l0nelycupid · 2 years
We'll be okay
Pairing : Paul dano¡ riddler x reader
Word count : 665 words
Warnings : fluff, little angst
A/n : so i watched the batman last week and it was so good!! Im obsessed with paul dano's riddler so i just had to write for him
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You sighed, slinging your bag over your shoulder as you made your way out of the local diner that you worked at.
You had just finished your night shift as a waitress, and your shoes were digging into your heels.
Pulling your coat tighter around you, you made your way to the little apartment you shared with your boyfriend, Eddie.
The apartment was quieter than usual when you entered.
You kicked off your shoes and walked around the dining table.
" Eddie? " you called out.
" Over here!" Came his voice from the bedroom.
He was hunched over the desk working through piles of paper and photographs muttering incomprehensibly.
" How was work?" He asked pushing his glasses up his nose bridge.
You looked over his shoulder frowning.
He looked up at you when you hadnt answered.
" Eddie..are you seriously still working on this?"
" What do you mean?" He asked turning to face you.
The desk was covered in diagrams of buildings and photographs of people who you've only recognised as politicians and mayors.
" It's just - this whole scheme you're coming up with, i dont like it." You said crossing your arms.
Eddie frowned.
" Why is that? This has been my biggest goal and i have been working day and night making sure that it's perfect and - "
" I understand that but i really dont think this will end up well" you reasoned wringing your hands together.
" Im worried about you and -
" NO!" Eddie shot out of his seat.
" This has been my dream for the longest time and you will not stop me! Dont you understand? Im making Gotham a better place, im making the world a better place AND I WILL NOT LET PEOPLE SUFFER LIKE HOW I DID" he shouted.
You flinched as his voice richocheted around the room.
" Ed, i know what you experienced at the orphanage and i know you feel - "
" Dont. You do NOT know how i feel" he said pointing a shaky finger at you.
You drew in a shaky breath and stepped closer to him.
He bowed his head, his fringe falling infront of his eyes, and his breathing was agitated.
" Ed " you called out to him softly, reaching out to hold his face.
" Im sorry i shouted at you." It came out in a rush, his eyes still trained on the floor.
" It's okay " you replied stroking his cheek with your thumb.
Raising his head, he reached out and took both your hand in his, drawing you close to him.
" Listen, once my plan is successful, everything will be better. For everyone and for us. You have to trust me, please."
You looked down at your linked hands, how he was gently squeezing them, pleading.
" Eddie i just want you to be safe." You told him tearing up.
" I know i know" he said holding your face.
" I've worked it all out, they would never find me"
You were scared. Scared for Eddie and the both of you. You knew nothing good would come out of it, but you were never going to convince him to change his mind.
" Shh it's okay. You're okay. Everything will be okay including you and me. I promise."
He said stroking your head.
You rested your head against his chest, feeling the soft fabric of his shirt and smelling the faint scent of detergent.
You pulled away and wiped your tears as Eddie studied you with concerned eyes.
" I want to go to bed now" you told him.
" Are you okay?" He asked reaching out for you.
" Yes im fine. Im just tired." You told him heading for the bed.
You climbed into bed and maneuvered yourself under the covers and he joined you.
Your back was pressed against his chest and his arm was draped over you.
Eddie pressed soft kisses on your head as you sighed.
" I'll take care of you, i promise." He whispered into your hair.
Letting exhaustion take over you, you closed your eyes and succumed to a dreamless sleep.
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l0nelycupid · 2 years
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Oh my gosh im so inactive!! School sucks. Im trying to find motivation tho
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l0nelycupid · 2 years
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l0nelycupid · 2 years
Merry Christmas/Christmas eve you beautiful people!!! I hope everyone is safe and doing well! 🌲
Happy holidays <3
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l0nelycupid · 2 years
Pairing: Rafe cameron X Fem! Reader
Word count : 555 words
Warnings : pure fluffy fluff , little swearing
Summary : Rafe attempts to braid your hair.
A/n : This is super short im sorry omg
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You sighed as you clicked through several shows to watch on netflix. Finding a new show to watch certainly wasn't easy at all.
Rafe had gone out golfing with the boys so it was just you in the house.
About an hour and a half into watching your show, you heard the front door open and shut downstairs.
" Y/N im home!" Rafe called out to you.
" Heyyyy i saved some pasta for you. It's in the microwave!" You shouted back.
You continued watching your show as the sound of drawers slamming shut and cutlery hitting each other came from the kitchen.
Awhile later Rafe came up into your room.
"Yo" he said walking toward you.
You looked away from the screen for a quick second to reply to him before turning back.
" hey"
" Sooo ive been watching these uh youtube tutorials right" he started as he stood by the bed.
"Yeah? What tutorials?" You asked, picking up the remote to pause the show.
" Scoot over lemme sit." He replied gently nudging you.
You sat up straight and shifted yourself lower on the bed so Rafe could sit behind you.
He was sandwiched between you and the headboard.
He then reached forward to tug your claw clip from your hair, letting it fall to your shoulders.
" alright lets see " he muttered to himself as you frowned, confused as to what he was trying to do.
Rafe began combing his fingers through your hair, detangling it.
His deft fingers moved through strands of your hair as he attempted to braid it.
"Rafe are you trying to braid my hair?" You asked laughing.
" Shit this is harder than i thought" He asked huffing in annoyance.
Rafe took out his phone and replayed the video as his fingers twisted around your hair.
After multiple attempts he secured your hair in place with a hair tie and slumped back against the pillows in defeat.
You got up and walked to the mirror to take a look.
Multiple strands of hair had escaped from the tie and were framing your face on one side, while the rest bunched up on top of your head on the other side.
You covered your mouth to hide your smile as he scowled from the bed.
" Hey i tried okay" he said watching you.
" Dont worry i think it's cute that you tried" you told him as you sat back on the bed.
Rafe then pulled out his phone and began taking multiple photos of you.
" Rafe stop that" you shrieked attempting to cover his camera with your hand.
" Too late" he grinned as he showed you a blurry picture of yourself reaching for the phone, smiling, your hair a mess.
You watched as he set that picture as his lockscreen.
Rolling your eyes you started to untie the braid when his hand shot out to stop you.
" Wait what are you doing?" He asked frowning.
" Im taking it out,its messy." You replied shaking out the knots that he made.
"But i was really proud of it." He pouted crossing his arms.
You leaned back into his chest and reached behind to bring his hands to your head.
" We'll practice together okay? Then you'll be my very own personal hair dresser." You said smiling.
Rafe chuckled and kissed the top of your head, as he played with your hair.
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l0nelycupid · 2 years
Pairing : Kinda canon Rafe x Fem! Reader
Warnings : Angst, little fluff at the end, toxic Rafe, mentions of drugs, swearing
Word count : 1.2k+ words
Summary : Your relationship with Rafe is toxic but you still love him enough to stay.
A/N : Also if any of you are in toxic relationships similar to this, pls do seek help immediately and inform someone you can trust !!
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Your relationship with Rafe Cameron was not an easy one.
Although you loved him, more than anything in the world, you didnt expect things to get so bad to the point where you didnt even know who he was anymore.
You dont know how much you could keep up with it before your whole world crumbles completely.
You missed the old Rafe. The one that wasnt so consumed with drugs.
But he had changed.
You met Rafe years back in high school when he was still that sweet loving boy that wouldve done anything and everything for you.
The both of you have been together since then and all your friends were sure you guys would get married one day.
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
Rafe came home late at night again, shutting the door noisily behind him. He cursed under his breath as he bent down to pick up the keys he dropped.
You, having fallen asleep early,woke up to the noise. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, still drowsy from sleep.
Rafe emptied his pockets onto the counter and shrugged off his jacket before heading to the kitchen.
You padded across your bedroom floor to the living room to see him returning with a beer.
You stood by the hallway with your arms crossed as rafe made himself comfortable on the couch before flipping back the tab of his beer can.
" Rafe its late, come to bed." You said softly as he chugged down his drink.
He scoffed and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
You walked towards the couch cautiously and sat down beside him,eyeing him carefully.
" Rafe.." you called out to him reaching out to lightly touch his shoulder.
Rafe shrugged your hand away and stared forward.
" Rafe please come to bed.." you pleaded again wringing your hands together.
" Can you leave me the fuck alone?" He said bitterly looking at you from the corner of his eye.
You sighed and got up making your way back to your room. Tears sprung to your eyes as you climbed into bed and drew the covers to your chest.
You slept alone that night. Rafe's side of the bed cold and empty where his warm body usually resided. Rafe slept on the couch after another drink.
The next morning you woke up early to get ready and make breakfast. The air in the apartment was thick with the smell of fresh food.
Rafe woke up an hour after you. He sat up and rubbed his neck which was stiff from the awkward head placemet he slept in.
The both of you ate breakfast together, although it was painfully silent except for the sound of utensils hitting each other.
Rafe left promptly after a shower to god knows where - you suspected it was to meet Barry.
Meanwhile, you spent the day running errands as usual.
Evening rolled around and Rafe returned once again.
" Y/N" he shouted your name after closing the door.
You looked up from the pile of laundry you were currently folding and let out a wary sigh before getting up to make your way to him.
" Yeah?" You asked as you stood infront of him.
" Party at Topper's tonight. Get ready." He said curtly before heading to the bedroom.
" Rafe i have chores to finish" you called out to him as he walked away from you.
" i dont care. Get ready" his voice came as he sifted through the closet.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head before heading to get your change of clothes.
Topper's house was filled with people. Loud music boomed through the speakers and the strong smell of alcohol and sweat polluted the air.
Rafe left you standing in the kitchen for half an hour, watching everyone get wasted.
You grimaced at the couple sloppily making out beside you and decided that was enough.
You dumped the rest of your drink and left the kitchen to get outside.
You weaved your way through countless numbers of intoxicated teens before you finally reached the front door.
More people littered the front lawn drinking and talking to one another.
You took a seat on the front steps and rested your chin on your palm.
A minute into watching some boys play beer pong, you were interrupted by another boy that sat down beside you. He was relatively taller than you, wearing a polo and a backwards cap, a red cup in one hand.
You assumed he was a touron.
" Hey" he turned towards you.
" Hi" you replied, smiling.
He offered you his cup and you shook your head politely as a response.
" Not a fan of parties?" He asked taking a sip of his drink.
" No not really." You told him scrunching your nose.
" Then how come you're here?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
You looked down at your hand.
" I uh came with my boyfriend" you replied. Frankly, you didnt even know what he was to you anymore.
" Oh you got a boyfriend?" He said looking forward.
You nodded, chewing your lip.
" You think he'll mind if we play a round of beer pong?" He asked getting up.
You looked back into the house. You didnt know if this was a good idea, afraid of what might happen if Rafe saw.
" Cmon." He said nodding his head toward the table. " Im Leon by the way."
You found yourself laughing hard while playing, forgetting about your worries and Rafe for a moment.
You were laughing at a joke Leon was telling you,completely oblivious to Rafe approaching you from behind.
" Y/N?!" You heard his loud voice from behind you.
Your face dropped and you turned around to be greeted by Rafe, his chest heaving and a sheen of sweat glossing his forehead. It was obvious he was on coke.
" What the fuck is this?" He asked sneering.
" Rafe i - " you started but he shook his head and took a step closer to you.
" You're fucking cheating on me huh?" He asked before laughing. " With a fucking touron. Thats funny." He said poking his toungue into his cheek.
" Rafe what the fuck we were just talking" you frowned.
" TALKING?! YOU WERE LAUGHING AT HIS FUCKING JOKES" he raised his voice as he pointed a finger at the direction of Leon,who was now looking down at his feet.
" Why does it matter anyway? It's not like you give a fuck about me" you spat looking away.
He begun walking toward you and you backed away into the beer pong table.
" You're such a bitch" he spat looking down at you. You could feel his hot breath ghosting your forehead.
" Hey man i think you should-" Leon started as he tried calming Rafe down.
" SHUT UP" he shouted at Leon, making you flinch, due to the loudness of his voice,given the close proximity.
The rest of the people on the front lawn were now staring.
Rafe snatched your hand and begun dragging you away.
" Were leaving." He said sniffing.
" Rafe calm down you're hurting me." Your voice quivered as you tried pulling your hand back, only for him to tighten his grip on you.
He released you only when you got to the car, before he opened the door to the drivers side and got in.
The ride home was silent, other than the constant tapping of Rafe's finger on the steering wheel.You rubbed your wrist and looked out of the window, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
You glanced at Rafe whose eyes were fixated straight ahead on the road. His grip on the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turned white.
When the car pulled into park, you spoke up.
" Rafe. I wasnt cheating on you. I was waiting for you and he just came out of nowhere and started talking to me."
Rafe didnt respond, he stared out of the window, frowning.
" Rafe please." You pleaded.
He then opened the door and got out, slamming it behind him.
You broke down crying. Sometimes it was so hard to be with him, especially with his temper and harshness toward you. But you blamed it on the coke.
When you got ready for bed that night, Rafe was back on the couch again. He was massaging his temples, probably cooling down from his high.
You grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and made your way to him.
His eyes were closed but they opened when he heard your footsteps.
You set the bottle down on the coffee table and stood by it.
" Listen Rafe...im sorry." You said. Tears burned at the back of your eyes and you brought your hand up to wipe them away as they escaped.
" I shouldnt have talked to him. It was my fault...and im so sorry." You said softly.
You started crying again. Your soft sobs were the only sound in the small apartment.You sniffled as you wiped your tears away with palm of your hand.
The sound of you crying tugged at Rafe's heartstrings.
Rafe sighed and stood up.
He looked down at his feet frowning.
You looked up at him,teary eyed, watching as he chewed his lip.
You sniffled again, turning to leave, when his hand shot out to catch yours.
He pulled you to him a little roughly, that sent you stumbling and crashing into his big chest.
His arm snaked around your shoulders.
Your ear was pressed against the middle of his chest and you could hear his heartbeat.
You hesitantly raised your hands to curl against his back.
You took a deep breath and the faint scent of his cologne filled your senses.
This was the first time in a long time you and Rafe engaged in loving physical embrace. You admit that you missed it.
The both of you stood there still in embrace, no one saying a word. You felt Rafe's fingers gently pressing onto your skin.
You convinced yourself that he was still capable of change, and he still had love for you.
But you both know that wasn't true.
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l0nelycupid · 3 years
Pairing : Fem! Reader x Rafe Cameron
Warning : Fluff, mentions of injuries and fighting, slight swearing
Word count : 776 words
Summary : Rafe comes to you one night after a fight and you tend to his wounds
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It was Saturday night and you were finally looking forward to having the night off to relax and maybe catch up on the book you were currently reading. But of course Rafe wasnt going to let you off that easily.
You were sitting up on your bed engrossed in your book, when your bedroom door opened and in walked rafe.
You only had your reading light on so you couldnt see the cuts he had on his face, and his busted lip.
" Rafe? What are you doing here?" You asked frowning.
Rafe shut the door behind him as quietly as possible and stood by the door rather nervously.
" I uh didnt know where else to go" he spoke softly.
You walked to him and turned on the lights, only to be taken aback by the sight that greeted you.
Rafe had a bloody cut just above his eyebrow and one on his cheekbone too. There was also one on his lip,which was already swelling up a little. There was dried up blood on his nose and his knuckles were starting to scab. His shirt was stained with drops of blood here and there.
" Rafe oh my god! Are you okay?" You said taking in his appearance.
" Yeah im fine just a few cuts nothing too bad" he said rubbing the back of his head.
You pulled him by his hand toward your bed and instructed him to sit before you ran to your bathroom to get supplies.
Rafe was looking at himself in your mirror when you arrived with antiseptic, cotton balls, and bandages.
" Damn they really punked me bad huh" he winced, tilting his head to look at his injuries.
" Rafe sit down" you told him sternly as you opened your kit to retrieve a cotton ball.
You gently held his face to inspect the cuts and sighed. After soaking the cotton ball in a fair amount of antiseptic you started cleaning the blood off his nose.
Rafe was looking at you the entire time asmiring how much you cared for him even when he did stupid things that made you worry.
You threw the used cotton ball in the trash and moved to take another one.
Before you soaked that ball with anti septic, you looked down at him and frowned.
" Start explaining." You said.
Rafe looked down at his hands and fidgeted with his rings as he recalled his little fight not too long ago.
" Uh..there was this guy at the bar and he was drunk as shit and he bumped into me and he started shouting at me and kelce so - "
" So you hit him?" You asked putting your hands on your hips.
" Well yeah i mean he started it and he thought i was some sort of joke" he started.
" Rafe. You dont have to use violence to respond to everything." You said as you ran a hand down your face.
" I know I know...and im sorry okay" he said reaching out to hold your hands.
You let out a weary breath and started soaking the cotton ball to clean the rest of his wounds.
" This is gonna sting a little okay?" You warned him.
Rafe cleared his throat and closed his eyes as you swiftly moved the cotton ball over his eyebrow.
" OW MOTHERFUC-" he yelled midway when you covered his mouth with your hand.
" Shhhh my parents might hear you" you told him as you quickly turned toward your door hoping no one heard.
" That hurt " rafe pouted as you rolled your eyes and continued to clean his cut.
You finished cleaning the remaining of his wounds.
Once you finished, you left to put the supplies away as rafe went to change into some of his spare clothes that you kept.
When you came back rafe was sitting on your bed looking at his phone.
You closed your door and walked over to your side of the bed and climbed in.
" Y/N im really sorry" Rafe said as he reached over to take ahold of your hand.
" Its okay..just promise me you wont do this anymore." You asked looking at him.
" yeah i know.." rafe started as he pulled you closer to give you a kiss but you leaned back.
" No Rafe. Promise me." You told him, frowning.
" Okay,i promise." He said bringing your hand up to his lips to give it a kiss before resting his cheek on it.
You sighed and leaned forward to kiss him on the forehead before resting your head on his shoulder.
" Thank you so much" he said into your hair as he absentmindedly traced your back with his finger.
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l0nelycupid · 3 years
A date at the fair
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Pairing : Rafe Cameron x Fem! Reader
Warnings : Pure Fluff!
Word count : 973 words
Summary : You and Rafe spend a day at the fair
a/n : ugh this cute ass scenario has been on my mind for the longest time i just had to write it.
Rafe's range rover pulled up to the front of your house as you locked your front door.
His arm hung out of his window and he grinned at you.
Tucking your hair behind your ear, you jogged over to the passenger side of the car. After letting yourself collapse against the leather seat, you blew out a weary breath.
" It is literally so hot" you said fanning yourself.
Rafe leaned over the center console and gave you a quick peck on the lips.
" You ready to go?" he asked adjusting his rear view mirror.
" Yup. Lets get outta here." you replied .
Rafe pulled the car into park near a picnic bench just outside the fair. From the car you could see the colourful lights from the many attractions reflecting on the windshield.
You smoothed down your dress and followed Rafe as he joined the queue at the ticketing booth.
" Two tickets please" he said pulling out his wallet.
Hand in hand the both of you navigated through the throngs of people to the middle of the fair.
" Sooo rides or games first?" he asked looking down at you.
" hmm.. lets do the games first." you nodded toward the game booths.
You led Rafe to a dart throwing game where you had to burst all the balloons to win a prize.
" Alright lets do this" you said smirking and cracking your knuckles.
Rafe rolled his eyes and smiled as you took multiple deep breaths.
Your flexed you arm and threw your first dart, wincing as it painfully missed the balloon.
Rafe covered his mouth as he tried not to laugh as your miserable attempt.
You nudged him aside and frowned as you tried the second and third time. All darts missing the balloons.
" Sorry miss. Better luck next time" the guy running the booth shrugged.
" Wow you are actually terrible at this." Rafe said shaking his head.
" Shut up Rafe." you scowled turning to walk away.
Just as you were about to leave him, his hand shot out to catch your wrist.
" Hey Y/N I was just joking. Here lemme try." he said as he nodded to the man at the booth to play again.
You crossed your arms gave him a skeptical look.
" Fine. Lets see how good you are then." you said.
Rafe threw the three darts one by one and they all hit the balloons. He looked down at you with a condescending smirk.
" Congratulations! what prize do you want?" the man at the booth asked.
Rafe turned toward you and raised his eyebrows.
The two of you left the booth with a giant stuffed monkey balanced on your shoulders.
" Im going to name him Caesar." you proudly declared.
" Told you my aim was good babe." rafe said kissing you head.
After walking around for awhile, the both of you found yourselves standing infront of a giant brightly lit ferris wheel.
You looked up at Rafe with a hopeful look.
" No. No way. I am not getting up there." he said shaking his head.
" Rafe come onnnn please?" you pleaded him shaking his hand.
" I dont do well with heights Y/N." he said looking at the ferris wheel uneasily.
" I'll hold your hand. Pleasee Rafe just this once." you said grabbing onto his arms.
He shut his eyes and pondered for a moment when you spoke up.
" It's either this or the love tunnel." you told him crossing your arms.
" OKAY FINE. Christ." he finally said opening his eyes.
You grinned sheepishly and dragged him onto the ride.
With Caesar squished in-between the two of you, the ferris wheel ascended.
You looked at Rafe beside who was gripping the safety bar infront of you guys like his life depended on it.
You laughed and reached over to grab his hand.
The crowd below started getting smaller and smaller as your cart reached the top of the wheel.
" Wow" you exclaimed looking around you while Rafe fidgeted in the seat.
You leaned over and grabbed his face to give him a kiss on the lips, before settling your head on his shoulder.
When the wheel stopped and the two of you reached the ground, you drew in a deep breath and laughed.
" That.was.amazing." you turned around to Rafe as he hauled Caesar along.
Before leaving you insisted you wanted cotton candy, so there you were standing in line of the snack booth as Rafe handed you some money.
" Why dont you wait here first, i gotta go do something." he told you.
" Okay, dont be long though. I dont want the candy melting on my dress." you frowned.
Rafe had seen a little booth selling custom jewellery as you guys left the ferris wheel, and he wanted to get you something.
" Hey uh you guys do customed bracelets?" he asked the lady at the booth.
Minutes later he walked back to where you were standing, with your gift. He had gotten you a bracelet with your name engraved on it, plus his initials on the back.
As he approached, he saw you holding two cones of bright pink cotton candy.
" Finally. Where have you been?" you asked, handing him a cone.
" i went to get you something." he smiled.
He brought his hand from behind him and produced a small bracelet.
You gasped as you saw the engraving of your name on it.
"Rafeee no way.." you said picking it up to get a closer look.
" Look at the back." he quipped, grinning.
" Oh i love it" you said running your fingers over his initials, R.C
" So everyone knows your'e mine." he smiled.
Rafe helped you put it on your wrist before you gave him a big cotton candied kiss.
The both of you walked back to his car, one of Caesars hand in yours, and the other in Rafe's.
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l0nelycupid · 3 years
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Pairing : JJ Maybank x Fem! Reader
Warnings : fluff, mentions of drugs
Word count : 517 words
Summary : Sneaking out to go to the beach with JJ
You felt the gravel crunch under your foot as you landed on your house's front porch. Wincing, you quickly turned around to see if anyone heard you.
You always snuck out your bedroom window which was on the second floor of your house.
It was 10 o clock at night and you were sneaking out to see him. JJ maybank. Your boyfriend.
After putting on your shoes, you quickly hopped over the fence and made your way to the chateau that he was currently living in with John B.
The air was chilly and you pulled your sweater tighter over you and quickened your pace.
Once the house came into view,you noticed there was light coming from the living room,and you heard soft music in the background. You already knew it was him.
You picked up a small rock and made your way to the window.You peered in and saw JJ rolling up a blunt while jamming to his music. You smiled.
Licking your lips with concentration, you threw the rock inside.The rock hit the table startling him,and he dropped the unrolled blunt on his lap spilling the tobacco everywhere.
He looked up at the window scowling,Once he realised it was you, he sighed in relief and got up dusting the substance off of him.
You giggled and watched as he came toward you.
"Wow nice one" he said as he rolled up the window.
"Gotcha" you replied smiling as he pulled you in for a kiss."
Soo what brings you here?" He asked sitting on the ledge."
I couldnt sleep so i wanted to come see you."You said rubbing your arms due to the cold.
"Wanna go to the beach?" You asked."
Yeah gimme a sec" he said heading back in.Moments later he returned with his jacket.
Hand in hand,the both of you walked to the nearby beach as the moon shoned bright above.He sat down and patted the sand beside him for you to do the same.
You sighed and looked at the gentle waves of the sea,letting the tranquility take over you.The both of you found yourselves lying down with your head on his chest.
No one said anything while you listened to his steady heartbeat and him running his fingers through your hair.
You loved astrology so you pointed out a vague constellation tracing it with your hand."Thats andromeda" you said.
He ran his fingers along your outsretched arm and you felt chills.
"Thats nice" he replied softly.
You sat up and looked down at him,at the way the wind blew his soft hair in different directions. Beautiful.
He held your chin and sat up, pulling you in for a kiss. He kissed your cheek and then forehead as you sighed against his touch.
The both of you spent the quiet seconds looking at the sky when he spoke up.
"You know..in this world full of crazy shit, i wouldnt want to live through it with anyone but you."
You smiled and looked at him once more before kissing him on the cheek and laying your head on his shoulder.
"I love you JJ" you whispered.
"I love you so much more" came his reply, over the gentle splash of the waves.
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l0nelycupid · 3 years
Tender Theo
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Pairing : Theo Raeken x fem! Reader
Word count : 647
Warnings : Fluff, jumpscare?
Summary : Theo decided that you finally needed a break from school
It was like any other Monday in beacon hills high school, and you were already sick of school.
Your finals were coming up and you were really stressed, having to cram all your revision until late night.Today you had calculus first period.
You walked through the hallway toward your classroom sighing.
All the students were drowning in melancholy and they looked half dead.
Walking into your class ,you took your seat and tried paying attention to the teacher's monotonous voice.
Finally after your last class you made your way back home, excited to see Theo.
He was the only part of the day you were looking forward to. You unlocked your front door and called out his name.
You frowned when there was no answer. Walking into your room, you expected to see him taking a nap on your bed or something but he was nowhere to be found.
Frowning you pulled out your phone to text him when suddenly the closet door swung open and Theo jumped out scaring you.
"BOO!" he shouted jumping at you.
You screamed, startled by him and threw your phone.
Theo was clutching his stomach laughing his head off.
"JESUS THEO WHAT THE HECK" you shouted at him putting a hand over your heart.
"GOT YOU " he replied in triumph obviously proud of his successful attempt to scare you to death.
You scowled, picking up your phone and sat down on the bed, trying to recover from your near death experience.
"Heyyy how was your day?" He asked innocently with a goofy smile plastered on his face.
"Yeah it was fine... I was looking forward to seeing you until you pulled THIS." You motioned with your hands, enunciating on the last word.
"Awwww my baby was excited to see me" he teased ruffling your hair.
You rolled your eyes as you started pulling out your revison materials, getting ready for another round of studying.
"Hey you've been working the entire day can't you just like relax for a second?" He asked arching his eyebrow.
"No I can't. Finals are in 2 weeks." You sighed looking at him.
He looked at you for a moment like he was thinking about something.Then he suddenly pulled you to your feet.
"Theo wha-"
"Were going out. Get ready."
He left for the bathroom leaving you there with your mouth agape.
Seconds later, he emerged from the bathroom in a white shirt and black jeans.
You looked at him with a 'you can't be serious right now' face as he grabbed his jacket.
"C'mon quick" he said to you jumping impatiently.
You took your jacket and he pulled you out of your room, and through the front door.
"Theo slow down" you called to him as he quickly dragged you through your neighbourhood.
Almost running, hand in hand Theo brought you along a road leading to an almost vacant hill side. He started walking up the small hill as you followed.
By the time the both of you reached the top, panting, the sun was already starting to set, and the sky was painted an ombre of pink and orange.
You stared in awe as Theo turned to you and smiled.
"Wow... This is beautiful." You said in between breaths.
"Not as much as you" he joked poking your arm.
You laughed and moved closer to him as you both sat down on the grassy hilltop.
Theo laced his fingers with you as you sighed in calimity.
You rested your head on his shoulder as he turned his head to kiss the top of your head.
"Thank you for this" you said drinking in the view infront of you.
"No problem. I knew you needed it."
That's what you loved about him so much. The way he cared for you and did even the littlest things to make you happy.
"I love you" you said really meaning it.
"I love you too." He replied, rubbing your thumb as your hands were linked together.
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