larperproblems · 3 years
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Ok, so my witcher/herbalist chest is done. Some bits of equipment are still missing, but the bulk is done. And I’m very pleased with how it came out.
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larperproblems · 3 years
god, one of those "strange forms of intimacy is helping someone into/out of their armor" posts is making the circuit of the SCA friends on facebook and i was not prepared to stumble on a small pile of fighters making each other cry about not being able to help each other in and out of armor after just waking up on a tuesday evening.
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larperproblems · 3 years
this person went LARPing for the first time & super enjoyed it, so:
hey, pal!! you’ve been witnessed! welcome to the community! 
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larperproblems · 3 years
Some friendly advice
Hey there. 2021 is probably gonna be heckin’ weird just like last year, but at some point, conventions and festivals might start popping back up again your life. I feel like now’s a good time to tell you: You don’t have to go. 
Look, I get it. This COVID stuff is scary, and the idea of going right back to events with expected big crowds is pretty scary. It’s okay to say no and stay home. Much like a lot of things in life, these events are fun, but completely optional. No one is going to give you a hard time for taking a pass on going to events once they start back up again. 
And if they do, reconsider why it is you associate with them. 
In case no one has told you yet, you are strong. You made it this far and for first time in a while, there seems to be a small light at the end of this pandemic tunnel. So do what you got to do to stay safe and comfortable. 
You got this. 
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larperproblems · 4 years
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nothing like an Impromptu Torch to bump your IC photo to an 11
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larperproblems · 4 years
still had a feast fit for a king despite the plague 🍻🥧
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larperproblems · 4 years
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Gerard Mas makes sculptures of Renaissance women with a modern twist - Recently exhibited in Bruges. Medieval girls with attitude! 
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larperproblems · 4 years
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larperproblems · 4 years
?: What’s the weirdest mod you’ve ever been on?
Not necessarily good, either! 
I wanna hear all of your crazy, out-there stories from your time LARPing. Come, sit around this proverbial campfire, and regale us with your absolutely bonkers mod tales! Did an NPC tell you a really long, lore-heavy story only for it not to matter to the mod in the end? Met any ass-backwards merchants? Did you go to a LARP in a foreign country, and during a very serious ritual, have to translate quietly and quickly for 6 other players? these are all real and have all happened to me
Whatever it is, I wanna hear it! Let me know however: responses, reblogs, anons, etc. I’m all ears.
(please nothing too graphic. I’m looking for more funny/cringe/”what?!” type moments as opposed to nsfw. keep it fun.)
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larperproblems · 4 years
?: What’s the weirdest mod you’ve ever been on?
Not necessarily good, either! 
I wanna hear all of your crazy, out-there stories from your time LARPing. Come, sit around this proverbial campfire, and regale us with your absolutely bonkers mod tales! Did an NPC tell you a really long, lore-heavy story only for it not to matter to the mod in the end? Met any ass-backwards merchants? Did you go to a LARP in a foreign country, and during a very serious ritual, have to translate quietly and quickly for 6 other players? these are all real and have all happened to me
Whatever it is, I wanna hear it! Let me know however: responses, reblogs, anons, etc. I’m all ears.
(please nothing too graphic. I’m looking for more funny/cringe/”what?!” type moments as opposed to nsfw. keep it fun.)
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larperproblems · 4 years
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happy to give you oodles of entertainment during this boring time, @trying-my-bardest. thank u for the love!!
ps: I *always* check the notes on my tumblr. if y’all reblog something, I absolutely go check & see if you put anything in the tags. you are creative and funny and I don’t wanna miss it!!
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larperproblems · 4 years
*mrs doubtfire voice*
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larperproblems · 4 years
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Garlic cod with potato crust
This is a very traditional dish from Skyrim that’s simple and makes for a filling and tasty lunch or dinner. Just like all Nord stereotypes, this recipe speaks for itself and is uncomplicated, so enough with the chatting and let’s get cooking!
You will need: 2 medium sized cod fillets, skin removed 5 medium sized red potatoes, peeled and mashed ¼ cup freshly grated parmesan Salt and crushed black pepper 1 tsp paprika powder 6 cloves crushed garlic 1 tsp dried mixed herbs Juice of 1 lemon Butter, for brushing
Method: Marinate the cod in the lemon juice and 4 cloves of crushed garlic, with a sprinkle of salt and pepper to taste. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
Preheat your oven to 180C/356F. Baste a baking tray well with butter.
In a mixing bowl, combine the mashed potatoes, parmesan, remaining garlic, herbs, and salt and pepper to taste. Blend together well.
Remove the cod fillets and pack the potato mix around each fillet evenly with your hands, both on top and bottom. Transfer to the baking tray and baste with butter.
Bake for 35 minutes, until the crust is medium brown. Serve immediately with a side of vegetables of your choice.
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larperproblems · 4 years
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I get to participate in a post apocalyptic LARP every month called Dystopia Rising. Unfortunately, the SoCal branch is at risk of losing it's site because the district office has decided it's not up to code before conducting a final inspection. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE signal boost! This community does so much for LGBT youth and adults (providing optional pronoun patches, more nonbinary people than I've seen anywhere else in my life, normalization of asking for pronouns, normalizing asking for explicit consent prior to any physical contact, etc). It would suck to lose it.
Please help us #SaveThePark!
Photo credit to Ryan Heath
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larperproblems · 4 years
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My friend Ron posted some pics he took of the new guardsman garb I’ve been working on! I’m very proud of it!
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larperproblems · 4 years
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larperproblems · 4 years
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The Mermaid and the Shepherdess
Art by: Linda Lithén
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