lavenderhyrdrangea · 29 days
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 2 years
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spring 🌷 aesthetic
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 2 years
To any fic writers who worry they are wasting their time... I read a fic for a relatively small and inactive fandom about three years ago. And there was one specific scene where a character watched another dancing like an idiot to a beyonce song and it was so sweet and loving that even now years later I have that song on one of my spotify playlist so every once in a while it will play and remind me of that fic, and every time it does I smile and feel a little happier.
The stats on a fic will never really tell you if your writing touched someone. There's no numerical way to show you what impact you made. Maybe you are wasting time, or maybe you are writing something that someone will remember for a long time, something that will never fail to make them smile.
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
It is Officially Twitches Season
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
Lo and behold, at last I finally able to watch this masterpiece anime movie✨ I'm utterly left ugly crying after watching this😭 The animation is so ethereal and immaculate, that I am deeply awestruck🔥 Words can't suffice how I can't grasp to describe this movie but this is entirely rated engrossing and enticing🤧👌 Plus this words from Rengoku Kyojuro hits different🥺
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
If you’re here for my Fallout fics. Don’t worry. I’m still working on those. They’ll just take a little longer.
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
Hey everyone! Long time no see. I’ve started working on a long fic in the middle of this madness going on. I hope you like it! If you’d like to take a look click here or click the link on the side of my blog. If you’re curious about the premise--Look no further. Read more down below.
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Determined, disciplined and dexterous—Sicily Ryder was everything needed in an Alliance Engineer and then some. This makes her sudden termination all the more shocking. No matter.  She was a Ryder and if there was anything they did well it was taking matters into their own hands. Signing up with the Andromeda Initiative, she hoped to grow beyond the  hand shaped bruise the Alliance left on her cheek. Fast forward six-hundred years, and she has to do a lot more than reinvent herself after a career lost. Now the last remaining member of the Ryder Clan, she must carry the load of Initiative on her back whilst  fighting her feelings about her supposed savior, SAM. Her latest stint finds her in Kadara where she must answer a great many questions. What’s up this Reyes guy? Who exactly is the Charlatan? What do the Knights want?
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
Whoever came up the generational categories(Boomer, Millennial, Zoomers, etc) things and decided to make it public needs to be popped upside the head. People treat it like personally trait or a zodiac sign instead of a concept companies used to learn how to advertise to people.
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
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Kevin Lenaghan, “Stairway”, “Glass Palace”, and “Crystal Stairway” (2021)
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
why you should keep writing your story
because it’s a puzzle no one else will ever arrange the same way as you.
because there are ideas that simply won’t come to you until you write down the wrong words.
because all the bad scenes are the bones of the wonderful scenes.
because someone will love it: someone will read it once, and twice, and thrice; someone will ramble to you about the complexity of it; someone will doodle your characters out of love; someone will find it in exactly what they were looking for with or without knowing it.
because they have things to say, your characters. they’ve told you all those secrets and they have more to tell you, if you will listen.
because you love it even when you don’t; even when it drives you mad or when it accidentally turns into apathy; even when you think you’re doing it all wrong; you love it, and it loves you back.
because you can get a treasure even from things that go wrong; because if a story crumbles down you can build a shinier one on the same spot; because you won’t know where it will take you until it takes you there.
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
I love that "if you're a hostile shithead to strangers for no reason, people will treat you unkindly" is like a totally novel concept to tumblr users. Like did you all get socialized entirely on edgy social media dunks culture and simply don't understand that people don't enjoy being randomly insulted.
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
A Canon: Here are two factions in opposition. One is an attempt to make a “realistic” version of a Morally Good State, which has a set of benevolent founding principles that it and its constituent citizens often fail to live up to out of normal human fear, greed, or malice, before course-correction by Our Heroes. The other is a fascist slave state practicing near-constant torture, genocide, imperialism, and abuse, in sincere dedication to its founding principles of Might Makes Right, Kill The Weak Or Different, and Just Generally Fuck You.
A Shockingly Large Number Of Fans, Every Single Time, For Some Reason: Holy shit the ~supposed~ Morally Good State has bad actors and doesn’t live up to its stated principles, it’s nothing but a hollow shell of twisted hypocrisy and evil! The fascists are the real good guys, here is my 6,000 word treatise on why the bad guy’s badness is entirely the fault of the good guys and the bad guy empire he belongs to is super actually not that bad and actually the good choice because of the minor reforms he talked about maybe someday trying to make.
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
'girl power' content before everyone got obsessed with feminism and wokeness was soooo much more fun. powerpuff girls, Hannah Montana, my life as a teenage robot, that's so raven, Kim possible, Winx club, and the like were really really good shows with strong female leads that were really good because it was just girls doing fun shit. now everything has to be subversive and gritty and #girlboss and we get shit like Captain Marvel that's just propaganda with a bra on it or Jessica jones or the shitty ass Winx club reboot that's more concerned with faux diversity than it is with the actual content of the show
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
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shout out to all my haters that I’m gonna outlive and have a fat ass while doing it
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
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Aaliyah with Jet Li in Try Again music video
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
More comic ramblings
Okay....so DC comics needs to make a decision: either let the characters age up or do a scorched earth and start over and make it a rule that no grows up. All of this juggling that they’re doing creates more complications. They create a character, everything is fine and  then all of a sudden the character hits  a wall or is written into a corner. The character is then in limbo and for some reason  they decide *that’s* the right time to introduce a new character that ends up pushing that character to the side. Then eventually because they didn’t deal with the problem head on the new character ends up facing the same fate.
DC has  two generations of Legacy Characters that they have absolutely no idea what to do with yet they’re constantly trying to shove in more.This would be one thing if they were allowed to grow up but they aren’t.  This results in the universe being stuffed and characters getting unceremoniously sidelined. To put it in the way I read somewhere, DC makes legacy characters without having any type commitment to having these characters actually fulfill a legacy. It doesn’t matter if they were built up through arcs and story lines to be the best of the best in their own right or by taking up the mantle of their mentor. It will all amount to them to being a barely there support character somewhere or, worse, having them killed off because there’s nothing much to do with them.
Of course, when this is pointed out people trot out the ” nostalgia” excuse at the reader, stating that the character wasn’t *actually* good they were just wearing rose colored lenses. Readers don’t note these things to overindulge about the “good old days” but because DC set something up and didn’t follow through. It’s like reading the opening chapter of book that promises to be a wholesome slice of life story but by the end you discover that it’s a suspenseful action thriller. You may not mind the latter but you’ll still sit there and say, “But you said....” And more likely than not the character is not allowed to fall to the wayside peacefully. They first must have really important elements of their character stripped from them so they’re rendered this shell of what they use to be so when reader suggest someone do something with them they can go, “Yeah, but they’re really bland and boring and have no place in the narrative.”
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It’s like a child that wants new toys when they already have plenty  at home. Play with those first!!!
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 3 years
Tumblr has absolutely no interest in fixing their site, huh?
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