close up by lunch so we can go grocery shopping together for our romantic dinner.” He purred, wiggling his brows impishly at her.
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leonardo-fontana · 7 years
Florentina is a pretty girl who’s learned to keep to herself for much of her life, only letting her true self shine through when she deemed fit; it was easier that way … kept her from getting hurt. She is unapologetically her, that isn’t the problem; no, the problem is that such a sweet and kind looking girl such as herself often gets labeled immediately. She was written off from ever being the girl that someone could have fun with, the girl that you could swear around, the girl that you could grab by the waist and smack a kiss square against her lips. Florentina just figured it was all in her Italian Beauty image and it had nothing to do with her personality, but more than anything, that it was never meant as an insult. The boys never looked at her as someone fun or wild, but rather as a prim and proper girl who wears light pink lipstick and never speaks back; that’s not Flor though, and it never has been. She’s not afraid to voice her opinions and speak her mind, but she’s found solace in accepting such an image all at the same time, too. With Leo, over the past weeks, she’s found herself being able to melt each side of her seamlessly together without facing an ounce of judgement from the boy, just acceptance.
Whenever he brings her little, thoughtful gifts or showers her in those boyish compliments that barely make it past his lips without a smirk, Florentina is reminded of that. The fact that he hasn’t rejected her, and that a man like him, so dark and brooding, can find her interesting enough to go out on multiple dates with is special to her. It helps that she’s finding herself enjoying every second of her time with him, too, however. He’s opened her eyes to a world she hadn’t really been exposed to: one of pure joy and excitement. Everyday feels like a brand new and fresh one with him, as he keeps the little brunette on her toes, always. Being all muscles and tattoos likely labels him too; Leo’s probably written off from society too … maybe that’s why the pair have found themselves becoming just that: a pair. At heart, Flor is an intellectual, and she’s quickly come to realize that Leo is too, and it’s becoming one of her favorite things about him. He challenges her in new ways all of the time, mentally and physically and emotionally. It’s why whenever he shows up with surprises for her, she tries to surprise him within the next few days with something totally out there like a random assortment of flowers, or a “Word a Day” calendar, or lately, a Polaroid picture of her bare, uninked skin just under lace or on the inside of her fingers. As she always says, she “documented another blank canvas” whenever she hands him a new photo, which tends to get a blush out of both of them.
Leo was responsible for her confident spontaneity, and her deviation from all of the norms she placed on herself/was placed on her, but still, she had a schedule to stick to and it included work. So that meant every Sunday morning she would spend her time at the shop tending to all of her customers, which is exactly where she was when she was so swiftly interrupted by a pair of hands against her back and a set of lips crashing down against her; she had just finished answering a customer’s question when she was so happily caught off guard. She made a small squeak of a noise, her mouth quick to react to the one she was growing so familiar with, kissing her boy back as her fingers wrapped around his biceps for support, stumbling into his towering chest. As he pulled away, the petite girl grew so dazed that she clung to his arm a little longer than usual before fluttering her eyes open and swallowing as she looked up at him, “G’morning,” she said quietly, letting go of him as she sheepishly grinned. Her eyes danced past his, past his lips, his collarbones, right down to his fingers that were wrapped around a bushel of broccoli, to which her brows became immediately furrowed, matching the patrons that were in her store currently. “Broccoli!” she exclaimed, her brows now shooting up, “Oh, Leo, you shouldn’t have! How lucky of a lady am I,” she teased, gradiouse in her gestures as she took the makeshift bouquet from his hand and held it proudly. “To what do I owe this treat?” Teeny asked, a smirk against her lips that suppressed a laugh that wanted to escape.
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Leo released a breath that he didn’t know he was holding in the first place when she finally responded. Despite their age, Florentina was younger than him and she was a very dogmatic girl. In this day and age there was no doubt that she had thoughts about getting grabbed without warning and kissed without consent like that. As she was seemingly still in shock and composing herself, he thought that maybe he should have asked first. He thought maybe consent was the new “wordlessly grab her by the waist and kiss her!” romantic gesture. Regardless of his contemplation, a  corner of his mouth quirked upwards into an eloquent smirk - as it always does whenever they would touch each other subconsciously. He didn’t know it was the brushing of their skin that established such reflex, he just felt that it was nice. Leo cupped a hand gently on her elbow to support her as she re-collected herself. As soon as she withdrew her hold on his arm, he reciprocated: letting go and smiling just as sheepishly. He felt her gaze burning through his skin, it would have turned him on if it weren’t for the customers staring too. Then again, he thought, who would look away from the small scene he’s caused in the little flower shop. They must have thought it appalling.
“What? You think I can’t sense ungratefulness and sarcasm?” Leo teased back, sporting a more brutish expression on his face as if he was challenging her to fight him there and then. The more time they spent with each other, naturally the more time they grew closer; and the more time they grew closer, the more they teased each other to the point that others might find their playful banters mean.It never bothered Leo how such a petite woman could roast him in 360 degrees, skewered on a spit, and it never seemed to bother her how he deliberately challenged her with every opportunity that he could find. In fact, he found it quite endearing, quite like the slightly offensive and colorful names he called her special Italian little lady. “You don’t want my Broccoli, huh Thumbelina? I will happily take it back to my kitchen and cook that lovely dinner tonight at 7 PM for myself.” He threatened playfully as a form of response to her question. “Without your presence! Which I originally planned to conjure into my very nice apartment.” He added as if his former statement wasn’t enough. “My nice apartment which is located on Santa Lucia street second story of that pastry shop Pasticceria Regoli.” He pointed out for her information.
He furrowed her brows at her, and narrowed his eyelids. Slowly, he began to nod before leaning against the counter sideways, with his elbows on the top and his fingers laced together. “If you don’t want to give my Broccoli back then you may carry on with your job.” He ushered and gestured for her to pick up where she had left off before his rude interruption. He then turned his attention to the staring customers and gave them a friendly, yet sort of intimidating smile.“Move along as well.” He added before taking a seat on Flor’s tall stool behind the counter. He nearly laughed knowing why she needed such a seat but opted to mock her about it later. Out of annoying habit, he drummed his short fingernails on the counter-top and whistled a tune to keep him occupied.
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leonardo-fontana · 7 years
Perhaps one of the most timeworn and meaningless words in the English language was “Serendipity”, Leo thought. He’s read the books, watched the damn movie, and heard all the songs; yet it remained a wonder as to what these authors have been talking about. Until his move to Italy, it was a word for the Romantics who have used it as some kind of fancy-word coating to bring flavor into their art pieces. Leo did not indulge himself into such nonsense even though that deep down, he knew he had the romantic in him thanks to his still-in-love Italian parents. It just never happened in real life the way others have made it seem through lovey-dovey compositions. Even if they did happen in a non-romantic sense, people didn’t call it serendipity. They called it luck, and it wasn’t quite as beautiful.
Then he walked into a quaint flower shop on a street close to his Tattoo shop. Something beckoned him which he first mistook for a need to add rose sketches to his portfolio. He continuously fucked it up until his rose withered and he had to buy another one, and another one, and another. The lovely girl behind the counter laughed at him. It wasn’t romantic, and it was pretty rude at first, but she was pretty, and funny, and  unmistakable. It was luck. Their first date was the best he’s had so far, their second was better than the last. In the next weeks, and the next dates, they’ve grown more and more fond of each other. Suddenly, it wasn’t luck. It was what they called Serendipity, and Leo found himself dumbfounded by such a feeling. It was true what they said, you will never see Serendipity coming. Ever since their first date, Leo has found himself bringing Florentina gifts that aren’t flowers or even chocolates. He would often bring her things that may seem unusual, like a short stack of comic books to read, some kitty ears headband just so he could find an excuse to call her kitten, or just some more of his sketches. He was practically as smitten as a schoolboy. 
It was a Sunday morning and Leo was having his usual cup of black coffee. His thoughts began to wander away from the bills on the dining table that he was trying to sort out. There was an Italian girl who managed a flower shop. She was going to be kissed today in the most grand gesture. With that, he grinned, set the paperwork aside and prepared to take his Italian girl on a date. He went to the flower shop bearing a bouquet of broccoli - a part within his plans for their date that day. With a wide smile painted across his face, he entered the store and went straight for Florentina. Not saying a single word, he placed his free hand on the small of her back and pulled her against him. He leaned in and gave her a long passionate kiss in front of the customers. So it wasn’t slow, or romantic to most. It was sudden, and quite shocking; to Leo, it was a grand gesture. It said ‘fuck off, she’s mine’ in American English. It was Serendipity. He pulled away and held the broccoli between them. “Good morning.” He greeted, evidently breathless from the kiss.
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( @chellyrps )
19 notes · View notes
leonardo-fontana · 7 years
Truth be told, Florentina hadn’t been on as many ‘first dates’ as she was sure Leo had been on. She was a quiet girl, no doubt beautiful, but quiet, which wasn’t usually a quality that made getting asked on dates the easiest thing in the world. Which probably explains why she was far too nervous to ever ask Leo why he was in the shop so often and if it were a pretty girl he was buying single roses for, and it definitely explains why she found herself feeling a little more nervous than usual. She was merely a twenty three year old who still felt like a giddy little girl whenever she was around Leo, and he was far from a boy. What he was doing with her instead of someone a little more deserving of such a handsome man was beyond her, but Florentina wasn’t going to question anything. Whether or not it was his intent, Leonardo was responsible for the sparks of courage and confidence that was starting to surge through Florentina. She outwardly giggled at his comments to the thick-accented young boy behind the counter, smiling at her date in a bit of fondness as he left the change for the attendant. He hadn’t even given her a chance to reach for her bag and argue that she would pay for herself, and it was a very gentlemanly thing to do, one that Florentina would remember. As Leo grabbed their shoes and socks, a smile was still spread across her lips as she said, “Thank you, by the way. You didn’t have to pay for me, bello.”. The petname rolled off of her tongue as naturally as if she were talking to someone she had known for years; that alone scared her a little. His comment about having a large shoe size caught her off guard, and was certainly the reason her palms were getting a little clammy. She simply smiled to herself, biting down on her lip as she followed him over to the crescent couch.
“Like it? I love it! It’s a really beautiful place, Leo, I’m surprised you shared it with me on the first date.” Florentina teased, shooting him a glimpse of her pearly whites on full display. Something about him made her want to make every reply playful and fresh, almost as if he was something entirely new to her life that she needed to understand and impress; he is, just that, in fact, perhaps just a little unbeknownst to her. Nonetheless, she then focused her attention onto her shoes as she took the cue, undoing her own laces and peeling off her dainty white socks with a lace detailing at the hem; it was all about the details with Flor. “Hm?” the brunette uttered, immediately glancing down at his feet before quickly covering her eyes, letting out a playful giggle as she registered what he said, “Sorry, sorry, I won’t look if you don’t want me to. Promise.” she grinned, lowering her hand to look into his eyes now, taking the second pair of socks that he had left for her. She shook her head at his comment about them, that grin never faltering, “Well you’re the one who brought up what they said about big feet,” she quipped, finding herself bumping her shoulder into his arm again, “Big socks. I’m sure we’ll both look great in these things.” Florentina teased, holding up her own pair before focusing to slip them on herself. Tugging them on, they almost hit her knee, and the bright red lines surprisingly brought out some of the dark pink tones in her romper, so she decided to keep them instead of folding them down. Once she stuffed her feet into the shoes and tied them in a neat bow, she tucked her lacy socks into her Converse carefully and got up from the couch. “So, what do you think?” she asked playfully with a giggle, doing a little twirl before extending a leg to show off the ridiculous pair of socks.
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Leo kept his deep and mossy eyes on his socks until he felt her bony shoulder touch his arm. There was a cheeky smile already plastered on his face about her recent response. Funny, he was a bit scared and thought of himself as an idiot for bringing up that myth about men with large feet. He initially thought she would turn awkwardly silent out of discomfort, or distantly cold out of repulsion for being lewd. That was, if she had even thought he was being lewd. A wave of relief washed over him upon getting the sign that she hadn’t. When he looked up he found himself looking at that shoulder that touched him. It would be utterly wrong for most people but Leo suddenly found himself attracted to her gaunt shoulder just as he has always found curves sexy on a woman. He knew though, that his preference did not matter anymore, it was Flor’s regarding her own body. She was coy yet confident, it was an entirely new paradox he was introduced to. Most women he’s dated in the past were usually so outgoing in contrast to what his friends and family would refer to is his broodiness. The point was, she was comfortable enough in her body and may Anteros help him, it was tantalizing. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat as his gaze averted to the socks she was putting on. He allowed himself to laugh in amusement at how short she was. It was more of an adorable trait of hers than a turn off. Yeah Florentina wasn’t exactly Adriama Lima - who Leo has been in love with since forever - with her long legs and...well, long legs; but Flor took cute in all other levels. His stare followed her as she stood and twirled for him. He would definitely want to keep her around, who knows what else she’d do for him other than twirling. Slowly, his gaze traveled down to the tip of her bowling shoes then back up to her slightly bare knees, the hem of her romper, the curve of her breasts, the prominent lines and shallow dents which composed of her collar bone, then finally back up to her elegant face. He could only allow himself to smirk briefly before making a face depicting distaste. “Tacky. I think you’d have to work hard now to get me to ask you out again.” He joked before ducking his head to slip his bowling shoes on and lace them up.
Once he was finished securing the laces of his bowling shoes, Leo looked up at Flor with a simpl stretch of his lips. He stood from the half-moon couch and toward over her, their bodies merely inches apart from one another. “You having fun?” He interviewed with a smirk, crossing his muscular arms over his midsection. Leo would never mindlessly flex, and least to say his forearms and biceps at the time were working their charms. “Do you want to make this more fun?” He followed up, the corner of his lips that were curved upwards quirked after his question. “Loser does something for the winner?” He suggested, jerking his brows. “I’d be down for loser pays money big dough but you seem like a sweet girl Florentina. I would peg you as a law abiding citizen.” He teased with a wink before chuckling softly at his own playful taunt. “But it’ll be your choice what happens. Chivalry isn’t all dead, it’s lady’s choice,” He added to avoid creeping her out, if he was creeping her out. “...for tonight.” He finished with a one-shoulder shrug and a smirk quickly turning into a cheeky smile.
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leonardo-fontana · 7 years
The brunette blushed at the sight of a flustered Leo as her fingers swept through his hair; it was endearing, but really she was just happy to know she had some kind of effect over the boy. He was tall and all muscle and tattoos ran, seemingly, up and down his entire body: not the usual guy that found himself attracted to Flor or Flor attracted to them. But there was a softness behind this boy’s dark and occasionally brooding, she noticed, eyes which really intrigued her. She let out a huff of a laugh at his comment, ducking her head once again, “You’ll learn I’m not a very hard person to please.” she replied, a glimmer of hope in her eyes; hope that he would come to find that out on another date of theirs. Given the idea that nothing absolutely detrimental happened tonight, Florentina would definitely like to see him again like this, not just as a mysterious customer in her shop. She narrowed her eyes at him, though still with a smile against her lips, “Why do I get the feeling that you’re going to make an exception for little ole me and make fun of me outloud, outside of your head, hm?” she posed, amusement in her tone and it showed in her now softened features as a smirk spread across her face. He was being playful, mocking her appropriately when he had gotten the chance; it was a quality Florentina knew she would love and hate at the same time. As she began to make her way towards the entrance, she waited for him at the door with a nod, a blush now hidden behind the red neon lights that illuminated against them.
Upon entering the bowling alley, Florentina was a bit dazed and dazzled. It was electric, quite literally, but quaint too. With neon lights filling the space, dancing across the obviously hand crafted Renaissance architecture, it immediately caught her attention and she was all kinds of wrapped up in the beauty of it all. She was very impressed with Leo’s first choice of a date for the two of them, so much so that she would have missed him walking towards the counter if she wasn’t also just as focused on him. Once at the counter, she looked up at the obviously exhausted young man behind the register, to which she shared a comforting smile with as Leo spoke. This was to no avail, however, as she playfully rolled her eyes at his quip directed at her, and she lightly pushed her shoulder into arm, as he was much taller than her. “Don’t listen to him, he’s the child,” she teased, a grin against her features as she looked from Leo back to the baseball capped boy, “I’ll take a size 5 US.” she said, shaking her head in amusement among seeing his small smile. As he collected their shoes, Florentina silently thanked herself for having worn her Converse and not having to subject herself to slipping her bare feet into a pair of shoes worn by plenty of others. Truly, she thought, that was one of the charms of bowling anyways. “Prego,” she thanked as she took her shoes down from the counter, glancing at the pair he had taken for Leo, “Oh, look, I came here with the legend Big Foot himself.” the petite brunette teased, finding herself more comfortable and daring in doing so. Biting back a smile, she looked up at Leo with a playfulness in her eyes. 
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The nudge Leo received from harmless little Florentina didn’t really budge him that much, considering his size compared to hers. In fact, it didn’t budge him at all,  which only made the man chuckle in amusement. Florentina was right about him, he was making an exception for her. She was an exception. “Technically Flor, a size five U.S. is a kiddie size.” He teased further more. It seemed as though the night was going smoothly, and not the boring kind of smooth. It was the kind that made a brooding, slightly uptight, tough-exterior man such as Leonardo Fontana want to spend more nights that way, with the same exact person. No matter how redundant those nights would appear in the long run, it might always feel like the first time. It was undeniably too early to talk about deep infatuation, but Leo wasn’t getting any younger, and he’s dated a fair amount. The infatuation was indeed real and it was standing right next to him disguised in a floral pastel romper and a pair size five U.S. white converse. His mossy hazel eyes followed the boy behind the counter as he retrieved two pairs of shoes in their sizes. He reached into his back pocket to extract his wallet then opened it to grab a few bills. “Two good clean pair of socks too please.” He requested and placed the money on the counter. After the young man placed the shoes from the counter with a simple stretch of his lips into a humorless smile, he opened a drawer to retrieve two pairs of brand new packaged socks. “Here you go.” The boy said with a thick Italian accent. He took Leo’s money and punched it in while Leo leaned over to tell him something. “Keep the change. Buy yourself something.” He offered with a warm smile before turning to Florentina with the socks on one hand, and his other grabbing the bowling shoes and sliding them off the counter. “Well you know what they say about men with big feet.” He smirked and sneakily winked at his date before sauntering off towards an empty lane.
Before they were given the lane, Leo spoke to the manager and paid for the spot. He thanked the short Italian man before he and Flor were left alone at the crescent couch next to the bowling balls. He gestured for her to sit before plopping down with a sigh of content. “Do you like the place?” He asked his date as he bent down to untie the laces of his heavy black Timberlands. It wasn’t the ideal motorbike kind of shoes but he loved his Timberlands. He slipped them off, along with his socks before shoving the pair inside one boot. If it weren’t for the colorful neon illuminating the whole alley, Flor could probably tell he was blushing. Showing his bare feet on the first date wasn’t part of his plan. Then again, he wasn’t the ‘planning’ sort of person when it came to dates. Unless that date involved a lot more serious matters, like an engagement, or a honeymoon. Still, Leo felt embarrassed, as embarrassed as a 28-year-old showing his bare feet to his cute, slightly younger, date. His hand reached for the larger pair of socks but his eyes were on Flor. “Don’t look at my feet.” He growled jokingly as he tore the pack open. He reached in with two fingers to extract the pair then held it up to reveal tube socks with bright red lines. “Oh wow! Tube socks!” He grinned as he wiggled it for emphasis. “I bet these would look sexy on me.” He snorted before slipping them on.
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leonardo-fontana · 7 years
Florentina knew that she was the kind of girl who looked like she walked straight out of a fairy tale: golden skin and a slim figure, gentle features and big, brown eyes. Alas, this was an image she embraced but also one that she did not always adhere to. Leonardo teasing her about it already had the pink returning to her cheeks, if it had ever left in the first place, that is. With a smirk that spread across her lips, she looked up at him with soft eyes, “As long as you wouldn’t regret agreeing to tattooing me on the first date, I don’t have any reservations.” the brunette replied easily, looking down to admire the drawing once again. It was beautiful, truly, and she carefully tucked it into the pocket of her cross-body bag. Once having through she had secured the helmet onto her head, she looked to Leo for reassurance, but apparently she had done something wrong. Which, it didn’t surprise her; she could stray from her golden goddess image from time to time, but that never included riding on the back of a motorcycle with a date. As he tightened the straps, a shiver ran down her bare arms from such close contact, and Florentina could feel the butterflies start to flutter. “Grazie, bello.” she said quietly, a small smile lighting up her features as she tried to regain some control over her emotions. 
It was his comment about her makeup that really got to her, far more than even she anticipated. In such a flustered state, all she could squeak out was a subtle, “Okay,” just before biting down on her lip as he slid the gloves onto his calloused hands. He was being cheeky yet suave; something Florentina wasn’t used to. More often than not, if a guy was to flirt with her so blatantly, it came off a little too strong and almost creepy, but Leo made her feel comfortable. It’s why she found herself leaving open invitations rather than feeling pressured to flirt back. Once he was settled on the bike and patted for her to join, she swung her leg over the back and her body fit snug against his. It all still felt so new, and no matter how easy she was finding it to be with Leo, it was comforting to know that he was feeling a little nervous too. She smiled as he turned to face her, shaking her head, “Ah, bello, you’re company is more than enough,” she said genuinely, “Besides, there are plenty of places I haven’t explored yet. Maybe we can try them out together?” the brunette offered with a much wider smile, finding her confidence more and more as her nerves began to calm. But that calm went out the window as soon as she felt his fingers wrap around hers, and she let him guide her arms to wrap around his waist. She felt secure against him; like a glove, she fit perfectly behind him. An airy giggle escaped her lips, shaking her head fondly, “I’m gonna hold you to it.” she teased, her chin against his shoulder as to make sure he’d hear her.
Having been her first motorcycle ride, it truly couldn’t have gone much better. She noticed how careful Leo was, and how effortless he moved and maneuvered. It was obvious he had been riding for years, and it made for Flor to just be able to take in the beauty speeding past them. She didn’t even think about where they were going, as she was too lost in enjoyment. The cool, Sicilian air was blowing through her hair and she had her arms wrapped around the definition of a tall, dark, and handsome man; she felt on top of the world. It wasn’t until he began to slow down a bit that she pieces together where they were going, and it wasn’t a sign that he had ever recognized; this alone excited her. As he flicked the bike into park and stripped himself of his helmet, she did the same, and smiled at his ruffled hair. Reaching her hand out, her slipped her fingers through his dark curls and smoothed it out, nodding in approval once she was finished. “I love to bowl, just having been in a long time,” she admitted with a sheepish grin, “So don’t make fun of me when I inevitably suck, okay?” Florentina requested, giggling as she ducked her head. She tucked her locks behind her ear after dismounting the bike, readjusting her bag against her shoulder before making her way towards the door. “Are you coming or what?” she teased, looking over her shoulder as he was now a few paces behind.
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Leo couldn’t prevent the smile that crawled across his lips as her fingers touched his scalp. It was playful, he knew that for sure; yet it could have been an act of subtle intimacy as well, which he woudn’t mind getting from Florentina. The purpose of asking her out was not to wake up in bed with her the next morning, but he liked her touch, and if possible, he wanted some more. It would take time to earn it; because Florentina was no easy girl, and he knew she deserved his respect. He was willing to wait, but heaven knows, her simple touch made a grown man melt. “I’m relieved that you do.” He spoke up and gave her a tiny smile. Once again, if she wasn’t sincere about liking the activity, it didn’t show on her pretty little face. Leonardo already felt like a lucky man. “I can’t promise you that I won’t because I like making fun of people,” He replied with a cheeky smirk, running his gaze from her face, down to her toes. “Don’t worry though,” He added quickly. “I only make fun on people inside my head.” He stated, in a mocking assuring tone, as an afterthought. For the briefest moment, Leo looked away from her as he dismounted his motorcycle and pulled the key out of ignition. When he looked back up only to be faced by Florentina’s impish smile as she looked back at him from over her shoulder, he paused. “I’m coming.” He finally uttered after a few seconds then followed her towards the entrance. A smile was painted on his ghostly pale skin, illuminated by the red neon lights of the venue’s sign.
Bowling Brunswick was an aesthetically pleasing artist’s dream of a leisure place. It was a mixture of historical and vintage neon art which never failed to inspire Leo despite the fact that he has already visited the place once before. He could still recall the first time, his expression depicted awe, and his hands itched for his sketchbook and pencil. The place wasn’t crowded but the customers weren’t only a few number if people either. Leo didn’t know whether or not to put his hand on Florentina’s back as he lead them towards the counter. He wouldn’t know how she would feel about his touch. SO as to avoid being the creepy type to Florentina, he kept his hands in his pockets until they arrived at the counter. The person behind it was a young Italian boy;  he looked about Florentina’s age minus the youthful glow. Dark circles were painted beneath his tired eyes, and a red baseball cap laid backwards on top of his head, hiding most of his unruly light brown hair. “Two hours. One size 15 US and...” He turned to Florentina, offering her a small smile. “What’s your shoe size shorty?” He asked in a teasing manner, that smile quickly transformed into an impish smirk. “Do you have any children’s shoes?” He asked the young man behind the counter who, for the first time since they got there, actually smiled. Leo simply flickered his eyes at Florentina and braced himself for her reaction.
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leonardo-fontana · 7 years
leonardo-fontana : For you, from me
Toeing out of the shop, Florentina could feel Leonardo’s eyes falling immediately onto her, and that was when she began to feel the heat creep up from her neck and sweet across her cheeks. The look in his eyes and the smug smile against his lips caused a shiver to run down her arms, and not because she felt exposed under his eyes, but rather thrilled instead. As the warm sun washed over her skin, she had to hope that it looked as if that’s what was leaving the pink hues against her face instead of the unintended blush. She felt a little more at ease as his eyes made their way up to her own, and she shared the smile that he was offering her. Which, she would remember vividly, because he didn’t seem like a boy who smiled very much and it sure did look good on him. It was upon his smile that she could feel the fluttering in her tummy start right up, and she knew she was in for it from that moment on. 
“Si, siete in tempo,” she said confidently with a nod, a grin spread across her lips. It was a relief that he caught onto what she was trying to do as he ducked down a bit so she could easily get her lips to his cheeks. And just as he ducked and she lifted herself onto her toes, she caught a hint of his cologne and it went right to her head, a little dazed as she settled back onto her heels. He smelled masculine and dark, with perhaps a hint of vanilla, she couldn’t quite place it, but it put her in a bit of a trance. This boy could wrap her around his finger without much of a fight, and Floretina was in trouble because of it. Her smiled widened with his boyish laugh, but this time there was a tint of embarrassment that warmed her cheeks. “I guess I did,” she admitted, letting out a breathy chuckle as she ducked her head before looking back up at him once she heard his thanks. A sheepish grin graced her features, a little nervous as she said quietly, “Sei il benvenuto, e grazie.”
His sudden exclamation sparked her from her daze, to which she was silently grateful of, and it was what peeked her attention as she stood a little straighter with her attention focused on him, and then his hands as he moved to hand her sometimes. Her face melted into a fond grin as he seemed to be sharing a piece of himself with her, and she moved her eyes from his to the paper that now sat in between her fingers, unraveling it delicately. It was nothing shy of art, and her eyes widened a bit and with her brows raised, she traced the pad of her finger over the precise lines. “It’s beautiful,” she said, looking up at him as her mouth was left agape, looking back down to marvel at it, “Truly, thank you, I … I love it. Will you, uh,” she stuttered, not sure how to piece together the words, “On me, will … Will you tattoo this on me?” the brunette asked sheepishly, although a smile lighting up her eyes as she looked up at the boy. The blush that she could see across his cheeks made her feel a little more at ease, and she could feel her pulse calm down to something a little more steady as he pointed to his bike. Which, stood beside them, and was exactly what she expected him to be riding in; it was black and elegant and so something she was not used to. Nonetheless, she nodded happily, “Motorcycle is perfect.” the brunette said with a smile, blushing at his compliment once again. “It’s okay, you can mess up my makeup,” she said with a subtle smirk, taking the helmet that she presumed was for her off of the seat and she placed it atop her head, adjusting the strap beneath her chin, “Like this?” she asked for reassurance, smoothing her hands over the surface of the helmet.
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A breath of relief exited Leo’s mouth upon getting quite the positive response from his date regarding the motorcycle. Though he was still unsure if Flor actually meant that it was indeed “perfect” and she wouldn’t mind the helmet, or if she was just always too sweet to say anything; he was still grateful that she didn’t show any signs of hesitance or disappointment. “Are you sure you want it tattooed on you already? It’s only the first date. I don’t want you to regret your request.” He teased her with a chuckle.  One corner of his mouth tugged upwards into a crooked smile, that same crooked one he had when he asked her out. It was as if he didn’t even know that he was smiling. “No.” He replied, but the correct answer was “Yes. Just like that.” The man just needed an excuse to get his fingers as close to her full, desirable lips as possible. With both his hands, he pretended to tighten the straps beneath her dainty chin. Once he was finished, he gently patted the side of her helmet and grinned boyishly. “There. Perfecto.” He laughed then mounted his Ducati. “Because you gave me permission to mess up your make-up..” He began as he pulled out a pair of fingerless leather gloves from his jackets pocket. ��Consider it done by the end of the night.” He smirked to himself as he kept his head bent while putting them on. He nearly chuckle at the fact that such a sweet girl such as herself could be so bold as to flirt with a heavily tattooed guy with a few years her senior. To Leo, she was beginning to appeal as sexy rather than cute.
After securing his gloves, Leo grabbed his helmet and slid it over his head. Whilst turning his head to the side to look at Florentina, he patted the seat behind him as an invitation for her to hop on. “Honestly Florentina,” He spoke up as he affixed the straps of his helmet. “I don’t know where to take you that’ll impress you like I want to impress you.” He admitted and twisted his body to face sidewards to get a better look at her. “You’re the native Sicilian, so I suspect that you’ve already explored the island yourself.” He added as he turned his body to face ahead, his gaze scanning the street they were situated in. Sicily looked as romantic as Paris at night, if not more. It was a chance, and he anticipated it. “But I hope my company won’t disappoint.” He finished with a smile, hidden beneath the helmet. It was a good thing she couldn’t see him blushing like a schoolboy once again. Although a part of Leo did wish Flor could, so she would be assured that he was as sincere as anyone who looked like him could be. “Hold tight.” He commanded rather than suggested. Without hesitance, He reached back with both hands and held hers, guiding them around his torso and putting them together. Her hands were warm, and far too small which was perfect for his calloused ones. Everything was perfect. “Not to brag but, prepare for the night of your life.” He joked, laughing at his own lame humor. With a couple of kicks- back for the support and down for the engine -Leo twisted one handle and brought the motorcycle to life. He took a glance back before pulling away from the flower shop and into the Sicilian night.
The feeling was obviously different with someone sitting behind him on the motorcycle. Even more so when it was a woman he was trying to impress. Leo was tempted to speed up, to show her that he was some wildcard, ready to sweep her off her feet; however, that wasn’t the real him. He was quiet, quite brooding really, and quite a shy man hence the lack of conversation during his earlier visits at the flower shop. Why stop there if she could have been attracted to the shyness? He decided to be someone who might be able to get the girl for a bit longer than expected, for once. He decided to be himself. Having considered that, Leo thought that he would never take someone out on a typical movie theater, or expensive restaurant on the first date. Throughout the ride around town, taking random routes as he thought of a fun place to go, Leo recalled the places he’s been to. The first idea that popped out was the night out he had with a few neighbors and his assistant. The place made him happy so he thought to share the memory with Flor. In a matter of minutes, they arrived at their destination. Leo parked the car at the side of the pavement and unfastened his straps. He slid the helmet off and ruffled his hair in a careless attempt to fix it before glancing over his shoulder at Flor. “I hope you like bowling.” He said with a sheepish smile before turning his attention at the neon lit sign that read ‘Bowling Brunswick’ over a historical looking building. It was an odd yet satisfying sight. All Leo hope of at that moment was that Flor wouldn’t think too strangely of his taste.
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