laurietom · 7 years
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laurietom · 7 years
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laurietom · 7 years
Too good not to share!
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Voltron - 1984 vs 2016
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laurietom · 7 years
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Groot #6 (2015)
written by Jeff Loveness art by Brian Kesinger
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laurietom · 7 years
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What did we do to deserve Bill Nye
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laurietom · 7 years
Yay, Code:Realize Anime is Coming
I was a bit worried, seeing as the Code:Realize anime had been announced back in August of 2015, and since then news has been sparse, but now we have a trailer and it looks gorgeous, though I'm a little disappointed that most of the footage is of the men around Cardia rather than Cardia herself. It's a bit expected given the romance-oriented source material, but Cardia is rare among otome heroines in that she has her own character arc independent of the men in her life and she doesn't always need to be rescued by them. When I originally wrote about Code:Realize as part of my VN Talk series, I pegged the story was one that has a lot of crossover potential to those who wouldn't otherwise play a romance game. It has plenty of action, tension, and humor that I think will let it appeal to a wider audience, especially since the game itself doesn't go heavy on the romance until over halfway through the story. Until that point, it's a fun tale about Cardia learning how to live with other people and figuring out how to avoid capture by the Queen's soldiers with the help of her ragtag band of heroes. The trailer plays up the romance angle though, showcasing each of the love interests, and I suppose that's necessary to buy in the existing fans, but I'm hoping that Cardia stands on her own in the series itself as the self-determining protagonist that she is, and that the romance is fairly downplayed early on, as it is in the game. My biggest concern is that the story will likely be following Lupin's route because his story is the only one that closes off everyone else's storyline and also provides the best outcome for Cardia. With a few extra scenes from the other routes just to make sure the stories of the other love interests are dealt with, Lupin's has the potential to be quite satisfying. Despite misgivings I have about his route, in particular that it's Cardia's weakest route as a protagonist, he's a lot of fun and I still have a sore spot from when the Magic Kaito 1412 anime series ended. If you like dashing gentlemen thieves with top hats and nice coats, Code:Realize has that covered. And now we have a date. It's coming out in October of this year, so it'll be part of the fall season.
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laurietom · 7 years
I should probably specify that Nikola Tesla is a cat and Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla is not wandering around my house hiding under things because he is dead
I like the implication that if he were not dead he probably would be wandering around your house hiding under things
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laurietom · 7 years
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laurietom · 7 years
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Anahit: The Queen Who Made the King Get a Job (Armenian Folk Tale)
Full entry (with footnotes) here. Book here. Patreon here. Art notes and whatnot after the cut - but real quick:
Yes, she already has her own animated princess movie. It’s not in English. It was posted in full by the animation studio here, so I hope it’s okay to embed it:
This version seemingly takes some liberties. Her uncle is in league with some shadow demon, there’s a talking dog, and her horse turns into this fiery magic flying creature…? I don’t know.
Keep reading
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laurietom · 7 years
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Okay, allow me to explain:Recently, it was brought to my attention that some people on my page had a problem with me drawing black people because I, a black man, was drawing far too many of them (and not as stereotypes or tropes) when I’m known for having diverse character designs in the first place. This struck me as odd because there is literally no problem with me drawing characters of other backgrounds any other time, but the moment I start to draw us in a way that doesn’t make us look like the same stereotypes you’re used to seeing, it’s a problem? Check yourself. I literally got asked, “Do you ever draw white people?” And “You only draw black guys. Why?” In the same morning and I’m like, “Oh so this is a PROBLEM now?” Anyone that has seen my work knows that I draw people from all over. That said, there IS a conscious decision to represent my people in a way that is just and equal to how every other race has been represented since like…forever. Don’t come at me for actually taking the time and effort to show us in positive light. If me drawing people of color as characters and not stereotypes and over used tropes offends you, then get ready to hate my black ass then, because I’m not about to sit by and let us not be represented in a respectful, uplifting and positive light anymore and if you don’t like it well…. Too bad. But since it was an issue with me drawing my own heroes of color, I decided to do other heroes and villains from a game I’m fond of and make them people of color…. I specifically chose FFVII because it’s already a diverse case and to Square Enix’s credit, you could literally tell the same story with these designs. Enjoy.
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laurietom · 7 years
did Harry Potter really have a currency called a knut??? how did preteen (and let’s be real twenty year old) wizards deal w that??
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laurietom · 7 years
Figure skating photos are perfectly demonstrating my day to day emotions and i don’t know why I’ve never used them til now
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‘… why you do this?’:
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‘What the FUQ u looking at me for, mate!?’
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When a hot stranger walks by:
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When they ask ‘who was the weak link in the group project’:
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When you find that REAL GOOD FIC:
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When your boss tells you to do something, so you do it, but then realise you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing:
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When you keep doing the job but still dont know what you’re doing and how has no one noticed yet!!???
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fuck it i’m done
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laurietom · 7 years
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laurietom · 7 years
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Pretty accurate.
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laurietom · 7 years
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TODAY IN HISTORY: On April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union took an early lead in the Space Race as cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human to journey into outer space when his Vostok 1 spacecraft completed an orbit of the Earth.
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laurietom · 7 years
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The Solar System!
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bonus Pluto!
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laurietom · 7 years
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welcome to the game everyone hates you
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