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Sherlock’s beautiful face while deducing Vivian. [Requested by celugal]
By: thejennire
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i just saw a post on here where someone’s therapist told them that they’re “too smart” to have anorexia or bulimia and i need to say that i have heard this countless fucking times, my dad has yelled this at me countless fucking times and i have thought about this COUNTLESS fucking times, but u know fuckin WHAT mate. eating disorders are a MENTAL ILLNESS, a chemical IMBALANCE in the BRAIN that DOES NOT allow you to THINK RATIONALLY 99% of the time and make your OWN DECISIONS because they are CONTROLLED by the ILLNESS because that is what it IS and that is what illnesses DO they DEBILITATE you and TAKE AWAY or WEAKEN what you BIOLOGICALLY SHOULD or USED TO HAVE. it DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE by “SMART” or “NOT” and calling or automatically thinking that someone with an eating disorder is STUPID or UNINTELLIGENT makes YOU look like an UNEDUCATED, SMALL minded ASSHOLE
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Do you know of any support groups/resources for people who are being forced to go through conversion therapy? It's lonely tbh
I found this one:
Check the replies, others might know of other sites or facebook groups, discord chats, etc. I also suggest contacting the Trevor Project and seeing if they can get you in contact with groups or others to talk to.
-Lou the Lobster
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my relationship with bbc sherlock is like… the aftermath of a messy breakup … i’m kind of still in love with this asshole, mostly because i’m used to being in love with him, but turns out he never really loved me back and we could have had a nice friendly breakup but he decided to cheat on me and then he got drunk and threw up on the rug the day he moved out and i haven’t seen him since
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Have I mentioned lately that I love Stats Britain? (X)
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those “guilt” tjlc blogs of tjlcers turned anti are the most embarrassing thing i’ve ever seen. the problem has never lain with the community you’re in, but with the fact that your lack of trust in your self-identity is what allows you to be swept along by what others think instead of thinking for yourself, and no one is required to take responsibility for that. if you’ve found “tjlc” (in scare quotes, as tjlc not a singular experience like in the narratives some of you like to construct, but rather changes depending on the groups of people within tjlc you’re close to) disappointing, own up to the responsibility you had of making whatever it was you found disagreeable heard and trying to change the environment around you for the better. your feeling of guilt about being tjlc is meaningless when your reaction to that is not changing in yourself what it was you found necessary to feel guilty about in the first place, but becoming an anti who attacks, badmouths and harasses the people you were once friendly with. get over yourselves and your mistaken sense of entitlement 
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Benedict said the baby wasn’t real?
From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/38483891/what-to-expect-from-sherlock-clue-dark
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when johnlock comes true everybody who has ever made fun of me is gonna feel BAD
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How do you say “I don't know” in your native language or the language you are learning?
J'sais pas Yo no sé/no sé/no lo sé
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if you mock people because they have/had hope for representation congrats you’re a piece of shit
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“tell her she’s a dead woman, she’s a dead woman walking”
where have we heard tha-
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“yeah but how can you be sure they’re actually talking about ma-”
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oh damn, sherlock must have really liked daniel craig’s bond cause it’s, you know, basically john but in a tailored suit
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Like Irene Adler is engaged before she ever even sees Holmes, which he is aware of. He sees her in disguise for like 2 minutes, and the next time he sees her (also in disguise) he serves as a witness at her wedding and she tips him!!! He laughs his ass off about it and puts the tip on his watch chain as a souvenir. Watson says like a zillion times that Holmes never loved a woman, and Holmes also confirms that he never loved a woman. Holmes/Adler is like. Really bad straight people fanon that comes from literally nowhere.
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idk about y'all but when i see john and sherlock i see 2 men in love with each other 
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