larasaizmmu · 1 year
The key ideas and intentions behind my work are concerns surrounding ecology and body image. I really enjoy using photomontage and collage to make images. The inherently political history of Photomontage and its use as protest imagery is interesting to me when I consider my place in a rapidly threatened world. Photomontage was first used by the ‘dadaists’ as a way to protest against the First World War; and by Rodchenko, Heartfield, Hoch and Kennard who used it in a similar ways to create ‘socially engaged’ images, which served as a call to action. Another reference is The Boyle Family whom I recently discovered. Montager and Collage are accessible ways to express political messages and rebellion. I use it to explore issues of the world, currently ecological issues where I am using mapping and recycled materials to show the problems of how our waste is managed. I am currently exploring more large scale works based on satellite imagery and the extraction of details with which to make collages. My materials are always found and recycled and this reflects the concerns and messages within my work.
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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‘Found park’
This was a piece created fully from found objects, everything included was found from the streets, bins or parks. I ended up coming across a tree that had been cut and decided to work on this first, over the next few days I found many different things including another tree branch and some flowers. I had a lot of fun creating this piece and everyone who viewed it really enjoyed it as well; it really made you feel like you’re in a park or forest when viewing it in real life, something unfortunately the photograph don’t quite capture. For the viewing I also had a video in the background playing with scenes of the sky and clouds and sounds of birds singing.
Found art installation
All recycled and reused materials
Moving image of sky and nature
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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This was a documentation of the process of a flower wilting over time. I had created this flower crown at first to photograph onto different models but by leaving it in the room as the days went on it started to rot and wilt, this inspired me to create a series of photos over a week to show the changes the flowers have and reflect this onto the models body language and face.
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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This barbie head was created along with the horror house, this is a digital piece of art using photoshop and my own photographs of the dolls heads which are included in the house. Every part of this barbie head is created using a barbie doll.
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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More distortion
In this case i was exploring it through a physical way, using paper and a Stanley knife. The different ways you thread the strings of paper created a different look, as well as pulling the pieces.
A4 paper
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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Inspired by Faisal Samra, I developed this piece for a project I did on distortion and people. I was really interested in all the different ways you could distort people and change perspective using photography.
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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‘Horror house’
This piece to me represents a lot. It represents childhood, beauty standards and how women are sexualised which I have talked about more in my personal statement. The piece developed from a title called romance of the fragments, barbie dolls where a fragment of many childrens childhood which I wanted to explore more of, including ways of how these dolls have affected many young girls.
Found art- dolls house and barbie dolls
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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In my free time I also really enjoy painting and take lots of inspiration from artist Sophie Tea.
Using acrylic paint
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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Experimenting with different materials
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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Sketch book page from beginning of my art foundation, left shows a piece I made from the textiles class and right is from the postcard project. It has been so enjoyable to work with new materials and experiment with new ideas.
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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‘Torn up world’
The theme of this is ‘imagined worlds’, I chose a more literal route of this specific piece and wanted to do my own twist on creating a photo of our planet. I wanted to explore collages and the practice of this method. I like to think about how only a few percent of people have actually seen the earth from this view in space and this is how we think/imagine it to be according to the people who have experienced it and taken photos up there. It’s such a normal image to us but hardly any of us have actually seen it like this in the flesh.
Recycled magazines and rubbish on canvas
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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Start of unit 2 piece ‘imagined worlds’
Using old magazines and recycled materials
40X50cm on canvas
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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Sketchbook page of plans for ‘imagined worlds’
I had ideas of creating an interactive style magazine and 3D works. I then settled on the idea of a collage after doing some research into Hannah Hoch and photomontage, especially the history behind this.
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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Title in the working
This is the beginning of my development of ‘torn up worlds’, it represents a satellite image of the largest textile dump in a Chilean desert. I will be continuing the collage theme in this project as well.
Materials used are all recycled including, wooden board as the base, tissue, litter, scrap material and re used clothing. The two pieces together will show the deception and lies that images of our world from space have, earth looks beautiful with its greens and blues from space but as you zoom in the horrors start to emerge.
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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These pieces were inspired by Arnulf Rainer, Austrian artist. The crayons are there to express the emotions that the person in the photograph has at that time.
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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‘Hat day’
This was a group project with 3 classmates, the task was to create a hat inspired by an animal using paper which is what we did (along with masking tape!), it was a fully functional and wearable ‘hat’ inspired by a jelly fishWe started off with making maquettes of different animals before settling on the jelly fish.
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larasaizmmu · 1 year
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‘New worlds’
This was a piece from the ‘imagined worlds’ unit 2 project during my art foundation, it is my own take on a new planet that I created during my thinking stage of what I was going to do as my bigger piece in the project. I really liked how they both turned out so decided to take it further and cut them out turning them into a digital piece of art.
I am next planning to create massive prints of these.
Mixed media, 2022
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